Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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T-Shirts CN M ..ns "All-Star" @$14.95 WhIte· Size _ L _Xl. ->CXL. •• Total CN Men's "O.C."@ $14.95 WMe . "". _L --"'- ->cky Graham • Tatal Total Total $30 SIgned. 5' OS/unslgned II) $30 • Total Rodney Fams Signed $105/un6igned • $30 ••. Total The Europeen6 Wijlter Zeller Slgl'Ied 0 S:'3S/unslgned iJ $30, . Total GoIdster eigned 0 SSS/unsigned 0 $30., ..... Totel In The Wind Together The 20's SIgned. $5S/unBlQned 0 $30.. . . . Total The 30's signed a 5S5/unslgned • $30. .••. . Total The SO's Glgned a SS5/unSigned D $30. Total The 60's signed 0 $5S/un&gned. $30, . • •. Total _ _ _ Pineboard Racers· 1910 • 1935 HIram Thon'Ieon signed. $551 uOSIgfled • $30. Hammond Spnngs SIgned. S5S/un5IQned. $30 . GeI1e Waller 6IgOed o 555/unagned a $30. Bob Sri:egtan sognod 0 $ 5 5 / u _ . $30. Red Par1l.hurst & Fred l.uc:iIaN 8lgfled a $55/UI"IfiI9Il8d. $30 Total . Total . T~I -_ . Total Total 0$55/un_ 0 $30. Ha"'lGlenn signed. $5S/UflSlgned 0 $3Q _Wcbr agned III $55/unsigned • $30 Don Johns signed 0 5S5/Ul'lSlgned • $30. . Tetal . Total .. Total Eddie Bnne $Qned. $5S/un&gned 0 $30. Total Kath ..rln .. MIII..r Fin.. Art Prints Payment method: 0 Check Miguel DuHemel Charge my 0 ArtIst SIgned 0 $84.95. • Tot8l Ben Bostrom Artlst signed 0 $84.95, • •• . 0 Money Order [sorry, no COOs] 0 Cardholder's Name . •• Total Card 41 ~ Books Wayn.. Rain..y His Own Story By Michael Scott a $21.95. Total _ _.,-__ U.S. Shipping and handling inducted at no charge, Forotgn orders add $15.00 shipping and handling ,Exp. Date - - - - - - - - - - " " " ' P " ' - - - - - - - _ 1 ( 7 1 Q) 751-6685 Subscriptions . ... Total CA residents .dd 7.25% sales taX Send order to: Cycle News Products or Subscriptions P,O, Box 50BQ, Costa Mesa, [A 9i!6i!8-508Q i!Q HR FAX Order line (charge orders only please) ($5.00 minimum for charge orders) o YES! Start my subscription immediately to Cycle News. TO.. !. ~FlEe '- SUOSCRlf'>'I'lQN CAL1,8 ONL..Y 1 year/50 issues for $45.00. That's over $105,00 off the regular newsstand price! _ This is a 0 New Subscription _ Name 1~BOO a31~2220 0 Renewal ---1 plesse prInt clellrly Address City State o Plesse Bill Me 1 peyment of $45.00 0 Bill Me 2 EZ Payments of $22.50 Phone [ _ Order Total-==-=== Ckle year (SO issuesL 2nd class Canada 1st d8ss Of' MexICO and all other foretgn countnes $92.00 (US Funds). and 81l'TT18~ rates available upon request. Order Date: Zip

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