Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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moto two and never looking back. His domination of the second moto, cou- . pled with a ninth in the first moto, netted him fifth overall. Harris came out of the woods in second, followed by Jeremy Sasser, Aaron Burton and Michael Uveges. Nunes was mired in the back of the pack but moving up. Gorrell stalled the little four-stroke and fell back. Blair passed Uveges for fourth on lap two in the esses. Nunes continued his attack, displacing Brent Bledsoe and Carl Bismark .Gorrell soon stalled again and was next to last; Gorrell would end up 12th in the moto and, with his second-place finish in the first moto just a memory, Gorrell could only muster eighth overall for the day. Lea and Harris were in a class of their own, as they finished one-two way out front. Blair and Burton were pushing Sasser for third, but he held his ground. Harris took the overall, with Sasser, Blair, Nunes and Lea rounding out the top five for the day. Fifteen other classes had doublemoto winners, as those riders dominated their classes with ease. Riders from several states converged on Four States MX Park to help give the track some name credibility. The Kawasaki of Texarkana-sponsored EZup drawing was won by Brian Stames of Wylie, Texas. The Mountain Valley Water winners were Mike Edwards, Jeremy Holland, Jared Cortez, Justin Carr and Bobby Joe Griner. The series will visit Oklahoma, Missouri, Louisiana and Tennessee before the series final in Hot Springs, Arkansas. CN Faur States MX Part< Hooks, Texas Results: Man:h 18, 2001 [Round 2 of 141 p-----------------------------------------------~~~z=~ YES! Start my subscription imme-dJately to Cycle ews. 1 year/50 issues for 545.00. (can be billed 2 monthly payments) arne o Address o Oty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ Zip Phone ___________ Order Date Send to: !fIJ/ldJI ~, Inc. o o o P.O. Box 5084, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084 Toll Free Subscription Hotline (800) 831-2220 24-hour FAX Order Line (714) 751-6685 • E-mail: Signature Exp' . D rration ate Six months second class (25 issues for $23.(0) This is a New Subscription o Renewal Please bill me 1 payment of $45.00 Bill 2 payments of $22.50 = Enclosed is my check or money order Charge my _ ' # Me/VlSa Every week for two years (100 issues for $80.(0) 0 Visa o Mastercard One yar (50~. 2nd daM ean.dI (W Mexico and all othe- (omgn countria $92..00 (US Funds), 1M d&uandainnaiJ~t8.v.U.b~upon~. ._---------------------------------------------_._36 APRIL 25, 2001 • cue I • n __ s 50 (4·8): I. G.rrett Edw.rds (Cob); 2. Kodi Scott (Cob); 3. Dylan Guajardo (KTM): 4. Zack Sprawls (KTM): 5. Jacob Thomas (Hon). 65 (7·11): 1. Nichol.s Fisher (K.w); 2. Kyle Sollers (Kaw); 3. Dillon Solly (K.w): 4. Lance Disotell (Kaw): 5. Brondon Harris (Kaw). 85 JR (7·1 I): I. Drew D.y (Vam); 2. Patrick Java (V.m); 3. Kyle Sellers (Kaw): 4. Dillon Solly (Kaw): 5. Tyler Edwards (5uz). 85 5R (12·15): I. Justin Mason (Kaw); 2. Justin Bunn (Hon); 3. Tolland Weems (5uz); 4. Taryn Covington (Yom); 5. Trent Bedwell (5uz). OPEN I'I1Nl: I. Justin Mason (Ko",): 2. Tolland Weems (Suz); 3. JlIcob Bridges (Hon); 4. Michllel Alftbert (Hon); 5. Patrick Java (Vam). 125 BEG: 1. Russell Mondello (5uz); 2. Brent Race (Suz); 3. Zack Davis (Hon); 4. J.B. Atterberry (Ka",): 5. Lance Orton (Kaw). 125 NOV: 1. c,J, Harris (Kaw); 2. Jeremy Sasser (Hon); 3. Clayton Blair (Hon); 4. Brian Nunes (Suz); 5. John Lea (Kaw). 125 INT: I. Nothaniel Benoit (Vam); 2. Andrew Cannon (Yam); 3. Cody Drewek (Yam); 4. Brian Slames (Hon): 5. Steven Sompley (V.m). 125 EX: I. Blake Keeton (Suz): 2. Derek Jones (Hon): 3. Ron Wopf (Ka",). OPEN AM: 1. Brian Starnes (Hon); 2. Nllthaniel Benoit (Yom); 3. Cody Drewek (Vam); 4. John Lea (Ka",); 5. C.J. HarTis (Kow). 250 BEG: 1. Michael Wingo (Kow); 2. Moriey Canady (Vam); 3. Eric B.bbitt (Vom):.4. Mike Manning (Vam): 5. Jared Cortez (Hon). 250 NOV: I. John Lea (Kaw); 2. Michael Uveges (Hon); 3. Dustin Hoppe (Kaw); 4. Aaron Meadows (Hon); 5. Mich.el Voder (Kaw). 250 INT: I. Andrew Connon (Vam); 2. Todd Perna (Vam); 3. Bryon Corson (Vam); 4. Chad Launius (Vom); 5. Robbie Keel (Kaw). 250/0PEN EX: I. Bloke Keeton (5uz): 2. Harry McMahan (Kew); 3. Trece Fowler (Kaw); 4, Shene Richardson (Hon); 5. Blake Wingo (Vam). JR 25.: I. Harry McMahan (Vam); 2. Todd Perna (Vam); 3. Shane Richardson (Hon); 4. Chad l.lIunius (Vllm); 5, Michael Yoder (Kaw). 30+ AM: 1, Russell Dowdy (Han); 2. Douglu Cucovatz (Yam); 3. Marley Canady (Yam): 4. Rick Fisher (Yllm). 30 ... EX: 1, Trace Fowler (Kaw); 2. Chuck Rule (Yam); 3. Jimmy Johnson (Kaw); 4. James Skinner (Hon); 5. Mike Edwards (Vam). 40.: I. Greg Dust (Hon); 2. Wayne Smith (Vam): 3. Roddy Fronk (Hon): 4. Gary Walkup (Vom); ." Rick Fi.her (Vam).

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