Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 03 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AHRMA Southeast Regional Dirt Track Series SilveBtate Raceway Motocross Spring SerIes KB Racing Motocross SerIes 3131 Ru1Iedge, GA Inlo: Bono Radi, 77O-ll67·1676 4(7 4/13 4/Z1 5/11 AHRM.6JEIdorado Cycle MIdWest Trials Series 4/Z2 Cuba, MO 5o\j 6/1 0 8/18 9/9 10/6-7 RIdgedale. MO Capo Girardeau. MO TBA ManihfieId. MO llidt.l. Wlnlor5«loo _ _ -,0IlII0Id Rocowoy FrWlin,MA 5/19 6/16 Vlet:orvllle Mat;acra_ Complex [7BO) BBB.1S1S2., l',.,., lit !JtoddfIId .... ,.,. RIfIIIt 111m OM' Frwwf ~ 1iM.c. Loudon. NH W. GreenwicI1. AI Townshend, vr Mar. 25, Rd 1 • oatfteId Raceway, TUrlock, CA Apr. a. Rd 2 • Carnegie Cycle Park, LIverrnoN. CA n e tftI' s 3/15-18 Mosi.. Valley, TX 4/Z2 5o\j ea-son City. NY, "'" 2 Carson City, NY, "'" 3 ea-son City. NY, And 4 Info: 916/782-8511 ex www.nevadacross.ccm Tumer PromotIons Supercross SerIes 3/17 3124 3131 4(7 ~4 4121 4/28 5/5 5/12 5/19 5/26 Carnesville, GA. And 1 CamesWIe, GA. And 2 Camesvile, GA.And3 C2mesvIIe, GA. And 4 GamesviIIe, GA. And 5 Carnesville. GA.Ibl6 GamesviIIe, GA. And 7 GamesviIIe, GA. And 8 CamesWIe, GA. "'" 9 GamesviIIe, GA "'" 10 GamesvilIe, GA "'" 11 GamesvilIe, GA And 12 6/2 Info: 706/886-5254 ex www.lll6supen:ross.lXlI11 FMFIBlg 6 Grand PrIx Championship Series 3131.." 29 Pelms, CA, And 3 ~ Adelanto, CA, And 4 10/6-7 san Bernardioo, CA. And 5 11/3-4 GoITnan, CA, And 6 Info: 714r.m.()9()9 ex 310/322-3612 ex WWW.tmfracing,lXlI11 KORR Grand PrIx SerIes 3125 4/Z2 5o\j 10/21 11/4 l11t 1 1212 Hillsboro, KS Odin. KS Yoder, KS WIChita, KS Odin. KS Hillsboro, KS Marion. KS Yoder, KS 1219 Info: 316/942-li527 KORR Motocross SerIes 4/1 Yoder. KS 418 4/29 5/20 -,KS Marion. KS Odin. KS Yoder. KS Marion. KS WIdita. KS Marion. KS IMlall. KS Odin. KS HIIIsbom, KS Marion. KS 6/10 6/17 7It 5 9/16 9/23 10/7 10/14 10/28 Info: 316/942-6527 KORR Superaoss SerIes 4/14 5/12 wIChita, KS WJchita, KS 6/3 619 7/8 7/14 8/18 8126 9/8 9/9 lronan, KS WJchila, KS Marion. KS Wichita. KS Wlchila. KS Odin. KS Wichita. KS Yoder, KS 9/30 Hillsboro. KS Info: 316/942-6527 Sioux Valley Cycle Club Motocross Series Sioux Falls, SO Sioux Falls, SO 6/24 Sioux Falls, SO 7lt5 Sioux Falls. SO 8126 Sioux Falls, SO 9/16 Sioux Falls, SO 9/30 Sioux Falls, SO Info: 605I9n.J866 4129 5/20 Sioux Vaney Cycle Club Hare SCramble SerIes 418 Sioux Falls. SO Sioux Falls, SO Sioux Falls, SO 7/8 Sioux Fells, SO 815 Sioux Falls. SO 915 Sioux F SO 10/7 Sioux F SO Info: 605I9n.J866 5o\j 613 SIoux