Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 12 01

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chy and Esposito all following ra the r closely. Ho wever, in the pas t, the Hamel 100 has been all abou t attrit ion, and this yea r was n o ex ce ption. D a v is a n d Heal ey w ent ba ck a nd forth with the le ad , but after the fo urth lap of 26 , Healey went by Davis for the final time . "I caught him [Davis] on the secon d lap and got him ove r the big table top," said Healey abou t his battle for the lead. "I just came into it a lot harder then he did and kept it low, actua lly passed him and th en h e p a ssed m e back on th e p a v em ent. I ca ug h t h i m again just before the mu d hol e. I jumped in the mud hole and just kind of mudded him out. I figured if he didn't get me back in the next tum, he wasn't coming ." Davis d id n ' t co m e, but it wasn't because he didn't have the speed. ShortIy after being passed by Healey, the National End uro cha mpion tweaked an alread y tende r ank le an d pull ed ou t of the race with the fear that it was broken. Lamson suf fered the same p roblem earlier . Ra cin g th e n ew Ho nda XR650 R, La mson a ttacked a g-out too fas t a nd too hard and cras hed. He too packed up and went hom e w it h a possible ank le fracture. As it turns ou t, both rid ers escaped broken bones. Myers' rid e was cu t s h o rt as well wh en the engine on his K1M 380 quit , as did Es pos ito' s KX250. Abbo tt as w ell brought h is KX250 to the pits p rematurely, the victim of bad luck all weekend . Lap after lap Hea ley' s moun t he ld togeth er as he opened up his lead on the IOO -rider-strong field, and by the fina l few laps of the even t he had a comfortable lead over seco nd p lace Kiedrowski, who in turn had a comfortable lead ove r third p lace Walls, but that all changed rather qu ickly. Kiedrow sk i di d not get th e best of starts and slow ly worked his way up to second place, where he stayed for most of the race. "I was seventh at the end of the first lap, bu t I rode my own race and things started happening to everybody. They changed so much tow ard the end ," said Kied ro w ski . "Loo k w hat happen ed to me. I'm righ t there, a solid second , and then on the final couple of lap s I run out of gas ." Kie drowsk i's bike wa s le ft on the side of the coa rse motionless and d ry, th e pa rtial res u lt of a tota lly bald tire which had spun its way out of the race. While Kiedrow ski's pit crew was try ing to figure out why their rid er had not circled the Elsinore circu it for the last few lap s, Healey took the checkered flag. , Wat ls ran in the fron t of the pack the entire race and came through the finish sh oo t we ll off the pace of Healey, bu t still claimed second du e to Kied rowski's misfortune. He was very