Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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O~RP Road RacinL AM 500cc WlJil ~ Road Radng Series [After 1 Ii 161'D11lds~ 125/1 MIl 1. VaErIilo fbssi iIblL taIj 2. Girrt M:£aj (Y1IIl], AlsraIa IIDI 3. Max BiaQ!i (y1IIl), Ilatj 1161 4. fb'du\re (Y1IIl!, • 1131 5. !ittja NakinI (YIIIlL • 1111 6. Alex Baros iIbl), &'iIli 1101 {91 7. Kemt flmt;.I' [alzL ~, CA IBI 8. la's~iIbl!, taIj [71 9. Alex CMe iIbll, Spim 16) 10. Cats DmI (Y1IIl], Spim 6. Jlrrie Ha:iilg [alzl, 8aTrlg Sfri>Js. &: 7. Tonmj Hlr,O!n (y1IIl), 00ensIml, KY 8. Aa'OIl YiRs [alzJ. MelgeIie, GA 9. Jake Zlni:e iIbl), Paso ~, CA lU .baJa Hayes iIblL Gifpn. M> (23) (22) [211 [After 1 Ii 111'D11lds~ [36/111in) [32! [29) 3. Ii:ta'd AilmB'.I'. [alzL CinreI, NY [27] 4. .irIrrj [alzJ. E!Jgere, OR [26) 5. lim liDs [alz!,~, GA [25) 6. AIiIl SdJnil [alz), Cola (24) 7. .km Astvnead [alz), West Pain Bea::l, R. 123) B. .km J;r;oIi [alz!, ClrmeI, IN 9. Vmft ~ [Suzl, Czech FiepJtlI£ 1221 121) 10. 0larIes O1rorm! [alzl, Metlluen, Mil 1. Ja&ln I'rUTrn [alzl, VerIJ.ra, CA 2. Ben ~ 15uz),;ew, lX AM 25Oa: Worid Championsl1p Road Racing Series [25/1I1in] AMAIMBNA 250cc Grard Prix Series 1201 (After 1 of 11 rounds): 116] 113] 111] 110] 19! [81 [71 161 7. FnD:o Battai~ [i\p'J, bltt 8. Jenmj tkWdIiIIIls 1i\p'J. England 9. SebastiiIl Pat.o (Y1IIl], ~ 10. Til1l Sebp:Ii (Y1IIl!, Japan 125] (24) MWlDct/lllIt PhIps USA 75Oa: 5lJpenpIt Series [After 1 of 16rounds~ 1. Oajro Kaloh [HooJ, Japan 2. TeIsJya Harada \Apr],,, 3. RobeITlll.ocltBi 1Alr1, Iti{ 4. Nrli Matsudo (Yam), Japan 5. Robelto Roru IApt bitt 6. Marco MemOOJi [Apr], ItaIi 2001 Championship Points Standings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. flth (Mr (Y1IIl1, Aubelry, CA 137/1\\in1 Roland Sands (Yaml, La PaIna, CA 1321 RaIxtj Renfrow [Hoo], Frederi:lsOOrg, VA [291 .JiTmj fiK:e (y1IIl], MxlestD, CA [271 JasJn IliSaMl {Han], StllffmI, NY 1261 1251 6. Tanes PamIer IHonl, ItaIf [241 7. Pery ~ (Yanl, l.eligl Acres, R. 123) 8. '-'i:haeI Hilmes I (Y1IIl1, lSayeilIl, CA (22) 9. TLrnel' (Y1IIl1. fr9ard 10. Jeff Wtxx! (Y1IIl1, MiI1sfieIj, Mil [211 m AM 125a: WlJil DlampionsIip Road Radng Series [After 1of 161'D11lds~ [25/1 MI) 1. MaIal AzLma iIbl]. Japan 12J) 2. YiUti lJi 1Der1, • 3. Sirllre Smna Ii\p'), IaIf 1161 1131 4. Ih 8a'sa Ii\p'L ItaIi 5. MJs, GA 7. Lee Acree [Sull, .lYood, PA B. Mi(e Ha:ker IATKI, Pmce Gelrge, VA 9. Can 900Ey 1Rtx1, 8eII1!tmt, WA 10. RobeIt lewis .I'.[fb!, Tarlxlro, NC 123/111in1 1191 1161 115] 114! 113) 112) [11) 1101 191 Motocross MOTOCROSS - MICHAEL BYRNE NAA/fA Sfxns 5uplrtnISS Series IAIt2r 13 Ii 161'D11ldst. 1. Ri:ky Ca1TthiEIIXawI, HlMm. R. 1317/11 wils) 2. Jenmj~(Yan),8Olias,CA 1271/2v.ils) 3. Mle l.afb:co iIbl]' SWh BeOO, ~ 12331 4. KeW1 Wntan [alzJ. Ce!1mie, Ml 1217] 5. E2ra llJst [Hon), Act.u1l1, GA {2161 6. TI11Tt/Fs!y(Yanl, l.a1PJ, R. {1631 7. Oawl 'oI*nwl (YanJ. Fm:e 1135) B. ~ Im3la 1Kaw), Fm:e 1121) 9. SebaI1Ien TttU!I iIblJ. Fm:e [109) 10. Canon 11JfImirl(y1IIl). VaIenaa, CA 1107) w.A Westem Regional 125a: 5upera'oss Series [After 6 of 8 roundst. 1. Emesto Fonseca (Yan), Cosla Ib [123/4 wils] 2. .lsitarJa;illl(YlITI).!>bqmj.e, t#.1 [103/1 MI) [101) 3. IbrI:i ThailISuzl. Fm:e [92) 4. Oanrrj Smill [alz!, MDIeton, 10 5. Nan Tedesco [HooJ, AilxJlJll!I'lIUB, NM IBBI Graft LangstlJllIKTMI, Soot!l Afri:a IBBI {B4] 7. QaI;d P~gree IKTM], Menifee, CA B. Ti'lMs Preston IHus), Hesperia. CA 162/1 win] .Iii OJslaIIHon], Czech Repub~ 162] 152) 10. B9JF1tm(YanLFlrdD~CA w.A Eastern RegionaI125a: Supercross Series [After 7 of 7 rounds~ 1. Ti'lMs Pastrana [alz], AnriPekka Ve!MaI1en Ifbll, RnIaOO B. Oanrrj The',ters IKIM]. Be;pn 9. Yves Oemaia (y1IIl], France 10. CMl Reed 1Kaw), AuslraIa AM 125a: Worid ~ MolllatIss Series [After 3 of 14 rooodst, 1. .Jarre; M [KlMI, EngIa'd 2. ~ am (YanL taIj 3. Eli EtJgens lKTMl, Ne!te'IiR!s 4. 9IM! ParDlIKaw), Beij.m 5. lJij Se!M (YanJ. Fm:e 6. Ai!sslnio BeImelIi (YIIIlL ItaIi 7. Tlonas T rawrsii (l(TMJ.1taIi B. PlIri:k ~ (Y1IIl), Be\Jun 9. lim ~ (Yanl, Oermri: 10. Mire lR I'eNer (Yanl, Nedemts &.en !lreugelTals (y1IIlJ. Beij.m SlMm [lisL taIj arsm [70/2v.ils] 139) [34/1 \WI) [32) [31) [30] 1201 (1BI 117] 116] 116] 116] Off-Road Grard National Cross CounlIy Series (Aftsr 4 of 13 roundst. 1. Shane W

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