Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NADO. CllAlPlOISHIP EBTS AMAICttwy Trucks SupertJlke Series Sonoma, CA, And 2 BtaseItlIll, GAo And 3 EIoIIart lake, WI. And 4 louckrl. NH. And 5 ManIlny. CA, And 6 LexIngIon, OH, And 7 Brainenl, MH, And 8 FaInain, CO. And 9 Rosamond, CA, Rnd 10 9128-30 Alton, VA, And 1I 5/4-6 5/18-20 618-10 6/15-17 7/6-6 7/2(}22 71Z1-29 8/24-26 9/14-16 AMAlEA sports Superc:ross Series 4/21 4128 5/5 Irving. TX, Rnd 14 5a1t lake CIty. UT, And 15 Las Voges, NV, Rnd 16 AMA/Chevy Trucks National Motocross series 5/13 san Bemat1llno, CA, Rnd 1 5120 5e<:ramento, CA, Rnd 2 Mount Morris, PA, Rnd 3 Southwid<, MA, Rnd 4 Budds Creel<, MD, Rnd 5 BucIlanan. MI, Rnd 8 New Bertin, NY, Rnd 7 Trey, 00, Rnd 8 WasI1ougaI, WA, And 9 Millville, MN, Rnd 10 Bi~, NY. And 11 Delmont, PA, Rnd 12 5I'ZI 6/10 6/17 7/1 7/15 7/22 7129 6/19 8/25 8/2 Fall Classic Four-5lroke Nationals 919 Budds Creek, MD, And 1 Birch Creek, VA, Rnd 2 RsbJd. MI, Rnd 3 9123 lincoln Trail. Ilo Rnd 4 9130 1<1'7 DonieI8oone, KY, And 5 1<1'21 Muddy Creek, TN, And 6 Info: 301/475-2000 9/16 AMA/WML Outdoor Motocross C'shlp Series 5/13 san _no, CA, Rnd 1 5120 5e<:ramento, CA, Rnd 2 6/16 7/28 Budds Creek, MD, And 3 WasI1ougaI, WA, Rnd 4 Binghamton, NY, Rnd 5 Delmont, PA, Rnd 6 8/25 9/2 Over The Hili Gang MX series 4121 -22 Rand10 Cordova. CA Pems,CA 4/29 Info: 714/952·9675 or 562/924-4657 century 21 & Jetwheels Southeastern MX serles Millon, Fl Rain Date Info: 6501769-9505 or 912/872·3162 4/22 4/29 Dirt Bike Mike Promotions Motocross series Benton, LA 4/22 Dyersburg. TN 4/29 Thayer, MO 516 Pea Ridge, AR Pine BIu1f, AR Magnolia. AR 5I'ZI Hol SprIngs, AR 6/10 Info: 870/342-5373 or 870/356-8368 or www.dirtbikemike.ccrn 5/12 5120 Comhusker Motocross Series SpringSorin 4/22 516 5/27 5/28 Alma, NE Friend, NE _,NE _.NE Pl1iI1ipsbu'g, KS Na1h Platte, NE Wauneta, NE 8/3 6/17 6/24 Sunln.-Sorin 7/15 North Platte. NE 7/22 Friend, NE McCook,NE 7129 Phillipsburg, KS 8/5 8/19 North Platte, NE 919 Friend, NE 9/16 North PIa1te, NE 9/23 Wauneta, NE A1me, NE 9/30 10(1 Phillipsburg, KS 10/14 Wauneta, NE McCook,NE 10121 Info: www.chase3000.comIanc-mx AMX E·Z UP/Dealer series 4/29 Boy,AI In1o: 5201839-0087 or www.llash.netI-jwbools FonnuII USA NIIlIonIl Road ~ Series ~22 6!29-7/1 ll/23-26 916-9 1(\,17-21 Rosamond. CA, Rnd 2 AlIon, VA, And 3 Long Pond. PA, And 4 Ponland, OR, Rnd 5 DayIDna Beech, Fl, And 8 AMAIProgressIw InlIurance Rat Track Championships 4/21 5/5 5126 5I'ZI 8/2 6/16 6/23 6/:lO 7(7 7/28 8/4 8/11 8/19 8/25 8/31 9/1 9/2 918 9129 Baytown, TJ( And 2 A. Wor1h, TJ( And 3 SprIngfieId.llo And 4 SpringtIeId. Ilo And 5 JcpIin, MO. And 6 ~.MD.And7 Superior, WI. Rnd 8 !ina, 00, And 9 Ou Quoin, Ilo And 10 Chatlotte. NC, And 11 Ha-ringtoo, DE, And 12 Hagelstown, MD, Rnd 13 Peoria, Ilo Rnd 14 SedeIia. MO. Rnd 15 SprIngfield, Ilo Rnd 16 Springfield, Ilo Rnd 17 SprIngfieId,llo Rnd 18 Vernon. NY, Rnd 19 Ou Quoin, Ilo And 20 ANA FMF Reclng NatIonal Enduro Series 6/10 6/24 7/15 9/30 10128 Wellston, 00, Rnd 5 West Greenwich, RI, Rnd 8 Del Norte, CO, And 7 Wolverine, MI, Rnd 8 Delaware CIty, DE, And 9 AMA NatIonal Hera Scrambles SerIes 4/22 4/29 7/1 7/22 919 9/16 1(\'14 Hurricane Mills, TN, And 3 KahoI

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