happy with his ru nner-up spo t. . "I thought I was going to be back in 20th or so methi ng, " sa id Wa lls at the finish. " It seems like gu ys were taking it cautious on the firs t lap, I d on't know why . I'm u sed to th e World En d u ro Cha mpions hi p with special tes ts, so I just held it wide open. I jus t picked my way thro ugh them . You would n' t expect a 125 to pas s all those bikes. They just s ta rte d h av in g problems. As the race went on I just hun g on for the jump out in the back and the tarmac sections, just han gin g it out for all my favorite spots." Team Green desert ace Ondas started slow , bu t picked u p the pace and never dropped off, finishing third, six pla ces better th an his nin th -p lace finish last year. VORS03-mounted Go rdon Ward, who won the Over 30 race earli er in the day, diced with KTM 250 pilot Craig Davis the ent ire 26 laps. Ward go t the bes t of Craig Davis as the two riders rounded out the top five. Nick Pearso n conti nued his retu rn to racing posting a solid sixth-place finish aboard a YZ400 ahea d of the XR400 of Cole Ma rshall, who ma de the trip from Northe rn California to finish seventh . Ha rden co nti nued h is lo ng ca reer of suc cess fu l racing by finishing eight h overall, one spot ahea d the ATK America's Joey Lanza. CR250-mou n ted Dusty Na bor rounded out the top 10. Of the approximate 100 en tries in the Hamel 100, Healey lapped all but fou r on his way to the win. "Yes terday I led every race th a t I entered a nd b ro ke eve ry race, " sai d Healey. "I knew as long as I could keep the bike ru nning I cou ld win. I did good eN toda y." Elsinore Grand Prix Lake Elsinore, California Results : November 13-14, 1999 SO BEC : 1. Sty les Arnett (KT M); 2. C h ris tia n Havli check (KT M); 3. Andy Werhanowicz (He n ): 4. Kyle Harris (KTM). 50 EX: 1. B1ak e1laggett (Cob). 60 BEG: 1. Ric ky Ja m es ( Kaw): 2. Travis Bak e r (Ka w ); 3. ).0 . Myerscough (Ka w) . 60 NO V: 1. Blak e Harri s (Kaw ): 2. Oeo rge Jeffers (Kaw). 60 EX: 1. Jamie La nza (KTM). 80 BEG: 1. Cra ig Birchard (Hen): 2. No la n Cho tt (Suz); 3. Bru ce Scra nto n (Hon); 4. Ryan Knigh t (Kaw): S. Mike Bickford IHon) . 80 NO V: 1. Brock Harden (Yam); 2. Jason Doma nn (Yam) ; 3. Hollis Lusk (Kaw ): 4. Leste r Varnum (Kaw): 5. Travis Braunwald er (Hen). 80 IN T: 1. Dav id Me ye rs (H u n); 2. Nick Lopez (Hon) . 80 EX: 1. Ch arl es Pea rson (Kaw): 2. Sea n Go nza les (Suz ). 125 BEG: 1. Brian Burns Jr. (Yam); 2. Jesse Jones (Hon); 3. Kri s Martin; 4. Da vid Dunham (5uz); 5 . Matt Dymond (Yam) . 125 NO V: 1. Eric Willis (Ya m); 2. Robert w erch e ry (Ya m); 3. Eric Child (H on): 4. Tra vis Joh nson (Ka w) : 5. Chad Rozanek (Suz). 125 INT: 1. Re velle Ha rrison (KTM ); 2. Bren t Ha rden (KTM); 3. Adam Fichtelman (Yam ); 4. James Stott (Ka w ): 5. Robert Field s (Suz). 