Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tech Wanted, Start Todayl Servi ce tech needed . New Ka wasaki dealer in Southem Cal. Exp prefe rred , work on commission . spdgeek @yahoo .com. (714) 899-8987. CA ~lIII 'WORKsr (909) TWS USA,lnc. 8468 Loma Place Upland, CA 91786 Fax (909) 982-6310 Ph Millennium Tecnologies is a proud sponsor of FaSI by Ferracci. So if Eraldo trusts his Million Dollar race learn 10 us Why Shouldn 'I You? Rider for AMA Dirt Track Program. Send resume to: K & R Enlerprises, P.O. Box 155, Midd lebranch, OH 44652 .0H Tech Wanted t~ro~J ~i~~iIJ ~~~ ~I~~ofu~io~ ~Ii~~~~ ~~~irOO In ~O~~W~I~in~ an~ M~c~inin~ So. Cal Kawasaki dealer has immediate open ings for experienced technician. 50% commission . Fax resume 10: 714-635-8904 Attn : Bill Wilson. CA Mechanic W /PA . Deal e rsh ip lo ok ing for ex p e rie nce d techni cian . Compensation for the right candidat e will include $40,000 bas e salary, perlormance bonuses and full benefits. For additional information, pleas e contact Greg Trace y at (800)960-0686 ex1. 03. PA 2 Wi~~ ~r~~~i~o~~ AYali~l~ . F Wanted: 5Working Day Turn-Around! MmelIillu/iL One Year Warranty ecli.I:za/apa Southwest Florida For More Information and Testimonials V isit U s on The Web at Yam aha , Hond a, Su zuki dealer is seeking high ly mot ivated techn ician for waterc raft and mot orcycl e c lean , ai r-c o nd it ione d s h o p, y e a r round employm ent Fax resume Attn : lain (94 1) 939·3598 or call (941) 2n-7777. FL 1404 Pilgrim Road Plymouth, WI 53073 Phone (920) 893-5595 Fax (920) 893-4830 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES The MOTO-TOTE® Tha {!a~i{!~t wa y to haul your bi k{!~ Due to Market Demand: Shop a n d Compare: G .M.O. Compu track is loo king to expa nd into the NYC area. Thi s is a very limited op portunity for the right sho p to prov ide top level cha ssis set ups and ' crash repair . Ca ll Peler at (508) 270-2655. MA • S t ro ngest & Safest o n th e Mar ket • sao Ib , capacity • $ 3 25 (includes s h i p pi ng a nd h andlin g ) • UPS delivery For more information call 1-888-333·462 lor visit our website at DEAL ERS & REPS WELCO ME - ForRent New Building On Maely Ranch, motorcycl e peopl e only . Contact Ken Mae ly @ (909) 2n-8989. CA DEtD Design, Inc. Petem , D.39 3 24 I Honda, Suzuki, Triumph, Victory For Comfort and Confldenre Top Pros re', on... (SHOEI) New Storz Ceriani Steering Dampers! . :sblrr: aEl a3 .........1iiIiIIiiI_. . 23 9 S. Olive St.. Dept. CN, Ventura, !=II 9300 1 • (80 5) 641·9540 • (ROTAX) ENGINE PARTS ~ 2-STROKE ~ IVISA I ...,. A ~. ~ 4-STROKEt'l6t«?4 Phone (661) 944-1 624' ROTAXPARTSCENTER@AOL.COM· Fax (661) 261-9227 The Choice ofChampions SHOEI SAFElY HELMET COR PORATION . 