Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 10 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1999 AMA Motocross National Numbers Number 1 Number 1 Number 1 250cc sx - Jeremy McGrath 250cc MX - Doug Henry 125cc MX - Ricky Carmichael 2 - Doug Henry 3 - Mike laRocco 4 - Ezra Lusk 5 - Mickael Pichon 6- John Dowd 7 - LarryWard 8 - Greg Albertyn . 9 - Ricky Carmichael 10 - Jimmy Button 11 - Jeff Emig 12 - Mich ael Brown 14 - Kevin Windham 15 - Jeremy McGrath 16 - Casey Johnson 17 - Robbie Reynard 18 - Ryan Hughes 19 - Michael Crai g 20 - Tim Ferry 21 - [ean-Sebastien Roy 22 - Stephane Roncada 23 - Nicholas Wey 24 - Steve Lamson 25 - Natha n Ramsey 26 - Scott Sheak 27 - Brock Sellards 28 - He ath Voss 29 - Jeff Dement 30 - Takeshi Koikeda 31 - Damon Hu ffman 32 - Josh Demuth 33 - Casey Lytle 34 - Ryan Huffman 35 - Lance Smail 36 - Jason McCormick 37 - Phil Lawrence 38 - Cliff Palmer 39 - Jason Thomas 40 - Ryan Terlecki 41 - Anthony Amaradio 42 - Doug Dubach 43 - Travis Preston 44 - Sebastien TorteIIi 45 - Keith Johnson 46 - Paul Currie 47 - Derrick Shae Bentley 48 - Jeffrey Willoh 49 - Michael Brandes 50 - Robbie Skaggs 51 - Bria n Deegan 52 - Kevin Cr ine Brothers Russ and Nick Pearson (KTM) combined their efforts to win the Best in the Desert Las Vegas-to-Reno tea m race on October 2. T he winning team finished the 527- mile race in eight hou rs and 44 minutes. Finis hing second was Da ve Ondas and Destry Abbott (Kaw), wh ile third place went to Ty Davis and Donnie Book (Yam). Rounding out the top five teams was Paul Krause and Dave Hamel (Kaw), an d Johnny Campb ell and Jimmy Lewi s (Hon) . Jeremy McGrath (Yam) took to p hon ors at the Sheffield Supercross in Sheffield , Engla nd, on Oc to ber 4. McGr ath took the win a hea d of four-time World MX Cha m pion Stefan Everts (Ho n), Mike Brown (Ho n), Rob Herring (Hon) and Jason McCormick (Ho n). Guy Cooper (KTM) ma de a return trip to th e w inner's pod ium w ith a wi n in th e 125cc final ahead of fellow Ame rican David Pingree (Hon) and Ryan Voa se' {Suz). In round three of the AMA Fall Class ic Series at the Dan iel Boone MX Pa rk in London, Kentucky, on Oc tober 4, Jon Boruff (Suz) took the win, followed by Anthony Pocorobba (Yam), and Kelly Smith (KTM) . In round three of th e AMA Eastern Four-Stroke Na tionals, held at the same site, Pocorobba took the w in , followed by Kevin Walker (Yam),and Boruff (Yam). D an Butler (H-D) won the Las Vegas Motor Speedway round of the AMA Ho't Shoe Dirt Track Series on October 2 in Las Vegas, Nevada . Butler topp ed Rich King (Hon) and Joe Kopp (H-D). Bryan McGavran won bot h the 125 and 250cc Pro classes at the GFI Fall MX Series South at Perris Raceway in Perris, California, on October 4. In th e 125cc class, Tyson Taylor (Hon) finis hed second, followed by Danny Carlson (Yam). In the 250cc class , Ty Kady (Yam) took runner-u p ho nors, w hile Oscar Valdez (Suz) grabbed third . Ch ris Gossela ar (Han) was the big winner at th e CMC Tra ns -Cal MX Series round at L.A. County Racew ay in Palmdale, California, on October 4. In the 250cc class, Jeremy Chaussey (Kaw) and Bill y Payne (Kaw) finished second and 53 - Pedro Gonzalez 54 - Buddy Antunez 55 - Bruce Stratton 56 - Barry Carsten 57 - [iri Dostal 58 - Danny Smith 59 - Robbie Horton 60 - David Pingree 61 - Shaun Perolio 62 - Rusty Holland 63 - Mike Katin Jr. 64 - Kelly Smith • 65 - Ty Wallace 66 - Tyler Evans 67 - Brand en [essernan 68 - Christop her Goss elaar 69 - Jim Neese 70 - Yoshitaka Atsuta 71 - James Pov oln y Jr. 72 - Shaun Kalos 73 - Ch ris Wheeler 74 - Jeff Mati asevich 75 - Brian (Spud) Walters 76 - Don ald Upton 77 - Brian Sto ne thi rd . In the J25cc class, Casey Lytle (Hon) took second, followed by Tim Langdon (Kaw), Travis Pestrana (Suz) won the 1998 Free Air Festival of Free Style MX Tou r event