Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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..... (Above) J eff Arzouman was the w inner of the Over 40 Junior class at the Glen Helen Raceway Park in San Bernardino . (Left) Jay Irvin (not shown) came fr om out of the pack to win the 125cc C div ision ov er Kev in R~bison (195) in round seven of the AMA Tran sMot ocr oss Seri es a! Parad ise Mot ocross in Macon, Georgia . In the end , Hensl ey wo n the 80cc (H-16l age class and Alessi the SOce (7-11) division , whil e Co dy H e r te l posted t o p hon ors in th e 80ce Beginner 02-16) age gro up . Bru ce Ruth erford contin ued hi s d ominance in the Pee w ee ran ks by once agai n ru nnin g away from the field d uring both motos of comp e tit io n . Don Ke a rn ey a nd Johnny Jeld erda raced all night long for runner-up ho nors, wit h [eld erd a getting the nod . Spea ki ng o f Kea r ney, t he " Ea rt hq ua ke " raced for the first time ton ight in the 60cc div isio n. an d it looke like he too k to the new class d like a fish to wa ter. Kearney ca me out swi ngi ng in the fir s t m o to by fin ish in g a st ro ng second be hind Massey. Kearney then looked poised to win the seco nd mot o after a great start bu t a mecha nical problem broug ht his charge to an abrupt halt. Massey moto red away for the win, followed. by Mike Erdtsieck an d Nic Pa luzzi . Results Sm.-II Tra ck :;0 STRTR H-6) : 1. C.lri~"" Bur Fj'!O!1 ( KT~j; 2. ~ .ld i >o(1I1 Ou rt mad. (Y.-m) ; 3. Rya n S. ,"h .,bt·rg Y.lm ); 4. Brandon \\' ard (Yam) ; 5 O,l nicl r .llu ui fG >bJ. 50 JR/ I"W: I. Samud Martinez (Y.l mJ. 50 STI.:/STRTR: 1. I.>I.I~ t m ruut, ILt" ); 2. Cbar bc Rl'y (Ya m); m 3. C ud y JI·fl r il"'l (V"'11); 4. ~ikt" C.llli""-'11 (Yam); 5. Co y Tow nl\.")' d (Ya m) i.ll ,.\-t); Z. Jl.I tm It>f lTS IKThll; 3. s f so (4 .f, ); 1. Co llt lfl Man .... (.... Mol !..:ldk1' (t.. M); 4 J.... U.l \101~""'Y (KTht ). ' 'T h 50 (7· IlI: 1. o..'I.IKl.\I& Allan (Cub). ! 50 STK It 1. Codv Tith ro (KTM). f id tiO STRTR . 1. M~r('U" Cd rillo (K" .....); 2. D.1.n VanO"'·rZld (H on) ; 3. Jordan Bt>rg (V a m); . 50 STK: 1. Brua.- RUlhl'f1urd (k'1"M); 2. Wt"bb Md!!~'Y (KTMJ; 3. Co ltn n M.m w d l fKTM); 4. eody Tithnf (K"TM); 5. Du u !o":lol AIl.ln S (Cob) . ' 50 MOO: I. Jo h nny h-IJl'rda (KT M) ; 2. C h. p ma n Fie n t· IKTM);3. KywSmith IKTh II. SOSfP/W: 1. Donnk ' Kl"dmt1' t....1"M). ' SO (4-nl; 1. Joh n n y Jt"1Jt."I"da IKTM J; 2 Alan lin in (Cob ); 3. :'\Sic Paluzzi (Cub ). 50 (7 . H): I. 8f\1«' RUlh ...r fo rd (KT M) ; 2. Donni... Keam", (KT'M ); 3. Chapman FIt"nt:'(ICTM); 4. Mathew Dorm~d, (KTht:l; 5. Kvl...Snu thl""TM ). . no STR1R 1. Wf'bb Ma!lSe') (!. Mtl «)-ll): I , Jd f A k""Pii ( Kolw ). MO BEG 0 2· 16): I. Cody Hmel (Ho n); 2. Timuthy Ikrllier (Suz); 3 . O"nny Ci.mnini (Yolm) 4. Noithan ColliN (y a m ); 5. Chn.. ; Oucnt.l!! (H on). 