Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Les lfIIiserables T h e large con~ngent of riders got mist a ken f?r go lfers an d soc cer p la yers , before th e ra nng started, but i t looked m ore hke a group of war veterans a t weekend's finish, That's because an in ordinate nu mber of injuries were suffer ed at Bercy. Edg ar Torronteras: One of the man y walking wou nde d, It all s tarted before th e racing even began, when Mickael Pichon cased a jump and sprained his ankle during Friday's practice; he was out for the weekend, On the firs t night of racing, Mike Brown came up short on a camelback jump and was collided into by Frederic Belley. Brown injured his shoulder in the incident, while Bolley's back was banged up, Brown sat the rest of the weekend out, and th e Frenchman missed Saturday, then re tu rned on Sunday after u ndergoing treatment by osteopath extrordinare Jean Savoca, Another rider to miss Saturday (but return for Sunday) was Phil Lawrence, who went d own on Friday, hit his head an d su ffered vision problems, Before Saturday's racing began, Ricky Carmichael went over th e ba rs on a small jump, most likely due to hitling neutra l on the takeoff, The Kawasaki rider broke his collarbone and wa s a specta tor for the last two nights of ra cin g , Sunday Ed ga r Torronteras injure his leg in a firs t-tu rn cra sh, putting hi m out of the fina l ni ght's jump co n tes t. Nathan Ramsey got landed on ove r a jump in ' th e second 125cc moto, injuring his back a nd putting him out of moto three, a nd Chris Gossel aar had to sit ou t th e last 12Scc m ot o after smash ing his p inky fin ger ag ainst the tunnel w all in m oto tw o , "I feel bad th at thi s lime we hav e so many problems with inju ries," said ev ent organizer Xavie r Audouard , "I d on 't think it comes from the track or a nything, It's jus t bad luck" , We never ha d a top American rid er brea king a bone in this sta dium befor e," Fortu na tely, nearly a ll of the injuries are of a relatively short-term na tu re, and none of th e affected riders will miss the sta rt of th e 2000 season, saw Briefl ••• A beautifully constructed arena on the outskirts of Paris, t he Pa la is Omnis po rts features turf-c ove re d, angled walls , glass skylights , and exterior Erecto r Set-style girders, Racers resisted the urye to roos t up th e building ' s gra s sy slopes , but the local s kate rats were less defe rential of its many concrete steps . Pa la ls Omnlsports Paris , France Results : Novembe r 12-14, 1999 FRIDAY M OTQ 1: 1. Jeremy McGr ath (Ya m); 2. Da v id Vuillcmin (Ya m); 3. Mike Brown (Hen): 4. Ke vin Windham (Ho n): 5. Frederic Belley (He n ): 6. Thierry Bethy s (Hen): 7. Jos hua Coppi ns (Suz) : 8. Fre deric Boll e y (Ka w) : 9. Xav ie r Fabre (Ho n); 10. Nico las C ha rlier (Ka w ); 11. [ean -Sebasfi e n Ro y (Ha n ); 12. Nicolas Ca illy (Hen): 13. Phil Law ren ce (Yam); 14. Ezra Lus k ( Hen): 15 . Se rge Gu ide tty (He n) : 16 . Ricky Carmichael IKaw), Best Lap: Jerem y McGrat h, 41.489 sec., 29.59 mph MOTO 2: 1. Da vid Vuillemin (Yam); 2. Ezra Lusk C n); 3. Ricky Ca rmichael (Kaw): 4. Kevi n Windham Ho (Hon); 5. Th ierry Bethys (Hon): 6. Jos hua Coppins (Suz); 7. Serge G ui detty IHon): 8. Xavier Fabre (Hon) : 9. Frede ric Vialle (Kaw) : 10. Ica n-Sebasrien Roy (Hen): 11. son. Though his birthday wasn't until Nove mber 19, the Bercy crowd jumped the gun and sang ~Happy Birthdayft to Jeremy McGrath during each even ing' s openinq ceremon ies . Each night's racing was preceded by " Spanish Fly- Edgar Torronteras performing a S uperman seat-g rab over the finish-line jump, The move proved popular with the crowd, but was less so for the Spaniard on opening night. when officials forgot to ra ise the metal finis h-line sign, Tor· ronteras saw it and ducked just in time, but still brushed the Philishave banner with his helmet. Torronteras and his freestyle cohorts also perfanned a jumping contest during lnterrnisslon .. - After having his gearbag sto le n from his hotel room followingSaturday's race, Ernesto Fon seca was for ced to improvise for Su n- day's competition. Since he'll be wearing Fox ,gear in 2000 (he wore S mrsalo this season), Fonseca borrowed jersey, pants and Alpines, tars boots from injured Ricky Carmichael. The best he could do for. a helmet was a plain, white Bell,'which' Phil Lawrence de corated with a felt-tip .. paint job." J ust lik at the American Supercro sses . it was d iffi c u lt to un der. e stand the anno uncers at the Bercy event. only there it was due to the After the injury to Mickael Pichon, onlya s ingle S uz u ki remained in the program - that of Joshua Coppins, The consistent Kiwi was sixth on the weekend, su rprised: " I knew he was really good; I r a ced him in Barcel ona a couple of weeks a go a nd he qualified fir st , so I fi g u red h e wa s -g o tn g to do r e a ll y good ," eN Newly crowned 250cc World Champion Frederic Bolley is seriously considering riding the first GNCC round of 2000 in Florida, Speaking of Be lley. the Frenchman w," switch from UFO to Oxbow gear for next sea- Many of the supercross-tour regulars capitalized on the opportunity by turni nq the trip into a bit of a working vacatio n , J eremy McGrath's 'contingent included sister,Tracy, mother Ann and girlfriend Kim, Ricky Carmichae l also brought along hismothe r, as did Racer X's Davey Coombs and Lucy 'J ones , Several Americans also took day trips to the el ', .ma'ny local tourist traps ..including the Eiff Tower, the Arch de Triumph the Champs Elysees , Napoleon's tomb, Jim Mornson's grave, and Ver' , " . . ' sailles, fact that they were speaking French, The sound s ystem was cranked up so high that it often drowned out the sound of the motorcycles . exactly the opposite scenario as in the U,S: Continuedfram page 18 , . ' Video-game maker THQ, which s ponsored last month's U,S , Open , was·also a sponsor at Be rcy, Durlng a Saturday intermission, two fans did battle on a Ricky Carmichael game ,set up on the podium, with the virtual ra ce being , · shown on the arena ' s big screen. T.he Ylinner rece ived a new KX12 5 pr ese nted by Carmichael. The Yamaha techn icians exa mine the broken carburetor needle that thwarted McGrath 's title bid, McGrath 's mechani c Randy Lawrence (right) had never before witnes se d the prob lem, Nico las C ha rlie r (Ka w): 12. Nicola s Ca illy (Ho n); 13. Je rem y McG ra th (Ya m) ; 14. Mik e Brown (H a n); 15. Fred eric Bolley (Ho n). Best Laps Jeremy McGra th. 41.236 sec; 29.77 mph SATURDAY MOT O t : 1. Je re my McGrath (Yam) ; 2. David Vui flemi n (Ya m) ; 3 . Ez ra Lu sk (H e n) : 4. Kev in wt ndham (Han); 5. Th ie rr y Be th ys (Ho n): 6. Jos hua Co p p ins (S uz ); 7. Fre deric Via li e (Kaw); 8. Se rge C ui d e tty (H an ); 9. Picrrick Paget ( Ho n )~ 10. Takeshi Koi keda (Y. m); 11. Vincent Tu rpi n (KTM); 12. Xavi...