Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Also, this is not decided yet. From the project leader's point of view, we want to deliver as much as possible, and we want to use many riders. But this depends on the budgets. Will we see the V -five in competition in the 2002 All-Japan Championship, in a non-scoring prototype class, or will we see just Superbikes? At the moment there is only Superbike, and because of customers' interest at the moment the series cannot be extended in thjs way. At the moment we must keep the Superbike regulations. But what about next year, are the rules for the All-Japan series set yet? When we stopped 500cc class machines in All-Japan, the original agreement was to return to that format after five years . but Q unfortunately every year it is post· poned, postponed, postponed. Therefore we have no idea for next year what we can do, there is noth· ing clear yet. Will there be an official Team Honda entry in World Super- . . . .S1D(7-11llsl UlIIi:tIalII ....... 1l'lo C«oiIl 2nd Jeff AiosSI (Pm C«oiIl 4th_ R.III (Pm Crtuitl billusly IUIdle lPlo eaa.> 2nd Shut SIIIIIler IPn> Cituit) 258 SllIClI_ 125sna ........ r...., MInI SllIClI (7 -8 Yrsl . . . .SllIClI (12-13llsl 2nd Mile Alessi (!'Io Crtuitl 4th Juslill Keenei (Pm CitcuitJ 5tl1 De!Jn~ Jonoo (!'Io Circuit) 125~n2-15Yrs _ SllIClI (1~11 Yrs) 1st Broc Hepler (Pm Circuit) r", . . . . II'BI (7-1Illsl 2nd Mile Alessi (!'IoClltlllt) 3rd_""'(PmClltlllt) 5tl1 Dalji fddund (Pm CoanIl 12S0p00 1st James Stewart, Jr. (Pm CitcuitJ 4th R 5tl1 Ri:he Owens (Pm Cituit) 2nd RanltI CIJild!Is IPn> Circuit) 4th Bi Tomac (Pm Citult) 1st James Stewart, Jr. (!'Io CitcuitJ 2nd Jesse ea.11~~ Jr. II'ro CitcuitJ 5th Nathan Da"",pcn (!'Io Circuit) Mini MInI_ (&.8 Yrs) 2nd Eli T""ac II'ro Circuit) Mini MInI STOCK (9-11 Yrs) 3rd Jeff Alessi II'ro CiItUit) 5th Ricky R"''''' II'ro Circuit) Mini MInI ModIIiod (9-11 Yrs) 1st Ricky R",,,,, (Pm Circuit) 3rd I\iIe Cunningham II'ro CiItUit) 4th Jeff Alessi II'ro CiItUit) 0"",(5OOce1 1st Oemick Kain II'ro CitcuitJ 1Mlr301_ 4th Anttmy IJoblratz II'ro CirtUitJ l00cc (Up 10 16 Yrs) 1st Davi Millsaps II'ro Cituit) 2nd Alessi <:IIturt) 4th Jonattm "'" II'ro CitcuitJ 5th Broc Hepler II'ro Cin:uitl 125 ExpoI1 IstJefI rtrtIIOp II'ro Circuit) 5IIl fmoe PIiIbps (Pm Cituit) 1st James Slewart. k. (!'Io CoanIl 3rd Jesse CasllIa~ k. (!'Io CoanIl 5tl1 Tim Ykigand (Pm Circuit) _ _ _ (7-11 Yrsl lstmhua R. Hill (Pm CIIClJit) 2nd MchaeIlapagl~ (Pm Circuit) 5tl1 Jeff Alessi (Pm Ciltult) 4th KeI~T_ (Pm Circuit) 5th_ ""'1I'ro Circuit) _ _,_n2-13Yrsl 1Mlr25_ 2nd CMs Reed II'ro Circuit) 2nd rfike Alessi (!'Io Ciltuit) 4th Kyle Chisl10lm II'ro CiltUit) 1Mlr25_ 2nd Anttmy Dobhratt II'ro Ciltuit) 5th Eric Reed (Pm CiItUit) MInIbike _ _ n~16 Yrs) 1st Broc Hepler II'ro Ciltuit) 2ndmattm""'II'roCirtUitl 4th KeI~ Tedder II'ro Circuit) 250 _ _ 2nd Randy CIilders II'ro Cituit) 2501_ _ MInI MInIIleIinner (6ollYrs) 1stJustin StlrIing II'ro Cirtuit) 1st Tim \\\!igand II'ro CiItUit) 2nd.Qshua Hans!l111'ro Circuit) 3rd Jesse CasiI~~ k. II'ro Circuit) 250sep..2nd David P81Uos IPn> Circuit) 3rd W WJods"(!'Io Cin:ui1l , 4thRJ.~ Circuit) OW«J 4thJef_II'roCittJitl bike next year? We are from Honda R&D, not HRC, so we cannot answer that question, but my personal wish is that we should have more Honda· equipped teams in this class. [s the development of the RC51 still a priority at Honda R&D? Lucky for us that the regulation for Superb ike is close to the customer's bike and to the racing bike. There is almost an overlap. We should consider both things to keep the street customer happy and the race teams happy. Will we see a V-five in the 2002 Suzuka Eight-Hour, in a specially created non-points-scoring class, or will we only see the RC51? There is no chance for the new engine. We had to have homologation at the beginning of the year and no new homologation was made. From the factory side, the RC45 development is finished, but maybe some private teams will use it. Would it be Honda's wish to change the rules of the EightHour to allow the GP machine to compete in 2003, even if the World Endurance class is still Superbike based? This is, again, our wish. If we could have a chance to run the GP machine in Japan, even under such conditions, we would be happy to have such a chance. eN c U a • e n e _ os • APRIL 4, 2001 25

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