Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Myers was also on the move, outjumping Renee Boehmsen into fourth. Drake won the moto convincingly over Whitehouse (who was struggling with arm pump), Kocher, Myers and Boehmsen. Moto two was again all Drake's, following a holeshot by Whitehouse. Drake doubled past Whitehouse and never looked back. The finishing order was again Drake, Whitehouse, Kocher, Myers and Boehmsen. The 60-10Scc class was dominated by Kocher, who absconded with the holeshot in both motos and took wire-to-wire wins over a vastly improving Myers. I:N Badlands Raceway Celesta, re•• Results: Aprlil. 2001 (Baund 3J Stephens (KTM). AM: 1. Amber Drake (Yllm); 2. Patty Whitehouse (SOl); 3. Kimberly Kocher (Kaw): 4. Undsay Myers (KTM); 5. Renee Hoffman (Kaw). 60·105: 1. Kimberly Kocher (Kow); 2. Undsoy Myers (KTM). Cooperland Raceway Bv CONNIE JOHNSON W z i' !IJ ... Results ~ 50 (4-6), I. Toyb _ (Cob); 2. . . . . _ (KTM); 3. Zo (KTM); •. Tnge- (Cob). 50 (7-8): I. l>IIon F...... (I'd~ 2. (Cob); 3. ~ .",>don w_ T.,.... F....... (KTM); •. Eri<: """' (IITMI; s. C C,.,. (I'd). 50 OPEN: 1. Frankie Workmen (KTM); 2. Brandon Bergtan (Cob); 3. Hooley (Cob); •. Eric """' (IITM); S. Sondy ....... (Cob). 60 (6·8): I. lJdrey Wooldridge (Kaw); 2. Randy ReeYes Jr. (Kaw); 3. Addison CoIlku (Kaw): 4. Jarek Urvuh (Kaw); 5. Ryan Aker (!\aw). 60 (9·11): 1. Cned Bryant (Vam); 2. Tyler Bum. (KTM); 3. Jemie Siever (KTM): 4. justin Betty (Kaw); 5. Jacob Leolherwood (IITM). 60 OPEN: 1. Chod Bryant (Vem); 2. Jemie SIever (KTM); 3. Ty4er 8umI (KTM.); 4. Justln Berry (Kaw); 5. I)eyld Woodl Jr. (Kaw). BO BEG: I. Brandon R~ (Vern); 2. TraYiI Eyan. (Sw); 3. Jeremy Johnson (Kaw); 4. Jeremy Eck (Vam); 5. Colton Tucker (!\aw). 80 JR: I. Trey Canard (Kaw); 2. Cody Clark (Suz.); 3. Chod Bryant (Vom); 4. Nothon Cox (Hon): S. LeYI GlII1am (Vom). 80 SR: I. Trey Terbush (Han); 2. Dusty Herring Jr. (Vom); 3. Andrew Jackson (Kew); 4. Max Jordan (Suz); 5. Ste.yen Lon' (Han). 80 OUTlAW: I. Trey Terbulh (Hon); 2. Robbie Robertson (Hon); 3. Trey Canard (Kaw); 4. Cody Clark (Suz); 5. Cuttis Peterson (Hon). 125 BEG: I. Dusty HerTIng Jr. (Vam); 2. Kyle HOl'JfaJl (Vem); 3. Jacob Teosley (Kaw); 4. Kalen Howord (Han); 5. Richard Abbott 125 NOV: I. BllIndon Bryant (Vem); 2. Nathan Dou;hty (Vam); 3. Troy Voitlberg (Vam); 4. Matt Huber (Vam): 5. Jelfrey Simon (Yoml. 125 INT: I. Colt Humphrey (Suz): 2. Keith Cooper (Vam); 3. Nick WorTf:J1 (Suz); 4. Wes PelT (Yam); 5. Damy Panrum (Vam). 125 ounAW: I. Colt Humphrey (Suz); 2. Joe Simecka (Vam): 3. Nick Wen-en (Suz); 4. I)eMy Partrum (Hon); 5. Kendall Owens (IITM). 125 PRO: I. "Whisper'n- SmIth (Kew); 2. Shane Doughty (Vam): 3. Bryon EmIg (Vam); 4. Heoth Unruh (Hon); 5. ChrIs Drummond (Yom). 250 BEO: 1. Bntd Oates; 2. Glen Grego (Hon): 3. Chris Hopwood (Yom): •. """ P-. (Kaw); S. Gony _ y (Suol. 250 NOV: 1. Tyler fanw (Hen); 2. Bn=nt PteIneI (Suz); 3. LM· don "'" (Suo); ...... H.- (Yom): S. Dom< Cool< (_). 2SO 1I'tT, I. Colt ...........,. (Suo): 2. Jom Wolf (Han); 3. w.. "'" (yom); •. Shown C.... (KTM); S. """' ... - (Voml· 2SO CXITIAW; 1. Colt < ....); 2. ..... _ (Suo); 3. O (Kaw). 2SO PR<>. I. ....... llou. 1. C...... (Yom); 2. Bud Bv PEORIA, AZ.. MAR. 10 Even though tJie skies were gray and overcast, the new grandstands were full for the next stop On the Westem Four-Stroke Nationals tour at Canyon Offroad Park. The program was obviously geared for the Four·Stroke big bikes, yet the event was filled with highlights throughout the whole day. Each of the Mini c1l1sses were in fuji-blown competition, with a bicycle going to the winner of each of the classes, along with the 50-percent trophy payback. Racers came from near and far for the big