Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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aged tu get back around Carpenter in turn three on the nin th lap, bu t he couldn' t ca tch Cook for the lead . After 11 laps, Cook finished first, follow ed by Su lliva n and Ca rp enter, Follo wi ng Coo k in overa llseason po ints wa s Ca rpenter in second , and the thi rd spot went to Sulliva n. (Left) J oe Casey (3) lead s Jimmy Row in the 250cc ExpertJlntermediate class, in which Casey was victorious, d uring Vintage/Evolution motocr oss at Woodland Motocross Park in Wash ington. (Right) Though he w as outjumped by J ohn ny Je lderda in the 50cc (7-8) class, Nic Paluzzi (17) rode his Cob ra to the 50cc Mod if ied victo ry at Starwest Cyc le Park in Moreno Valley, Califo rnia. Results 125 G P: 1. Danielle Sax ma n (Apr); 2. Ke vin Shcafer (Ho n); 3 . v Richard Ma tthews (I·lon) ; 4. No bi lso (A p r l; 5. Stt-' e n Cob b (Hun], 250 G P: 1. Simnn-Pk-m.- Sm ith (Ya m); 2. Kory G ill (Yam ); 3. T es Chisho lm (Ho n); 4. Steve Sa ucrbrey (Ya m ); 5 . Patri ck Dowd am (Yam ). 250 'lINT : 1. Bru ce Bille (Suz); 2. Simon-Pierre Sm ith (Ho n); 3. Petl..TGod Jt"}' m. (Du d. ' 450 S /BK: 1. Alan Sch wen s Poitra s; 4. Ti m Ki.·a ITri); 5. Scan UMl'lt. nl· 600 S/ BK: 1. David Coo k (Yam); 2. Mike Su lliv an (Kaw ); 3. R.ub Carpenter (Y.l m ); 4. MM k Loren tz (Va m ); 5. Jo h n Duga n (Yam ). 600 S/SPT: 1. D.lVid Coull.(Yol. m); 2. Mik l' Su lliva n ( Kaw}; 3. Rub C aepc n tee (Ya m ); 4 . Ma rk Lore n tz (Va m ); 5. [a yson Detamore (Yam ). 650 G P TW : 1. AI. n ~h wcn (Suz) ; 2. Mar k Velasco (Hon); 3. l Dave Lanig an (So2) ; 4. Pl·tl·r Nic l.Ot,n (Suz ); 5. Tyll.TSan de ll (5oz). ' 650 PROD TW: 1. Mar k Veg o rs (5uz) ; 2. O liver Jerv is (Suz); 3. Christian Owens ; 4. Rich Hill (Suz ); 5 . Bill Sp,lTks (Kaw) . 750 S /BK: I . Jo hn Dugan (Suz) ; 2_ Derek Dam on (5 02 ); 3. Alan Th.t in (Su z); 4. Brent LaRiv il'T('(SU7.);5. Daniel Lippi!l(Suz) . 750 S/SP'T : 1. Chris Townsend {}(aw l; 2. John Dugan (Suz); 3. Derek Dam o n (Suz) ; 4. G n.'g Bou wens (Suz ); 5. Alan Th a in (Suz) . BEARS : 1. Bar ry Wr ells.ell (Tri); 2. C h r is Denz ler (Du e); 3. Robert Fla gg (Dud ; 4. Rick y Bowers (Due) ; 5. Sen ll A very (Dud. F-2: 1. Rob Ca rpente r (Yam ); 2. Stephe n Sta llma n (Yam) ; 3. Micha el ~kCu lluu~h (Him); 4. Steve Schu ck (Ya m); 5. JaC(' Botten - bet'gep three sh.. drop -offs and climbs. The la st quarter-mile of Run nin g With Scisso rs was repeated, nd the C rid ers were still stuc k in it. L The first Expe rts we re able to slas h and d ash. Later, the test gr ound to a halt. Blue smo ke hun g ve r the wreckage for an ho ur . Wh en th e clu b members arrived, the trail was dosed to a void ca r bo n - m o n o xi d e poisoni ng . Th e te s t was thrown out beca use some of the riders had not even started into the trail, Loop three had so me new tra il, and th e C rid ers had pre tty mu ch cleared the course. Riders rode tes t four - called "Run, Forest, Run" cold, meaning they had never seen it. A mix of old Jogging grades and untested tra il made most of the