Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 10 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Voices America's weekly motorcycle newspaper V o lume XXXV I Sharon Clayton, President Michael Klinger, Publisher LETTERS TO THE EDITOR th a t is fo r a r m chai r q uarte r backs a n d fo r child ren's amus eme nt. Russell McCartney Highlands, TX Editorial Paul Carruthers, Editor KitPalmer, Associate Editor Scott Rousseau, Associate Editor Keith Bush, Assistant Editor /Celp!!Editor Matt Freeman, AssociateEditor Chris [onnum. Managing Editor Alan Cathcart, European Editor David R. Holther, Assistant Editor Jennifer J. Dutcher. Proofreader Good g uy Ga d so n Advertising West ern States (714) 751-7433 Terry Pratt, National Accounts Manager Mark Thome, Western Sales Manager Forrest Hayashi, Western SalesManager Dan Legere, Western Sales Manager Rhonda Crawford, Ad Coordinator Bridgett Bobrofsky, Assistant Advertising Eastern States (77 934ยท7850 0) Greg Mitchell, Eastern Accow/ ts Manager Jim Clark, Ea5l'7" Sales Manager Carla Allen, Ad Coordinator Mar ket ing & Promotion Mark Tho me, Director Forrest Hayashi, Manager Shannon Clark, Dealer Representative New Media Development Kory Klinger, Site Manager Classified Ads Alicia Franklin Graphics and Production Mandy Loo, Art Director Amanda Wollny, Lt;pd Graphic Artist Paul Fisher, Graphi Artist c . Lynda Vu. Graphic Artist Ad mi nis tration Judy Klinger, Coordinator Pam Klein, Administrative Assistant Accounti ngID ata Proce ssing Donna Bryan-Diamond, A/R Coordinator Geneva Rep ass, Assistant Theresa Milburn, Credit Manager Circulation Alma Anguiano, CirculationManager Carol Maggio, Processing Coordinator Donna Sharp, Billing Coordinator Service and Support Amber Hill, Receptionist Jim Olson, Serviceand Support Natio na l H ea dquilrters 3505-M Cadillac Ave.. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 P.O. Box 5084, Costa Mesa, CA92628-5084 (714) 751 -7433 FAX (714) 751-6685 Eastern O ff ice 41 88 First Ave., Tucker, GA 30084 P.O. Box 80S, Tucker, GA 30085-0805 (770) 934-7850 FAX(770) 934-3112 e-mail Toby Jorgensen: 1982-1999 Supercross des Natio ns I guess the only way that the Americans a re goi ng to win th e Mo to cros s d es ations title back is if the FIM cha nges t h e fo r ma t to eit he r Su perc ross d es Natio ns o r Ex treme Jumping d e s ations . Larry Hughes Hous to n, TX Remember the Alamo This is in res p on se to Michael Ja mes' guest ed itoria l (Issu e #39, O ctob er 6) about the am ount of fans who attended the Ll.S, Grand Pri x. I think the fans in the or theast are probably just burned out on motocross by the end of su m mer. It is my opinion that if it had been held in Texas, or within 1000 miles thereof, it wou ld ha ve b een p a cked wit h loy al fans. It is a shame that half of the Nationals are in the N ortheast to begin with, and then they ge t the U.s. GP to boot. It' s a fa rce to even call th e outd oo rs "N ationals" anymore, es pe cia lly with the Florid a round being histo ry. I would gladly trad e both ou r su pe rcross races and our one are nac ross for just one ou td oor National. The fact that I have to bu y plane tickets jus t to see a real motocross at a world- class level is rid iculous. Su percr oss isn' t a real race anymore. It has become an aerial ex tre me ga me I r e centl y had the op portunity to meet and spea k with Rick y Gad so n in Kansas City, Missou ri. Let me be the first to say th at I w a s ve ry impressed with his willin gnes s to s pea k a n d s pen d t ime w it h hi s fans. He was very pleasa n t to ta lk to , a n d m oto rcy cle ra cin g ca n a lwa ys u se great co m. p etitor s on a nd off th e track . Ricky Gadson is d efin itely one of them . Good lu ck in G ai ne svill e, Mr . Gadso n. Josh Pope joshpope455@ Toby Jorgensen There aren' t enoug h word s to ex press what an in cr ed ibl e yo u ng man Tob y Jorge nsen was. He had such a zea l for life a n d touched so m any p eopl e . I remember Cl iff She rlock brin ging hi m to Form ula USA ra ces w he n he w a s abou t 12 and p ro claiming To by to be the nex t World Cha mpion. We were so p roud of Tob y this yea r when he took seco nd a t our Portla n d F- USA ra ce. Man y people wer e saying, "The re's that Jor gensen kid - he'll be a World Champion one day." Th en he a mazed eve r yo n e at the Peo ria Grand Na tio na l TT. To by wa s . sho w ing everyone the Cycle News article a t Poco no - he w as o n to p o f th e world . I saw Toby and his father Kim a few d ays before the accident. Toby was still smiling. I wi ll never forget yo u r smile, yo ung Toby. It' s em bed d ed in my heart. I'll foreve r cherish ou r friend ship. You are a cham pion in our hearts. You are in the