Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 06 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ben Ufimzeff won the 12Scc Intermediate class at the Sandu~ky Valley Riders Motocross in Tiffin, Ohio. (Yam); 3. Larry Sulton (Yam); 4. Chris Livingston (Yum); 5. Richard Albach (Yam). 125 I T: 1. Michacl Sleeter (Yam); 2. Brilln Reichel (Yam); 3. Cory Macomber (Yam); 4. Joshua West (Yam); 5. Jake Elkins (Yam). 125 (12-15): 1. Cory Macomber (Yam); 2. Steven Hauge1stinE' (Yam); 3. Ointon Pierre (Suz); 4. Richard Albach (Yam); 5. Travis Bemis (Yam). 125 (16--25): I. Mike Sleeter (Yam); 2. Joshua West (Yam); 3. Jake Elkins (Yam); 4. TraVIS Fnnk (Kawl; 5. Ryan MtGee (Yam). 125 EX: I. Masaki Hiratsuka (Han) 250 BEG~ I. Kelly Green (Yam); 2. Orew Patton (Yam); 3. Cooper Jancic (Hon); 4. Jon Fulton (I-Ion); S. Marc Robertson (Kaw). 250 NOV: 1. Aaron McDonough (Yam); 2. Joaquin Candia (Yam); 3. Kid Mattsson (Hon); 4. Skip Edwards (Suz); 5. John Messa (Yam), 250 INT: 1. Sean Thornton (Yam); 2. Bryan Currie (502). VET BEG; I. Scott Brown (yam): 2. Paul Ellingsen (Hon); 3. Darin Sharp OCnw); 4. Tim Dun.1W;l.y t5uz); 5. Dcan Herrera (Suz), VET NOV: 1. Bret Snider (Hon); 2. Dnw50n Leachman (Suz); 3. Ron Howell (5uz); 4. Ron Landry (Yam); 5. David Hassell (Yam). VET tNT: 1. Greg Meyers (Knw); 2. Jay Pavcovcl (KTM); 3. John WillIS IJI (l-Ion). OP£l"l: 1. Sean Thomlon (Yam); 2. Joaquin Candia (Yam); 3. Kid Mattsson (Hon); 4. John Willis (Hon); 5. John Mesa (Kaw). I'RO: 1. Masaki Hiratsulca (Hon); 2. Ch.1d Sparks (Yam); 3. l...3n;-Eric Larsson o-Ion). Ufimzeff zaps Sandusky Valley Motocross By Carl Davis TIFFIN, OH, MAY 2 Ben Ufimzeff motored to impressive double moto wins, claiming the overall victory in the 125cc Intermediate class at the Sandusky Valley Riders Club season-opening event. A nearrecord crowd of spectators watched as a large turnout of riders took advantage of primo weather conditions to get a jump on the points race. A slightly revised track layout greeted the riders for the 1999 racing season. Ulimzeff did not gate well at the beginning of either mota, but he made quick work of the competition, moving through the pack within a couple of laps in both motos. In moto onc, it was ick Salarid absconding with the holeshot and leading the pack through the first turn into the tabletop-jump section 01 the track. Chuck Gekle buzzed his Suzuki past Salardi, with Ufirnzeff £lying behind him. Ufimzefl made a quick move past Gekle to take the lead, but Gekle kept it close for a lap. Meanwhile, Silardi was holding a steady th.ird and Denny Beard a solid fourth, finishing moto one in that order. . In moto two, Kevin Sleek took the early lead, with Ulimzelf, Gekle and SHardi on the move behind him. Ulimzelf again took control of the mota lead very quickly and established a decent lead. GekJe got by Sleek, but Ufimzeff was.long gone on his YZI25. Silardi also moved up a notch, ending the moto and sewing up the overall order. Brad Hohenbrink put last year's pelvis injury behind him to win the 12Sec ovice class, which was the largest and one of the most competitive classes of the day. Main Street Powersports-sponsored Hohenbrink was on the gas and he motored away from the pack. Doug Beardsley took second overall, "",:ith Chuck Szymczak taking the third spot. Results 50 (4-6): 1. Austin $elhorst (Yam); 2. Mackenzie Jones (Yllm); 3. Ch;;ase Naerynck (Yam). 50 (7·8): 1. Brandon Heim (KTM); 2. Tim Walker (Yam); 3. Joshua Rutherford (Yam). 5/50 (4-6): 1. Kyle Straube (Yam); 2. Brock I3ernholtz (KTM). 5/50 (7--9); J. Logan Billen (PoO; 2. Joshua Rutherford (Yam); 3. John Clark (Cob). 50 EX: 1. Kyle Straube (Yam); 2. Logan Gillen (Pol); 3. Joshua Rutherford (Yam). 60 (7-10: I. Greg Ourivag~ (KTM); 2. ADen JOne!l (K,aw); 3. Kelsie Bc!mholtz (KTM). • 85 BEG: 1. Ben Wood (Han); 2. Jerry Urbanowski (Yam); 3. Mark Tinsley (Kaw). 85 NOV: I. Anthony Doble (Hon); 2. Nick Slasa (Hon); 3. Ted Zweifel (Kaw). ."".,.,.. ~ It 78: 7J is Bei ~ elivered Late! , you do ,bou • As America's only weekly motorcycle pUblication, we're the only thing you get that you even realize is late! (When was the last ~me you knew your monthly magazine was a week later than usuoP.l method (at 0 reasonable cost) to get your Cycle News delivered quicker, we're all stuck with the same problem. Here are your oltematives for better service: Most Cycle News sUbscrip~ons are delivered via 2nd Closs moll. The bulk of what you pay for on your onnuol sUbscrip~on Is postage. You are paying for better delivery thon what you have been receiving_ Why! Around the beginning of 1997, the U.S. Postal Service reclossified all pUblications Into what they call "Periodicals" for the purposes of delivery speed. That means they now lump your Cycle News in with 011 the monthly publications ond deliver th~m with the some urgency (or lock of urgency). All Cycle News can do on our end Is get the paper shipped Immediately after eoch weekend's event>. and into the mall system. which we do, eVe<"( Tuesday momlng. without foil (except on weeks with a Monday holiday, then we print Tuesday and ship your poper on Wednesday morning). After that It's out of our hands, and you need to register your delivery complaint with the U.s. Postal Service, not u~ We're as tiustToled as you are, and un~lthere's sorne better ttyou are able to pay for faster service, first-class mall delivery within the United States for Cycle News, onnuol subscripNon price: 5122.00. (Ouh;lde the U.S. firstclass delivery Is available for 5140.00; Canada & Mexico are S135.oo). Cycle News' tall-li"ee subscripNon hoHlne is I-S00-S31-2220. - or- Register your delivery complaint> with the U.S. Postal Service via e-mail at or, call the U.S. Postal Service toll-Itee consumer hoHlne - 24 hours a day, seven days a week· at 1-80Q-ASK-USPS (J-SOQ-275-S7m. Please keep your message brietto the point, descriptive of your delivery problems. and os polite as possible.• the USPS hears from enough customer.;, they can only pay attention and Improve their service. 37

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