Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 08 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VIDEO MAGAZINES (#1763) Route 66 ThISnost.lg1cpfOQram lakes a mp alongAmencas beloved h.gnway, from l Chicago 10los A ngeles. ellpOSlng the now"'t1ldOefl" Amef1ca !hat mooem "eeway roes fll>\Ief see. D!scovef why!hereIS Slx:tl great onlefesl on reslaW'og lhts oece 01Amellcana 105 fllI'lUlesIrom Wtvte StarlDuke Video. $24.95 (#1564) Fast Riding the Roberts Way A UIlQU9lOSlgt1l ..,1O the Kemy RobertsTIalIlOgCaflllln Barcecoa. SpaInwerehe .YId RanayMan 'lOla discuss the benehts d passII1g Itleir espererceon10tile sdlool's partqlarlts 65 mootesfrom WhIleStar'Ovke Video $34 . .95 (#155) John Dowd - The 4th Dimension (#122) Air Raid (#136) Quatres Loc os The fusl and foremos ragin' hardcore footage In motocross. snowooaro. t wakeb ard, BMX anc sur1 ever compiled In one video, Air Raid ISa jamo ing packed assacn ot tree riding. lube fides, ,umping. crasru and doghghts, With nq, an awesomesouno uac 35 minutes born Fox Video $29.95 e Remember what the uuqmal Crusly V ideo did 10111ee fldmg? Ttus IS me video thaI will do ine same lor quads. Until you see rt. you have no Idea what mese guys can do. Fiimed mrcucncunre USA and In England ana Thailand. . you'll never ee these guys aqam 30 mrnutes lrem x-Fector 529.95 (#123) Jeremy McGrath J Steel Roots HtghltgtllSMcGralh"s Incred ible freestyleability and hiSlIIesMe as he snrees hISway around the U S throughout 1997 InSi er 00ll. at candid d o and tun C of t.\cGrath. along buds Jrmmy Bult o. MI~e lips t."etl gef Guy Coopel GlaVSO!l Goodma and Ryan n HlJ9h 35 mmules Irom FOl Video. 524.95 es (# 142) Full Power Tr ip THOR RaclOg benchmark 199, vce c by FUSI n Films, featul lng Ryan 's o HugheS, La/ry aoeseier. JeN Emlg, Taylor, Antunez, LeW Willoh IS. Amala dlO, t ccc oteras and more. filmed In Japan, Hawaii. Me~lCo , and downtown LA 30 mmutes Irom x-Factoe Video. 524.95 what he's realvhlc.e, and why he's one oIlhe most · ed people IIIMX. FoIorIv Dowd Iof a week of rdng . lfaftlg and ILnas he pt'eparestor !he "98 SouttrwlClt MX NallOf'lal. Guestappearance by DougHenIY- 40 rTWIl.Iles fromMX F1ImS. $29.95 (#124) Air sty le Hlghtll1'ls from u-e 98 Free A,r Feswarof FreeslyfeMX Toor 3 FAF Tour stops, 3 Seth Enslow stun1 fU~ . and e inment Film. teanees hyslencal roe- euerv ws A -1l eaf Enterta the soundtrack rt deserves 60 rrnute s ffOmFO Video 529.95 l -reoe. ,: escaros & oescroesIn more aetall all the erooaaot tecrocces & tcrcamentais. Also Shows wnarm a ees G'egg Godfrey (producer of Legendsl croaces a VIdeo rnat I'TIll es trle Ole"Endless Summer- slyle Wllha cross-coenny MX & on-roao (#154A) Mini Warr iors 2 'l oad Inp " Filmed lo Callfomla, Wasl'llngton.ldat1o. MOl1lana, Utah t raveracross the u.s as you see the best ~ , d s . and Fceoe. The Operl segmentaceeISworth the ce of thiS42· ~~Idf1::~~ lflg ce mlllule film Imm Fo~ VIdeO, 529.95 l. and young MullSIn t.lX ..the ne~ t generaliOnot pros Check OU Travrs Pastrana's I unbelievable 201' lumpl Includes ectcn 'Ii 'Casey Johnson. Nick Way. RObbie Reyna/d Guy ccccer. Brock Senates and mOle Produced by Shepherd Films, 60 minutes trom MX Films $29.95 (#87) Team X-Treem: Vol. 1 Todd & Lor i Colbert El Cl swe footage teatunng Todd Colberts danng weeues bum-outs. u . FREERIDING & CRASHES pavement SkMng, dOuble stunts and more' WalChLon Colbert the first lemale pavement sklE!r Iflthe world Hold on to yourhandlebars for eus unbelievable, high energy motorcycle stunt perlormanc 30 minutes e nom x-racror 529.95 (#10) Crusty Demons of Dirt The anginalout-o!