44 ISO (14-1b): I . N icho l... Hl.,,!>lt-y (Y. m) . " 125 BFC : I . Mi l.. Rigx8 (H on) ; 2. ]a!l(1Il Wond!llkock (lUiw) ; 3. e Kl'vin H orn ~ vd d (Ya m ); 4. Ric W...t ul (Yam); 5. O"'r ek Cadit' · (Su z ). 125 NOV : I. 8 rt.-nt Denlon (yolm) ; 2. Pa mck TnT}' (Yam); 3. Bl.lkl· Bu......m ie r (Ya m); 4. Ch ris Livi n j;!\ton (Yam ); 5. kn·m y Mur rhy(Suz) . 1l5 1:-.IT: 1. Kvll' Lt ...I..J· (Y,l m ); 2. Mike Weed (Ya m ). · 12'; PRO: I. Mik e Gib!oon (Hon); 2. Craig Smi th (Su z) . 2SI.) BEG: 1. Ro b McGt't' (Hon); 2. OranJon Mor~an (Suzl; 3. Jo n McC' ....(Yam ); 4. Ifenry Hom!lv d J (Yam) ; 5. Eric Nc ri. lF;ao (Su.z). 250 INT : 1. Kt"vin C a h.ln (Yll m ); 2. Wa ynl' Dt- v n (I<.l w); 3 . oa v C I.lrke (Yam ). . ilill PRO : 1. C ra iK Ho fmd stl'r (H o n) ; 2. Jim lIt'nn u-Ion); 3 . lo hn G rn.'l1way (Y,l m ); 4. ShdY Fretwdl (Soz ). 25. BF. : 1. JerrySappington (5uz); 2. Mich.n·l Zt.-pt-dol(Ya m); C 3. Damll'n Ad ollTll!1 (H un). 25. NOV : I. Darren Scott (Yam) ; 2. Dan Wu rley (Yam) ; 3. Brian Smokt.."(Ya m l 30+ BEG: 1. John Lombardo ( Hun); 2. Andy KapLm (Hun); 3 , Rick Smith (Ka w). 30. NOV ; 1. Da n Caneva CSuz). JO+ L"IrlT: I. Rick ru m-il (Ka w ). WMS: I , 8ridKritf'uriUo(Yaml. 250C. I. R~1l R.ld. uN (Kaw); 2. (' t"ITV 8dl (Hord ; 3. Robnt ' ;'I.;l·drnl"u.1); 4 Warner Wilbourn (Stu/; 5. ~~rk Holm... ( J(.) w ). 250 0 : 1. Ron Twilley (Hon); 2. Tim lolm~ (Hon) ; 3. RO!/;t'f W ilholm!l t H u n ); 4. S. St.-nit Sm ith (KT M ); 5. Thurnol ' Fletcher I Kolw ). 13fL A M : 1. Jav In"ln lHon.l ; 2. Ch n" St_ . nJ UJ lm ); 3. Au.·.tm . Irvin, Bailey top Paradise Motocross By Gary Crider M ACO N,GA. AUG.30 Rou nd se ve n o f th e AMA Trans-Mx Series at Paradi se MX saw Jav Irvin claw his way to the top of the to ugh liScc C divisio n , I r~'in also claimed victo ry in the Unlimited Amateur ro ntest. wh ile Christop her Bailey ra n away with all Jour moto w in s in 125cc a nd 250cc A racing. Kevin Robison showed the wa y during the openi ng laps of the first 125cc C m ot o aboard his SYD-backed Suzuki. At abo ut the halfway ma rk, howeve r, Hond a-mou nt ed Irvin took over the lead and held on for the mot o win ove r Robison . The ea rly action in mo to two saw Dwayne Brown , Kyle Gamer and Robison all tak e turns at the fron t before Irvin wo rked his way thro ugh traffic to win the moto and the ove rall. Robison had to settle for runner-up honors, and Gamer was third over So u th Ca rol ina reside nt Ju stin Holliday. Series po int er Brown was noticeably 0 (( the pace du e to a leg injury suffered at the prev ious week 's round and finished w ith .1 10-5 tally for se venth overall. Russe ll Rad ford fini shed a t fifth overall in the 125cc C class and then storm ed to the 