Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1999 02 03

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Action Sports Arenacross Series, Rounds 10-12 By David and Lora Patton TOLEOO,OH,jAN.15-17 arne's Sports/Andrews Suzuki/ Pro CiIcuit/Sinisalo-backed Mike Katin continued his run to the 125cc and 250cc series championships in the 1998-99 Action Sports Arenacross Series. The series is run over the course' of five weekend, and at three of the four weekends so far, Kahn has won four of the six Pro main events and opened up a huge lead over Suzuki-mounted secondplaced rider Davey Yezek. At the Toledo Sports Arena, Katin added a second and a third to his four wins to set him up for the series finale in Louisville, Kentucky. Yezek took a win and racked up third- and second-place ndes to go With a fourth and a fifth to sew up second place in the series. Suzuki pilots Chuck Reed and jon Schmitzing battled with Yamahamounted Shane Lawson in the highly competitive Over 25 class, with Reed taking. Friday's win. Lawson scored the victory on Saturday, and Schmitz ran away with Sunday's mail:t. As the 125cc class lined the starting gate on Fnday, one of the series' top riders was out of action. Tommy Collier was hit by another bike in his 250cc qualIfier and had to sit out the rest of the weekend. When tl;e gate dropped, Vince Karnow had his Suzuki ahead of Mark Burkhart and jimmy Wilson. Kahn followed Wilson, but Yezek was in last after suffering a bad start. However, Yezek was able to rip through the field, and he passed five riders on the first lap. Karnow took advantage of the open trac.k and jumped the finish-line triple, unlike most of the competitors on the first lap. Running in second, Burkhart also pulled clear of the field early in the main, leaving third place to Wilson. Wilson held off Katin for most of the race, but Kahn saw a chance for a pass With four laps to go; he took it and moved into third. Yezek passed Shane Lawson and Todd DeHoop to pull into a distant fifth behind Wilson. The top five were set. Karnow's first series win was not easy, but he was solid all race. "I got a good start and tried to pace myself and not worry about who was in second," said Karnow. Katin has been the fastest man off the start tllroughout the series, and Friday's 250cc main was no exception, as he blasted to the front. Yezek,. DeHoop, Burkhart, Wilson and Karnow were all trying to move up on one another, which helped Kahn run away from the field. Yezek and DeHoop were able to outrun the battle for fourth, but DeHoop. was not able to put together a serious run to pass Yezek. "I crashed in the whoops in my qualifier and I thought I had broken my collarbone," said DeHoop. "My shoulder is really stiff, and 1 couldn't hammer through the whoops like I was doing earlier." Yezek took second despite having an off-day. "I just couldn't get a rhythm out there," said Yezek. "I never really got loose. 