Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 10 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IN THE WIND Gentleman lace our bets ilt on big, gli ttery, money-fu eled casi nos, the city of Las Vegas is wo rld-renowned for its willi ngness to take a bet on any thing - whether it be college football, ASCAR, rod eo bull -riding... or su percross. Supercross? For the first lime in AMA motocross history, American supercro:;s fans will be able to glance up at a Las Vegas digital tote board and place a bet on their favorite rider at this weekend 's running of the U5. Open of Supercross at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Through working with the organizers of the U.S. Open, the MGM Grand Sportsbook has announced that the entity will offer fans present at the event an opportunity to wager on all riders entered in The Open . Organ ized by Gregg Fischer, su pervis or of the MGM Race and 5 rtsbook, the casino has generated the following odds (listed below) on each individual racer. Moreo ver, not onl y can fans place a bet on their chosen rider, but the oddsmakers have desig - H Rider Jeremy McGrath Ricky Carmichael. Larry Ward : David Vuillemin Robbie Reynard John Dowd Dou g Henry Ryan Hughes Buddy Antunez Jimmy Button Mike Brown Dam on Huffman Steve Lamso n Mike laRocco Jean-Sebastien Roy Pedro Gonzales Current Line 5/8 3/1 3/1 3/1 6/ 1 8/ 1 8/ 1 10/1 20/1 20/1 20/1 20/ 1 20/1 20/ 1 SO/1 SO/ I a nd med ia partnership to launch th e new series . For the third st ra ig ht year, BMW ha s been named one of IndustryWeek magazine's 100 best-managed compa nies. In se lec ting BMW, IndustryW eek lauded th e co m p a ny 's sa le s g r ow t h, sa fe ty innovations a nd "re le n tless focu s o n custom er satisfaction." In particular, the maga zine sp ec if ic all y ci ted BMW ' s Retail 2000 program, a progressive ini tiative built upon one- to-one rel ationships a nd a seamless, full y int egrated sales-and-service process. BMW ent ered th e N orth Am eri can market in 1975. Sin ce then, the company has grown to include marketing, sales an d financialse rv ice org ani zations in th e Unit ed Sta tes and Canada; a So u th Carolina manufacturing opera tion; a design firm in Ca lifornia; and various othe r operatio ns through ou t the continent. BMW is represented in North America through a network of more than 375 au tomob ile and 190 motorcycle retailers in the United Sta tes and Canada. A 8 A California Ai r Re s o u rces Boa rd (CA RB) workshop for on-highway motorcycle emissions will be held on Wednesday, Octobe r 7 at CARB's offices in EI M ont e , California . Pr o p os ed cha nges to the off- hig hway regul ati on s to allow compet ition a n d othe r noncomplying motor cycles and ATVs to be used on public lands wi th good air quality will also be discu ssed . m 00 0\ 0\ ,....., -.:i ...... I-< aJ .c o .... u o 2 On e lucky ticket hold er will win a classic 1946 In d ian Ch ief in a drawin g to be held next Jul y durin g th e AMA's Vintage Motorcycle Days. The res tored Indi an Chief up for gra bs has an appraised value of $20,000, bu t the AMA is giving people the opportu nity to win it for a $5 d on at ion for one ticket , or $20 for five tickets. The wi nner will be chosen during the Vintage Motor cycle Days a t the Mid-Ohi o Spo rts Car Course in Lexing- Rider Tim Ferry Jason McCormick Cliff Palmer Nathan Ramsey Casey Lytle Stephane Ron cada Brock Sellards Lance Smail Jimmy Gaddis Jeff Ma tiase vich Mike Jon es Chad Ped ersen Jeff Dement Takeshi Koiked a Ph il Lawrence Carey Hart nated two hea d-to-head ma tch-ups, as well. . Listed below a re the designa ted od ds, alo ng with the two a forementioned head-to-head ma tch-ups. Fans interested in getting in on the actio n should note that the following caveats need to be taken into accoun t: ' Racers mu st start to have actio n. ' Race m u st be run withi n one week of sched u led d at e for action. 