Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 06 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Sandro Puzar appeared to be in the catbird seat for the Italian GP win after finishing second to Johansson in moto one. But a melee in moto two forced him to charge hard just to finish seventh in the moto, dropping him to third overall. (Right) American hopeful Trampas Parker in a secondmoto clash with Britain's Rob Herring - the very same clash that damaged Puzar's chances. Parker was even less lUCky, however, suffering a broken arm in the incident. had no chance on tile uphill start, but the American's speed Urrough the apexes of the fast turns was a treat to watch as he forced his way up to eighth. His last victim was ninth-placed Chris Burnham. "That's how he got me: holding it tight through the turn," Burnham said. "1 actually was second off the start, but those four-strokes were everywhere, right and left of me, along that top straight. That was scary." The second mota was a straightforward win for Bartolini after he scorched past Smets at the end of lap one, but Johansson was not going to give up the' overall so easily. Third for half the race, the Swede .hauled in Smets and passed the champion in style. "1 just feel so good on the bike at the moment," Johansson said. "It suits me perfectly, and I was much faster than Joel today." Smets held on for third, while Darryll King was a dogged fourth. But where was puzar? "1 don't know whose fault it was, but as I went into turn one, (Rob) Herring and Parker got locked up and I ran straight into them," said Puzar, who came from dead last to seventh at the finish. "1 would have had Aaltonen, too, but I made a mistake on the next-ta-Iast lap and lost him again." Neither Parker nor Herring could continue. Herring was only shaken, but Parker had to be taped up by the medics. "1 put my right shoulder out, and they say the bone in the upper arm is broken where it joins the shoulder," Parker said. "They say I can't ride for a month, but I'll be in Czecho. I don't think it was Rob's fault. I think someone hit him and his bike high-sided and came down on me. Something had to give - and it was my shoulder." Yves Demaria, fourth in race one, had been just outside the top six for most of the race. '1 was in pain from my left hand from the fourth lap after I hit a post, and that put me out," Demaria said. "But I had problems witil the suspension all race." Bader Manneh again qualified on his YZ400 although he lacked the pace to challenge for points. But he was able to mix it with the other backmarkers, and finished 29th of 32 in race one before exiting race two at halfway. _ Crossodromo di Gioiella Castiglione Del Lago, Italy Results: May 16 (Round 4 of 13) MOTO 1: 1. Peter Johansson (KTM); 2. Alessandro Puzar (Yam); 3. Andrea Bartolini (Yam); 4. Yves Demaria (Hus); S. DarryU King (Hus); 6. Shilyne King (KTM); 7. Francisco Garcia Vico (Yam); 8. Trampas Parker (KTM); 9. Chris Burnham (Hon); 10. Rob Herring (Hon); 11. Miska Aaltonen (Yam); 12. Gert Jan Van Doorn; 13. Danny Theybers (Hbg); 14. Fabrizio Dini (Hus); IS. Rup; Walkner (KTM). MOTO 2: 1. Andrea Bartolini (-Yam); 2. Peter Johansson (KTM); 3. Joel Smets (Hbg); 4. Oarryll King (Hus); S. Francsico Garcia Vico (Yam); 6. Miska Aaltonen (Yam); 7. Alessandro Puzar (Yam); 8. Shayne ·King (KTM); 9. Gert Jan Van Doom; 10, Chris Burnham (Hon); 11. Rupi Walkner (KTM); 12. Danny Theybers (Hbg); 13. Avo Leok (KTM); 14. Erwin Machtlinger (Han); 15. Siggi Bnuer (KTM). alA: 1. Peter Johansson (KTM); 2. Andrea Bartolini (Yam); 3. Alessandro Puzar (Yam); 4. Darryll King (Hus): 5. Francisco Carda Vico (Yam); 6. Shayne King (KTM); 7. Joel Smets (Hbg); 8, Miska Aaltonen (Ynm); 9. Yves Demaria (Hus); 10. Chris Burnham (Hen). FIM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 500cc MX SERIES STANDINGS (After 4 of 13 rounds): 1. Andrea