1rode stiff all race." ' Katin took an impressive win over Yezek, DeHoop and Jimmy Wilson. Burkhart'and Karnow claimed fifth and sixth. Saturday's 125cc main turned out to be one of the series' best races. Yezek and Katin put their Suzukis at the front, ahead of Wilson, DeHoop and Burkhart. On the second lap, Yezek and Katin w,ere .wheel to wheel, and DeHoop was running In thIrd. The front-runners began to try different lines, and the rac- ing got intense. Yezek went a little wide in tIle turn after the whoops and Kahn drove his Suzuki inside to take the lead on lap four. Kahn made a rare mistake two turns ]a ter. "I washed out in the turn before the sweeper," said Kahn. '1t was slick and 1 lost the front end." . Kahn lost two spots and took off right m front of Wilson. Third-placed DeHoop was on the gas, and he began to pressure Yezek. After a couple of laps, DeHoop blitzed through the whoops and caught Yezek over the triple. The two riders went into the right-hander side by side, bu t Todd had the inside line and the lead. Yezek carne back in the whoop ection to retake the lead and the eventual win. Katin grabbed the silver and Wilson nabbed the final podium position. jimmy Wilson was 'happy with third, but he knew he could have done better. "1 gOt a bad start, but 1 passed a lot of people in the whoops," Wilson said. "When I saw Kahn fall, 1 got all tensed up and my arms pumped up and I couldn't get him." Ka tin nailed the start in the 250cc main ahead of DeHoop, Wilson and Burkhart. Yezek and Karnow were trymg to get to the front, but the leaders were already far ahead. Katin quickly pulled away and was on his way to another win. Wilson sprinted through the whoops and made a pass late in the race on DeHoop to claim second. Burkhart and Yezek also got by DeHoop before the checkered flag came out. When the checkers flew, the finishing order was Katin, Wilson, Burkhart, Yezek and an aching DeHoop. On Sunday, Kahn and Burkhart, on their 125s, hit the first turn dead even. Yezek, Ian Hammond and Jimmy Wilson were right behind the lead duo. While still battling with Katin, Burkhart got out of control at the end of the Dunlop whoops and went off the track. The downed rider recovered qujckly, and only Yezek got by. Once Katin and Yezek got out front, they took off from the rest of the field, running lap after lap at nearly identical lap times. On lap two, Burkhart had problems in the whoops again and lost two spots, faIlmg belund the Hammond/Wilson battle. At the same time, the leaders began to lap the field, and Yezek made his move. Yezek jumped into a turn before Kahn to take the lead, but only briefly. "J thought Mike (Katin) was on the inside in the sweeper, and when I looked back, I blew it and went wide" said Yezek. ' Katin gained back the lead and never looked back. Yezek opted for second, ahead of Burkhart, who made a last-second pass on Wilson to claim third. Hammond ran as high as third, but he had to settle for fifth at the firLish. Katin led Yezek, Wilson and Burkhart into the first turn during Sunday's 250cc main. Katin and Yezek were evenly matched, but Kahn's holeshot gave him the upper hand. Wilson stayed in third, behind Yezek, for much of the race, but Burkhart got by Wilson to claim third. Wilson ultima tely settled for fourth. "1 got a good start and 1 tried to ride good lines and be smooth" said Katin about yet another win. '1 didn't w.u;t to beat myself, so I wanted to ride smart." CN Toledo Sports Arena Toledo, Ohio Results: January 15-17 (Rounds 10-12) Friday P/W JR: 1. T~mmy Meiers (Yam); 2. Dyllon Ya~ (Yam); 3. Jared Clme (Yam); 4. Dekiota Borton (Yam); 5. Joshua Rutherford (Yam). 