Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Classic Series, some of the riders - such as Tyler UttlefieJd. in the 80cc Beginner class have set their sights on the overall series championship, while others took it one race at a time. With only two races left in the series, Vet Pro rider Jimmy LeWallen, on the big blue Yamaha, let everyone know he was in the hunt for a win. The day may have looked like just another race day on the outside, but for leWallen, these races are aU-important, one day at a time. Having recently raced at the Canyon in the Four-Stroke Nationals, leWallen not only flew through the air, he also set the track on fire with his great starts and his ability to work the corners to his advantage. In other Vet competition, Barry Jenkins held on to a lead in the Vet Beginner class, while Brock Judd totally dominated the Vet Expert class. Results BEG B/BK OPEN: I. Nethan Gerberich (Yern); 2. Chris Andriso (Yern): 3. Albert Tosccno (Suz): 4. Mett Beker (Hon); 5. Kenny Vance (Hon). B/BK OPEN: I. Brian Clevenger (Yem); 2.. Eric Havins (Yam): 3. Chris Pederson (Hon); 4. D.C. JOfle$ (Yern); 5. Bobby Howard (Suz). P/W JR: I. Cody McElroy (Cob): 2. Austin Wells (Pol); 3. Austin Krehble{ (Cob); 4. .Jeft'rqt Peterson (HM). P/W BEG (4-6): 1. Conner Reeves (Cob); 2. Corey Marktulm (Cob); 3. Chl~topher Weisenberger (KTM); 4. Dakota Cornelius (KTM); 5. Melt Schuman (KTM). P/W BEG (7-8): 1. Harley White (KTM); 2. Sevannah Utls (Hen). P/W 0f'EN, I. Cody i'lcElItJnder (Yam): 2. Steve Stultl (Vam); 3. Rkh Sc:hauwedler (Suz); 4. Brian lAndry (Hen); 5. Lennie Suppes (Hen). VET ElC 1. 8 _ Judd (Hen); 2. F""" Duoonei< (s.,). VET PRO: 1. Jimmy LeWa1Jen (Yam). Carlsbad Raceway Maxwell in the House By OAVE OAIN CARLSBAD, CA. MAR. J 8 After a mud-filled first round and a rain-out at the second. the Southland Racing Association finally found some favorable weather. The rainy winter left the normally dry and dusty Carlsbad Raceway track in good condition. Bob Maxwell took full advantage of the favorable conditions to take top honors in the Over 40 Expert division. Mike Shoemaker got the jump off the gate and led the field over the TT -style jump. Maxwell pursued in second. Clay Nettleton, Jeffrey Hasse and Chad Blough rounded out the top five. Shoemaker continued to lead as the pack wound through the tight upper sec· tion heading toward the motocross track. The top five under went vast changes as the field streaked down the drag strip. Maxwell appeared in th<: lead, dropping Shoemaker to second. Marty Moates came from a midpack start into third. Hasse dropped to fourth, with Tom Knapp on his heels in fifth. The battle for the top spot heated up as the riders headed back toward the motocross track. Maxwell held the lead, while Shoemaker and Moates trailed within bike lengths. Moates wasted little time going for the lead and appeared on the drag strip in the lead. Shoemaker followe~ moving into second and dropping Maxwell to third. The top three once again remained the same as they snaked through the upper section. Moates remained at the helm on the motocross track. Maxwell worked back around Shoemaker for second and was gaining on Moates, but Moates managed to hold off Maxwell as the two crossed the finish line. Moates. still suffering from a bout of bronchitis, succumbed to Maxwell's pressure just as duo passed the IT jump. Maxwell's lead went unchallenged for the remainder of the race. Moates was equally comfortable in second. Shoemaker trailed a distant third. Hasse remained in fourth but was getting pressure from the KTM-mounted Craig Adams, though Adams later dropped out with bike problems, allowing Haase to move back into fourth and Knapp into fifth. With the top three positions out of reach, the battle for fourth continued between Hasse and Knapp. Late in the race, Knapp moved around Hasse to secure fourth. The Honda-mounted Maxwell took the checkers at the end of the 45-minute race. Yamaha riders Moates and Shoemaker came in second and third, respectively. Knapp and Hasse completed the top five. died the Over 30 B class. while "Marvelous" Mark Roop thun· dered his YZ426F home first in the Over 30 A money division. The Rehmerts . a family famous in District 11 for their prowess under slippery conditions - sent in a squad of their racing crew to wage battle. Suzuki of Greenville mechanic and spokesperson Brian Rehmert marched his yellow-and-brown machine home first in two classes, capturing the trophies in the Over 25 Band 250cc Braces. Meanwhile. factory F&S mechanical wizard Ronnie Rehmert slogged his RM250 through the quagmire for a popular Over 40class victory, while Walter Bessey rode in a strong second. There were more grand Rehmert performances in the 50cc OilInjected class; youngsters Shelby and Ryan Rehmert rode to second- and third-place finishes in that class, respectively, as local Blake Hoffman took the wins. Hamilton's Jason Campbell rode his mighty KTM in for the 16-24·c1ass victory, storming around the track as if the moisture was no concern, while Brian Sommer splashed his RM in for second. Carlsbad Raceway: Bob Maxwell puts it on cruise Heath's Tyler Shoe socked it control at the SRA GP in Carlsbad, California. to the 80cc (12-15) class on his Kawasaki ! ........ (S Honing (KTII). 25+ A: I. Rk:herd R:obnon (Han); 2.. Mark R:oop (Vam); 3. /I\a.I1 R:oOO!on (Han). 25+ B: I. Brian Retwnert (Sur:); 2. Ty Walke (Sur:); 3. Joey Ford (s.,). .30+ A:. L Mark Roop (Vam): 2. Kevin R. HUdebrand (Sw:). 30... B: I. Joey Ford (Suz); 2. Chad Walker (KT/I\); 3. John _(s.,). 40+: I. Rennie Rehmert (Sut): 2. Walter 8e5sey (Sw:); 3. Doug VaM (Suz). OPEN: I. Craig Ratai (Vam); 2. Chad Walker (KTM); 3. Jamel Miller (Yam). Perris Raceway Charette Wins at Perris By KENNY MORRIS PERRIS. CA, MAR. 25 Anthony Charette took the overall win in the 125cc Novice class with a 4-1 finish at round two of the Haro Bicycles Spring Shootout at

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