lace, with riders coming from Oregon, Texas, Colorado, Califomia, Montana and Arizona. There were even brothers - Nick and Don Bainbridge, from Fort Bragg· rac· ing against each other. Their AMA and bike numbers are only one digit apart, and that's where they would finish: One placed 15th and the other 16th overall. Local favorite Jimmy LeMastus was putting on a training lesson about what "home-track advantage" is. laMastus finished second in the last outing of the FourStrokes and had a run with the Supercross boys when they went through town, putting On an enjoyable show for all. LaMastus showed that, On this track, it doesn't matter whether he's On a 125, a 250 or the big four-stroke: the view is always the same: of his backl With LaMastus taking home the first·place crown, the second-place honors went to Ryan Terlecki from Silver· ton, Oregon. Tim Beatty from San Marcos, California, rounded out the top three. NASHVILLE, IL, MAR. 17 -I 8 The Loretta Lynn Nationals are nearly five months away, but if you want to get there, you have to start planning nOW. Nearly 500 riders had that common goal in mind during the twoday qualifying event in Nashville, Illinois. A total of 255 riders passed through the starting gate Saturday. The Youth .nd Stock classes were under the gun to qualify, while the Amateurs and Modified classes had the opportunity to use the day as practice for their qualifier On Sunday. One of the greatest classes to watch was the 50cc (4-6) Shaft class. Nathan Campbell was the overall winner but, surprisingly, he chose not to qualify. The seCond-placed rider, Alex Ditton, carried the 6N plate On his bike. Ditton is On his way to making it back to the Nationals. Other classes qualifying On Saturday included the rest of the 50cc bikes, and the 65cc and 85cc classes. Many of the big·bike classes qualified under the Stock-class titles. The Edge Racing-sponsored Brian Mason rode to the 250cc A Stock·c1ass overall, win· ning both motos. Mason wasn't trying to qualify, he was just getting in some pra~tice before heading to the Houston Astrodome Supercross On March 24. Coming in behind Mason was Roy Horton Jr., who qualified with a 2-2 score for second overall. Honda rider Joey Sly battled to third overall. During intennission. The Edge teamed up with the nonprofit organization MX Family to provide some entertaining activities and giveaways. MX Family organized a coloring cOntest, a scavenger hunt, and some great fun. On Sunday morning, 318 riders made their way through practice. The track was even better than the day before, and the sun was coming out. It was the Modified and Veteran riders' chance to qualify, while the rest of the classes just enjoyed some good racing. The 125cc A Pro/Sport riders took to the line. Charlie Dagner and Mason dominated the class, but they weren't interested in qualifying. Horton, Jason Brewington and Sly were the top finishing qualifiers. Many of the same riders were On the line for the 25Occ/Open A Pro/Sport class. Horton, Nick Walsh, Matthew Ray and Andy Hendrickson ere the riders who wiJI be advancing to the regional event. The Vet guys took their shot at qualifying. The Over 30 A class will be sending Jay Johnson, Roger Rhine. Billy Hubbard, James Crawford, Greg Holman and Donald Rice On to the next round. The program was well-run, and the friend,. Iiness of the staff, the clean and well-kept facility and the full·service kitchen they call a concession stand were all impressive. Results Cooper1and Raceway: Colt Humphrey won the 125cc Outlaw class - along with three other classes - In Stillwater, Oklahoma. n • _. 4·STR.K NATl O/A: 1. Jimmy L.aMdtua (IITM); 2.•yon Teri

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