-(OOlloI treestyleVIdeoI Jam-packed w:thIreenc1Jng, jumpmg, and aenal ,"saM y all set to a hard-rocking soundtrack. InclUdes oneof !he most talked aboutvideoscenes eveI : SethEnslow hugedune crash. Indudes acton W JeH 's I\tl Emlg,Jeremy McGra , Ryan Hughes, MIke Metzger, Phil la wrence lallY RoeseIeI ll1 , and mor (ThiSIS lI1e"edltod' veffilOrl)...JOminutes. A Fleshwound Fitmdlstrlbu e. ted by Fox VKleo. $29.95 (#10A) Crusty Demons of Dirt 2 ThiSsequel IS loaded Wi hard corendlng lumping, and aenallnsamty, all set to a th , skate/roc soundlrack, WatChlhese ndersgo offl...Jeremy McGrath. Jeff Emlg, Seth k Enslow, Mike Mel2ger. Ryan Hughes, JoelAlbrecht.Mike Healeyand more Loca tionsIncludeCi!lltomla,Oregon South Atrca, Nambiaand Mexico, 40 mlnules . A FleshwoundFilm dtstrobuted by FQl Vldoo $29.95 (#10B) Crusty Demons of Dirt 3 Fleshwoune:l Films '97 edibon 01tile tlUe lhat lalJlld1ed a thousand freesty1e VIdeos ' Indudeslootage 01Pestrana, Dymond, seth Enslow, Hughes.Lawrence. Metzger, Stephenson Goodman llflkogle,Deeqa RustySelZCf andBubba,aAwrthIOSaIlC , . n, greal stunts Filmedaround!he worldW'dJdIng Brazil, FIonda Caldomla 35 . mnules from Fox Video $24,95 aoo (#10C) CruSty Demons of Dirt 4 "'God Blessthe FlOOks"...Themosl hql-poweled sooodIradl ever biK::ks the '98 edIbonollhe senes lhat S\alled. an ,elO1lC oo-locabOn tootagetramCosta RICa. .. Panama, nary. Frarc:e pl sColoraOO,lhatI. las Vegas. ana NewJersey 40 . u mlOUles byF\eshwoI.lfld Fihls. fromFO~ Video 529,95 (#179A) Bike Wars Themostmemorable moments ot mayhemIf'dDog Harteys, ~rt>o'detr,. pulling011 ~ aena! maneuvers al , placeS e It1ePans iW1d ~ Supefcrosses. Glafflls D.nes SecretHc:lflCla Test , (#1793) Evel Kn iev er s Spectacula r Jumps (#110) Dirt y Deedz A flflestyle motocrossVideofrom Down Under Featunng some of Australia's top motOClOssers like Ben Jones,Danny Ham. Sam Jones. de Paul Timmi s, Cltnt Debn and others. Some 01the locatIOns inclU n er Orange, Clarence, Baridlne, Colo, Stockton. and Cattai. Also someclazy musIc by PIO-Paln, Channel Zero. Souls at Zero and Method 01Destruction. 41 mlnules from Impact Video, 529.95 .w (#135) 2 Str ok e Co ld Smoke These snOWmobile guys !lave some sc'ews loose Nuls ,nclude Ma,c Canet Jay L,ska, Blall Morgan. Tracy Poole and lois 01otne,s AlSO some very scel"llC localiOns rn Alas~a , Montana, Wyormng and Colorado Tnese guys lles actually pull all heel C lickers and rac nacs \\l1lle lumpmg ttleITsno....mOb all 70 1001 drOP-OI1S 54 minutes trom X·Factor. $29.95 Covers all the Important tecnoqoee & shows how to practice Ihem Showslop pros uSin these tecnoqces In race g ecrco. SleM 'molten and slop actoOfl make It easy to see aoo understand, 33 minutes from Gary SemIC$ Video. 