rid ers use the loud handle with cau tion , Dahner s ripped off a 430. Baily had a 447 a nd Gary Furrennes a 455. Ever yon e else ga rn ere d more tha n 500. Dahners won his sec on d con secuti ve Cowbell, an event that w ill be rem em bered as one of the toughest eve r, one w hich favored the ea rly riders, an d one wh ich every contesta nt woul d ha ve loved to win. Results 0 / A: 1. JaSlll\ D,lh IlCrs; 2. KI"Vin B.1i1y; 3. Hrian Be n ne tt. 4. e .u y Furn'nnl"S 5. John Nielsen; 6. Steve Hou glolnd; 7. Sean Wi!; son: 8. Tim Mo u nt; 'I . Todd Zi k o!iky; 10. &uT)' Rl'm ple; 11. Dllu g Vou ng; 12, Sco tt Lathrop ; 13. Scan Mc--d c:roft; 14. Kelly Bcth.lrd s ; 15. Dav id Rhodes . AA: I. I.lson Dabners (Kl'MJ; 2. Kevin B,lik'y (Suz); J. Bennett (Slit); 4. Ga ry Furn-nnc-s (Kol );5. Sn'w H.,uK (Vam ). W o rEN A: I. Dan a Yeung (lion); 2. Scott Lathro p (SU1.); 3. 51'. Mlodcroft; 4. Ch uc k H 10 olton (Ya m ); 5. J.,kc Hu l!'l' (Kaw). A UN DER: I. Jo hn I\;icbell (Kaw ); 2. Kelly Bt.t hdrd J; (K. W); 3. ' 1 Stl'Vl' I'.u kl' r. B OVER: L ion Cris t (5uz) ; 2. Paul Christcf\.';lll\ (Ho n); 3. Eric Bt'\' (Suz) ; 4. Ou an l' PtotCrs<;In (Suz ); 5. Dwa nl' Tnlmml'1't ( KTM,). 4-STR K EX: I. Da vid R hodl~ (Va m) ; 2. S te\'l' Sve d .lTI,ky (BBR); 3. Jol!i(l!\·rlin g (Vam). VET EX: I. Tim Mount (Hon); 2. J im D u kl "!i (Va m) ; 3. Kl'n Lea rd (KTM). SR EX: 1. s..."On O 'BriJ.n; 2 Dam on Ik't' (Suz ); 3. ROllollti Gi sle Another of the horde of Maico-m oun ted riders on hand, Mitch Kirkpa trick , scored a win in the 250cc Expert class, finishing ahead of the to p Open In term ed iat e rider, Fra n k Camp bell. Campbell got the nod for the posi tion after first mo to winner Ak"X Scho n started off poorly and couldn' t recover, netti ng second in a come- fro mbehind performance to finish just ahead of 250cc Intermediate winner Tim Storlie, al though Dale Jacobus netted the 250cc overall w in a head of Storli e with cons isten t 1-2 finishes to lead Storlie, Jason Tuf f, Sean Light a nd Scott McAllister int o the top five , Ca sey, rid ing a 1974 Honda CR250 Elsinore , faced tough com petition on the way to both of his overall wins, in the O ver 30 Expert and 250cc Exp e rt Vintage clas ses , with hili closes t ch a llenges coming in the 250cc Expert-elass mote s. Cas e y had to fend off Jim Row , the top combined Int ermedia te-class ri.. er, in mo to on e, and t fellow Expe rt Sweeten in the second moto. However, Casey held up under the pr ess ur e to notch his nam e as one of only four two-class win ners on the day. Row's imp ressive performances earned the rider from Eugene, Or egon, the overall lnterm edi at e wi n, ahea d of Walt er Welter and Jon Wall, w ho rod e a 1974 Yamaha YZ250 to third overa ll. Th e othe r d ouble cla ss w inne rs were Ken Burningh am (Four·S tro ke and Over 50 Intemledi ate), Nick Ca ld well (25O Vintage an d Unlimcc ited ), an d 125cc and Under 40 Evolution wumer Charles Martin. \ Ka w), Results C OPE.oJ: 1. D.1 ·n Pl'tl'NOn (Suz) ; 2. Jd f Mill s (Suz); 3. M.ltt " ffi KtOOJ;h (SU1.);4. Jl'lf Ik"!ie (Kaw); 5. Harold Dardl.'Cd( ~ ) . t C UNDER : 1. WendclI Bil'rsnla (y.1m); 2, JUL Dan i{ (Hn n); 3. ' 'ls Rich D,lnids (Ho n); 4. Zolk Da niels (H on ); 5. Tim Co rp (Suz). VET AM ; 1. Ch ris C a l't'y (Suz); 2. DilVid Lore n go (K.1W); 3. D.ln fk m .lT (!