at the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington, on October 3. For winning, Pestrana pocketed $10,000. Bart Bast won the 1998 SRA-sanctio ned U.S. Speedway ational Champion ship at the Orange Co u nty Fairgr ound s in Costa Mesa, California, on Octobe r 3. Bast beat Brad Oxley an d Mike Faria in the final. Mu lt i-t ime AMA Na tional Mot ocros s. and Supe rcross Champio n David Bailey co m p le ted the Ir on m an Tria th lo n on Sunday, Oc tober 4, finishin g the eve nt after more than 12 1/2 hours. "I'm glad it's over:' Bailey said in the San Diego Union. "Tha t is the hardest d ay in my life ." Ba iley began the da y with a 2.4mile ocea n sw im and en ded it w ith a 26.2-mile marathon. In between, he covered 112 miles in his ha nd-cranked bike. " It was all tou gh:' Bailey said. "Being in this chair for so lo ng folded up in a kno t, trying to go fast in the dark, climbing th e first couple of hill s..." Bailey, who ha s been in a wheelchair for 12 years, finished 982nd out of a starting fie ld of 1500. He was the third challenged athlete to finish . "The island definitely got my respect:' Bailey sa id in the October 5 edition of the San Diego Union. "The next time I come he re , it will be to get a tan ." According to our sources in Europe, Ryan Hughes ha s signed with Pamo Honda for the 1999 season Wor ld Cha mpionship 250cc Motocross Series. Hughes will be teamed wit h Stefan Everts . Mike Brown is st ill u nsu re a bo ut hi s pl ans for 1999. Brown is sche d u led to tes t Yamaha factory bikes at hom e this week, wit h the possib ility of racin g in p lace of Doug Henry, who h as been rumored to be doi ng only a ha ndful of races in '99. Brown has also signed a letter of in tent with Dave Thorpe to race Ho nd as in the World 125cc Championships next yea r. If Brown races in England, he will also do the British Champi- 78 - Blair Morgan 79 - Brad Hagseth 80 - Matt Walker 81 - James Evans 82 - Anthony Pocorobba 83 - Michael Treadwell 84 - Brad Woolsey 85 - Greg Schnell 86 - Matt Shue 87 - Paul Carpenter 88 - Chad Pederson 89 - Marco DuM 90 - Michael Jones 91 - Cory Keeney 92 - Tom Welch 93 - Grayson Goodman 94 - Ryan Clark 95 - Davey Yezek Jr. 96 - Dustin Nel son 97 - Dan Moore 98 - Erick Vallejo 99 - Ryan Duff onships, but he will travel home on several occasions throughout the year. Stefan Ev erts will not compete in the opening round of the World Supercross Championships to be he ld in Paris , France, on October 24 . Everts wi ll ins tead race in the Ja pa nese Championship and will probab ly not co mpete in any of the supercross races a t all. "I won't do Paris, and I only di d Sheffield because it was a little fun:' sai d Everts. Fox Racing wi ll once again be an official team sponsor of Honda 's p ro fession al supercross and motocross team for the 1999 and 2000 seasons . In addi tion, Fox will continue to be the exclus ive licensee of off-roa d riding appa re l utili z in g Honda tradem arks in the United States. Fox will also continue to produce casua l race- tea m a p pa rel in Ho nda tea m designs. Longtime Ha rley- Davidson d ealer J.P . "S imrn ie" Sanders passed away on Sep tember 28 at the age of 88. He own ed the Harley-Dav idson dealers hip in Knoxville, Te nnessee, from 1929 until 1959. Afterward, he sol d BSAs, [awas, and Yamahas until 1964, and was a lifelong motorcycle an d aviation enthusiast. He was active in local racing for many years and was associated with Tom Sifton and Larry Headrick in their 1950 National Championship year. Two-time 125cc Nationa l Mo tocross Champion Ricky Carmichael was featured in Sports Illustrated's October 5 edition, in the "Faces in the Crowd" section. Carmichael is featu re d in a oneparagra ph items that reads, "Carmichael. 