Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 09 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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In the Wind peaki ng of Race Te ch , th e compa ny ill be visiting local motocross tracks in outhe rn Ca liforn ia to prov id e ass istan ce with bike se tu p, includ ing setting proper sag , com pression a nd rebou nd a djus tme nt , p rope r s p ri ng rat es and fluid levels. All bra nds of bikes and suspensio n are eligible, an d Race Tech will be offering a 20-percen t d iscou nt certifica te for futu re purchases on pa rts a nd services. Race Tech will aIso be accepting spo nsors h ip resu mes for the 2000 racing season. Look for th e Race Tech box va n at the following locations: Glen Helen Racewa y, Sep tem ber 2, from 10 a .m. to 7 p.m.; Starwest Supercross Park, Sep te mber 7, from 4 to 9 p .m .; G len He len Racewa y, September 16, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Perr is Raceway, Sep tembe r 22, fro m 2 to 9 p.m .; G le n Hele n Raceway, Sep tember 30, from 10 a.m. to 7 p .m. Fo r m o re in fo rm ati o n , ca ll 909/ 594-7755. History will repea t itself as Yam aha presen ts the Vintage Iron World Championsh ips at Glen Helen Raceway in Glen He len, Californ ia, o n October 31. The eve nt is once aga in schedu led to fea ture severa l fa ctory sta rs a nd a free b ik e show as well as a fu ll d ay of vintageand evo lu tion-class racin g on a n o ld school mo tocross course . A new cla ss ha s been a d ded for th is year's eve n t, Evolu tion III, w hich fea tu res only one eq u ip me n t ru le: th e mot orcycle m u st ha v e d rum bra kes as o rigina l eq ui pment. Pre-en try is avail able fro m September 1 to October 21. For more info rmat ion and entry form s, contact Vintage Iro n, 714/694-0066, or http:/ / www .vintageiro Internet users will be ab le to chat wi th Evel Knievel on October 19 beginnin g at 8 p.m. (Eastern ) on the officia l Biketoberfest Web site a t http :/ /www.biketoberfest.o rg. Knievel will be online to d iscuss hi s ca ree r as well as h is cu rren t proj ects. He w ill also appear at Biketob erfes t, Octobe r 21-24 , in Da y to na Beach, Florida . CCS Mid - Am erican con fere nce road racer Troy Kramer was critically injured in a motor cycle accid ent on August 22, su ffering severe head inju ries. A benefit fund has been se t u p to help ass ist wit h Krame r's med ical expenses. Don a tion s can be sen t to Benefi t of Troy Kramer, c /o Wa ylo n Ka nn e n be rg , 2660 Sta nbrook Stree t, Madi son, WI 53711. There' s been a cha nge in the sche d u le for th e 250cc U. S. Grand Prix o f Motocross, slated for Budds Creek, Septem ber 11-12. The FIM has changed its qua lifying proced ure and there wo n' t be any time d practice on Sunday. Starting positio ns will be d eterm ined by Sa tu rd ay's lap times and the first 250cc mot o has been resched u led to 2 p.m. instead of 1:30 p.m. A press re lease issued by Team O bsotete ' s Rob Iannucci in response to an earlier press release issu ed by AH RMA stated the follow ing, "Jeff Smit h schedu led a so-called hearing on a date whe n Tea m Obso lete was ra cing a t Brand s Ha tch, England. Smith igno red Iannucci's request for a fair hearing in March a t Daytona, refused to specify the cha rges, refused to permi t a stenog raphic record , refused access to A H RMA's p ot ential witnesses, refused to reset the hea ring d ate and required that Iannucci ap pea r be fo re th e s a me bi as ed a n d tai n te d g ro u p who h ad pre vi ou sl y rubb e r s ta m ped his ille gal termina tion ." Iannu cci wa s rep resented at the hear ing by his attorney, Ar t Cha mbers . Wit h Roberto Nosetto resigni ng from his posit ion of race director of the World Cham pions hip Road Race Series at the City of lmola Grand Prix on Sep tember 5, the FIM has a nno u nced the appointment of Paul Butler to the posi tion of race d irector th rough the end of the seaso n. In ad d ition, th e FIM has na med Ma nuel' O rtiz-Tallo as the Dorna rep resentative in Race Direction. The date o f th e o peni ng ro und of th e PA CE Moto r Sport s ' Fr e e s ty le Motocross Series has cha nged to Sep-. tember 24-25 a t th e Se lla nd Are na in Fr es n o, Ca l ifo rnia . PA C E ha s a lso a n nou nce d th at Van s w ill s po nsor a Triple Crown of Freestyle Mot ocro ss thr ee round s of the exis ting series . For mor e information , call 630/566-6100 . Jeremy McGrath has signed a licensin g ag reeme nt wit h Tyco R/C that will see the rad io-con trol toy comp any produ ce a TMH Xtreme Cycle - th e fir st-ever Year 2000 EA Sports Su ercross Schedule P A CE Motor Sports has annou nced the sched u le for the upcom ing 16-rou nd 2000 supercross series. The offici al title of the se ries is "Toyota Tru cks presen ts the AMA EA Sports Supercross Series, brou ght to you by Thor/ Parts Unlimited ." The 2000 series includ es one new eve nt - at the Route 66 Raceway in Joliet, Illinois and an add itional e ven