-lon); 4. Tod d Lynn (KT M); 5. Ray Kl'![er (Su z), d 4 ~ST R K AM : I. Way n l' Cotts (Ya m ); 2. Gt 'org l' MC',lden (Yam ); 3. Rick Tho mJ'!'On (Iwu rt h; 3. MallOn \ Powl'll; 4. Jaso n Aasl a nd ; 5. Alex Ada ms PRE-t970 INT: I. Otris tu p hcr Jal\l l"!i(Ya m); 2. D'lI'TCI Kilg ore (Ya m ); 3. Kl'l\ Burn ingh am (85Al. PRE.-197U EX: I. Jay 1..l ( c1 125INT : 1. Ray Horton (Ho n ). 125 EX: 1. Chri~Ci!i l1l'll IC-A ). Z5{) AM : 1. N ick Ca ldwell (Ma D; 2. Juli~ Swee t... (Bon); 3. n Michdt:- COli (Yam ); 4. Tim T ru d l·.1U (Kaw ); 5. Ky le Wf'bst er (H an) . I 2SO L'IT: I. Jim my Row Ulon); 2. Wall er Wd ter (H o n); 3. Jon W"IJ (Yam ). 250 EX: 1. Joe Cd!'CY(Hon); 2. O\:nnis SWl"Ct n (f-Ion ); 3. Ryan e Andet'Wn (BuH; 4. Jn hn Mim:ut le (Hu n). O PE;'l AM : 1. Dino Med ina (CZ) ; 2. Brian Wry (CZl . O PE-'\! NT: 1. Marty Wt,ltc r (Hon); 2. John Ad ams (Y.unJ; 3. Dana Sals m a n (Yam) ; 4. G nOS Ma ttoon (CZ); 5. Jo hn Matt oun (CZ). 4-STR K INT: 1. Ke n Burnin gh am (BSA) ; 2. Marty W eltl'r ~ n~on); 3. R.1Y Stipe (H on). 30+ A M: 1. Kl'1l Harl an (Yam ); 2. Glenn Stover (Yam ); 3. Bill Metcalf (Suz) , 30+ INT : 1. lu hn Ada ms (Ynm ); 2. Ra y H o r to n (Ho n); 3. Mar ty Welter (H on ). 30+ EX: 1. JU Casq (Hon). l' 40+ A M: 1. Tim Trudl'au (Kaw ); 2. Din" Ml-d ina (CZ); 3. Brian Wry (eZ); 4. JilY Hamilton (Ho n). 40+ lNT : 1. Kl-'ith Wcb!>te (H o n ); 2. 0<111.1 Salsm a n (Ya m); 3. r John Mall oon (CZ) ; 4. Darrel Kilgore (Yam); 5. Bill Bro w n ; J . Re id Saa rio (ez). INT: 1. Di ck Stid h am (H on); 2. Rodf;er Billt! (Suz) ; 3. Ralp h G ar k (lion ). f>O+ AM : 1. Norm Duvall (Vam) . WMN AM : 1. Tina H.ulan (Va m); 2. Julil' S,1 lsman (Yam); 3. Arlila Co le (Ya m ). WMN lNT : 1. Julil' SWt'CIt'l\(Hun). Evo lu ti o n 125 1NT : 1. Tim Co ug h lin (Suz) . 125 AM; 1. C ha rles Marti n (Ya m); 2. Jeff Rose (Ya m ); 3. An dy 5cht'Cn (Suz). 250 AM : 1. Co lby C am pbe ll (Ynm); 2. George- Bclangrr (Ma D; 3 . C har ll.."S Martin (Yam ); 4. Jim Mun ger (MaO; 5. Jilck Rua (H on) . 250 Il'II'"T: 1. Dale Jacobus (Yam ); 2. Tim Storlie o-to n); 3. Jaso n T uff (Hon); ·t ~an Light (Bu ll; 5. Scott McAlli slt.'I'(Mai) . 250 EX: 1. M itch Kirkpa tri ck ( . O P EN A M: 1. John Kitty (Hus); 2. Kyle Jo h nso n (Hu s ); 3 . Robt-rt Sch u lz (I-IU5); 4. Jack Ru a (H o n); 5. Steve EylC!> (Suz). O Pf.!'l INT : 1. Frank Ca m pbe ll (Ma i); 2. Alex Schon (H us) : 3. Scou McAllister (MaD ; 4. C h r ibto p he r Jam n (Ya m); 5 . Kenny Brynn (Mili). O P EN EX: 1. Scoll Tyll.·r (Mdi);2 Kurt Stl"Vl'l\li (Ya m ); 3. Dt-nnis S Wt'CIl'l1(Ma il; 4. Jay Lad (M ail ; 5. Kary Kra he l (Mai ). ()...4() AM : 1. Ow.rll"SM.utin (Volm); 2. Tyler Ca r l'lOn (Bu)); 3. Jo hn Ki tty (Hus);4. Co lby Ca m p be ll (Vam ); 5. Chris Walthl."T (H on) , Q-40 INT: 1. Sco tt M cAll is h: r (Ma i ); 2. Ch ristopher Ja m es ' (Va m ); 3. Tim Coughlin (So2) . 