Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 01 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'191 WllrId SapIIllIIt SlrlllIIIIriIw • 1191 ... GP 5I/tI SIrIII,.. ~ CItf FGpfy' /WID /W. 'lI9~SIrIII"'" CrtIIIr. .•JIw.., I . bblr.., 7liIII ,.,.,....,...,a 0 1lIIfldIIj ,' i __..., I ,..., 7liIII fIdII A ' 't ·/.AMfW.-rIllllifGllllw ...1D,..· ·2. .CllldS'll*2 \'2l(·_~ ..",f'IIIIIt. . '1. enp. SlulllIiIIIIf • aa",,,'..... _ .......&8.-.&wJ8IIIr. . . ('125) Children Of I Metal God (12043) This Is Motorcycle Trials ("'41) legacy Join Roger DeCoster, Bob Hamah, Jeff Ward and AleX ..IcltlMon as !hey remtnisaI about Iher careet1 and epIC b8tIIes lIS !tis lim Ihreads its way ~ the evoIuIion aI rnotoeroa from it', roots III tie tlaIfy 70's m the 1tar-slUdded 90'•. No true ITlO\OCI'O$6 tan shoukI be 'Mlholj ttH \lId8o. 70 mftJIes from X-Factor. $34.0. ('7) Tho Evolution of Motocross ""'...,... .... '" _ ... "'" d """""'" ""'days, ~ 52 )'NIl 01 European Mel Amencan racsng. From the days when British dinosaur8 ruled Ihe toOSllo Jeremy McGralh on his CA25O, you1 see it aI in this 95 mirUe video fIOm Gary S8rricI Video. 542.115 ('12) Dirt Devils Packed with adrice lor beglmeB hom fIIallSWS Sammy Mier _ SSeYe Cc'ey, also UI 01 history and interesting ilfo lot developing riders. 60 ~ from Whde StartUt.Q YIdeo.S3US (S2056) This Is Advanced Motorcycle Trills Wodd ChampIonship Techniques are demonstrated and explained by 1997 Trial' des NatioN winner Steve Colley, induding 18O-<1egree turns. bIc:k-whMI balancing and OCher a8f Racing, 543,95 positioning, SlartS, cornering, Jumps & passing, Quizzes after each lraining seoment help emphas1z8 key poinIa. This video helps provide locus lor your traIning & Pl'aetlce sessions, Produced 1188; 60 IT'inutes from GBMX Video, $52.95 (1407) The Desire to Win Gary Bailey helps learn how to visualize !he skills you would ike 10 perlorm, !he characteristica 01 a wInni1g athlete, poaItive atlitude, thelmporlance 01 fundamentals, adrenaline and nel'VOU8l'lElSS, with plenty 01 slow motion video on the peIfed ~ . PnxIuoecI11f88;60IT'irMJlesIromGBMXVICIeo. S52.95 (S408) How 10 Fiow 2 Learn more than just the basic lTlO\I8S. Gary Bailey helps you . . & Ieam how to ITlO'Itl wiIhouIligtlling the track, 10 ride 8lI srnooItl as Ihe Pf'O&, no! ~ just how 10 go flSl bu to do ~ with rn:n eoolrOl. Produced 11198; 60 mirl:Ies from GBMX Video. $52.95 reIalt and (S409) Future Pros· Mini Riders mn "Start Out Righr - Gary Bailey expIaN whallop riders do 10 go so las1 and how)'OU can do it. You wi also see WI lop pros do. Ind-how you can get on !he r9lt lradl: to being a \Wv\er. FIOm 50s 10 BOs, this y,dec(s lor you. ProclI»d 6195; 50 mirvt:es from GBMX Video. $42.95 (1410) How to Gel "The Winning Edge" GIl)' Baiiey's auety 01 the top to riders IIld 0Ihers. It lakes. IcC more than ~ fWlstWlg lhe ltw'otIIe haiti i)go tasl enough 10 be 'I, See .. ht lillie Irides !he lop II"» use. Leam what it takes 10 go from '100 10 '1. ProduoecIlf93: 60 IMUl8S kom GBMX VQeo. $52.. (1411) HoIeshots: Ge1llng Out Firsl The hoIestIot: is the most impotlanI part 01 the race. ntld 10 Q'ClSS Ihe frish 1M lirsl Allhe ilia starting lricb are here. Wllh Gay BaieJ ~ how the ftl9 pros gtllo the tum Mit. and how you can 100. Proci.Iced 3t94, 2S rrnJlilllI lrom GBMX VicIeo. $52.J5 (1412) Suspension Tuning & Race Prop Gary Bailey & Tom liIorvIn e~ how 10 fIIle !I.IIlll 'f04JI aapension. Whli i) IooIc lor & how to .qust iller eactl tracII. Plus bPS on carilurelion & tmIe lhr'tga that wi