Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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horde through that door, as the Kawasaki kicker dominated the combined 60cc race while taklng home the top honors in the 60cc Intermediate division. Mesquite is a rough track, and not for the faint of heart, so Stark rolled out his·A· game and pummeled the competition on his way to the gold. He led the charge off the gate to start race one, edging Kaden Murphy and Dillan Glendenning at the first tum. That, in essence, ~U.ItT.LD.P ..,... """'IIADIAl IlO VEil 1.1• •' 'IUeK was race one, as Stark was home free from there. There was plenty of action behind him, however; Murphy went down, while Garrett Bowers and Blake Savage moved into second and third. Stark was flaming out in front as Savage, racing in the Novice division, blasted into a very impressive runner-up position. Stark continued to roll as Savage established a lead of hjs own in second. Tanner Krahen- buhl and Chaz Spears had moved up and were battling furiously for third, but the top positions stayed the same to the end. Stark pulled another holeshot to start the second half, ahead of Spears and Savage. Levii Hall and Glendenning quickly moved into the lead pack that was challenging Stark. As the race unfolded, Stark began to increase his lead, displaying the dominance he had shown in the first heat. The wild battle for second was now a three-way dustup between Spears, Savage and Glendenning, with no one backing down. Glendenning was relentless, finally getting by Savage on the next-to-Iast lap. As .Stark rampaged out front, winning his second straight moto and the overall 60cc Intermediate crown, Glendenning did what he needed to do, passing Spears on the whiteflag lap to take second and nip Spears for second overall. Savage won the 60cc Novice class hands down, besting Krahenbuhl and E.J. Rogers in the process. The unpredictable and always interesting 125cc Novice class featured more stability Pre- Entries Only! No Post Entries! than usual this time around. Levi Jensen and Boe Krahenbuhl staked out the top spots. Jensen pulled the field around the first turn, with Brandon Roper and Chad Geib just behind him. Krahenbuhl was on the gas early, ripping into second and pulling Zac Humphries along with him. Krahenbuhl went after Jensen, but Jensen wouldn't crack, holding Bee off for the entire race. Humphries finished a solid third. Toe Westbay stuck his Yamaha out in front to start race two, with Jensen and Geib just behind him. Jensen quickly wrestled away the lead, leaving Westbay to fend off the charging Bee Krahenbuhl. Jensen easily took the l25cc Novice overall. Boe Krahenbuhl fought past Westbay to take the runner-up slot and second overall, ahead of Humphries and Roper. R••ults 50 BEG: I. Mason Rodrlguel (KT",): 2. KJIIlen Woder (Pol); 3. Caden Gibbons (KTM): 4. Shane J..ant (Pol): 5. Jelger Snow (Cob). 50 NOV: L Tesh Hflnsen (Cob); 2. Dolton Devls (Pol): 3. T.J. Amer (Cob); 4. Michael LaChue (Pol); 5. Cole Nanney (Cob). 50 INT: 1. Za<:haty Fussell (Cob); 2. Blake Savage (Cob). 50 OPEN: I. Zachary Fussell (Cob); 2. Tam Hansen (Cob); 3. MIchael t..Chaae (Pot); 4. Dolton Dallb (Pol); 5. Cole Nanney (Cob). 60 BEQ: 1. Andre Qutlerrez (Kaw); 2. Riley Gordon (KTM); 3. Derek Rogers (Kaw); 4. Dee Larsen (Kaw); 5. Brock Glendenning (Koo). 60 NOV: I. Blake Sovage (Kaw); 2. Tenner Krahenbuhl (Kaw); 3. E..J. Rogers (Kaw); 4. LevU Hall (Kaw); 5. Kaden Murphy (Kew). 60 tNT: I. MIchael Starlt (Kaw); 2. Dillan Qlendenning (Kaw); 3. Chal SpeaB (Kaw); 4. Oarmt BoweB (Kaw). 60 OPEN: 1. DllIan Olendenning (Kaw); 2. Tanner Knihenbuhl Remember: Absolutely no new entries will be .ccepted If post-m.rked after M.y 11 D.te District 36# (for dlscount),--:-_."..,.,....,..,..,.::----..,___,,_ "NOTE: .11 aGcc (A,B,C) .nd Sportsm.n "C" cl. . . .s r.ce on Frld.y. All "A" .nd "B" cI.sses r.ce on Saturday. The aGec exhibition race .nd WML Womens pro r.ce Is one moto S.turd.y, one moto Sund.y·· CI.M (circle one) Racing Level (circle one) 8Occ·· 25+ A Expert- Race on Saturd.y 125 Vet (30+) B Intermedlat.. Race on Saturd.y 250 Sr. (40+) C Beglnner/NovIc.. Race on Frld.y Open Women _ _Check here If entering aGee Expert Exhibition Race (One moto Sat. One moto Sun.)(AGES 12-16 ONLY) ALL OTHER CLASSES CIRCLE APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE AMA# _ District 36 #(!or D1scount), _ Riding # on bike. Name Address City _ Make of bike, Phone State_ZIP _ _ NO: Glass, Animals, Pit Bikes, Scooters or Bicycles Allowed I he!ebV agIge to cxrIoon crd ~ to the .... QOII8lI'*lg this conte6t _the I\JBI of the AmerIcon Mo!oIcycIst Assoclottor\ Inc., 0lst11ct 36 Spo

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