Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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s 0 U • Over the Halloween weekend, Jeff Baker (34) shot to the 125cc Expert vict ories on both days of t he final motocross event of the year at the Wabash Canno nball Clubgrounds in Indi ana. Baker was also the 250cc Expert runner-up on Saturday and took that class win on Sunda y. r:J) ~ Q.) ~ Q.) ~ u e-, u @) u: ~ Q.) ~ CO Q.) P"(j Wabash Cannonball Clubgrounds Baker a smash at the 'Bash WABASH,lN, OCT, 30-31 Returning from wrist injuri es, Jeff Baker was the man to beat at the final motocross event of the vear at the Wabash Cannonball ove r th e Hal'oween weekend. Baker won the 125cc Exp ert divisi ons on both days and the 250cc Expert contest on Sunday a fter bein g runner-up on Saturday . Th e Wab ash Ca nno nba ll Club is o ne of the AMA's oldes t active clubs in the Uni ted States. e facilit y wa s in pr ime shape and featured safe double jumps, fast off-camber corners, and a lon g downhill combined w ith the Wall of Death , a huge dirt bank on a hillside. In the opening 125cc A moto, Ben Graves, on his Max Pitts 2000 Honda, pulled the holeshot. Yamaha- mo unted Carey West was second, and Barry Anglem yer ro unded the fast left-hander in th ird . Wes t briefly took ov er th e lead going down the long back stretch before the big downhill. Jus t a fter the pa ss, Gra ves got tangled u p with Angle myer and Baker, with Graves going down. Ba ker, who star ted this mo to in fifth, moved up to seco nd on the first lap . West he ld off Baker for the lead. KX rid er Scott Me tz was thi rd , Anglem yer was fourth, a nd Scott Craven was fifth. Baker pu t a block-pass on Wes t for the lead and se t sail for the win . Then Metz put a blockpass o n Wes t. Ang le my e r th e n mo ve d West back to fourth . Ba ke r too k- t he wi n w i th a five-second ad vantage ove r Metz, who was second. Anglemyer settled for third at the checkers. In the seco nd mota, Baker gated fastes t an d ro unded the first cor ner with the lea d over Metz , Graves, Craven and Anglemyer. Ba ker kep t a consistentl y fast pace, ju s t enough to stay in the lead, while behind hi m the action was intense. Metz dropped his Suzuki in a tig h t, rutted corner and d ropped ba ck to ighth. Graves moved to second . Anglemyer turned up the heat for the runner-up spot, cha llenging Graves in seve ra l swi tchbac k sections, while Suzuki rider Budd y Brooks moved up to ·ourth . Anglemyer found the pass he was look. g for on the third lap with a tighter line on a step-up jump, pa ssing Gr a ves clea nly for sec nd . Baker took the win, o ve r Ang lemyer a nd raves . Jimmy Brooks took over fou rth in th e clos ing stages of the moto. "The re's so m e n ew fa ces out he r e, a nd they're goin g pretty fast." said Baker . "I like the :ompetition - it's making me rid e harder. And here's mo re gu ys, for a better pa yback . I had a reat tim e out th ere. The Wall of Death had me rough areas, but that had to be my favorit e c ction . The re w a s multiple p assing lanes. IThanks! to the Wabash Ca nnonba ll Club for a ·ob well done. I would like to th ank my spo nors: Dreyer Yamaha, Fox, Bridgestone, Pro