Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 02 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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6C SO CALIF. . Grayson Hart leads in the 250cc Expert class during vintage motocross in Woodland, Washington. at the start of the Expert/Intermediate Grand Prix race, but he could not hold on long enough to win. Monty Price took the lead from the ailing Clark and thumped to a win aboard his ultratrick IT 500 Yamaha. CIfI Results XR 75: I. John Trudeau; 2. Zant' Zi~lcr; J. Markus Siewns. PRE-l970 EX' 1 Nell Gierll>£n (tlu..), 2. Duk Murphy (Oss) PRE·1970 1l'.'T I. Ken Burningham (BSA), 2. Steve Sprague (Bull; ~ Tommy Mc~arJand (Bul). PRE-!97U AM I C..1 r)' 125 AM 1 labcz Mcad~ (Honl, Hou~c .' luhn l...1ughlin (yam). John M,ucollc (lion); 2. Jo.:II An~h ..rson IC-A), 125 EX J Ri-tlld} Hru\.m (Yom). 250 AM I ('lin" POItr Ii Ion), 2. RI("k Loncllo (Hon); J. t' LlI\cc Conldl am) 25tIINl I, D;,k (lIon), 2 lohn Llj,dcf (Yam); 3. Todd B."'Idhnm Qlon) 250 EX I (.ra'·....ll1 liar' (Hon)::! Ivt'LIM.>\ (Hon); 3. Chns CldTk tHonl. OPEJ\i AM I TIn\ Scland"r (CZl. 2 re,n Wall {Hus}; 3. Corey !'OIlra:;; (Hun) OPEN lNT I lJilrrd t..11~ort' ()am), I. 1),1I!.l 5."'Ibman (Yam); 3. John Adam:. C"am), 4-STRh. It\lT I Dclln I\('''''lon (mu\): 1 "l.ut}' Weller (Hon). 1. Ken Burnlnghllm (BbA) J(4 AM 1 Rkk ('MICHt> Cl-lon), 2, h.'rl H.lmlhon (5uz); 3 Dan Fogcny (CZI 31).; IN1 I John Lj~11.'1' 1),101). ~ "-..:JII1 \\cbSlcr (Hon); 3. , lolln Adam~\\.lm) 30-+ EX' t Gr...)·...ln H.m (Ilonl. .! tOt <. il'-C)' (Hon); 3 Ron h:.h(Ynmi 40-+ AM If-ranI.. Clmpbdl {Honl.:! L.lIKl' ComcJl (Yam); 3 '>ll"'(' MO\1.1t (1lonl 40+ (1\11 1 DOllf.; (>0\\ ell (eZI; 2 D,II., I-ranklill (Hon). 3 DMlil S.llsmilll (\ .U'll! 4(),. U. Bub Ru~h (CZ), 2. DIrk Murphy (HusJ. c;o-+ (NT ,M,lylloll'd Kldlllrd~ (Hon) ~ l~lCk Downing (Bul), :'I TOll\nl\ Mdarl.lIld (Bull 'iO~ AM I labc~ Hou"l' {Hunl, 2 ";h.h !:lalcrlund (CZ), 3. Thomnt' GIOJl'll tez) 5(l+EX I ]im\\.llt.l>nolm) 60-+- AI\I I 1 1 H\ I.lnd", (!