When a racer crasheS,
his f111811C8S can crash, too.
You can help. For every ticket
purchased for the 1999 AMA
M"""a Truck 125/250 Outdoor
NatIonals, U.s. robacco Co.
wli donate 33 cents to the
Clayton Memorial Foundation,
organization which offers
hlCIaI support to adult rac:etS
whose personal funds, prize
winnings or Insurance have
...... depleted br Injury.
U.S. Tobacco Co., the
makers. of Rooster 8 and proud
supporters .of the Clayton
Memorial FoundatIon, beIeve
the toughest riders In the
wortd deserve more thmI
tough breaks. And we're sure
you ..,.. So we __ to
encourage you to buy a ticket
to your local Outdoor NatIonals
race, ~ the fun and support
the causel
We'1 be at the race
too, so look for our U.S.
Tobacco Co. booth and stop
by. You can learn more about
the foundation, as well as our
Thank you for being a
loyal fan and helping us help'
these riders when they need
It most.
USTC clooo nat - . norclooo" CIoyD1
grwi, praLd .. do• • • i.llonlIIion nat ... _ _ to _
nor.... _1iIon_1o _
to oe>-.oo ~ _ b y USTC, USTC
clooonatoolcil", _ _ lcr"_"""'lmlpodllo, norloUSTC'a_.-In _ _ ""
USTCwI_33cnafllr-. _ _ fllr . .
Tn.d< 12MSl
Moy9, 1GGG,andSoplombor5, , . , InCllloonla.
Yort<,Ohlo,""'....... -~,wIIh• .-num_olS70.OOO.and.~ ..........
_01$50,000. PIogam_