18, won his seco nd consec. utive 125cc Na tiona l Champions hip after finishing first in eig ht of 12 races on the Ame rican Motor cyclist Associa tion tou r. He was also na med to the U.S. team for the Mo tocross d es Na tio ns in Fox Hill, Eng lan d, this mo nt h." The item also feat ured a mugsho t of the Pro Circuit Kawasaki rider. The AMA anno unced on Sep tember 28 the forma liza tion of the Track Rev iew Ad vi sory Committee (TRACl, a subcommittee of the AMA Pro Racing Road Race Advisory Board. TRAC has been IN THE WIND •_ .. '''' . v ., _ ... formed specifi call y to advise a nd consult on track conditions a t current a nd p ot ential fu tu re sit es for AM A Superbike Nationals. AMA Pro Racing road ra ce manager Ron Ba rrick will lead TRAC members, with riders Tom Kipp and Randy Renfrow and Yamaha race team manager Larry Gri ffis serving on TRAC for the 1999 season. Acco rding to a press release issued by th e FIM, the appeals lodged by Max Biaggi and Ale x Barros against a decision made by FIM stewards at the Ca tal onian Grand Prix on September 20 have been rejected . Both rid ers were sanctioned with a stop-and -go penalty during the 500cc Grand Prix for passing' under a waving yellow flag. Biaggi· ignored the penalty and was disqualified ; Barros came into the pits for the stop -and-go penalty and eventually finished seventh. Both riders are expected to appeal thi s decision to th e International Tribunal of Appea!. Ju st p ri or to th e final ro un d of th e Worl d Superbike Champ ionsh ip in S ugo, Japan, O ct ober 3-4, Colin Edwards II called the Cycle News offices with an announcement. Edwa rds and his girlfriend of seven years, Alyssia Henson, are now engaged to be married. Promo ter Chris Agajanian will be hosting a cava lcade of motorcycle legends at the AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days West, the Concours d' Elegance, at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in Del Mar, California on Satu rday, Oc tober 10 . Among th os e scheduled to appear are : Elli ott Schultz, Dick Hammer, Bob Shirey , Kenn y Eg g a rs, Eddie Mulder, Skip VanLeeuwen, Dubb Ferrell , Bobb y Schwartz, Brad Oxley, Shawn McConnell, Bobby Hill, Dick Klamfoth, Bill Tuman., Mark Brelsford, Carroll Resweber, Jim Davis, MartyDickerson and Ed Kretz jr, Most of the legends are also expec ted to take part in the Lap of the Legends at the AMA Grand Na tional Championship Series finale Del Mar Mile on Sunday, October 11. By finis hing first in the Willow Springs Mo torcycle Club (WSMC) 650cc Superbike race an d seco nd in the Toyo ta Cup Unlimited Formula One race on Sep tember 20 at Willow Sp rin gs Racew a y in Rosasmond, Ca lifornia, Chuck Graves became the firs t rider to eve r top $50,000 in career earnings from WSMC. Graves took home $11,820 of the $65,230 pai d out by WSMC, and h e h a s earne d $50,710 si nce t h e WSMC was esta blis hed in 1991. In all , WSMC has pa id out $401,820 in cash awards to its racers since December of 1991. Longtime AMA volunteer a nd AMA a mbassado r Jim Nickerson recently received the Dud Perkins Awa rd, the AMA's highest individual hon or for service, fo r his tireless work p rom oting motorcycling and the AMA. Nickerson, 60, has served as an AMA volunteer since 1987, w he n he became a n AMA field representative, helping to sprea d the word abo ut AMA members hips . His wo rk has yielded more tha n 6000 AMA me mbe rships. Big Dog Motorcycles has been chosen by Pol ygram Television to be the featu red bike in their new television series, "The Crow - Stairway to Heaven." The show is an action-packed martia l a rts series based on the feature film fra nchise, and it will be fueled by a mod ern rock sound track. Polygram and Big Dog a re gearing up for a strong promotiona l 00 0\ 0\ ........ '<:1" ........ ;.., Q) ..0 o ..... u o 1

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