Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Jan 14-1 6 • OKLAHOMA ARENACROSS • f>MA. Pro-Am MoBres Prod ucllons, Myriad ConventJon Cenler Downtown, OklahOma Cily. lnfo: 91B1831·2032 or www. ~ee ye .comImembefs8larenacross. llow • TEXAS ARENACROSS• Pace National ArenaCfOSS Series, Will Roge" ColIseum. Fort Worth. Into 8171246-7400 or : www.arena MISSOURI MOTORCYCLE SHOW · Intennabonal Motorcycle SI1ows. Team Powersports, Amenca's Center. St. Louis. Info: 8001331-5 or 706 www • OKLAHOMA ARENACROSS• Pa ce Na tional Arenaeross Series, Lazy E Arena, Guthne. Into 8171246-7400 or : www • OHIO INDOOR MOTOCROSS · f>MA. Marion County Fllll'grtlllnds ColISeum, Manon. Info 7401756-1267. . : WdYlaFalls Into ~742, . : Jan 15-1 6 • TEXAS ICESPEEDWAY · World Cup IceSpeedway, International ChampionshIp EventsJl.C.E.BellCounty Expo Center, Bellon. Info 8431234· 2n7 : . CAUFORNIADUAL SPORTTOUR· Mojav Ad e ventur Dua 5:;tOrt Motorcy e l cle Tour, KTM 01 M ojave, Mojave. Info: 6611824-491I FL ORIDA HARE SCRAMBLES · AMA, FTR Pa lmBea chTrackandTrail Riders , RiverRanch. Info 56118J2·8161 or : 5611969·324 or 7 hltp illome t .earthlink .net. • SO UTHCAR OLINA ICESPEEDWAY · Word CupIceSpeedway l Inte rnational Championship Events/I.C£. . Florence CivicCenter, Florence. Info: 8431234·27n or www -i c I • WASHINGTON SHORT TRACK· Kell Enterpnses, OakWOOll Arena. Spanaway. Info: 360/446·7992or Fri, Jan 9 • ~ HARESCRAMBLES · Mid · South Winter Hare Scrambles Senes, AMA.Maplesville. Info 6151859-0873 or : • NEW YO RKMUD& SNOW SCRAMBLES· AMA. Square Deal R,d ers Motorcy Club, SOR Raceway. de Har]lu"ville. Into: 607/693·2634 or 693· 1031 • WiEST VIRGINIA HARE SCRAMBLES • JaclMA. ();sltict 37. United Enduro AssoCIation, 2nd event of A-2Enduro Series, The Y2K Enduro Senes. Lucerne Valley. Into 9491859: 1846. CAUFORNIA HARE & HOUND · AMA Natona Har & Hound, Desert M.C,. i l e JohnsonValleyOHVA. Lucerne Valley. Info: 9091865·3935 or dezmaa ce@ . • NEWYO MUD& SNOW RK SCRAMBLES · AMA, SquareDeal Ride" Motorcyde Club, SOR Raceway, Harpu"v~le.lnfo : 607/693·1031 or 693· 2634. 1772. • TENNESSEE HARE SCRAMBLES· Mod·South WInter Hare Saambles Series. AMA. Mount Pleasant Info 6151859: 0873a • NEW YORKIC RACE . AMMn State E Maacyde aub, Lemllo Lake Pari<. Modena. Info 9141066;4956. : • WiEST VIRGINIA HARE SCRAMBLES · Jacl

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