532.95 (#36) Gary Semics MX Technique s #2 More acvaocec man (#125) Child ren of a Metal God Get10krlcIw ee MestvIe d Joml:>ovld See (#35) Gary Semics MX Techniques #1 to ' each me top. s 65 meune Irom Gary SemlCS Video. 542.95 (#37) Gary Sem ics MX Techn ique s #3: Ju mping & Whoops Shows nc.... to practice & master al aspects 01lumping & .... hoops Teaches approachspeed, ,ear·brake control. compression& rebound. ClulCh & !hronle con not body movement and loot placemenl 40 mlOutesfrom GalY , semcs Video, 542.95 (#38) Gary Semics MX Techniqu es #4: The Diffe rence Between Amateurs & Pros Jeremy McGrath's personal tramel. Gary genes, uses h.s a-step Videoprocess to teach you the not·always,obvlOUs dllterences between the best flders and everyone else. Featullng footage snotln early '96, you'll see whe'e Jeremyand other top nders train dUling lhe W inter, Whether you plan to make MX a fun hobby or become a tull·or\ pro, the main obJec1 1veof thiSVideoIS1 make you a 0 better Ild91 60 minutes Irom Gary SemlCVideo. $42,95 (#39) Gary Semics MX Techniq ues #5: What To Do On Race Day Breaks down & descnbes how to prepare yourself through face dtly, how to tocus your energies. what habits to develop so you'll be ready to race when the gate drops, and how 1 keep yourself In the flghl slate at mmd to perform at youl 0 best 40 minutes from Gary Semics Video 534.95 (#40) Gary Semics MX Techn iques #6: Eliminat ing Arm Pump Training methods & strategies lor racmgW strength & endurance In you' arms, ith not lactic acid "arm pump: Learn hO Wto condition your arms to! motOClOss performance, Includes adViC on pre·l ace warmup & massage and diet & e , supplement tiPS Bonus lootage 01elt reme aenals ....,th McGralh. Hughes & Metzglll ,n SoCa!. 21 mmutes trom Gary SemlCS VIdeO $24.95 (#42) Gary Semics MX Techniques #7: All About Cornering Once you know aUthe baSIC lechnlQ for corneringand bra~lng , Irs time to ues Ieamand pracllCe the methodS ana strategieslound In TechnIQues VIdeo_7 ThISVIdeo will stlow youtile most elfectlVeways to practice '" order 10improve YOU' c:ornerMlg sPeed and COOllot. Branden JessemanISthe lealured rode!, also examples by McGrall1. Dowd, Wmdhamand olhers 45 I'TIlnules trom Gary SemlCS Vicleo $39.95 . (#170) Sweet Spot Video Li brary Set $11. tape set ot lOSlOJC!Jona~lechJ'llC3I SPOrtD I~e pel1 0rmance vlOeOs covenng ·Trac~ Preparation: ·Tlles. ChaSSIS Su~Sl()l'l : "CartllJ relion & Exf'aust Systems "PeI1 : ormance Systems "Ol<1hn9 ln: and -Motorcycle H)'9ICOC: : leaturlng InstructlOO trom motorcycle perlormance Industry elPCrtson each tCJOlC Totlltlme al! 6 tapes, 9 hours & 45 rJIInutes lrom ~r$ltted Media 5204.95 (#171A) Sweet Spot Video: Track Preparat ion Covers: RIde! sa!ery eQU.pn1enl lleathers, body armor. boots , gloves. helmets face snlll'lds ; motorcycleDOdywOrl<. treplacmg Dn9lf1al stoe~ bodywork alld flmng J With llberglass. llOlst>es, !asteners, Wtlalto removefOlltle race traclo.. caten bottles. numberplalesl: CUSlom ~a lntlng helmets: tech mspectOl1s. Featured l elpe rts ale Stough Smead01Motorace'Oalnese: Troy KIrl<.patnCIl of oK DeSIgns: Gary Lenzmel r 01Bodyby Northstar Jim Leonaraof Vance & Hines: RIC e : .. Martin 01Fog CIty: and AI Hathaway. LARS Chief Technlcallnsoectol 113 minutes from Diversi ied Meola $29.95 f (#171B) Sweet Spot Video: Tires, Chass is & Susp ension Covers: SuspenSio preparatIO (preload. damping.rebouno. compreSSion, sag n n traIl. nde helCJf1t W ellect 1 chaSSIS ah9l1menl); Iront forks (adweight. s~lIn gs . ith 0 valvll"l l: tire tread pattern (DOT '.IS race, compound,carcass. wheel s,ze anc ~ re g Siz profiles, tire development, radial '.IS bias. griP and surface palch. expense e, sculling a new tire, tU ning the tire. heat cycles. pressures,pyrometers, oralllng, tire warmers). FealureOe ~pe ns are Dale Ralhwell. Yamaha Suspension Engineer: and Ken Williams of Mic helin Tire 90 mlnules from DiverSified Media. 543.95 Oelon llely nOI lor prime lime or eaSily oftended alJ dlences lp rotafll!y &. partial nudlty)...Jamle Whitham, Carl Fogarty and Terry Rymer on camera and 10 the races Ihat made lhelr careers, Also Includes McElnea, Melkel. Plrovano, early WSB tootage. and Whitham IIdlOgPB test bikes around Snettenon & DonlOg ton 45 minutes Irom Impact Video, $29.95 (#171C) Sweet Spot Video : Carburetio n & Exhaust Covers: Altermarket e~ haust systems (pipes and mulflers, sllp·ons '.IS stock mufflers: carburellon lcarburetor J etllng, senlng float levels, relationship betweenmixture sC lews and synchlO carbS selectingthe g , proper jet kit, how to use cam Slicksand 4-gas analyzerSl, Featured expert ISMarc SalV ISber 01Factory proteSSl nal TU g o ning. 110minutes flOm Dlvers.lied ~edla , S43,95 (#113) Pulp Frict ion 1 The boys 110m Engfand'S Fast Bikes MagazlOe1Iog the SBER 996SPS, 916BP. ZX7-R and other: ploduced In '97. Contains po lillcall~' incorrect spol1b ,~ e scenes. nol tor minors 60 minutes tram Impacl V,deo, 529,95 (#113A) Pul p Fr iction 2 Fealures t~e T595, 916SPS, FlreBlade. GSX-R and others. noden In the most d ls res~-ectful ways by tt'e Fast BI ~es MagaZine crew. Produced,n '98. 60 minutes Irom Impact VtCleo $29,95 (#114) Mega Test The ShOO10t;1 Irom \tle ~uys ....,ho shO t e snOl The Fast B,~es Magazine uld eoltors pUlthe '98 ZX9. F,reBlaoe, and RI head to head 60 minutes from Irr paCl VideO 529.95 (#1710 ) Sweet Spot Video : Perf ormance Systems Covers OilS & flU (petroleum '.IS. sem,·synthellc'.IS fulty synll1 Ids ebc, engine cleanliness, ol'dallon. break.,nrseallnglime perIOd and method. V'SCOSIIy lubrication & horscoowcl. heat translel , aOdlttVCs. fork Oils slOfagelubricants). , cooling systems(water wettel. C haSSI lube): dlrveIlam (cham S20 '.IS 530 S CO el SlOll, O·nng vs. non 0- lIng, maste' link vs. five!. Cham tenslOO l1\l aOjustment. sprockels. brake and dutct1lmes, brake pads, brakeIlulCls. rOl rs, o '9" ,tloo advancell: safetywmng. Featuredexpertsale Cliff Sheriock01Reo li ne 011 and Jim Leonald 01 Vance & H'nes 100 mInutesIrom DlverS lt.edMeal3 539.95 (#171E) Sweet Spot Video: Dialing In Covefs TrilCllsooe tunmg d1almg in the brile fOf ~ s style and tlaCM. condl/IOOS SU $pef1S101l ,I('"lng: b' e tuning: ano geaflng tlncluoes on·board vooeol· Featured : a'e l< ul1Han. 18·tlfTle natlOOill sprlflt dlamptOfl an

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