Cirit, Stou gh tun Cycle and Lidz By Fid . I coul dn 't 'a ve done it w it ho ut Steve Kopetsky , my nechanic, an d my d ad , Jeff, for his conti nued u pport. My plans for next year are to get a rod emoved this winter and get in shape for the Pro CIfI ationals." .tun:I.y AUlD {4-6>: 1. Al.L..tin C rouch ( Kn.f); 2. Kyle Biggin, (Co b); . Ja mes Cooper (Cob l; 4. Wa yne S••dfra nk (KT M) ; 5. Justi n Vilzke (Cob) . AUTO (7·8) : 1. I::>evin Burb (Cob) ; 2. Ja ke Smith (Cob) ; J. ::.lId Sparacio (Cob ); 4 Richard Witakco (Co b); 5. Allison VTba .... Cob) . AUTO (4-K) I. Jacu b Renkl·nbo.-rgcr (Ya m); 2. Ad a m Halrw s : (Yam); J . Seth Pocock (Yam) ; 4. Jacob Tyree (Yam); 5. John While (Yam). ti5: 1. Bra n d on ROf; (KT M ); 2. S hane Sewell (KT M) ; 3 . 5 Michae l Bender (KiJw ); 4. Robert WaRner (Kawl ; 5. Steven Squire (KT M). 85 (7· 11): 1. Tra vis Sewell (Hon); 2. Bra nd o n ROIo.o; (Suz); 3. Shant· s..·Wt1l (K. w); 4. Dwayne jon es (suz); 5. Michael Bender · , (Suz). K5(12-15): 1. Kyle Huming (Su z); 2. Brandon Hi leman (Ya ml; 3. Matthew Dennil' (K.1 w); 4. Bo Shinabarger (Bon); 5. Sea n Co x (Ho n). 85 o rE."l: t. Kyle Buening' (Suz ); 2. Travis 5l:-well (Ho n); J. Bo Shinaba rgl'r (Honl. 4. St.·an Cox (Hon); 5. Jame5 Shoffner (Yam) . 12 5 (12 -15) : 1. Aaron Yoder (Kaw); 2. James Thompson (Yam); 3. Tl"JT'Y Blake (Suz); 4. Andn-w Wall (Suz); 5. Keith Bowen (Hon). 1~24 : 1. Ben Graves (Hoe]; 2. Barry An~lemyt" (Yam); 3. r Carey Wlost(Ya m); 4. Travis Sprong (Yam ); 5. Iohn Leedy tSuz). 25+ A; 1. John BakeT (Hon); 2- Darren Borcherding (Ya m); 3. JOE' Bt . r (Ya m); 4. Mike ~ilIcr (Ya m); 5. Brian How ell (Suz). .h 25+ B: I. Marshall Smith lHoo); 2. Chdd 5.Jtttorthwaittt' (Yam); 3. Richard Scott (I(aw); 4. MiJ,;.e Wrigley (Yam) ; 5. John Wro ble;ki (Y..m). 30... A: 1. D41'ft'n Borcherding (Yam); 2. MiJ,;.e Miller (ya m); 3. Stew Yoder (Kaw); 4. Ronnie Wutht."I'hoh (Kaw ); S. Stew Stov er . (Hl.L'io). JO+ B: 1. StOl'Oh lCIt'Vickas (K1'MJ; 2. John Wroblt-s!U (Ya m); 3. Brvan Bowm. (Ya m ); 4. St.1cev We;ton (Yam ); 5. M., tt Feathcntone (Hon) . • 40+: 1. Steve Yoder (Kaw); 2. Brya n Bowen (Yam) ; 3. Terry Blake (Suz); 4. David Yeager (Ho n); S. Gary Pon tius lSuz ). 5(H. : 1. Tim G ravell (Yam); 2. Don Browni ng (Ya m); 3. C4.-0rg~ Wilens ki (Hon). 125 A: 1. Jt'ff Baker (.'i z) ; 2. Barry Ang lt'1llyer (Ya m ); 3. Scott u Metz (Suzl ; 4. Ben G ravel (Hon) ; 5. Scott Craven CKawl. 125 B: 1. Aaron Yoder (Kaw) ; 2. Kelly Angl em yer (Yam); 3. Te rry Blak e (Suz ); 4. Andrew Wall (Suz); 5. ' ames T ho mpson (Ya m). y 125 C: 1. Bill Tay lor (Yam) ; 2. Evan Tha yer (Kaw); 3. Egan Ca lla},.,n (Yam); 4. Adam Buoth (Yam); 5. Brt"ttGerbt.'l"(He n) . 250 A: 1. John Baker (Hen]: 2. Jeff Baker (Yam); 3. Barry Angl~my,'r (Ya m); 4. Jimmy Brooks (Suz): 5. Scott C rilVl'n {Kaw). 250 B: 1. Chri s MolMg ik (Suz); 2. Kelly Ang le myt'r (Ya m); J . Travis Sp nlfl g (Yam ); 4. Stace y Wes ton (Yam); 5. Marshall Sm ith (Hon ). 2';0 C : 1. J"'l(lfl Bear (Hon) ; 2. Ch ristian Davis (Yam ); 3. Jam es Harris (Kaw); 4. Mark Dav idson (Ho n); 5. Aaro n Ne we ll (Suz) . WM N : 1. C hl·L ·y Larimore (Hon); 2. Hea ther Zy lstra (Ho n); .... 