50 (4-6): 1. Kyle Straube (Cob); 2. Brock Bcmholtz (KTM). 50 (7-8): 1. Steven Squire (Cob); 2. Kyle Simone Events (KTM); 3. Matthew Parise (Cob); 4. Joshua Rutherford (Hus); 5. Logan Gillen (Pol). 65: 1. Steven Carnahan (Kaw); 2. Kyle McConnell (KTM); 3. Adam Lester (KTM); 4. Josh Verity (Kaw); S. Trevor Donie (Kaw). MIN] JR: 1. Corey Simone (Kaw); 2. John Benza (Kaw); 3. Levi Kilbarger (KTM); 4. Kyle McConnell (KTM); S. Adam Les'er (Suz). MINJ SR: 1. Christopher Robertson (Suz); 2. Josh Bracken (Han). SCHBY: 1. Justin Sessink (Han); 2. Chris Lester (So2); 3. Eric H"z)ett (So2); 4. Steven Hazlett (Hon); 5. Andy Conklin (Han). 125 8: 1. Tom Moore (Y"m); 2. Nathiln Scheid (Kaw); 3. Rick Blilck (5uz); 4. Kevin Hildebrand (SU7.); 5. Joey Sly (Hon). 125 C: 1. 5.'ln'tiago Martinez (Yam); 2. Todd Arnette (Yam); 3. Tom Meiers (Yam); 4. Chad Gritzmaker (Suz)' 5. Andrew Jamey (Han). 250 8: 1. Kevin Hildebrand (5uz); 2. Nathan Scheid (Kaw); 3. Tom Moore (502); 4. Corey Davis (KTM); 5. Ryan Taggert (So2). 250. C: 1. JaS?n Tolliver (Ynm); 2. Jnmie Crist (Suz); 3. Demck. Bowlmg (Han); 4. Dustin Dailey (Yam); 5. Scott Campbell (Hon). 25+: 1. Chuck Reed (Suz); 2. Shane Lawson (Yam)' 3. 5."m Williams (Hon). ' 30+: 1. Jon Schmitz (Suz); 2. Kevin Hildebrand (Kaw); 3. Larry Brookbank (502); 4. Glenn Ben7 ' (Kaw)' .... 5. Tom Meiers (Yam). ' 125 PRO: 1. Vincent Karnow (5uz); 2. Mark Burkhart (Yam); 3. Mike Katin (5uu; 4. Jimmy Wilson (Yam); 5. Davey Yezek (Suz); 6. Shane Lawson (Yam); 7. Todd DeHoop (Yam); 8. Tom Barron (Kaw); 9. Jason McDonald (Suz); 10. Evans (Yam). 25(N)RO: 1. Mike Katin (Suz); 2. Davey Yezek (Suz); 3. Todd OcHoop (Yam); 4. Jimmy Wilson (Yam); 5. Mark Burkhart (Yam); 6. Vincent Kamow (Suz); 7. Tom BMron (Kaw); 8. Chuck Reed (5uz); 9. Adam Martin (Kaw); 10. John Kidd (Suz). Saturday Prw JR: 1. Kody Hardin (Yam); 2. Kyle Hardin (Yam); 3. Joshua Rutherford (Yam); 4. R.J. Bryant (Yam)ยท 5. Kyle Straub (Yam). 50 (4-6): 1. Christian Parrish (Cob); 2. Sheldon Huss (KTM); 3. Kyle Straube (Cob); 4. Brock Bemholtz (KTM)' 5. Dillon Kneezerich (KTM). ' 50 (7~8): I. Steven Squire (Cob); 2. Andrew Murname (Cob); 3. Cody Reas (Cob); 4. Kyle Simone (KTM); 5. Joshua Rutherford (Hus). 65: 1. Levi Kilbarger (KTM); 2. Michael Bender (Kaw); 3. Kyle McConnell (KTM); 4. Brandon Ross (Kaw); 5. Adam Lester (KTM). MINl JR: 1. Corey Simone (K..1W); 2. Ben~'lmin Ursic ( ~z); 3. Adam Lester (5uz); 4. John Benza (Kaw); 5. MJchael Bender (5uz). MJNI TR: 1. Christopher Robertson (Suz); 2. Mitch Sluder (Yam); 3. Josh Bracken (Hon); 4. Bryan W.. gncr (Yam); 5. Brandon Hileman (Suz). SCHBY: I. Joey Dell Sly (Hon); 2. Justin Sessink (Hon); 3. Corey Davis (KTM); 4. Chris Lester (Suz)' 5 Eric Hazlett (I-Ion). ' . 125 8: 1. William Ursie (Suz); 2. Nathan Scheid (Kaw); 3. Kevi.n Hildebrand (5uz); 4. Tom Moore (Yam); 5. Joey Sly (Hon). ]25 C: 1. Andrew .Metzger. (Yam); 2. Mikey Turnbloom (5uz); 3. Sanbago Martinez (Yam); 4. Brian Green (502); 5. Andrew Jamey (Han). 