Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 07 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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for one race or dan gero us. How can Mr. Burns say tha t the m ajori ty of the racers are m ad e up of once-a-year vacation racers? Th er e were 792 entries this year. Did he interview every one of them? No one kn ows w he n it is his or her hour to di e. If th ey d id , would th ey live th eir lives any differently? We ha ve over 400 m embers o f o u r Tea m USA IT Supporters club. I wo nder w hat their opinion would be on this "typ e of coverage? I know of over 400 Ll.S, fans who feel quite differently than Mr. Burns. They supported o u r team and helped us get to th e IT th is yea r because of the love of the sport. For this reason and so many others, I a m committed to run fo r the AMA Trustee position becoming vacant in the eastern region in 2000. There needs to be a change to th is attitude of marketing an d journ alism, I have spoken to a nu mber of people, both fans and racers, w ho are tired of only hearing abo ut the top thr ee or fou r racers ou t of 80 in any class. I'm not taki ng anythi ng away from the front -runne rs , but without the o ther 75 riders, th er e wo ul d be no racin g se ries becau se no one woul d pay to see five factory riders race. I personally think th e way motorcycle racing is covered in the Ll .S, is horrib le. The m ed ia and racing o rg anizatio ns shou ld ta ke no tes from Europe or NASCAR. I know th e ga me, and I'm goin g to try and change it for future racers from the inside. I've traveled to over 60 cou ntries for wo rk and pleasure and never is m otorcycles or racing so poorly received as here in"the Ll.S.' Even ou r own journalis ts who claim to love the sport a re always putting it down. Why do all the jou rn alists have condescend ing, holiertha n-thou attitudes? As if th ey cou ld do so much be tte r. I do n't see the majori ty o f them ra cing . You r own Pa u l Car- " ru th er s jus t recen tly e ntered h is first road race at Road A tlanta . Did Mr. Bums ever stop to think that the-classic parades are held for a reason? Pe rhaps it' s a cha nc e fo r th e en trants wh o are racing multiple classes to relax. As a race r, I k n ow I enjoy the b re ak between classes. I for o n never co m plain when the organizers cancel a practi ce o r d e la y a r a ce b e ca u s e o f th e wea the r. Having raced in the rai n and pra cticed in th e fog , I for o ne can tell yo u th ey ' r e the worse racing ex periences ever I've had . It's nothin g like ra cing in th e rain on a purpose-built race track, w hich is far easier by comparison. As far as TV med ia coverage is con cerned, programming / airing rights are locked in by the big-boy network a nd o nly news segments u nd er 10 mi nu tes are otherwise allowed. BBC-TV, Eu ro -Sport, Sk y- e t and Speed vision are ai ring multiple p rog rams o n the IT. Speedvision sta rts July 6th, and the other ne tworks in Europe have already started their programs. I a lready have friends recording programs for me in Europe. I have spoken to executives at ESPN and was advised the only reason th ey can ' t air programs on the IT is because Speed vision ha s purchased exclusive rights to this event: And to talk about death at the IT... Is this the only way he feels he can make his a rticle more appealing? The racer w ho was killed in the 600cc race, Stuart Murdoch, was a friend of mine. We were hanging o ut ju st before the race. I will mi ss him very much, bu t people have been dying at the IT each year for over 90 years . It's pa rt of the lure and cha llenge of the TT. Wh y do yo u thi nk the racers still ra ce it? More people d ie every day of natural causes th an in the whole IT fortnigh t! Dea th has always been a part of any kind of racing. If people race, someone's going to die. It' s just tha t simple. It's been this way from the beginning. It's always th e sissy p e o pl e wh o do n't race w ho complain about the dea ths, and not the ra cers . We have accepted the personal risks, and we love the chall enge. Why don't all of th e scared people with no heart just stay out of our business? If th ey don 't like th e sport, d on't come. Or better yet , th ey s h o u ld ge t th eir la z y couch -racin g behinds up off th e sofa and simply turn off the TV. Da vid Dwight Mitchell Pisc ataway, NJ Dwight, whil e I have respect for both you and your team's performa nces at the recent Isle of Man IT, let' s not confus e the Isle of Ma n today with the Isle of M an of the past. A lthough 'you are correct in noting that I have only road raced one time, I' ve beet! to my fair share of road racing events - including the Isle of M an TT ill 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969 and 1970. If you recall, that's when the event