Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2001 03 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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trouble which plagued him earlier in the day. The Battle of the Twins Formula 3 race was run as a second wave with the F - 1. Robert Fisher sped to the front on his MB Motorsports Suzuki SV-650, never to be challenged. When the race was red-flagged, his victory was secure. Second went to John Staska on a 1989 Kawasaki EX-600 with Matt Winnacker third on another of the Suzuki SV-650's, the pair fighting to the premature end and with no fear of being caught. "I was going out there to have fun, and I didn't have quite enough horsepower to keep up with 715 [Fisher] in the front," Winnacker said. "This motor's never been apart. That's going to change." John Cronshaw, another racing Englishman, wasn't supposed to win the race he was in. Riding a motorcycle 30 years older than the field, Cronshaw won his class, Super Mono 2. That was to be expected. What wasn't expected was that from his starting spot on the second row of the second wave, the Englishman ran down the entire Skorpion field from the first wave and took the overall win. "The bike was running like a train," Cronshaw said of his 1965 Norton 499. "We're just getting a fix on it for the 500 Premier. I was quite suited with it. The bike's flying." The Skorpion race was a Brown battle, Kansas City's Kevin against Pittsboro, North Carolina's Bruce Brown, on Skorpion 660's. Kevin Brown led initially, Bruce soon coming by, the pair separating themselves from the 15-rider pack of Skorpions. Bruce Brown won the Skorpion class, but he was chased down on the run to the flag by Cronshaw. Kevin Brown was second and Craig Hunley third. There were more Englishmen at war in the Battle of the Twins TwoChris ManhaIJ (466) drafts Buff Harsh (888) In the !lOOcc Sportsman . . - . ......u made It stick and took the win. Stroke class. Tony Smith, of Cosby, England, put his 1978 Yamaha TZ250 out front with David Fabian, of Northants, England, second on his 1979 Yamaha TZ-250, with a pair of other riders close behind. Smith continued to hold the point, only now Fabian caught him up and the pair got away, Fabian taking the lead on the fourth lap with an inside move. While they were battling, polesitter Christopher Spargo closed in on his 1990 Yamaha TZ-250. Spargo was side by side with Smith on the fifth lap and took the lead using the draft down the back straight. Smith got shuffled back to third in the West End Horseshoe, but there wasn't much between them as they ran to the flag. It was Spargo at the flag, with Smith hanging on to second by inches. "He's got such a big ass he's easy to follow," Smith joked. Englishman Mike Hodges used the power of his 2001 BMW 680 single to nail the holeshot in the Super Mono race. Behind him were a pair of "3s," one belonging to Ducati Supermonomounted Jerry Wood and the other, 3x, belonging to fellow Englishman Gary Cotterell and his 2000 BMW 720 in his first trip to Daytona. Hodges held, and stretched', the lead for the first three laps until Cotterell and Wood ran him down. Wood was masterful through the infield, but couldn't match the top-end speed of the larger BMW's. Only his 28 years of racing at Daytona kept him in the hunt. Traffic became Wood's friend after he took the lead. Through the turn one-two sequence on the seventh lap, Wood was able to make use of backmarkers to increase his cushion. He did it again on the final lap, the ground gained in the infield enough to prevent Cotterell from latching on to his draft, and he sped to the win. "I've been racing at Daytona for 28 years. There's nothing like winning Daytona," Wood said. "It feels so good. They got a lot of speed on the banking, but it's a good thing we've got an infield. I leamed a few tricks in those last 28 years and I used them all today." The International Classic GP TwoStroke class was a race of survival. Top survivor honors went to Frenchman Eric Saul, the former GP rider circulating steadily as a trio of leaders dropped out one by one. There was a mostly international four-rider break at the start, Brit David Fabian leading American Richard Merhar, with another Brit, Tony Smith just in front of the Frenchman Saul. The quartet spent the first three laps swapping and chopping and drafting and passing, then the attrition began. First out was Fabian who pulled his 1979 Yamaha TD-350 onto the grass in the chicane. Merhar and Smith would both succumb to mechanical problems as well. Saul, who wasn't up to racing hard, won his first race at