-r l Fa b re (Hon): 13 . jer om e Taesc h (Yam); 14. Michael Byrne (H on) : 15. Iean-Sebasnen Roy (Han); 16. Nicolas Charlier (Kaw) . Best Lap : David Vuillc mi n. 41.250 St.'C•• 29.76 mph MOTO 2: 1. je remy McGrat h (Yam); 2. Ezra Lusk (Ha n); 3. David Vuillemin (Yam); 4. Frederic Via Ill' (Kaw);.5. Sl'!'ge Gu id e (Han); 6. Thierry Bc etry thys (Ho n): 7. Kevin Wm dh a m (Hen): 8. Joshua Co ppi ns (Suz) ; 9. Takeshi Koikeda (Yam) ; 10. Michael Bvme (Hen): 11. jean-Sebastien Roy (Ha n); 12. Xavier F:"brt.~ (Hon): 13. Jerome Taesch (Y.lm); 14. Vincent Turpi n (KTM) ; 15. Pierrick Paget (Hon) ; 16. Nicolas Cha rlier (K.1w). Best Lap : Ezra Lusk, 40.689 ~"C. . 30.17 mph SU ND AY MOTO t: 1. Ieremv McGrath (Yam) ; 2. David Vuillt·min (Ya m) ; 3. Kevin Windham (Hen): 4. Ezra Lusk (Hon); 5. Thierry Bethys (Hon); 6. Fred eric Vialle {Kaw); 7. Joshua Co ppins (Suz); 8. Michael Byrne (Hon); 9. Xavier Fabre (Hon ): 10. Pierrick Pa get (Ha n ); 11. Iavier Fernandez (Hc nj : 12. Serge Cutderty (Honl; 13. Iean -Scbas rien Roy (Hon); 14. [erome Taesch (Yam) ; 15. Icrorne Hemery IKaw) : 16. Frederic Bollcy (Hen). Best up: David Vuillerrun, 40.1% sec ., 3054 mph M OTO 2: 1. Je remy McGrath (Ya m ); 2. David Vuillemin (Yam); 3. KC\-;n (Hun); 4. Thierry Berhys IHon) : 5. Serge Guidet ty (Ho n): 6. Jos h u a Coppins (Suz); 7. Frederic VialJe (Ka w): 8. Mickael Byrne IHon); 9. Jerome Taesch (Ya m); 10. Xavier Fabre IHon): 11. Javier Fernandez IHo n]: 12. Iean-Sebastien Roy (Han); 13. Jerome Heme ry (Ka w): 14. Ezra Lus k (Hon): 15. Frederic Bolley (Hen): 16. Pierrick Paget (fion). Best up: Jerem y McGrath. 39:~5 sec., 30.69 mph O IA KING O F BERC V: 1. David Vui llemin (6) ; 2. Jeremy McGrath (7); 3. Kevin windha m (11); 4. Thierry Bethys (2); 5. Ezra lusk (17); 6. Josh ua Coppi ns (17); 7. Frederic Via lle (18); 8. Xavier Fab re (28) ; 9. Serge · Gu idetty (29); 10. Jt.'an·St,b.lst it·n Roy (39); 11. Mickacl Byrne (17); 12. Pier rick Paget (26); 13. Jerom e Taosch (27); 14. Fred eri c BolIl'y (27); 15. Nico las Cha rlier (29); 16. Mike Brown (9); 17. Tak t. shi Koikeda (9); 18. Ricky o Ca rm ichael (10); 19. Ia vie r Ferna ndez (11); 20. Nicolas Ca illy (15); 21. Jerome Hem ery (15); 22. Phi l Lawren ce ( 6), O/A PR IN CE O F SERCY (125): I. Rodng Thain (KTM); 2. Er nesto Fonseca (Yam); 3 . Ca sey lytic ( Ho n); 4. Ste p ha ne OeM.u tis (Ya m); 5. Marc Rist on (H an); 6. Nathan Ramsey (K.1W); 7. Steve Ramon (K.1 W); 8. Chris Gosse laa r (Han) ; 9. Jose f Do bes (Va m); 10. An toni Jos selin (Yam); 11. Ma thi eu Lalloz (Ya m); 12. Ju lie n Po m mie r (Ho n) ; 13. Ivan Cervantes (Yam); 14. Sven Breugelma ns (Suz) ; 15. Ed gar Torr on te ras (Kaw); 16. Patrick Caps (KTM ); 17. Eric Sorby (Ya m); 18. Stl"l'Ve Kromodimed.go (Yam); 19. 1ean Patrick Andreo (Yam). '" '" '" ~ CIl .c E CIl u CIl o 21

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