Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 10 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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To the fans! 201,714 of you came to the AMA MAZDA TRUCKS 5/250 OUTDOOR NATIONALS see the best riders in the orld compete for the Outdoor rles Championship. You saw e of the most exciting, r-banglng, big air racing of all • You helped those riders o went down and needed a Ie extra support to get back the track. We pledged at the start of Outdoor Nationals to ate $.33 to the Clayton Memorial Foundation for every ticket purchased to the AMA utdoor Nationals. Thanks to and your record-settlng endance, U.S. Tobacco Co., maker of Rooster" , Is proud o donate $66,566 to the layton Memorial Foundation. We, at U.S. Tobacco Co., want to thank you, the fans! Thanks for your support, your ioyalty, and for helping us to help our heroes. To learn more about the layton Memorial Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping injured motorcycle racers In times of financial hardship, please call 4-751-7433, or log on to UNITED STATES TOBACCO COMPANY USTCdoes no< ...... nor does !he C1aylOO ~ Foundationgmnt. prcdLd endorsemer4. Donation no< tax - . - ' " """" _ _ .... progoarn nor.... _ I s '" oonsli1ute pooIessicnal by USTC. USTC does not solidi:or ooIleet oontributionsfor the Foundationfromthird parties.nor is USTC's oontrt>utlon made in exchange fof ~ or 0Iher ccnsidemticWl. USTC wi ~ 33 cents fcr eoc:h tickeI sdd for the twelve 1999AMA Mazda TNCk 1~ Quldoor Nationals races heldbelWeen May 9. 1999. and September5. 1999. In CaiIfomIa. MaJyIand. Michgan. M<-.-.a. New yO. maximum contribution at $70.000. and. prantaed mInim.Jm (X)ntrtbutX>n of $SO,IXX>, Program validonly for tickets soldin these stales for these twelve races. andnot valid elsewhere. Void'Irot1er8 prohibited by law. eTl'lldemaril: d U.S. TobaccoCo. or one d Itsatlillatestorsmokeless tobacco. C1999 U.S. Tobacm Co. _tis.

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