Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 03 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Greg Schnell garnered the final podium spot, one of his best linislles of the yellr. (Above from left to right) Greg Schnell, Nathan Ramsey and Casey Lytle celebrate their results in front of the Texas crowd. his teeth was Team Mex-Cal Kawasaki's Shaun Perolio, who finished fourth. MAIN Once again, Harrington took his YZ to the front of the pack at the start of the main event. Holland, too, got another great start, with Brandes right.on his rear end. But before the race was two turns old, Lytle had found his way into second, behind Brandes, who moved his RM into the lead just as fast as Harrington had grabbed the holeshot. As the field began to spread out toward the end of the opening lap, Vallejo was in third, followed by HoIland, Harrington, Preston, Ramsey, Schnell and Payne, but the order did not stay that way for long, as Lytle pulled alongside Brandes. . "For the main event, I started five (positions) to the left side of the box, which was more inside than a lot of people were doing, but I thought it was good," Lytle said. "I kind of bogged off the start, but I carne back through, and by the time everything was settled, I was second behind Brandes. I passed him in the whoops." Ramsey was making a charge of his own at the same time, but, unfortunately for Lytle, he was the main target. "I made a couple of good moves on the first lap, and that put me up there pretty quick," Ramsey said. "Then I saw Casey Lytle get out front and I just got in second. He was riding really good, but I just ended up catching him a little bit by little bit. Then, when I caught him, he tightened up a little bit, and I was able to pull a little gap; then I could relax and ride as hard as I wanted to." Lytle admitted to riding tight, a problem that has haunted him much of the year. "I started to try and run away, and I did for about six or seven laps," Lytle said. "But I got tight again and Ramsey started reeling me in. My arms - basically everything ge.ts tight. [ started riding different from about lap seven on. Once he passes me, I'm usually pretty tight by 'then, and then I just try to ride as best as I can and not throw it away, I wouldn't want to throwaway a second place." Ramsey made the pass on Lytle over a jump on the track named "Mount Bomber," a huge step-up jump designed by former Supercross champ Mark Barnett. "Right when I got on him, he came up short on a triple right before the big step-up jump:: said Ramsey of his pass on Lytle. "When he came up short, he kind of went outside a little bit, and I just shot right under him. It was a good, clean pass." . While Ramsey was running away with the win and Lytle was holding down second comfortably, Schnell was making his move through the pack, Schnell went from eighth on lap one to 'B·r·1e'f,I1\'. ,... · .. y.ii. 125 HEAT 1. (6 laps; 1-9 trilllsfer to main): 1. Casey Lytle (Yam); 2. David Pingree (Suz); 3. Billy Payne (Kaw); 4. Andy Harrington (Yam); 5. Josh Demuth (Yam); 6. Ryan Clark (Kaw); 7. Tyler Evans (Suz); 8. Travis Preston (Suz); 9. Tom Clowers (Suz); 10. Steve Andrich .(Yam); 11. Shaun Perolio (Kaw); 12. Michael Nathan Ramsey (Kaw); 2. Charlie Bogard (Suz); 3. Isnhlh Johnson (Kaw); 4. Rusty Holland (Hon); 5. Erick Vallejo (!nces of winning $250.000 via the VMS Triple Ctown of Supercross. amount of,dirt to work with, S9 former .SX c~amp Mark '"The Bomber" · presented by Mountain Dew and G·Shock..Lus~, won found five in Ana. . Barne~ built a huge step-up ju'!'p that was appropriately 'named· ":Mount · heim, California. which was the' first event .in the Triple Crown. series. By '!;lomber. ":The jl!mp·was ~he biggest on·the tow thus far,ilOd. resembleq a :doing so, he set himself up fo'r the' biggest supereross bonus in history. cliff jump. Some riders. were clearing it, and same were n9t. . When asked before the raee if he was nervous.·Lusk' replied. "·If it comes Honda was v:..ell"'rep·resented in the.250cc ';'ain. In fact.. n~adY half the 'down to Indianapolis, then that'll be a big race - then rll,b'1 nervous.." Unfortunately for Lusk, he could not make it happen at Houston, ending field was made .up o( 250cc CRs. There were nine Hondas, four Suzukis.. ,. , . . ' four Yamahas and three Kawasakis in the final. 'his the big money. LusK, however, is nottotally out of luck: He '. .still has ashot to win the $25,000 reward that goes to the highest-placing There was a scary moment dUring the second 250cc practice session at 'rider in the three Triple Crown rourids. . ' . Houston. Kawasaki's Jeff Emig had a horrible get-off thai left him lying on the 'Astrodome floor for a good 10 minlJtes befoie paramedics finally The Houston Supercross is not the only' race that'the ABC network' will air carried him off the side of the track. Emig came up short on a small triple, in ihe- 1'999 season. On Sunday, April 25,' ABC Sports will also televise. and he badly bruised both heets. It did not take lorig for Emig and the the,lnliianapOUe Supercros" from the RCA Dqme.. As always, the team' to realize that making the ,program for the night -was' noi even an espn2 crew was also on hand at the Astrodome, filming for its expanded issue. Emig was ta~en to a hospital and released just in tim',; to ma~e' it , coverage of the event. back to th'e stadium' on crutches, .. It was.a mistake On mY part," Emig .said. "It's a 'frustrating misfake, too, because I'feellike I was finally co.mThe Team Yamaha semi was present in Houston, hut team riders ing about this season." It is indefinite as to how long 'Emlg will be out of John Dowd, Jimmy Button and Doug'HenrY were not. Last week action, but he should be all healed for the opening round of the AMA at the Daytona SX. Dowd crashed hard and separated his shqulder and Nation~i MX Series in May. . broke his arm. According tq Yarryaha team manager Keith McCarty. Dowd underwent surgery the Tuesday after Dayton~, and screws were used to Kawasakl's Ricky Carmichael also did not race. due to an .injury that fix the arm. Dowd will be. out of action for a minimum of six weeks. The I)e suffered during the first 250cc, practice session. Carmic~ael was able . final round in Vegas, on May 1. is a posslbiUty for Dowd, though it IS not to get around without crutches and will most likely be back in action for likely. Button is still feeling the effects from the crash he suffered in Dal- next ~eek's race in 'Minneapolis. las two weeks ago, McCarty said that ~utton's 'knee was severely bruised· in the crash, but he should be ready for action by round 11 in Min: The Women's Motocross League brought two female riders to the .neapolis. Astrodome in the hope that they would qualify for in the evening's 125cc program. where they would:have" the chance of becoming the first ,The track built :by Dirt Wurx was one of the most unique tracks thi~ sea· . women' to qualify for the main. ·Planet Honda·sponsored Nikki Rarris son. It was wide, witn plerity of room for' passing, .and the dirt was dark and Kawasaki of Mexico's Tania Satchwell. who is the New Zealand brown in color and provided ample traction, In addition: the whoop section' Women"s Champion, both competed in the day"s preliminaries but failed '. , ' had two lanes divide? by a row of Tuff Blocks,'The 'inside line seemed to 'to transf;>, into the evening's pro~r'am.. .

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