'Overall champion d etermined by highest two-day point total (accordi ng to AMA Na tional Mot ocross Championship point system ). ' Match-ups det ermined by highest tw o-day point total. ' Winner must be present at MGM Sportsbook in Las Vega s to bet. , • , "Odds will be posted on MGM Grand tote board on Monday, October 5, 1998. Current Line .50/ 1 .50/ 1 ·.SO/ 1 SO/l .50/1 SO/1 SO/l 75/ 1 75/ 1 .75/1 75/ 1 .75/1 .75/ 1 75/ 1 75/ 1 75/1 ton, Ohio. Tic ke ts ma y be purch ased over the ph one by calling tfle Motorcycle Heritage Museum at 614/ 891-2425. You can a lso enter by visitin g th e AMA's website at www.ama Bel-Ra y is currentl y accepti ng ra ce resum es for th e 1999 ra cing season. Resumes can be sent to Bel-Ray Co mpan y , P.O . Bo'x 526 , Farm in gdal e , N J 07727-0526. Pro-Action Suspe nsi on is also accep ting resumes for 1999. Those can be sen t to 3611 Eighth Ave., Beaver Falls.Pa l SOlO. The New York S tate Museu m in Alban y, New York , is plan ning to hold an ex hi b it o f N ew York-built m ot orcy cles fro m Dece mber 2000 to A p ril 2001 and is looking for owners of New York mot orcycles, or rela ted materia l, who wo u ld be in terested in par ticipat ing in the exhibit. Inter ested parties can co ntac t Geoffrey N. Stein, the transportation cu rator of th e museum, at 518/473-3810 or 518/473-8496 (fax). The U.S. Department of Defense is cons id ering changes to its Traffic Safety Progra m , a move tha t allows ,!,otorcyclists a chance to comment on th e ru les governi ng motorcycle use on military bases, accord ing to the AMA. The Tra ff ic Safety Pr o g r am mand a te s, amon g othe r co nce rns, th e sa fety gear and prot ectiv e clothing required for all m ilitary p ersonn el a nd civilia ns who opera te or rid e on motorcycles on military installa tions, as well as military perso nnel who rid e off-base. Interested part ies can sen d th e ir comm ents , reco mmended cha nges and corrections to Col. George Schlossnagle, O PR for Dod l 6055.4, at one of two locations. The civilia n office is at 3400 Defense Pen tago n , OD USD (ES), Wa sh in gt o n , DC 201301-3400. His military office is located at 27OCC, Room 5066, HQ OOE/ EH53, Ge rmantown, MD 20879-1290. Match-Ups Larry Ward Ricky Carmichael -175 + 145 John Dowd David Vu illemin -120 Even 'Cus to mer sheet is for information purposes only and ma y not represen t current lines. OPEN ED : Intershow s' home pa ge on the World Wid e Web. Th e site can be fo u n d a t th e follo wi ng a d dress : http:/ / ersh PUR CHASED: Trail Rider maga zine, by th e Pet ers en Co mpa nies. Trail Rid er ma ga zine was ow ne d by Cycle News contributor Paul Clipper. H IRED: Bill Berreth, as national sa les manager of FMF, by Don Emler, president of FMF, effective immediately. For more information, call 310/539-6884. LAUNCHE D: A new sp orts wear com pany, Dickweed Sportswear, by Bakersfield , California, mo tocros ser s John Butle r and Brad y Lambe rt . For m ore informati on , call 805/ 589-4881. NAMED: Jim Hansen, a s director of ma gazine d evel opmen t for Ehlert Publishing Group' s motorcycl e titles, by Ehlert's Dick Hendricks, the sen ior vice president/ grou p publisher. OPENED : Too Mu ch Fun Promoti on s' h ome page o n th e World Wide Web. The s ite ca n be found at : http : / / www.toomuchfu MOVE D: VP Racing Fuels' northeastern sa les and di stribut ion center from Ch ester, Pennsyl van ia, to a new facility in N ewark, Delaware. For more in formation , call 302/368-1500. DP Bra kes is now accepting spo nsorship resumes for the 1999 racing season. Inquiries can be sent to DP Brakes, 4401 Wald en Ave ., Lancaster, NY 14086. The prom oters of T he U.S . Open o f S upe rcross a re requesting that those individ ua ls who don't have a reserved credential do not show up for this weekend's races in Las Vegas, N evada . For th ose who ha ve reserved credentials (i.e., press passes, etc.), more infor ma tion is availab le by calling 702/566-1453. The U.S. O pe n of Su pe rc r oss h a s announced tha t its web site will feature live coverage of the track being built inside the MGM Grand. On -site cameras will document the building of the track from the moment the dirt arrives up to and including practice. The site can be foun d a t th e follow in g a d d ress : http:/ / Chuck Graves , Ma rk Miller an d Grant Lopez wil l be the Ameri can road racers who will represent the United States in the 45th and final Macau Grand Prix on ovember 21. In 1999, the Chin ese will take over the Portuguese providence tha t is situated on ma inl and so ut heast Chi na and wi ll bring an end to this Portu gu es e gove rn me nt -f u n ded event. Americans have bee n com pe ting in the event since 1984, and Kevin Schwan tz is the on ly Ame rican to ever win the race. MA RRIED: Cycle News associate editor Sco tt Rou sseau, to Intersport Fashions West's cus tome r service/special projects coordina to r Sha w na N elson, in Dana Point , Californ ia, on October 4. CHANGED: The name and add ress of The U ri-Agency, to The Da vis, Le ib Age ncy, at P.O. Box 1725, 1192 Yellows to n e Driv e, Lak e Ar rowh ea d, CA 92352, 909/337-3566, 909/337-3404 (fax). . The Da vi s, Lei b Agency is ow ned by Dale Davis and Don Leib. O P EN ED : Th e Mot orcycl e Vaca tio n Resort in Sequat chie , Te nnes see. Th e resort is open only to motorcyclists. For more information, call 423/ 942-8688. M OVE D: World Motors PG Motorsport, to 1020 Murray s i, Berkeley, CA 94710, 510/666-0880,510/ 666-0990 (fax). NAME D : KTM Sportmot orcycle USA, as the official United States importer of WP suspension products, according to KTM Sportmotorcycle USA presid ent Rod Bush . For more information, call 714/692-3404. CHANGED: The location of round fou r of the GFI Fall Series, to Oatfield Raceway' in Turl ock , Cali forni a. The race is s ch ed u le d for Oc to ber 11. For more inform ation , call 209/656-9682. CANCELED: The GFI Fall Series round sche d u led for Carnegi e Cycl e Park in Livermor e, Ca lifornia, on October 11, due to water sho rtage at the track. O PEN ED: Mazda 's home page on the World Wide Web . The site of the official spo nsor of the AMA ational Mo tocross Se ries can be found a t th e fo llowi ng ad d ress : htt p:/ / www. ma zd ausa .com . OPENED: Gas Gas North Am e rica ' s ho me p age on th e World Wide Web. The site ca n be found at the ' following ad d ress: http:/ / www.ggna .com. HI RED: Cory Falter of 454 Graphics, to d ev elop and ma intain all advertising, marketing a n d ra ce promotions progra ms for Maxima Racin g Lubricants, effective im me d ia tely. For more informati on , call 619/ 449-5000. CANCELED: Round four of the GFI Fall MX Series at Ca rnegie Cycle Park in livermo re, California, on Octob er 11. The race has bee n relocated to Oatfield Raceway in Turlock, California, on the same d ate . For m ore in fo r ma tio n, ca ll I~ 209/ 656-9682.

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