371 Elizabeth Lane, Ste. 100 Corona, CA 92880 Tel. (909) 520-0500 FAX(909) 52D-0600 E s ~ 64 (440) 354-0777 B090 Aubu rn Ad .. C o n c o rd , O H 44077 \N'\N'\N' . cornetic. corn Partner wanted for expansion. NO.1 Honda dealer in L.A. $Smillio n+ gro ss sales . Near beach and LAX . Call Larry (310)6n -5800. CA Independent Shop, North GA. Sales, P&A , Service in Cumm ing , Georgia. Hartey focu s, but great location for sport bike enthusias ts. Great potential, super lease . Recent illness forcing sale. Call John (nO) 253-22 01 . GA Pro Plates The custom numberplate ma nufacturi ng business. Inventory and artwork for sale. Call Penny @ (7 17) 266-0268. PA COLLECTORS Mr. Motorcross Book Wanted IAdvertiu in Quik Sbop! I Looki ng for a book called Mr. Motorcross by Torsten Ha ll man . Contac t Mitch Fri ed ma n at (3 10) 838 9550. CA 1974 CR 400 HUS KY, $ 1100;1978 CR 250 HUSKY sto re d 15yrs ., $1200 : 19 8 1 4 30 Husk y , runs ex ce ll ent , $1100; 19 79 Hu sky Montesa Trials, $1400 . (775) 6n-9183. NV SPORTMOTORCYCLES KTM Sportmotorcyde USA, Inc. EAST 1119 MiW\ M ., Atnhent.OH 44001 44O-98S-l ffi WEST 930 ~ St., 0 Cljon. CA92020 1958 BSA C15 0> 0> 0> ~CO~ people are needed to meet dem and s as a result of our dy nam ic gr owth . Wood s Fun Cen t er, an America 's PowerSports Co. in Au stin , Texas. has immediate openings lor parts personnel , service advis ors , tech nic ians and an ex per ienc ed se rvice manag er. Career-minded individuals with a strong work et hi c, fr o m e n tr y le ve l t o ex pe rie nced pr o fe ss ion al s a re enc ou rag ed to apply. Gr eat economy and wea ther have resulted in reco rd sales and profits. Competitive pay , bene fits, five day work week (Tues .-Sat) and upward mob ility opportunities for problem solve rs . We se ll and service Honda, Yama ha, SeaDoo , Exc e l si o r -H e nd e rs o n , Cannonda le and Kawasaki. Welcom e to the future of the powersports industry. Ph. (512) 459 ·3311. Fax (5 12) 459-5236. 1)( Kolbe Honda Yamaha Kawasaki is seeking a highly moti vated technician to service m ot o rcyc le s , wate rcraft and power products . Very c l ean , profession al, yea r rou nd sho p . Excellent benefits plus vacatio n. Fax resu me Att n: Joel (818)346-0279 or call 818-348 -7965 ext.72 Plated Cylinder Repair Eraldo Ferracci, Fast by Ferracci throughout the country, motivated and ambitious Sunny Southern California 608-0082 Ema, Websfte:www.twsusacom ".lIIennlumlsNumberl" QUALI TY E M PLOYEES AR E T HE K EY T O SUCCESS. Ame rica's PowerSports wa nts the best people in the Industry to represent our dealerships. As we co n tin u e to acq uire stron g dea le rship s UPS Dail y. :DtJ: T R Fast Turnaround ~e Tolle Ra.c:b1g Suspension Reval ving & R ebu ilds - Porting Milling -Carb Boring - Pipe R epair Motor Rebuilding & Blueprinting • (909) 360 - 0693 7900Lim onite Ave, Ste.G·31S Riverside, CA 92S09 NEWAR K. _'., DELAWARE _ ~ . .. IIVW'W'. 302-368-1500 v pra c i n gfu e l s. c o lT1 Beautitully restored five years a90 . Only 9 .800 original miles. Show quality. A nice collector for only $1 ,900 OBO. (714) 974-4079. CA Vintage MXCollection Early '70 's MX and Enduro bike s, ali as -ne w, all show winners · NO disappointments . '74 250 Mag , '7 3 Rickman 250 VR , '7 4 Mo ntesa 250VR , '72 Dalesman 125, others - all are exce llent. (925) 933· 8094. Serious inquiries. CA -'

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