was a roulld of the World Championship, and at that time it was w ithout a doubt the most important road race of the year . That is no longer tru e. A s for your assessment that "if peo-' pIe race, someone's goillg to die," I totally disagree. Racers race all the tim e on modern race tracks and very seldom do we have to report 0 11 death s . And that 's a good thing ... Editor And his friends As a motorcycle enthusiast a nd sport enthusiast, I find that noncommercial sports in the USA, such as mo torcycling and soccer, often receive poor coverage. The Isle of Man mo to rcycle race, from what I am to decipher from literature and video, has a historical place in racing. It's a place where th e brave race and a place w he re factories often raced their best and newest steeds. Ig norance on behalf o f a w riter is unacceptable and contemptible. Too often, they will knock a sport or a po rtion of the sport out of sheer ignorance in trying to appease a large but mostly ignorant audience. This is similar to the situ ation w here a sportscaster belittles the sp ort and will on ly show some stupid footage of a motorcycle crash and no other part of the race, or will show soccer fans chasing a referee. Foul. M r. Bu rns may have been gu il ty of ignorance in his con tem p t of mo to rcycli ng history. Mr. Burns, p lease report fairly on the spirit of the race o r enterprise. A race is made u p of fans, even ts and all of th e racers. And co ngr atulations to Team USA from a nonCycle News subscriber and supporte r of the team. Carlos Bocanegra Just ill case we don't get en oug h e-mail around here, M it chell had all his friends bombard us with tltem. Naturally , they were all ill support of him alld his ideas. Allyway, enough's enough. We get the point: The Isle of Man rules , Dwight Mitchell and Team USA rilles, death in racing rilles, Paul Carru thersis a nonracing idiot, and Stephen Burns (despite the fact that he resides there) hates the Isle of M an. So let' s move on to something else, shall we? .. Editor Summ ercross I subscribe to your excellen t paper and have no ticed a stra nge lack of comme ntary or d iscus sion on yo ur part regard i n g th e upco m in g Sum m e rcro s s , although I've see n an advertiseme nt for it in Cycle News. Maybe yo u can find o ut if anyo ne besides Jeremy McGrath is riding in it. The Summe rcross web pa ge lists rid ers, and I'm su re you m igh t have a comment when yo u see w ho is riding, o r more importan tly, who is not riding. If only th e riders listed on th e web page are riding, McGrath wi ll probably lap the field twice. I think you have the cred ibility and right to as k the promoters what the deal is - even if they did run an ad wi th you. Of course , y o u onl y h a v e a few days to find o u t and I s h o u ld have asked earlier. Dan Can eva Los Angeles, CA The most recent issue of Cycle News contained an interview 'with Summercross promoter Steve M cfAugllIin. Between that and the web page you've already seen, hopefully your questions have been answered... Editor Cross gendering I question why you felt you needed to use th e word "fem a le" o n p ag e 31 of your recent issue (Ju ne 30, Issue #25) wh en r eferrin g to flat-tra ck racer Stephanie Welch. It' s obvio u s she's a fema le by her name (she doesn ' t have one of those cross-gender nam es). You don' t put "male" in front of all the ot her racers to whom you refer, so w hy wo uld you put "fem ale" next to he r name? It's like you are setting her apa rt for somereason, If she's good enough to be racing flat track a lo ngsid e th e g uys, she 's goo d enough to be written up just like them wi th no reference to gender. And, besides, wom en racing alon gside gu ys is old news now. Stephanie's class title , "Pro-Am," should be good en ough. I don't see you referring to Angelle Seeling as a "female" drag racer. Is that beca use everybody kn ows who she is? Genevieve Schmitt asphltmag Male Paul Carruthers apologizes for fellow male Scott Rousseau for mentioning the fact that Stephanie is indeed a female. 1guess we also owe an apology for all the years we wrote about Stephane Mert ens and didn 't refer to him as a male road racer. By the way, Stephanie also goes by Stevie - not to be confused with male dirt tracker Stev ie Beattie... Editor Letters to th e editor shou ld be se nt to Vo ices, C ycle News, P,O. Box 5084, Co sta Mesa, CA 92628-5084, fa xed to 714 /751-6685 or e-mail, edito Pub li shed letters do not necessarily reflect the pos ition of Cycle News, In c. Letter s sh o u ld n ot exceed 200 words and all let ters are subj ectto editing. Anonymous letters w ill n ot be cons idere d for publi cation . All letters s h o u l d contai n the w r it e r 's n ame, address an d daytim e pho ne number .. . Editor. en en en 5

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