Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Supercross Round 2: Rose Bowl By Kit Palmer Photos by Kinney Jones PASADENA, CA, NOV. 20 or Team Hond a's Ezra Lusk, the U.S. round of the three-round FIM Su percross World Cha mpionshi p Series did not hold a lot of significance. After all, Lusk had missed the opening round in Fran ce and wa s not in 'the title hunt, and since only a few of the top European GP and supercross stars - most of wh om are injured - mad e the long trip to California , the "Us-vs.-Them" rivalry simp ly did not pan out. The one thing that Lusk did prove at t!;)e Speed ' vision-prod uced Toyota Wor ld Supercross at the Rose Bowl, however, is that whenever he gets on a mot orcycle, he gives it his all, becau se pride is always on the line . The win also provided a good indication as to wh ere Lusk , his tuner Mike Gosselaar and his race bike stand in prepara tion for next yea r's AMA lEA Sports Supercro ss Series. "Mostly it [wi nni ng the Rose Bowl race] means getting mor e tim e on the bike and getting it working the best we can ," Lus k sa id . " It definitely is a confidence booster." For all intents and purposes, Lusk ruled the racing on a cool and cloudy day in Pasadena. The Georgian clicked off the fastest time (41.419 seconds) around the tight Rose Bowl track during practice, came out on top of the first heat race, and then led from start to finis h in the 20-lap main event. He really could not have performed any better, but he probably wo uld have liked a little more breathing room over the second"R,lace rid er, Larry Ward. "1 go t the start and Larry [Ward ] came in a little hot on the ~

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