Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 03 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Enter now for a chance to win an 8 day / 7 night vacation for one to Barcelona, Spain for group training at the Kenny Roberts Training Ranch, and the running of the FIM Barcelona Grand Prix. GRAIVD PR.ZE PACICAGE KENNY ROBERTS TRAINING RANCH TRAVELCRAFT TOUR PACKAGE BARCELONA GRAND PRIX .,. n~PrlUlt .... RDaIid.. Wodlll QllllpliDalllIp GIanlf PIlI Roell ........ " , .... ;;. O_L ...... c-• ..... H<;-" ENTER the Cycle News / TravelCraft Spanish Grand Prix Sweepstakes and you could become our next lucky winner... just fill out the sweepstakes entry for", & send it in today. No purchase necessary. While you're at it, subscribe to Cycle News, America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper· your weekly source of the latest racing Qews! r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,: Em:IilJ1iIJ!'ll!. ~r _ Official Entry Form Mall Today 0 YES, I want to subscribe to CYCLE NEWS and be entered in o No, I don't want to subscribe, but please enter me in the sweepstakes. the Spanish Gre;md Prix Sweepstakes - $38.00/one year, 50 issues. One Year $78.00 (U lio Issues). 2nd Class Canada or Mexico and all other foreign countries ! I ~ Funds). First class and airmail rates available upon request. I Name 0 This is a: o Please bill me one payment of $38.00 Address ~__ 0 0 New Subscription 0 l Renewal _ .. Bill 2 EZ payments of $19.00 each Enclosed is my check or money order Charge my 0 .... o Charge Card# City --'- State. Zip -----:,-----_ _ Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:- Exp. Date -:-_ _ I I : Phone # Order Date : I . Send To: Cycle News, Inc. 1999 Spanish Grand Prix Sweepstakes· P.O. Box 5084, Costa Mesa. CA 92628·5084 • ~:~a:I~=ecs~~~I::=:."%~~::-~~~~~~::,:=~~~-:~~=~:~~~I~:!::::;:===~al~1ta~ndl~~t·~u~.=·=~4rL~c:ion~:aI~~_=tra::c~\~~~=r:~~~ : I and all oonlMl aponIOfIlrom any damag" Of Inturies In conjunction with tweepelake. priH. prtzelncluON round·trlp air from malor continenta.J United State. galew8V 8lrport. Airline and itlnarary schedul. at dIIcte~ Of TravelCraft. Hotella. ahlired double room. To.ooept prize, winner musl sign Tra'<'lllCraft lla· I blIIty releaH form; copy available upon ntQU8al kRTR ~Ion requtree ~ r.Ie... olilabiity loiravelCraft. Cycle New. Inc. and KRTR. In 1M .....nt any one or more e....ntlls canceled or In the evenl lhal winner II unable to utUlze any portion of prize. no aubatltUlIon In priz. will be offered Of llPf)IlcabIe. Pr1le I II nol lra"~ IncIMcIuaJ Ira..... vendors may M...- apedfic ratrId'ona. c.r rente! company requl.... cettaIn rnlnImun regarding Mctnee. cn

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