Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 02 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Enter now for a chance to win an 8 day! 7 night vacation for one to Barcelona, Spain for group training at the Kenny Roberts Training Ranch, and the running of the FIM Barcelona Grand Prix. GRAItID . . . . . ZE ~O .... ~T!> ,i.n·.N<=:-.:;-- "AC~GE BARCELONA GRAND PRIX TRAVELCRAFT TOUR PACKAGE Spend 3 Days Attending the Barcelona Grand Prix at the Catalunya, Spain circuit on JLI1e18-20, Round #6 of the 1999 FIM World Championship Grand Prix Road RacIng Seriesl 8 Days &7 Nights TraveiCraIl Barcelona Tour P8cIcage, Includes AIrlIne. 4-Star HoI8I, AentaI c., Race El/IIIt TIcket, Kenny Roberts Tnining Ranch S8esIons, Plus Lots of TIIR8 for the Summer Sun & Sights of Barcelona, SpIIIn. KENNY ROBERTS TRAINING RANCH Two 4-Hour XR·100 Group Training 5esslons at Kenny Roberts'Trslnlng Ranch in Barcelona, Spalnl OCl! TR 'A.Nt ENTER the Cycle News / TravelCraft Spanish Grand Prix Sweepstakes and you could become our next lucky winner... just fill out the sweepstakes entry form & send it in today. No purchase necessary. While you're at it, subscribe to Cycle News, America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper - your weekly source of the latest racing news! r------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, : !Jl!J.Y';Jj;jJ-rJIJ9X!.7JJWf : ~ Official Entry Form Mail Today ~~ No, I don't want to subscribe, but please enter me in the sweepstakes. I T O -'~J:EA":::~N~~~~·~·';;~'·· Name , 0 YES, I want to subscribe to CYCLE NEWS and be entered in the Spanish Grand Prix Sweepstakes - $38.00/one year, 50 issues. One Year (50 Issues), 2nd Class Canada or Mexico and all other foreign countries $78.00 (US Funds). First class and airmail rates available upon request. This is a: Address _ 0 New Subscription o Please bill me one payment of $38.00 o Enclosed is my check or money order I . . 0 Renewal' 0 : I Bill 2 EZ payments of $19.00 each Charge my 0 VISA : ! i 0 I 1 I I 1 Charge Card!! City Phone # I I State Zip Order Date _ --:-'-_ Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. Date Send To; Cycle News, Inc. 1999 Spanish Grand Prix Sweepstakes· P.O. Box 5084, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084 I I No Purchase Necessaty. Fill out the offlclalentIY form (or 3"x5~ tacslmlle).lncludlng your name, address. city, state, ZIP COde and phone number. Entries (one per person) must be r&Celved by' Cycle News, Inc. by April 5, 1999. Final drawing will be held On April 9, 1999. The odcfs of winning will be determined by the • number of entries recell/ed. All entries become Ihel?r0p8rty 01 Cyele News Inc. Winner's nama will be available after the drawing upon request. Contest Is void where prohlblled. SubJeClIO all ocal, state and lederal regulations. Winner shall be required to sign a statamenl releasing TravelCraft, Cycle News Inc.• KRTA, t and all contest sponSOI'S lrom any damages or In]unes in conjunction with sweepstakes prize. Prize includes round·trtp alr trom major continental Un"ed States gateway airport. AIrline and Itinerary achedula al diacreUon of TravelCraft. HOlel is a shared double room. To accept prize. winl\8r must sign TravelCraft lieI bility release tcmn; c~ available upon request. KAlA partiCipation requires signed relea~ otliabillty to TravelCratt, Cycle News Inc. and KAlR: In lhe evenl anyone or more events Is canceled or In the allftn! that wlnner Is unabla to ullllza any portion 01 prtza, no substitution In prize will be o1tered or applicable. Prize , Is not transferable. Individual travel vendors may have specific restrictions. car renlal company requires cartain minimum regarding license, credit. and age. car ranlal portion of prize includes base rental only; does nOl include any other expenses inclUding but not limited 10 gasoline, Insu~nca options, damage, lIabltl· , ty, additional rental time, paoong and lolls. Winner shalt be solely responsible lor any and all damag8S and/or theft to rented vehicle. Subslltute prizes(sl or cash consideration shall not be made In the event Itlalttle prize winner cannot usa any and/or all portions 01 the prize. In acceptlng the prize, Ihe winner grants L Cycle News Inc, and TravelCraft permission to promote and publicize his or her photograph and the prize won. All employees of Cycle News, Inc. and TrevelCralt and ttlelr lamilies are not eligible. ~---~--, • I I I I I ~ I

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