Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 03 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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California Gold Cup Motocross Series Round 3: Sunrise Motorsports Park hine t •se unr (Left) At round three of the California Gold Cup Motocross Series, Erik Meyer (73) edged out Jeff Elde (901) for the 12.5cc Intennediate secondmoto hoIeshot; Meyer won the moto but Eide scored the overall. lRJght) Brett Rothas topped both the 80cc (14-16) and Supennlnl classes at Sunrise Motorsports Park. By never looked back. Justin Eide held down second place for the first couple of laps before being passed by Griffin and Smith, who would end up finishing in second and third, respectively. YZ426F-mounted Smith absconded with the second-moto holeshot, over Justin Eide and Jeff Eide. Jeff passed Justin on the high-speed back straight early on and set out after Smith. Jeff closed to within a couple of seconds of Smith on a track that was getting slicker by the minute due to the rain that was now falling. Smith won the moto to finish second overall, GREG ROBERTSON ADELANT0, CA,FEB.25 lthough the sun never did quite make it out from behind the ominous black clouds hanging overhead, Jeff Eide and Brett Rothas provided their own flashes of brilliance during round three of the California Racing Club-sponsored California Gold Cup Motocross Series. Eide topped both the 125cc and 250cc Intermediate classes on the beautifully prepped Sunrise Motorsports Park layout, while Rothas won the aocc (14-16) and Supermini classes. Eide started things off with the 125cc Intermediate first-moto holeshot, ahead of Mickey Griffin, David Sullins, Scott Howe and the rest of the field. Griffin closed to Eide's back fender and kept Eide honest up until the last lap, when he went down just after getting the white flag. Eide ended up taking the win with 10 seconds to spare over a heated battle between Howe and Shane Smith, in which Smith came out on top. Erik Meyer, who tangled with another rider in the first turn and started out in last place, put in a fantastic race to finish fourth, ahead of Griffin, c.J. Mahon and Sullins. Meyer was out to prove his last-tofourth-place charge in the first moto was no accident, and he shot his YZ 125 into an immediate secondmoto lead. Eide gated in second place, and by lap two he was scraping plastic with Meyer in an attempt to pull off a sweep of the class. The two front- runners traded the lead back and forth, with a determined Meyer holding off Eide at the checkers. Eide's runner-up finish earned him the overall. Second overall went to Meyer, followed by Howe (3-3), Smith (2-6) and Griffin (5-4). Eide put his Mid Cities/Answer/ Varner/Leader/Up Front Designsbacked Honda out front early in the first 250cc Intermediate moto and A 76 MARCH 21, 2001 • cue • over Dane Jackson. Michael Parker was actually closing in on the two front-runners until a fall dropped him to seventh place. Parker sliced his way back up to finish third, ahead of Tony Esposito and Derreck Murphy. Round two turned into a Parkervs.-Rothas battle over the lead that lasted the entire rainy moto. Parker won that battle, but the goggleless Rothas won the war with a 1-2 score. Jackson finished all by himself in third for third overall, followed by Murphy and Hilderbrand. Parker returned to dominate both motos of aocc (12-13) racing to make the trek down from Las Vegas worth it. Jackson finished in second place both times out. Sterling Zepeda overcame a couple of midpack starts to go 3-3, over Murphy (4-4) and Esposito (6-5). Kris Papworth made short work of the 250cc Pro class in both motos. Papworth and his Pro Circuit/Duffbacked KX250 greeted the checkers first with commanding leads over Craig smith, Chris Thompson and Roy Bremenour. (Above) Brandon Pr.llun went 1-1 for a sweep of the 125cc Novice class. lRJght) Max Laclleu new his KTM to the victory in both 60cc (6-8) motos. behind Jeff Eide (1-2). Griffin climbed his way up into third overalL with a third-place finish, topping Lanny Turner (4-4) and Justin Eide (6-5). Rothas was simply untouchable in both aocc (14-16) races aboard his S VC /N 01 een/N - Sty Ie-sponsored Suzuki. Jason Hilderbrand worked his way around Brett Klein in both races for a pair of second-place finishes. Gil Esquivez and Randy Hill rounded out the top five. In the first Supermini moto, Rothas took the win with