-ront. 1l.h,-I' hllllcnn (C-A), 3. .... Norm Du\ull ('Yam) 60-+ [I'\-T I M.1YI\n " RIK.j~ ...' f Wile J::tuz); :) C~orgl' I:.ldlC /\ 11m 60~ EX 1 hm 1.v.llIS (Y,lm) WMN' 1 fuh..: :,\\ l~ll'l1 (K.IW), l N,<;t. k <;pr,lguc (Hon), 3 ValcneL:h ... r(l>...l\\ FVO 2S0 I\M I ~Cl1 11.u1.ll1 (l !lllll, Kl'll/l~ Randnll (Holll 3. Bnal\ B1ad...... dl () ,lin I EVO 25(1 [,,.. I ~al\ LJ~hl ().lIn), "1 \V,llta WeltL'" (Bull; 3 k.cnny McC,lllll n'.lm) EVa 250 EX, I Jim &ilwlcll (Hou};:! Mll..l Uonocini (K.,"'Iwl, 3 Gene 600.'I'l' (Y.lm) ~wl~tcn (M",,' :1 t..url StC\lL'tlS (Yam), 1. Jt:.M: Buckle)' (\.lml EVa OPE AM. 1 ! Campbdl \1.11 Kilymond I-I:>h* cr (MIll);:; 1(.'11 R.n'ld"ll (YOlm) WMN FVC)' L.1L1.I In~ham n'.lm) v 11cllt: Ulver (Yam),:\ Anry 1.lgll1 \\,lIn\ 40+ EVa L\, I 3 Bill Bruwnt),lll\l 40-+ EVa.EX Ualc 1.1..."'()bu~ 1\ .lm}, (,rl'~ Teeny Mini - Over 50 (A Class for Everyone) INFO: Call 214·351·9900 ' 2 ... Schedule of Events March 18 National Semi-Final Qualifier $5000 (;N(~ & $7()5() 14'i-l(~rl'() IlY GNC FINAL March 19, 20, 21 .~.L~SI. (Honl, 2. \ t rl H.lmillon (Sut): 3. Chris roilfol.... (Hun) 125 11\11 No Sign Up Race Day Pre-Entered Only Classes 20. Ku,.:cr.. {M.11 ~ P,.Jt! IlOOson (Mill), Q::~> ~'~~ ~DUNLDP SC:OTT Kawasaki SUZUKI ~ HONDA INISEeO YAMAHA Trackslde Support ProvIded by. • Clear Lake Kawasaki • Cycle Town South • 0 & S Honda/Kawasaki • Grapevine Kawasaki • Honda of Houston • Honda-Suzuki North • Honda West Kawasaki • North Texas Yamaha • Plano Honda • Texas Kawasaki of Pasadena • 76 Racing Gasoline • J M Racing Suspension • Pro-Action Suspension • Pro Privateer Racing • LCS • Superfast Performance Fuels (,ayron. Memoria' oundarion .. ( ,'nl Bocre (Yam); 3. J~ Buddl'\ I) .!nl, Ch,11!e:- Marllll (HUll), 2, 1{.ll1dy !llhllf.On (11011). EVO -1-',1 R~ AM Bn.m Blacl..\\dll'l.lnll 2. Jdf Bonocim tlUw); 3, Ro~cr \.\ "fIlcr \I'lon/ 125 liva A/l.1 I r'>.obbv Tol..du (1lvlll ., Clwrlcs Mnrtin (1-101\); 3. ~hl.. ... Ang..:k':>ll'll ~HtJn) UII EVa ~'f 1\....' 1 .......·nn} Randall U'!unl ;: Andy Ide (Kaw); 3. Kyl,' john.'>On \Bull FVO 4tH A).I l I.,) TCflyah 1).1111) (M.II),:l \)enlllJ:i KligUlc (Yarn) EVO OPEN INl I A1t): Schon (Mill); 1. Raymond Fisher Krahd (M,II); :'\ Chrlstophcr Jo1me:. () IIml FVO 01'£1\1 EX 1 Denlll~ SWl'Clcl1 Milll; 2. Kurt Stevens ~.llCY IY,lm); 3. Joe C:J~c'" {llonl 4-STRK FVO INT· 1. KcnllV M .11111 N.lInl; 2. Steve Mowat (HOUl. 4-S'1 RK E\ 0 EX I Mlk(' BonOLlIl1 (Yanll FVOSO-+ IN' I Dale Ilodsoll fJIolm) (K.lw/; 2. Monl'Y Price 31

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