Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Grand Prix Elsinore G Prix rand By Matt Freeman Photos by Kinn ey Jones and Mark Kariya LAKE El.5INORE, CA, NOV, 13-14 broke in two races and I won two. 1 guess [ can't complain," . said Mike Healey, after winning the Hamel 100 a t the Elsinore Grand Prix , an event that in a sense has haunted Healey since its rebirth in 1996. Not to say tha t Healey hasn't won a class or two in the past (early Sunday morning he won the Over 25 race) , but as far as luck goes, the premier Hamel 100 race has no t been kind to Hea ley. Du ring the 100-mile race in 1996 h e h a d prob lems with his gas tan k. In 1997 his frame bro ke, and las t year flat tires and an injured han d pu t Healey out of th e ru nnin g fo r th e H amel 100 wi n. In fac t, up u ntil th is yea r's event, Hea ley had n ever even finish ed th e Hame l 100. This yea r's ins tallmen t of the classic gran d prix d id not start ou t mu ch better for Healey. Riding a borr owed KX500, h e br iefl y led Sa turday's unsco re d Unclassified race and the Open race befo re locking the big bore's engine up on bo th accou nts . However, wi th bloody palms due to riding so hard and so fast, and another borrowed bike, this one a KLX365 from Larry Roeseler, \1J U (Above) Mike Healey passes Ty Davis en route to his first Hamel 100 win. Davis eventua lly dropped out of competition with a badl y bru ised ankle due to kicking a rock. (Left) Shane Watts came to Elsinore for the first time and raced like a seasoned veteran around the 4-mile circ uit. Watt s led all the competitio n In th e 125cc and 250cc races and finished second to Healey in the Hamel. Healey won the 26-lap affair with plenty of room to breathe. Of course, Healey was not the only! hero in town during the two-day event; KTM's Shane Watts traveled from way out of tow n to do battle in Elsinore . The Australian was arguably mo re successfu l thro ughou t the weekend than any-' one, including Hea ley, who was awarded $2500 for winning the Hamel. Decora ted with the mos t pres tigiou s' career-record of those p resent, Wa lts'} the 1998 ISDE overall champion, pos ted" three overall wins on Saturday's pro-< g ra m and the n fin ished second in the' J..,;J~ ""p l :'\hn~,.~ ~ ' '''::;,..,.. n'\ ~ ,..h ; "" n- . n

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