Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Seeling's early depa rture left M Hines att an open doo r to claim his third straight _ Winston championsh ip. Hines bagged the lille by beating Tony Mullen in round two before bowing out himse lf in the semis. Bro wn , the number-two qualifier with a 7.24, slowed to a 7.42 in round one w hen his new six-speed transmission wou ldn't shift into high gea r, and he su rvi ved th e seco nd round d espite a no the r o ff-pace 7.35, w hich co ve re d Steve Johnson's 7.40. "I the first round, I went fo r six th gear a nd nothing happen ed ," Brown sai d. "Then w e had a b ad va cu u m pump and we didn't find it until after the semifinals. Once we fixed tha t problem, the bike came around. I'm still get ting used to the six-speed tra nsmission, but the first time we put it in, I nailed all six gea rs right on time, so th at helped my confidence a lot. "We wer en't close enough to Matt a n d A nge lle to ch all en g e for th e cham pionship , but we will next yea r," Brown conti nued . "Th e cha mpionship goes to whoe ver is th e most co nsisten t, and thi s year, th at wa s Matt. We were righ t in the thick of it fo r the firs t half of the season, but we had a few bad races a nd that costus. It' s a little d isappointing, because I really th ou ght we' d cont end for th e title th is yea r. Next yea r, it' s goi ng to be even hard er , but I'm a lready look ing fo rward to it." Treble, who finished sixth in his first full yea r on the tour, is also a likely cand idate to dethr one Hines, based on his p erf orm ance in Pom ona , w here he record ed the four best ru ns of his career, including a 7.26 in round one, and a 7.25 in the final. "In the firs t rou nd , I knew I was on a killer run," Treble said . "When I hit hig h gea r, th e shift light was on for a long time, so I knew it was tu rning some serious rpms. We fixed a nagging probl em we've had for the last four races, an d the bike really res ponde d . I ha ted to red light against A n tro n , but we s till had a fan tas tic yea r. I can't com plain." CN Pomona Raceway Pomona, California Results: November 11-14, 1999 (Round 14 of 14) P RO STOCK fiNA L: 1. Antron Brown (Su z) 7.25 , 180.86; 2. Craig Treble (5uz) 7.25. 179.44 (foul) . , 999 GRANADA . ' DAKAR RALLY ~he Ultimate Racing Adventure (# 4 72 4) The Dakar Rolly is on e of the toughest motorspo rt events in the world . Competitors roce ac ross the de sert in trucks, cars on d on bikes ta ckling monst rously difficult driving con ditio ns, feotu re less londscapes a nd countless dangers. The best machines, the best prepa ration and the best rider s ar e no guarantee of succes s when confronted by the fickle finge r of Africon fate . The 1999 Da ka r Rolly began in Granado , crossing Spa in, Morocco, Mau ritania, Mali, Burkina Faso and Senegal. Tenacity, determinatio n and versa tility a re nee de d to ta ckle the rolling deserts with their 200-ft. hig h cathed ral dun es. Richard Sainct (BMW) won the motorcycle category ahead of Thie rry Magnaldi (KTM). Perh aps the real heroes of the Da ka r were the privateers, who against all od ds mode it to Lac Rose. On ly a third of the competito rs who started the race reac hed the finish in Daka r. 52 minutes from White Star / Duke Video. ~l!III!I'!!lI C> C> C> ~ CI> ..c E 8 CI> c 41

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