Valley Cycle Club Short Track SerIes 515 5/19 Sioux Fells, SO Sioux Falls. SO 6/9 Sioux Falls, SO 6/10 Sioux Falls, SO 6IZl Sioux Falls. SO 7lt4 Sioux Falls, SO 7/28 Sioux Falls. SO 815 Sioux Falls. SO 8/18 Sioux Falls, SO 6/25 Sioux Falis, SO 9/8 Sioux Falls. SO 9/9 Sioux Falls. SO Info: 605I9n.J866 ~ ~.TX 613 lW 6/22 Lempster, NH London. KY Cycle World Intemalional Moton:ycle Shows MammoCh, CA 3/23-25 51. Louis, MO Info: IlOO/854-3112 ex Info: 949/837·221)6 ex det>@drnspar15wsmx.lXlI11 www.molon:y<:Ieshow.lXll11 SpringSortel SecramenIo, CA SecramenIo, CA, And 1 5I2S 618 6/22 7It 3 Saaamento, CA. And 2 Saaamento, CA. And 3 Saaamento, CA. And 4 SecramenIo, CA. And 5 SecramenIo, CA. And 6 .fd- 7m Saaamen1o, CA, And 1 8/10 8/24 Saaamento, CA, And 2 Saaamen1o, CA. And 3 Sacramonto. CA, And 4 9/14 9/28 SecramenIo, CA, And 5 10/12 SecramenIo, CA, And 6 10/26 SecramenIo, CA Info: 9161682-6123 lJ' casino Town Motocross SerIes 3/24 MesqLite. NY. And 6 ex 435/673-1958lJ' ex www.racemesqulte.lXlI11 Inlo~702l563-2SS2 District 9 Best of Georgia Championship SerIes 3/18 4/1 4/15 4/29 AeynoIds. GA Washington, GA 6/17 Macon, GA Macon, GA Aeynolds. GA Bremen, GA Macon. GA 919 9/23 Washington, GA Macon. GA 5o\j 613 10/7 AeynoIds. GA 10/14 Ilnlmen, GA 10/28 Macon. GA 11/4 WasIingIon. GA l1ltl Macon. GA Info: 877/475-5711 ex WMRRA Road RacIng Series ~ Bromoo1on,WA ~4-1S Seallle. WA ~ Spokane. WA 5126-27 Sea!tIe. WA 6/16-17 SeatIle, WA 7It Btemerton, WA 7114-15 Spokane. WA 8/4-5 Seattle, WA 9/1·2 Spoq1e. WA 9130 Seattle. WA Info: 4251338-4686 ex OMRRA Road Race Series 4/20-22 Por1Iand. OR 5/18-20 Por1Iand, OR 6/10 Por1Iand. OR 6I29.JO.7/1 Por1Iand, OR 9/21·23 Por1Iand. OR 10ltJ.14 Por1Iand. OA Info: 503/221. 1487lJ' www,omrra.lXlI11 MRA Colorado Road Race Series 4/29 5/30 613 Denver. CO Pueblo. CO 6/10 DenY.., CO 71t Denver, CO Denver, CO Fountain. CO Mead,CO Pueblo. CO 0enY0r. CO 7129 8/19 919 9/30 Fountain, CO 10/7 Info: 3031530-5679 ex www..... Southwest VIntage Racing Group Series 3I2S 4121 5/12 7/21 8126 9/16 10/14 San - . CA CaI1sbad. CA Gorman. CA Cattsbed, CA san Jacir*>. CA Gorman. CA san-,CA Southland Racing Products Dirt Track SerIes 4(7 4/29 6/2 6IZl sanJacilto,CA san JacinIo, CA san Jacinto, CA san JacinIo. CA san Jacinto, CA San Jacinto, CA 7114 814 9122 san Jacinto, CA 10/13 san Jacinto, CA 11/3·4 san Jacinto, CA Info: 760/72J.4006 ex 909/307·9495 Team Dual Dogs callfomla Dual SpoIl Series ~ _.CA 6/9-10 Lake IsabeIe, CA Info: 661f823.0396 ex

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