250 B: 1. athan Scheid (Kaw); 2. Kevin Hildebrand (5uz); 3. Bob Ga.rdner (5uz); 4. Daniel Whitney (Kaw); 5. Walter Pannick (5uz). I I 2SO C: 1. Chad Gritzmaker (Suz); 2. Todd Ebersole (Hon); 3. David Mills (Hon); 4. Bill Ledford (Yam); 5. Gerald Cr:awford (Yam). 25+: 1. Shane Lawson (Yam); 2. Chuck Reed (Suz); 3. Jon Schmitz (Suz); 4. Tom Moore (Suz); 5. Chuck Nicholson (5uz). 30+: 1. Jon Schmitz (5uz); 2. Kevin Hildebrand (502); 3. Chuck icholson (Suz); 4. t.."rry Brookbanks (suz); 5. Walter Pannick (5uz). US PRO: 1. Davey Yezek (Sux); 2. Mike Karin (Suz)' 3. Jimmy Wilson (Yam); 4. Mark Burkhart (Yam); 5: Todd OeHoop (Yam); 6. Vincent Karnow (Suz); 7. Thomas BMron (Kaw); 8. Shane Lawson (Yam); 9. Chuck Reed (5uz); 10. Adam Martin (K..'lw). 250 PRO: 1. Mike Kalin (Suz); 2. Jimmy Wilson ~Yam); 3. Mark Burkhart (Yam); 4,. Davey Yczek (Suz); 5. rodd DcHoop (Yam); 6. Vincent Karnow (Suz); 7. Thomas Barron (}(aw); 8. Adam Martin (Kaw); 9. Lloyd Gregory (Yam); 10. Michael Mercer (502). Sunday P/W JR: I. Josh~a Rutherford (Yam); 2. R.J. Bryant (Yam); 3. Kyle Hardm (Yam); 4. Kody Hardin (Yam); 5. Cameron Reas (Yam). 50 (4-6): 1. Kyle Straube (Cob); 2. Dillon Kneezerich (KTM); 3. Sheldon Huss (KTM); 4. Brock Bernholtz (KTM); 5. Steven Huss (KTM). 50 (7-8): 1. Andrew Murname (Cob); 2. Steven Squire (Cob); 3. Kyle Regal (KTM); 4. Bobby Vespremi (Cob); S. Talon Hodgeson (Cob). 65: 1. Steven Carnahan (Kaw); 2. Michael Bender (Kaw); 3. Brandon Ross (Kaw); 4. Kyle McConnell (KTM); 5. Levi Kelbarger (KTM). MINI JR: 1. Benjamin Ursie (Suz); 2. Steven Carnahan (Yam); 3. Adam Lester (Suz); 4. Chad Welton (5uz); 5. Corey Arthur (Kilw). MlNI Sa: 1. Willy Browning (Suz); 2. Christopher Robertson (5uz); 3. Mitch Sluder (Yam); 4. Josh Bracken (Han); 5. Bryan Wagner (Yam). SCHBY, 1. Justin Sessink (Hon); Mitch POat (Suz); 3. Justin South (Yam); 4. Andy Conklin (Han); 5. Corey Davis (KTM). 125 B: 1. Bill Ursie (Suz); 2. Kevin Hildebrand (5uz) 3. Christian Moist (5uz); 4. Matt Ketcheson (5uz); 5: Donny Lewis (Yam). 125 C: 1. Andy Metzger (Yam); 2. S."ntiago Martinez (Yam); 3. Andrew Jall1ey (Hon); 4. Mikey Turnbloom (5uz); 5. Todd Amette (Yam). 250 B: 1. Kevin Hildebrand (5uz); 2. Nathan Scheid (Kaw); 3. John Caupp (Yam); 4. Corey Davis (KTM); 5. Daniel Whitney (l<..1W). 250 C: 1. Chad GritLmaker (Suz); 2. David Mills (Hon); 3. Richard Wagner (5uz); 4. Stacey Weston (Yam); 5. Glenn Benza (Kaw). 25+: 1. Jon Schmil'.I. (Suz); 2. J. Reas (502); 3. Chuck Nicholson (Suz); 4. Daniel Whitney (Kaw); 5. Jnson Powers (5uz). 30+: 1. Jon Schmitz (Suz); 2. Kevin Hildebrand (Suz); 3. Chuck Nicholson (Suz); 4. Glenn Benza (Knw); .5. Stacey Weston (Yam). 125 PRO:'\' Mike K::llln ( uz); 2. Davey Yezck (SU7,); 3. Mark Burkhart (Yam); 4. Jilllmy Wilson (Yam); 5. I.. n Hammond (Suz); 6. Duane Evans (Yam); 7. Lloyd Gregory (Yam); 8. John Kidd (Suz); 9. John Wood.fork (Kaw); to. Michael Mercer{Suz). . 250 PRO: 1. Mike Katin (5uz); 2. Davey Yezek (5uz)' 3..Jimmy Wilson (Yam);.4. Mark Burkhart (Yam); 5. Joh~ Kldd (Suz); ~. Brad Dixon (Kaw); 7. Lloyd Gregory (Yam); 8. Michael Mercer (Suz); 9. Matt Szorobura (Yam); 10. Jeff 5."nford (Han). 0> 0> 0> 23

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