125 EX: 1. Sha ne Watts (KTM); 2. Shane Esposito (Kaw): 3. Destry Ab bott (Kaw): 4. Gary Trach y (Yam); 5. Mike Baker (Ya m). 250 BEG: 1. Jeff Roehm (Su z); 2. Brandon Ap p l (Yam); 3. Graha m Flaherty (Hen): 4. Mike Harris (Yam); 5. Ton y w alte (Yam) . rs 25 0 N OV: 1. Ro bert Wers ch e y (Ya m) ; 2. Nick Baro ldi (Ya m); 3. Bill Johnson (Suz) ; 4. Bob Kesse ler (Suz) ; 5. Brad ley Brown (Suz). 250 INT: 1. Tracy Meeks (Ya m); 2. Co le Gress (Suz) ; 3. Tod d Go u ld (Suz) : 4. Du sty Na bo r (Hen): 5. Mik e Webb (Suz) . 250 EX: 1. Shane Watts (KT M) ; 2. Gary Tr a ch y rs (Yam); 3. Dan a Van Stet:" (Ka w): 4. Scot Mye (Yam); 5. Greg Tracy. OPEN BEG : 1. T im Mounce (Ya m) ; 2. Pet er Dobrotin ; 3. Thomas Fullman (Ya m) ; 4. Mike Ke rn (Yam); 5. Micha el Bergman (Yam). O PEN N O V: 1. Da vid Boyd (He n): 2. An dy Dix (Hen): 3. Eric Metz ger (Yam); 4. Chad Mclnt osh IHbg) ; S. Robert Bucy (He n). _ OPE N INT: 1. Han s Vanderwaa l; 2. Tom Engl eha rdt (Ya m) ; 3. All en Poo re (H onh 4. Da r ren Lowrey (Yam). OrEN EX: 1. Sco tt Mye rs (KTM); 2. Ga ry Tr ach y (Yam); 3. Dave O ndas (Ka w) : 4. Bryan Paq uette (Hon): 5. Dan Eva ns (Kaw ). a 4-ST RK BEG: 1. Anthony Brooks IHo n): 2. R.. ndy Sn od gr ass (H en ): 3. John N owa k (Han) ; 4. M ich a el Bergman (Yam); 5. Anthony Casti llo (Yam). 4-STRK NO V: 1. Rino Na vera (Ya m); 2. Kevin Hill (Yam); 3. Ma rk Stuckert (Hus); 4. David Treen (Yam); 5. Jerry Hollman (Han). 4·ST RK IN T: 1. Gle n Shea rer (Ya m) ; 2. Da rre n Lo wery (Yam) ; 3. Brett Daugherty (Yam); 4. George Pennington (Yam ); 5. Vince Ska ndunas (Hus). 4-STRK EX: 1. Mik e Baker (Yam ); 2. Scott Mye rs (Yam); 3. Larry Roe scler (Ka w): 4. Bren t Blount (Ya m); 5. Kurt Pfei ffer (Yam) . D/8PT BEG: 1. Th oma s Gr eier (Ka w): 2. Stcrmie Seibold; 3. Step he n McKni ght (Hen): 4. Ma rk Bell (He n): 5. Da ve Beamon (Hon) . D/SPT NOV: 1. Richard. Hersh (H en): 2. Todd Hess (Ka w ): 3. Jon Le e (Ya m ); 4 . Ji m Co n ner (Ya m) ; 5 . Kennet h H unter (Hen) . D/SPT INT: 1. Pat Malo ney (Hen); 2. Bob Rowland (KTM) ; 3. Bryan Me nn e (Ho n): 4. Dwayne Scriv ner (Hus): 5. Karl Crooks (Kaw) . D/SIT EX: 1. Steve Brunelle (Yam); 2. Dave Bro wn (Hon); 3. Randy Minter (Suz) . BMBK BEG: 1. Chris Wood (H us): 2. Mark V.u g.1S (Yam); 3. Bill Fullert on (MaD; 4. Jeff Craddoc k (Hus): 5. Greg Matt ocks (Hen). BMBR NO V: 1. Ter ry Tate (Suz) ; 2. Gary McCred ie (Ya m); 3. Rick Anderto n (Yam); 4. Jerry Johnso n (He n): 5. Kenne th Du p per (Ka w). BMBR INT: 1. Bill Wa ite (502); 2. Nick Carapella; 3. Thomas Engle gardt (Yam ); 4. Mik e O'Steen (Hus): 5. Richard Yelkin (Hus) . BMBR EX: 1. Da vid Fisher (Suz); 2. John Lefervre (H us): 3. Steve Fu rman; 4. Bru ce McDougal ; 5. AIIE'n Wenzel (l-l us) . VIN BEG: 1. Matthew Lee; 2. Bill Fens tmach er; 3. Brook Messick. 