a 10-second cushion _ n __ s Chris Carroll went home with a nice chunk of the Suzuki factory contingency money that's up for grabs in this series by topping both the Over 25 and Over 30 Novice classes. Carroll split moto wins with John Balobeck for the Over 25 overall honors. Robert Goettling and Steve Sequerra each won an Over 30 moto, but it was the consistent 2-2 tally of Carroll that earned the first-place trophy. Kenard Lipscomb went 3-3 to edge out Goettling (1-5) for second overall. eN Sa.rise MetDrsports PIIrll AdelEb, c.lif1Imi. Results: Febru8ry 25, 2001 lRaund 31 P/W YAM BEG: 1. Luke Montgomery (YlJm); 2. Maxx Dreke (Hon); 3. Shane Emerson (Suz); 4. Michael Aquino (Vern); 5. John Haroum (Yem). P/W YAM ADV: 1. Travis Demon (Hon); 2. Joshua Brenco (Y8m). S/P/w (4-6): 1. Tonner Roberson (Cob); 2. Colby Raho (Cob). S/P/w (7-9): I. Coden Probst (Pol); 2. Colton Sanders (KTM); 3. Greg Littlejohn (HM); 4. Christopher Goumel (KTM); 5. Tyler Lukes (Hus). 60 BEG: 1. Toylor Kellstrom (KTM); 2. Tommy Aquino (Kow); 3. Rhett Roho (KTM); 4. Chodd Cole (Kow); 5. Bloke Uniock (Kow). 60 (6-8): 1. Mox Ladieu (KTM); 2. Chondler Quimette (K8W); 3. Shaun Caudill (Kaw); 4. Daniel Tomeoni (Kaw); 5. Ryan Simonian (Kaw). 60 (9-11): 1. Shown Butler (Kaw): 2. Elliott Jockson (Kow); 3. Gorrett Lilly (KTM); 4. Trovis Bright (KTM); 5. Trent Smith (Kow). 80 BEG: 1. Kyle Bohannan (Yam); 2. Trevor Doyle (Kow); 3. Benny Breck (Yom); 4. Dylon Gonzolez (Yam): 5. Kyle Cowling (Yom). 80 (7-11): I. Cosey Logon (Kaw); 2. Nick Sonchez (Suz): 3. Danny Gonzol.. (Suz); 4. Curtis Mclellan (Yom); 5. Mott Vonderwoter (Yom). 80 (12·13): 1. Michoel Porker (Yom): 2. Done Jockson (Yom): 3. Sterling Zepedo (Yam); 4. Dem:ck Murphy (Yom): 5. Tony Esposito (Suz). 80 (14-16): 1. Brett Rothos (SU%); 2. Joson HiJderbr8nd (Vern); 3. Brett Klein (Hon); 4. Gil Esquivez (Yom): 5. Rondy Hill (Yom). S/MlNI: 1. Brett Rothos (Suz): 2. Michael Porker (Yam): 3. Dane Jackson (Yom): 4. Derreck Murphy (Yam): 5. Joson HHderbrond (Yom). WMN: 1. Nikki Puentes (SU%). 125 BEG: 1. Andrew Jondenberg (Hon); 2. Len Elwell (Yam); 3. Alex Arreguin (Yam); 4. Zach Zomrzlo (How); 5. Brett Mounloin (Yom). 125 NOV: I. Brondon Prohm (Yom); 2. Anthony Barbacovj (Y8m); 3. Josh Hess (Yam); 4. Jon Bender (Hon): 5. Joe Westboy (Yom). 125 INT: 1. Jeff Eide (Hon): 2. Erik Meyer (Yom); 3. Scott Howe (Yom): 4. Shone Smith (Yom); 5. Mickey Griffin (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. Mott Cleveland (Yom); 2. Don Crane (Hon); 3. K8sey Morris (Yam); 4. Daniel Shaw. 250 NOV: 1. Damian Baker (Suz); 2. Vincent Baioni (Suz); 3. Brandon Prahm (Hon); 4. Mike McAlpin (Ytlm); 5. Joshua Edwards (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Jeff Eide (Hon); 2. Shone Smith (Yam); 3. Mickey Griffin (Yam); 4. Lanny Turner (Vern): 5. Justin Eide (Hon). 250 PRO: 1. Kris Papwarth (Kaw); 2. Craig Smith (Suz); 3. Chris Thompson (Suz); 4. Roy Bremenour (Hon). 25+ BEG: I. Ted Golpin (Han): 2. John Dunsmore (Yom); 3. Phillip Kepford (Hon); 4. Adonis Borelo (Yom); 5. Doniel Gorb (KTM). 25+ NOV: I. Chris Corroll (SU%); 2. John Bolobeck (Hon); 3. Robert GoettJjng (Suz); 4. Stefon Neary (Han). 25+ INT: 1. Jim Welch (Hon); 2. Shy Moshe (Yom); 3. Gobi Aboyov (Yom). 25. EX: 1. Willy Musgrave (Yam); 2. Robbie Dunhom (Yom). 30+ BEQ: 1. John RUM (Hon); 2. Tony Disc:uillo (Suz); 3. Dana Kellstrom (Yam); 4. Paul Neilsen (Hon); 5. John Gillette (Suz). 30+ NOV: 1. Chris Carroll (Suz); 2. Kenard Lipscomb (Suz); 3. Robert Goelliing (SU%); 4. Stove Sequerro (Hon); 5. Stefon Neory (Hon). 30. 1l'fT: 1. Vincent Baioru (Suz); 2. Manny Del Compo (Suz); 3. Mike Licilro (Suz): 4. Gobi Aboyov (Yom); 5. Shy Mashe (Yom). 30. EX: t. Willy Musgrave (Yam); 2. Robbie Dunham (Yom). 40. NOV: I. Scott Johnson (Han); 2. Jim Gonzolez (KTM); 3. Ric Bronson (Yom); 4. Skip Poulson (Yom). 40+ AM: I. Bob Gunn (Hon); 2. Croig Staley (Han); 3. Hlirvey Boltmlln (KlIw); 4. Bob Dunham (Yom). 40+ EX: 1. Keith Hensley (Suz); 2. Horold Smith (Yam). OIT NOV: 1. Eorl Adams (Kow); 2. Kerry Morris (Hon). OIT AM: 1. Charles Howell (Yam); 2. Don Meiner (Yam); 3. Richard Bealer (Yam). OIT EX: I. Herbert Allen (Kow); 2. Nothon Kidder (Yam); 3. Bob Dunhom (Yom). OIT I'ISTR B: 1. Croig Stoley (Hon): 2. Jim Harris (Yam); 3. Garry Conner (Yam); 4. Kevin Olen (KTM). OIT MSTR A: I. Jim Diyorlo (Yom): 2. Ed Tripp (Hon); 3. George Jimenez (Hon).

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