t at the Pontiac Silverdome in Mich igan . All of the rounds wi ll be promo ted by PAC E Moto r Spo rts, except for the Day tona Supercross. The 2000 sched u le is as follow s: Januar y 8 Ed ison Internati onal Field , Ana heim, Californ ia Edison In ternati onal Field, Ana heim, California January 15 January 22 Qu alcom m Stadium, San Diego, Ca liforn ia January 29 Bank O ne Ballpark, Phoen ix, Arizona February 5 Astrodome, Hou ston, Texas February 12 RCA Dom e, Ind ianap olis, Indi an a Februar y 19 .5i1verdome, Pontiac, Michigan Febru ary 26 Georgia Dom e, Atlan ta, Georgia Mar ch 11 .Daytona Speedway, Dayton a, Florida Mar ch 18 Tra ns Wo rld Dom e, St. Louis, Missou ri Mar ch 25 Metrodorne, Minneapolis, Minnesot a April 1 .Silverd ome, Pontiac, Michigan April 8 Texas Stadi u m, Irvin , Texas April 15 .Superd ome, New O rlea ns, Louis iana April 29 Rout e 66 Raceway, Joliet, Illinois May 6 .5am Boyd Stad ium, Las Vegas, Nevada National Trials: Finnish Finish lo ng tim e ago in a g a laxy fa r, far away, America ns motocrossers cou ldn' t hold a candI e to th ei r Eu ro pea n co un te rpa r ts. Th en Eu ro pea ns began regula rly crossing the pon d to com pete on U.5. soil, giving Yanks the op portun ity to watch and learn. Am erican trials riders - still not -in the sa me lea gu e (litera lly or figura tively ) as Europe's bes t - are hoping fonner World Cha mp Tommy Ahvala (right) has the sa me effect on them . The Finn ca me to the U.S. last yea r to ride the exhibition class at several Nat ional Trials rounds, then decided to contest the series this yea r. After passing on the first two round s wh ile putti ng on exhibitions at motorcycle shows, Ahva la went on to eas ily w in the remaining nine stops in the series, wrapping it up wit h a v ic to ry a t th e fin a l s to p in Cas per, Wyoming, Augus t 28 and 29. "I think it's a good way to raise the level (of American trials), and to make the Americans pu sh a little harder," says Ahva la. "1 a lwaysride the sec tions first, so they can see how I do it and ge t better . It's not the only thing it takes, but it will help." Despite his domi nance, competition is really a sideline for Ahva la, 27. His main gig is traveling the cou ntry (SO,OOOmiles a yea r), putting on rid ing exhibitions for sponsor Gas Gas and promoti ng the spo rt of trials. The newly married Ah vala dri ves wit h his wife in a Ryd er truck tha t he pu rchased and modifi ed . When he arrives at an exhibition location, he unl oad s a fold ing obsta cle (the tru ck itself is also an obs tacle), and is read y to perform in a ma tter of minu tes. Military obligations back in Finland coul d p revent Ahva la from contesting the entire Nation al Series next season, but Gas Gas may hav e another trick up their sleeve: Geoff Aa ron, w ho held the title for many yea rs before Ahvala's arri val, is rumored to be switching from Beta to Gas Gas for 2000. A TMH -powe red rad io-con tro l motor cycle. Xtreme Cycle retail s for $59.99 and wi ll be ava ilable in stores sho rtly. Tyco plans to prom ote the Xtreme Cycle with a new televi sion co m me rcial fea tu ring McGrath . The com mercial will air beginning in Oc tober. SIGNED: Form er Day ton a 200 winner Dave Sad o ws ki for expert comm en tary and ana lys is on the Mo tors port Sirn u fa ti o ns new A MA Super btke . ga me , by Motorsport Sim ula tio n. MOV ED: No!l.SY, to 1945 5. Ran ch o Santa Fe Rd .• San Ma rco>, C A 92069, 760 / 59H J888, 76lJ/ 5QI-lJ81l0 (fax). Win g Ding, an internationa l rally of the Gold Win g Road Rid e rs As sociati on (GWRRA), will be held in Billings, Monta n a, fro m Ju ly 4 to Ju ly 7, 2000 . Th e eve n t is open to GWRRA members and no n-m emb e rs. Fo r more informa tio n, t all 800/843-9460. O PENED: A nswer Racin g 's hom e pa se on till' Worl d Wide Web. Th e site can be- found a t the following addn.. h tt p:/ / w ww.• iss: answ erraci ng .com . The Motorcycle Mecha nics Institu te has announced a ne w tuition r ei mb ursemen t program called Harley-Davidson In struction Reimbursement Employer (H IRE), which provid es s tu den ts wi th a n in cen t ive to joi n a n au thor ize d Harley-David son d ealership u po n gradu a tion . For more informa tio n, see the MMI Web site at the following address : http :/ / www.uticorp .com. P UR CH AS ED : Am e rican Roa dracing, by GTFF P ublish ing. the pu blishe r o f online motorcycle mag anne 2wf.rorn, from Jim Ha nsen. For mo re informa tion, call 407/ 341-0253. Ka wasaki Team Green is offeri ng pit service for the 1999 Vegas to Reno offroa d rac e . For mo re info rm at io n, ca ll 949/ 770-0400, ext. 2223. Contrary to rumors, the GFI Fall Series has not bee n canceled . The se ries ge ts und er way on Septe mber 12 a t Pe rri s Raceway in Perri s, California. For mo re informa tion, call 909/ 341-8002. OPENED: Pators ' home page on the World Wid e Web . TIll' Northern California motorcycle- dea ler's site can be found

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