4{)... A M: 1. Ray Fi:.h t-' (MIlil; 2. Mo Luehm an n (Yam ); 3. Eric r Kra~k (Yam ); 4. Robert Schulz (H us) ; 5. Hd l\tl May (H us). (>0+ 4{)+ [NT: 1. Kl.-nny BI)'1U\(MaO; 2. Fran k Ca m p be ll (Mai.); 3, Dale Jac:o !l (Yam ); 4. Bill Brown (Ya m ). bu 40 + EX: 1. Jesse Buckl ey (Yam) ; 2. M itch Kirkpa tri ck (MJ.O. 4-STR K EX: 1. Mo nty Price (Yam); 2. Jl"'l.'ll' Buck ley (Ya m). 4-STRK AM : 1. Rog er Warnt.·r (H o n); 2. Gle nn KaI.'la (Yam); 3. [u rcd Lipplt"g Ol> (Va m); 4. Rip Jo n es (Ya m) ; 5. Tim Courson (H en ). WM:"oJ A M: 1. j e ssica Osterma n (Yam ). U /L: 1, Nick Ca ld we ll (Mai); 2. Bill Ml'Ica lf (Suz) . S tarwest Cycle P rk a Jelderdajumps to victory By Tony Alessi MORENO VALLEY, CA OCT. 30 , "Jum ping " Johnny [e lderd a literall y jumped to victory and raised the bar in the Pet:' Wee ranks with an upset victory over World Champion Nic Pa luzzi in the 50cc (7-8) di vision during round tw o of the Starwest Fall Con ting ency Se ries, held a t Starw est Cycle Park. In th e firs t Pee Wee (7-8) co n test, Pa luzzi pulled his usual holes hot, but instead of pulli ng away for the wi n, Johnny [elderda ca me knock in g a t th e d oor - an d Paluzzi di dn 't have a n a nswer. jeld erda chose to jump a 6O-foo t double jump on th e ba ck stra ighta way, p assin g and pulling away from Paluzzi in th e opening mot o. In th e sec ond moto, Pa luzzi was again o u t fron t, and this tim e it looked like he had don e his hom ewor k bem'cen motos; he wa s stepp ing up and also performing the same double jum p as Jelderda . But Jelderda had one more trick up h i s s le e ve, a n d th a t was to dou b le ~doubl e thro ugh a ll fou r jumps on the ba ck stra ightaway - a stunt that's never before bee n performed by any Pee Wee race r. jeld erda Sl't up Palu7 just ..zi after the ha lfway mark, the n pulled the trigger an d pu lled a.way to sco re the mu to and the ove rall victory. Paluzzi raced alone in second, bro ken-heart· ed, for the re ma inder of the mot o, be hind the nigh t's cham p, Joh nny Jeld erd a. Th is event ma rked the return o f Sta rwest's local top pro, Danny Carlson, w ho was sporting new colors , "The new Suzukis are gre at and super-fas t," Carlson said . "After I beat Travis Pastra na at the RM Cup in the first hea t race and had podium finis hes the res t of the week, Suzu ki offered us a program for 2000 that will help us achieve some of our goa ls for the mille nn ium." Ca rlson rode unchallen ged th rou gh ou t the course of both combi ned 125cc Intenned ii1 te and Pro races. Ca rlso n topped Matt Hopkins in the Pro class an d Int er mediates Steve Eugenio and Brandon Milst ead for the night's top pod ium posi tion , Results Small Tuck 50 STRTR H-6): 1. Jal.-ob P. (IcrM); 2. Nick 5erTllno (IcrM); 3. Zlcha ry S. (KTM). 50 STRTR (7-8): 1. Jus tin Rodrigu ez (IcrM); 2. Tommy Fraijo (Vam) . 50 J R (4- 6): 1. Mos es Uri as (Yam ); 2. Du ,tin r. (Vam); 3. Mega n A o res (Ya m ). 50 STK 8 (O-tl) : 1. R.J. Hoc h (KTM) ; 2. Jam es Frigo (Cob) ; 3. Jarrod S. (IcrM). 50 STK BEG (4-6): 1. Moses Uri as (Cob); 2. Jt!re m y McCool ()

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