4. Gary Hollman; 5. Albert Mach . YIN NOV: 1. AI Ncwocins ki: 2. Eric Sedor; 3. Mike Sipe; 4. Steve McClean ; 5. Michael John ston e (BSA) . VIN INT : 1. Dway ne Scrivner; 2. Mar c Locke (Hu s): 3. Richa rd. McCormak; 4. Don Hartley; 5. Ken Ma rklin g. VIN EX: 1. Da vi d Fis he r (H us); 2. John Lef-evre (Hus): 3. Bruce McDougal ; 4. Ste ve Fu rman; 5. No rm Bigelow. SDCAR INT: 1. Jim Pocaro/Rick Brown (Tri }. SDCAR EX: 1. Marc Cla us; 2. Victo r Palfreyman; 3. Mike Bums / Bob Morg an; 4. David Krohn / Gary Cass; 5. Les Ketchum Jr.! Mike Go rdo n. 25+ BEG : 1. Mike Kern (Ya m) ; 2. Tony Walt er s (Ya m) ; 3 . Eric Pe te rsen (Ya m) ; 4. Ja m es He rn an d e z (Suz) ; S. Scott Shi vley (Yam ). 25+ NO V: 1. Nick Baroud t (Ya m); 2. Chuck Ana ya (Suz) : 3. Mark Finley (Suz); 4. Brad ley Brown (Suz) : S. Che Smi th (H en) . 25+ INT: 1. Greg Mau (Yam). 25+ EX: 1. Mik e Hea ley (Kaw ): 2. Sha ne Espo sito (Ka w) : 3. Steve Lamson (H on): 4. Dusti n Evan s (H" . on) 30+ BEG : 1. Dre w As hby (Hon): 2. Brad Jacks on (Hen) : 3. R on Brookshire (Ya m); 4. Gle n n Pill sbury (Hen): 5. Jeffrey Paull (Kaw). • 30+ NO V: 1. Kell y Lee (Yam); 2. Andy Dix (He n ): 3. Eric Mezt ger (Ya m) ; 4. Tra vi s Sm it h (H e n ): 5. Don McGlaughlin (He n) . 30+ INT : 1. Tracy Meeks (Yam); 2. Cole C ress (Suz); 3. Troy Lee (Yam); 4. Scan Finley; 5. Tod d Gould (Su:t) . 30 + EX: 1. Gordo n Ward (VOR); 2. Lu ca Trusardi; 3. Rex Staten (VO R); 4. Stev e Fontanini (Kaw ): 5. Tim McNulty (Ya m). 35+ BEG : 1. Jeff Roehm ISu z): 2. Larry La ndes (Ya m ); 3. Sco tt Jon es (Ya m ); 4. Tim Muto (Ya m) ; 5. Gregg Ryan (Han) . 35+ NOV: 1. Robert Wersch ey (Yam); 2. Mike Smith ( K aw ): 3. Robert Bu ey ( Hon): 4. Do c C ha rb u n nea u (Ya m); 5. Robert St. John (Yam) . 35+ lNT: 1. Rod Fowler (Yam); 2. Ed Stouin (Ya m); \ 3. Mark Dwyer (Suz); 4. John Jans sen (Yam ); 5. Robert Berney (Ya m). 35+ EX: 1. Mike Baker (Yam); 2. Kurt Pfeiffer (Yarn); 3. Bryan Paquette; 4. Keit h Lynas (Yam); 5. Tim Tucker (K.1W) . 40+ BEG: 1. Hen ry Ja cob son (Yam); 2. Don Reed (Yam); 3. Chuck Sacks (Yam); 4. Greg Goe rl (Yam); 5. Alan Hoo ver (Yam). 40+ NOV: 1. Steve Bak e r (Ho n): 2. Co li n Birtl es (Yam); 3. Mark Anderso n (Yam); 4. Rick Melgren (Ka w) ; 5. AI Nowocinski . 40+ EX: l. Larry Roese ler IKa w) : 2. Re x Sta te n (VOR); 3. Ron Turner (Yarn); 4. Gayton Blood (Ho n): 5. JimGibso n (Kaw). 50+ BEG: 1. C reg Remsen (KTM); 2. Kenneth Batra (KTM); 3. Jeff Waldro p (KThO; 4. Don Morse (Yam); 5. Stewa rt Knight (Suz) . 50+ NOV: 1. Terry Mes ser (Han); 2. Ray Thi gpen (KTM) ; 3. Boyd Ab bo tt ( Kaw ): 4. Rob Hill (Yam ); 5. Chuck Weedo n (Ka w ). 50+ [ NT: 1. Terry Mor a irty (H on): 2. Bob Ridgw ay; 3. Daniel Hu nd ley (Ho n). 50+ EX: 1. Rob Be ggs (!

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