St. Louis hoIeshot
makes it nine
straight for RC
and his KX250.
A record crowd of
more then 57 ,aD pacIc8d
the Trans World Dome in St. louIS last
weekend. And by the time round bMIMt of the
senes ended, Ricky Carmichael
III1d hIS KX250 had giwln the fans pliny III
rell e IIbe. 00 IIillata III the . - from
I1aIeBhat to finieh, R: clinched IWII nRh
CCIfl&lIClA:iVl \IICtDI"f WIth the _ _ tt.~ Wi. ijABt&,
Ricky III riding 39 paiIQ
eheBd in IWII chili llpiUhstlip C8l lip_gil. lilt
edv8ntlIg8 _ Wi'
",.-.cIi III _
prfurm8nce of 8 10<. Pe b
i i i8i iCI! 1:het'II
.-:n. when you checlt _
yer'a Ineup lit ~ I<-.JIci deIIlr.