Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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{!jjjlil3 /ll::1 j 'Y ••••• • . - - .. . . . . . • • • • • • £$ XXXVII Sloon>n CIoyton. _ MichMI Klingrw. Pubf,.t. : FEATURES • • IT• • ,AL • • • • • • 6 • • • • • • • • • • 1 4 • • • • • • • o • • • • · .' """' c.m.thon. Editor Kit PaInMM". Anorciate Editor _ _.Aoooc_EditDr ROAD RACING Cbria Jonnum, • • • • • • • • A1an Cethc:ert, EuropNt'I Editor By Michael Scott Stev-. Cox. Edift>riel Aai.,.rtt SUPERCROSS • • WEaTISI.e • • • •1'11 • • STaTIl. (714) 751·7433 T""Y Pnott. N"""",,, Accoun.. ~ Carmichael Wins, Pastrana Clinches at Pontiac Supercross _ _. By Henny Ray Abrams Ilridgotl _ k y o ,<\0......, FIRST LOOK a ••••T•• ,.II • •• •TAn. <17Ol 934-7850 c.... AI.... 0ffH» ~ & Mv.rtiolng C<>onIi_ Jim CIori<, Eft_ Shori_. _$oleo -..or _ ~ ~ • Rabbit Creek 100 H&H • • By Doug Karcher • • • SNOOTOUT • • • 2 6 CBR929RR vs. ZX9R vs. • • o • • • • • • • • tubicaltioM Mall 'So48lS1!. POS1'MUTUIe Sertd addrwM dMtnt- ta C)'de New.. P,O. Bolt 5OlM. Coeta M_, ~ g2iSZ8-5084. :.~ofth;o:,~t:.~~,:;:':='::hro:.~=-m::. yoou'n "',t IN ,..... 01 thllJ..t bet ~.,d the- two chat'ecW,.Ind~ ia-. ~~.::n~~~~:;~~1~.~~.l':',,:::;~~ $29.00; tn.11Ub (15 i..",elJ, $21.00.,d Fo...lgn. OM)'lNlI" {50 i....-l, $105.00: two ~ (100 ~~, $l~.OOi ~llt'lOnthe (25 l.,ueeJ, SS5.00; lriaI sub US le~, $42,00. CyeM News _Ico~ untoliclted .c:Iltor'-l "lIIt,tr~ Includll'lQ eloriee, cartoon" photo.t, m. So.Icll rnet,ri.l, If publ~, NcomH the el(ch.l,lytt property of Cycle Nawa. RIlpl'intino in who'- or part only by permlwon of the wbtlehfl'. AdYlrtllling rlltll' IN'ld e1rcl.llltion Information will be "nt upon reql.l8ll See $.R.D.S. W/BI")'A V AUDITED ~~ CIRCULATION Printed in U.S.A, Copyrightc Cycle Ne~, Inc, 2001. Tredemark Cycle ~e regt.tered U,S. P.tent Offic., All right. ..._rwrd.

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