arms of the Lord now . Until we meet aga in, I'll miss you. Brenda Tay lor Truck ee, CA Taylor is the v ice president of Fo rmula USA... Editor Godspeed, Toby On behalf of the Lodi Motor cycle Club, I would like to express our deepest sorrow on the recent passin g of Toby Jorgensen . To by was clearly o ne of the brightest risi ng stars in the universe of mot or cycle ra cing . He was one of our regular Lodi guys, and for tha t we will always be p roud. Our heartfelt condolences go out to th e Jor gensen fa mily and to the many people whose lives he tou ched . God speed, Toby. Mi ke Law Lodi , CA We're pathetic Twenty-four hours of road racing. Tired riders, worn-ou t pit crews, and the Willow Springs 24-Hou r gets one little paragrap h. You guy s ar e pat hetic. T. Lawso n t1ducrd We're pathetic II Come one guys - wh a t is Mat Mladin d oi n g on th e cover of iss ue #36? I though t you were an Ame rican ma gazine. Ma ybe yo u did n' t notice the very sa m e w e ek end t hat Ml adin w o n th e AMA Superb ik e titl e , a n A mer ica n named Ch ris Ca rr won the title in the oldest form of American racing, called th e G ra nd Na tiona l C h ampions hip . Why was Carr not the cove r sho t? At the very .leas t, split th e cover, with both champion s on it. Th e s mall ph ot o of Ca rr in the low er left-hand corner just doesn' t cu t it. If a cove r of Chris is coming up, then my rant is over. If not, then I'm very disappointed. Ch uck Goa d Cham pa ig n, IL We're turning Japanese Wa y to go Ke vin Co n ne r ! I re alI y enjoyed your comme n ts to Cycle News. I w oul d ha ve to agre e that Cycle News ten d s to be op inio na ted and bi ased to the Japanese bik es - eve n when the technical in formation clearl y su p ports the KTM. Jim Kirschbaum Yankee , quit whining Do we or d on' t we wa nt to be the best in th e w orld ? If we do wa n t to be the best in the wor ld then I think we need advcrtisingfscyclene ws .com Internet INSIDE : ISSUE #41 OCTOBER 20. 1999 www.cyclene ws .com Weekly Website Password: championship Cycle News (USPS141 -340) is published weeklyexcept the last two weeks of the calendar year for $58.00 per year by Cycle News, Inc., J505.M CAdillac Avenue, Costa Mesa. CA 9"'...626. Periodicals Postage Paid at Costa Mesa. CA and. at additional mailing office. Canada Post International Publication.', Mai11t546615. POSTMASTER: Send addres s changes to Cycle- N ews, P.O. Box S084. Cosl.J MeY, CA 92628-5084. To de-te-rmine- the- expir a tio n of your subscripti on, check e the four numbe-rs on the first line of your add ress label, Thefirst two digits In dicate the last issue numbe-r you'll rece-ivee nd the- last two cha racters indicate the year of the last issue. sSubscription rates: Rates for the United States and its posse sions for one year (SO issues). $58.00; two years 000 is....ues), $111.00 six months (25 issues), $29.00;trial sub 05 issues), ; $21.00. Canada and (SO is.ares) $105 two s , .00; years (100issues), $195 six months (25issues), 555.00; trial .00; sub (15i!>,'iutOS), $42.00. '" '" '" 0" N Cycle News welcomes un so licited ed itorial materia l including stories, cartoons, phot os, etc. Such ma terial, if published, becomes the exclusive property l) f Cycle News. Reprinting in rmission of the publisher. Advertiswhole or part only by pe ing rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R.O.5. ~ o W~ ~~~(lli'TION .8 o Printed in U.S .A, 4 Co~yrighlc Cycle New Inc. 1999. Trademark Cycle News s, registered U.s. Piltent Office. All rights reserved. U FEATURES ROAD RACING Round 13 - F1M Wo rld Superbike Champions hip Series from _ 6 Sugo, Japan Round 14 - F1M World Ch ampionship Road Racing Series from Welkom, Sou th Africa 14 DIRTTRACK Round 19 - AMA Grand National Dir t Track Series fro m Del Mar, Californ ia 10 Rou nd 14 - AMA Nation al H ot Sho e Series from Las Vegas, Nevad a .40 SUPERCROSS U.S. Open from Las Vegas, Ne vada Paris Su percross from Pari s, France 20 30 HILLCLIMB Round 12 - A1\.1A ational Cham pionship Hillclimb Series fro m ashville, Indiana 23 FEATURE Paris Motorcycle Show 24 DEPARTMENTS MOTOCROSS Kawa saki Race of Champ ions from Englishtow n, New Jersey SPEEDWAY Coors Ligh t Ll.S. Na tional Championship from Cos ta Mesa , California Wor ld Team Cu p Fina l from Pardubice, Czech Republic ,42 CALENDAR 64 LEADERBOARD 69 WANT ADS 70 AMERICAN EXPRESS 87 LOOKING BACK OFF-ROAD Las Vegas-to-Ren o desert race 32 Rou nd 11 - AMA GNCC Series from Mt. Morris, Pennsylvania 34 EVENTS 87 .36 ON THE FRONT COVER 38 .41 In a true Ci nderella s tor y, Jeff Emig ca me back from a los t factory ride to win the mon ey-rich U.s. Open In door Motocross. Photo by Kinney Jon es.

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