make your like work better &more I'tlIiabIy. Pn::O.rl»d H4; 60 nirute:s from G8MX VidIo. S2U5 (1413) Bike Sotup, Maintenance & Suspension Gary lWey upIem weeK 10 week malnleNlnOe & how 10 keep your bike f\I'IIWlg & ~ good. AI80 shows setIing; up your bike lor proptI' ndng posriion & the best Cl:lnlrOl w/suggestions & ideas on dialing 11 your suapension. ProckJced lJ88: 60 nWtutes ltom GBMX ~ 528.9S ('414) The Beginning: How to Ride II you have never ridden befOftl, lI1lS IS the ..u.o t'I8f will get you gQtI'lg ~ & with !he beSlfarm possible, so you1 be safer & more in control. Cowrs prcper 00~~~.:e' braking, taldng oft, cornering & more, 30 ~ from <_417) The Winning Edge 2 Gary Bailey lakes an updaled approach to show aU !he lillie trICks the loP dders use. Proper body positioo. stayJng light on Itle bike, iQrward momenlUrn &c0ntrolled braking. p11,l$ proper power application. Produced in '99; 60 minutes Trom GBMX VIdeo. $52.95 (_22) Advanced Techniques of Oll·Road Riding Cd; BurlIlSOO eltplains advanced motorcycle selUP and rlrjog techniques IOf chal· lenging terrain and obstacles. 26 mWlutes from Thump8f Aaong, $3U5 Highlights McGI'II!h', Jncrecible freestyle ab~ily and his lifestyle 8lI he shreds his way around the US ItIr'ou\,tlcltJI 1997, Insider look al candcl and fun clips of McGralh, along WI1h buds Jrnmy Button, Mike Metzger. Guy Cooper, GrlYSOO Goodman and Ryan Hughes. 35 mWlut8$!rom Fox VW;leo. $24,95 ('23) PraC1lcl1 TIre Changing (_124) Airstyle Hosted by NallonaI EnWro ChampIon Mike lBIIerty and KTM crew chief Alan Flandt. they show you the stralegy, traWling and methocIa 01 Enduro riding In a variely 01 oordtions. Includas lip segments by Ty Davis, Doug Blackwell, Mall Sta'll8h and olher NabonaI M ridIn. 471TitlUt1tS Irom Millennium Productions. $24.115 HIghIigtrtIlrcm tr1e '98 Free Air Feslival 01 FreestyHI lAX Teur••.:) FAF Tour . . . 3 Sleth Enslow SllW !urT1lS, and hysterical rider interviews. A4 leal Entertainment Fim, IeatuI'8ll the DJndtrack it deserves. 60 minutes Irool Fox VIdeo. $29.95 Mora 8dYancedthan"Tape '1: npands & desa1beIlII more dlllailaJ htWJ'4)CJl'Ian! tectri:pJes & lI.IIldamentaIa Also shows whit it takee kl reech the top, 65 An l.¢aled version oIlhe '83 Gary BaIley Rider Technique Yideo. Cowrs body ('154) Mini Warriors The ongI08I blg air Ireestyte FOll video Ieatumg wild 8tI1ics by Doug Henry, Eva Lusk. RobbIe Reynard. Ricky Carmichael. Travis Pastrana. James Stewart. and !he ~ 01 Roc:Il n'RoI. SolIIlcftracj( by~, Aloe in Chalna, Lucy's Fur Coat. Future Sounds at London and SolnIm. 35 miooles hun Fox Video. S2US _ .... '...-_d...... _."""'....,.S-lMnron........ *" (136) Gary Somlcs MX Techniques 12 Dic* BlJriescn shows how \I) rMke short work 01 d'\lW9Og O«-roed ItIlIDrt'yde tires, boIh oMtllbes nl the pclIQar bib I1'lDIJS$!l itsert. 23 rrb.I!BS from "Tlu!1ler Aacilg. S28.95 (.251) How to Win an Enduro (_140) On Any Sunday Bruce Brown's classic 1971 film whICh cove" virtually every torm of moteIIcyCIe from the AMA', Grand National Tour to Motocross; Oeser! Aalilg to Ice Racing; !he tOOT 10 the Widowmeker Hilk:limb; the Bonnneville Salt Flats 10 the EIsmre Grand Prix- 90 mlnuteslrom X·Factor. $4US COIllpe~ (_l40A) On Any Sunday II The foIow.up to the 0f9naI greal8$I moton:ydlllTlOYl8 of aH time. ~ IooIcs at the motortyde slars of the mid-7O's Including Btuce PenhaI, Brad lackey, Bob Hannah, Kemy Roberts, and ll'lOIa ar the lop of their form. 90 ffhrtes from xFaclOf Video. m.1I5

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