3. JcnnifL'tSqui re (Suz). Su nd.y AUTO (4-6) : 1. Kyle BiK)';ins(Cob); 2- Aus tin Cro uch (KTM); 3. Wayn d ia.dfr ank (KTM!. AUTO (1-8): 1. Devi n Bur ks (Co b); 2- Ja ke Smi th (Cob) ; 3. Ql.:ase Spa racio (Coh); 4. Ch ristia n Telker ( K'Tht ); 5. Jacob McCran er(Cob). Al!rO (4-K): 1. Ja cob Rcnkenberger (Yam); 2. Adam Hai nt., (Yam) ; 3. Travis Smith (Yam); 4. ZacNry Maley (Yam ); 5. 5.Jhah HU!i8(Ya ml. 65 : 1. Brand o n Ross (KT M) ; 2. S ha ne Se well ( KTM) ; 3. Michael Bo.·nde r (K.1 w); 4. Steven Squi rt" (KTM); 5. Kyle Ren ken berger (lCaw ). IG (7-11): 1. Travis Sto ll (Hon); 2. Sha nt" Se wel l (Kaw ); 3. we Brando n ROS6 (Suz); 4. MX:had Bender (Suz); 5. Brad Bowen (Yam) . 85 (12·15) : 1. Kyle (Suz ); 2. Brand on Hilt'11'1.ln(Yam ); 3. Robbie Conklin (Suz); 4. Matt Dennis (Kaw); 5. Bobby Howard (Yam) . tKJ O PEN : t . Kyle Huening (Suz); 2 Brandon Hik-ma n (Yaml; 3. Fred K.lrrle (Hon ); 4. R4lbhicConkli n (Suz); 5. Bobbv How ard (Yam). 125 02-15): I. A.l.ron Yoder (Kawl; 2 Keith "Bowen (Hon); 3. Jam~ Thomf"l'O'l (Yilm ); 4. Andn-w Wall (5uz); S. Ricky Howard (Ya m) . 1&- 4: 1. Scot! Cra ve n (Kaw); 2. Scott Metz (Suz ); 3. Barry 2 Anglcmyer (Yam); 4. Ben Graves (Hon); 5. Joholn T ruSM' (Hon). 1 25+ A: 1. Juhn &1«'1'(Ho n); 2. Dnm.-n Borcherding (Yam); 3. JO{" Bclll""I' (Yam) ; 4. Jim Royko (Yam); 5. Todd Ridenger (Ka w). 25+ B: 1. Shdw McLoochlin (Hon); 2. Bryan Young (Yam ); J. \ I.l t5 hall Smi th (Hon ); 4. Matt Featherstone (H o n); 5. MiJ,;.e Wrigltoy (Yam) . 3O-t A: 1. Larry Witm er (Suz); 2. Darren Borcherding (Yam ); 3. Mike Millt"r (Y.lm); 4. Nick Lay (Ya m); 5. Tod d Flick t."n gl."r (Kaw) . 30+ B: 1. SLIn-y Wl"Ston (Yam) ; 2. Matt Ft-atht'l"'iotont· (Hun); 3. Rodney Nl"!'ius (KThf); ·t Brya n Bowen (Yam ); 5. Jay Pennington (Ho n). 40+: 1. L. ry Witmer (Suz ); 2. Jeff Heaston (}(aw ); 3. Terry u Blolke(Suz ); 4. D.we Huff (Suz ); 5. Brya n Bowman (V.lm). SO : 1. Tim Gravel (Yam) ; 2. Roy M.llcy (Yam); 3. Bob Mille r ... (Yam). 125 A: I. Jeff B.lker (Yam) ; 2. Ben Gravl"S (Ho n); 3. Saltl Mcl z (Suz ); 4. Ca rey Wt'tlt (Ya m); 5. JOl·!k·hl'T(Yam). 125 B: 1. Kell y Ang lemyer (Yam) ; 2. Aa ron Yoder (Kaw) ; 3. Te rry Blake (Suz ); 4. John L.oedy (5uz) ; 5' /'l ml'S Thom pson (Ya m). 125 C: I. Billy Taylor (Yam ); 2. Eva n Thayer CKaw) 3. Ad am ; Buuth (Yam); 4. Bn' t1Gl'rbo. (Honl; 5. Chri.'i 8ol:1th (Yam). 'I' 250 A : I. Jef f Bolker (Ya m) ; 2. Jo hn BaJ,;.e r (Ho n ); 3. Sco tt Cr.w~n (Ka w); 4. B.lrry Ang lt.Il1yer (Yam) ; 5. Bud d y Broo ks (Suzl . ' 250 B: 1. Kelly Angle mye r (Yam) ; 2. Troilvis Sp rong (Yam) ; 3. Chris MolaJ'Ki k (Suz); 4. M" t'i h.,n Sm ith (Ho n); 5. Br. ndon Hilrpt.'I' (Yam). ' 250 C; 1. MiJ,;.e Wrig ll' y (Yilm ); 2. Jam l~ Harri, (Ka w ); 3-. Christian Davis (Ya m) ; 4. Jeff Wei r (Ho n) ; 5. Anthony Barralo (Yam >. . WMN : 1. Chdscy larimore (Honl; 2. Hea ther Zylstra CHon); 3. Jennifer Squire (Suz); 4. Jcanna Aliff (Yam); 5. Kirk Sdw:>me (Hon) . • • ~ .~ CO S I Q.) • l1") 00 \0 \0 I ~ l1") t-, ...-.~ ~ r-, '-' Q.) ~ .~ ~ ~ Q.) P"(j ~ 0 x CO \..l-t ~ ::J 0 ~ I ~ N • I C'f) C'f) I III ~ ~ I :iI ~ l1") Q t'--. '" '" '" ...-.~ ~ t'--. '-' ~ ~ Q> .0 E Q> U Q> c 55

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