Daytona, leading the four machines still running across the stripe. The Sound of Singles Two-Stroke race ran as a second wave with BoT Two-Stroke class. This was also a tworider race early on, with none of the other 12 riders matching their pace. Californian Steward Aitken-Cade had his 2000 Honda RS-125 in the lead, Canadian Jim Struke sticking with him on the 1997 model RS. The race was so intense that they passed all but the top three 250cc and 350cc riders by the fifth of six laps. Struke had a risky strategy, being in the lead into and through the chicane. The pair raced to the line as one, both going low on the apron at the finish line, Struke taking the win by a bike length. eN Christopher Spargo won the Battle of the TwIns Two·stroke race by Inches on his 1990 Vamaha TZ-250. After getting a slow start from pole position, Spargo eventually drafted earty leader Ton)' Smith on his 1978 TZ·250 down the back straight to take the victory. (Ric); 3. Glenn Comp~1l (BMW); 4. Don Honkle (Nor): 5. Ro~rt Goodposter (Nor). BOT TWO-STROKE: 1. Christopher Sporgo (Vom); 2. Tony Smith (Vom); 3. David Fabian (Vom): 4. George Teylor (Vem); 5. Paul Gaskin (Rio). 50S TWO-STROKE: 1. Jim Struke (Hon); 2. Steward Aitken-Code (Han): 3. Lorry Cohee (Vom): 4. Bob Demetrius (Hon); 5. Melisse Shimmin (Hon). APRJUA CUP: 1. Wally Schleper (Apr): 2. Paul Vito Ie (Ap<): 3. Chester Homblln (Apr). SUPER /IIONO 2: I. John Cronshow (Nor): 2. Dan elders (Hon); 3. Norman LlIStovlca (BBM.); 4. Chuek Compbell (Vom): 5. Stoney Turner (Vom). SKORPION: I. Bruce Brown; 2. Kevin Brown; 3. CtlJig HunJey; 4. Alex Mclean; 5. Paul Conley. DERBI CUP: 1. Mitch Boehm: 2. Samara Talkin; 3. David Pierce; 4. Dean de St. Croix; 5. Chris Kelleher. CLASS C FOOTSHlfT: 1. Rolph Auer (BMW); 2. Carleton Palmer (Vin); 3. Alex Mclean (Nor); 4. John Renwick (Vin); 5. Willi Bertsch (BMW). CLASS C HANDSHlfT: 1. Art Farley (Ind); 2. Art Delor (Ind); 3. A. Mullin. (H·D); 4. Voshihiro Ohiro (Ind); 5. Thomas Heid (H-D). PRE·1940: 1. Alex Mclean (Nor): 2. Rolph Auer (BMW): 3. Willi Bertsch (BMW): 4. Will Harding (Ind); 5. Art Foriey (Ind). FORMULA 250: 1. Riehord Merhar (Vom): 2. George Tyolor (Vom); 3. Chuck Davis (Dri): 4. Horry Boriow (Vom): 5. Les Trotter (Suz). 350 GP: 1. Joy Richardson (See): 2. Erik Green (AJS): 3. Les Trotter (Suz): 4. Gory Smith (Han): 5. Chories Sexton (Bul). 200 GP: 1. Dennis Ponelelt (Hon); 2. Edward Sensen;g (Due): 3. Mike Kirby (Bri): 4. Cori Ande""'" (Vom): 5. Jim KJliy (Bul). 250 GP: 1. Jonathan White (Duc); 2. John Stephens (Due): 3. Chuck Davis (BSA): 4. Charies Sexton (BuI); 5. Shimpel Vomozakl (Vom). FORMULA 125: I. David Fobion (Hon); 2. Leon Cortes (Hon); 3. Steve Brown (Hon); 4. Greg Steinbeck (Hon): 5. Terry Go... (Han). SPTS/IIN 350: 1. Buff Harsh (Hon); 2. Tim Sheedy (Hon): 3. Chrts Marshall (Hon); 4. Stonley Upert (Han); 5. Mike Mothews (Hon). CLSSC '605: I. Josef Brenner (BSA): 2. Pot /llooney (Nor); 3. Alex McLean (BSA): 4. Rusty Lowry (H-D): 5. Allan Johncock (Mat). BOT F-3: 1. Ro~rt Fosher (Suz); 2. John Stosko (Kew); 3. Matt Winnllcker (Suz); 4. Howard Shempp (Suz): 5. Don Hankel (Nor). BOT F-I: 1. Jeff Nosh (Due); 2. Thomas Montono (Due); 3. David Podolsky (Apr); 4. Kiyo Watano~ (Hon); 5. AI Chories (Due). SPTSMN 500: 1. Chris Marshall (Hon): 2. Buff Harsh (Hon); 3. James Swartout (Hon); 4. Tim Sheedy (Hon); 5. Andrew Cowell (Trl). F·500: 1. Christopher Spllrgo (Yam); 2. Harry Barlow (Yam); 3. Lea Trotter (See); 4. Richllrd Merhar (Vom); 5. David Crussell (Kow). SPTSMN 750: 1. Jesse M.orris (Trl); 2. Tim Joyce (Tri); 3. Devid Temple (Yam); 4. Mark Nlldelkov (Yam); 5. Craig Charles (Tri). BOT F·2: 1. Robert Fisher (Suz); 2. Matt Winnaker (Suz); 3. Keith Sandersan (Suz); 4. Rick Potrolio (5uz): 5. Howord 5hempp (Suz). INTL CLSSC GP 2-STRK: 1. Eric Saul (Vom); 2. Chris Hurst (Vom): 3. Paul Gaskin (Rin): 4. Sandrin< Dufils (Vom); 5. Tony Smith (Vom). F-VlNT: 1. Adom Popp (Hon): 2. Vvon DuHamel (BSA): 3. Hasse GUSUlfSon (Due); 4. Col Roybom III (H-D): 5. Keith Comp~1I (H·D). SOUND OF T1iUNDER: 1. Jeff Nosh (Due): 2. Bill St. John (Due); 3. David Podolsky (Apr): 4. Kiyo Woton.~ (Han); 5. Paul Vitole (Due). D.lytllu Intem.tional SpeedwllY D.Iytlln., floriu Results: MlIrch 4-8, ZOOl SUPER /IIONO: 1. Jerry Wood (Due): 2. Gorry Cotterell (BMW): 3. Mike Hodges (BMW): 4. Neville Hon·Reoee (Sko): 5. Clive Chitty (BMW). 500 PREMIER: 1. Pot Mooney (Nor): 2. John Cronshaw (Nor); 3. Josef Brenner (BSA); 4. Chuck Huneycutt (MV): 5. Joy Riehordson (/lion). BEARS: I. Steve Money (Nor): 2. Jerry Wood cue •• n • _... • MARCH 21, 2001 59

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