Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Watts bega n his Sa turday w innin g strea k in the morning after the unscored Uncl assifi ed event . In the 125cc race, matched up agai nst 1998 125cc National H are a n d H ound cha m pio n Sh ane Esp ostito and Destry Abbott, Watts battled back and forth for th e lead durin g the 45-minute race. "I had a good race with Esp osito," said Watts. "He was a bit loose and he was over-sh ooting comers. I just waited for him to scre w up big time, a nd he finall y did. We we re pretty much the same speed, and it was jus t a matter of who was go ing to screw up and who was going to get the break ." (Above) Scot Harden conti nued hi s stranglehold on t he Legends race and also fi nished eighth in the Hamel. (Right) Mike Baker does not race too often anymore, but he makes it a po int to race Elsinore. Baker wheelled to the Fourstroke and Over 35 overalls, and finished fifth in the 125cc race . T he bre ak a n d th e wi n went to Watts, and it happened p retty much the way the young Aussie ha d planned it, leaving Esposito to finis h second . "When we got into lappers I got back by him," said KXl25-mounted Esposito abou t his race with Watts. "Then I slid into some barri ers and he we nt by and pulled away." Team Green 's Abbott wa s in the mix early on but eventuall y fell ou t of th e race fo r th e lead . H e fini s h ed th ir d ahead of Gary Trachy and Mike Baker, two other Elsino re Grand Prix regul ars. Three races later Watts was back on th e p a ved s ta rti n g line for the 250cc race, bu t this time he had eve n more to pro ve - alth ough man y spectators were n o t a w a re o f th e fac t. Worldw id e rumors have said that Watts is not capable of racin g a 250cc mach ine successfully, and th at th a t is th e rea son h e sticks to a 125 even th ou gh he is at a horsepower di sadvantage at the series that the Au stralian competes in. However, his deci sive win in the 250cc race was th e win heard across the off-road world. "I sta rted in the second ro w," sai d Watts about his rid e on a 250 SX. "I was in the lea~ halfway through the first lap 27

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