Bartolini (\20/1 win); 2. Jde! Smets (95/1); 3. Yves Demaria (82/1); 4. Alessandro Puzar (81); 5. Peter Johansson (74/1); 6. Oarryll King (72); 7. Trampas ParKer (68); 8. Shayne King (67); 9. Francisco Carcia Vico (51); 10. Jocke K..lrlsson (41); 11. Miska Aaltonen (39); 12. Chris Burnham (36); 13. Erwin Machtlinger (31); 14. rochen Jasinski (31); 15. Rob Hemog (29); 16. Johan Boonen (24); 17. O"""y Theybers (21); 18. Gm Jnn Vaa Doorn (15); 19. Siggi Bauer (14); 20. Willie Vall Wessel (14). Upcoming Rounds: Round 5 - Loket, Czech Republic, May 30 Round 6 - Teutschenthal, Germany, June i3 AM World Championship 250cc MX Series Round 6: Belo Horizonte Hughes sings the blues BEW HORIZONTE, BRAZIL, MAY 16 yan Hughes failed yet again to turn speed into points as the Californian's starts let him down again at the second leg of the South American tour at Bela Horizonte in Brazil. R The 4-3 mota scores of the Pamo Honda teamster equaled the 28 points of third-placed David VuiIlemin, and Ryno retains a 10-point ad vantage over the Frenchman in the series as the pair dispute fourth place in the standings. Hughes' first-mota ride was particularly impressive, as he charged from 11 th to fourth within 10 laps and then hauled back the leading trio, only to run out of time to pass them. The double winner in Brazil was Marnicq Bervoets, who has now won Urree of the last four GPs, and relatively low score for his main rivals Pit Beirer and Frederic Bailey mean that he has extended his advantage in the standings to 17 points over his Kawasaki teammate Beirer. _ Brazilian 250cc GP Belo Horizonte, Brazil R~sults: May 16, 1999 (Round 6 of 16) MOTa 1: 1. Marnicq Bervoets (Kaw); 2. Mickael Maschjo (Yam); 3, Pit Beirer (Kaw); 4. Ryan Hughes (Hon); 5. David Vuillemin (Yam); 6. Josh Coppins (Suz); 7. Frederic Bolley (Hon); 8. Alex Belometti (Yam): 9. Justin Morns (lM); 10. Pnui Cooper (Hus); n. Briaa Jorgensen (So2); 12. i..l:on Geisbers (5uz); 13. Thierry Bethys (Han): 14. Peter lvII, (K..1W); 15. Remy Van Rees (l(.lW). MOTO 2: 1. Mamic,! Bervoets (Kaw); 2. David Vuillemin (Yam); 3. Ryan Hughes (Hon); 4. Mickael Mascruo (Yam); 5. Frederic Bolley (Hon); 6. Pit Beirer (Kaw); 7. Paul Cooper (Hus); 8. Brian Jorgensen (Suz); 9. Alex Belometti (Yam); 10. Marko Kovalainen (Hon); 11. Thierry Bethys (Hen); 12. Peter Iven Och', Parker's'380'KTM reaches peak perforon his shoulder this week, and they (ound a mance at 8HOO rpm as on previous models. severely stretched ligament. He tried to ride on · but: while in previous years the powe'r range Wednesday but was in· terrible pain after 20 was small, the 380 now continu'es ·to rev until . minutes. He will rest before the next GP in 10:500 rpm.. . Czecho and, if his shoulder is still not healed,. he may need an operation. - Jochen:Jaslnski Shayne King had ·peen. unable to ride all . stayed home with knee-ligament injuries from a week after hi,S' his.tpric moto' win'in Austria. training crash. Georges Jobe did not arrive "Andrea Bartolini's doctor llxamined .me' after undergoing an operation to have a dam- · between motos there and told me I had broken aged knee ligament removed. He also failed to my tailbone,.but I. didn't even tell my Wife until. ·after the second molo," King said. -The injury announce his absence and has been fined. . , was confirmed at h,,!spital on Monday. I should' Tech dept: KTM· engineer Sepp Hollbacher · take a month off racing, but .apparently I canha's solved ·the question of how the 'exh'aust not do any more' damage. h is 'simply'a matter valve on the Rinaldi Yamahas is tumed off for of patting up with the paici. The ?dtenalin which technical control.' -The valve remains ciosed . I. got froJ1l leadi.rig was the best painkiller, so I ,vhen the bike 'is not in gear," Hollbacher said, . ·guess' neea to keep getting but in front',,, . 23

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