250cc C-d ivision win in a close ma tch with Perry Bell. Th e 125cc Sch oolboy-cla ss ope n ing mo to wa s a thrill er, as Justin Applew hite a nd Cody .Watford battled for the lead . Watford eventually claimt"d the moto win by a narrow mar gin ove r Ap plewhite: Applewhite ca me back stro ng in the seco nd mot o and led wire to wi re, nett ing the class win . Watford , m ~an",h ile, had gotten a slow start but worked up to a seco nd -place finish to claim the silv er honors . Lee Mullis, who mastened th e big triple jump for the fir st lim e tod ay , flew to 3-3 finishes ove r Kyle Ga mer and Lyk'S Sanders. Results V1l\.T: I. Michad Barm n-hul. ' SOSHFL I. 1t._Tumt.,- (Yam );2. Banks (Yam l. SO(4-6); I . G ra nt Ran sd e ll fl.e n d ; 2.. Howie Hul de n < Cob ). 50 (7-lU: I. Bubba C n llSb (Cob); 2. St..-phc-n A~ (Cob) ; 3 y Br....t I"Tnt"!> {KTMl. 60: I. Bnml Cud", (Kaw ); 2. Jt"'I"(" Bartll"kl ()(a w); 3. Bubba (Kaw l. KO D: I. Cold en Vinrent eKa w ); 2. Brv.lnnol VillCt"R t Ka w ); 1 3.0 m t R.1y(Hun). • 80 YTH ("' 12): 1. Tnovur Crogan Ulon); 2. Micha d G ralum Il<.1 w); 3. Terry ItlOl"l' (Yam); 4. U ~ Rowen, (Suz); 5. 8t-n 100l"!> (H on) . • JR MINI: 1. Bl'l.,t Ca rd l;"f'l (Kaw ); 2. Mich-'CI G ra ham (K.W); 3 . , Bc.-n ,,,~ (H on l; 4. Chri!>tian GibOl"y(Ho nl. SR MINI: 1. MIChdd Si"':'mo ftO (Su z ); 2. Rlch .ud Sht.fiff tin App ll·w hile (Hun). 125 C: 1. J.1YIrvin (Hon); 2. Kt.'VinRobi*>n (Suz ); 3. Kyll' Ga rnt"f (lton ); 4 . JUlitin Hol lida y (Ho n \; 5. RWl.. l RaJ ford (Yam ). .d 125 0 : 1. N. th a n Wood (Yam); 2. Br.J M.athit CHon ); 3. Michael (Ya m); " Eric Mo!Jt.tta (Ya ml ; S. Stt'Y~Sd lt"Mi tsuz)· · 2SO A : 1. C hri...lopher Baik"Y(H on l; 2. JoM Whi lmll'C' (Ya m); 3. Gordon Wa M OOl.'f ( Ka w) ; 4. JOlihThomP"On (Suz ); S. R~ Joh n~tun (l Ion). 250 8: I. Au~tin Gomn (Ka w ); 2. ~ M u l~ (Ya m). Gomt>z IK.i.....) . 25+: 1. Gk-n n Bale"' IK.lw) ; 2. Tony ~1:yn.t1r..J (~zJ; 3. Jdf Lowl..... ISUZ) · . 31h-: I. Glt."n Batl'5 U(a .... 2. C ft"g l.t,....jlt... (!!o 'l>h~ lon (Ht onl; 5. }o h Chambcn IHonl. "'t-p 35+; 1. C~ La....uer ( tea w ); ~. Jonbn (Yam ); 3. Robt'l1 !\;.. a m (Suz ); 4 Brron Womht. .. (Hun); r; Dille.· Dl-oth'" (tI on ). . 40+ : I. Wamt.... Wi lbt'l.lm (Suz); 2. Kipp Brull; 11<.01....·); 3. D.1l' l o..'all'" C Hord; 4. Rlm Twill""Y IH on) ; 5. "-hchoni GOnZol lf"li l"uz/. urry ~z). SPECIALO rE.' A\t: 1. Ru!orv Honev L orax PRO: 1 ~n(" Co iit' (H un ); 2 B.I· So-ot·btT SPEOAL (Hun l. Arzouman aces REM Glen Helen Motocross By Roc ky Hash SAN BERNARDINO.CA., sm.5 Jeff Ar zourn an ce rta inly did n't d o it the eas y way, but he d id do it the right way . Arzouma n used steady rid ing and a bit of good fortune to tak e the overa ll vi cto ry in th e O ver 40 Ju nior class at Racin g Enterprises Motosports' weekl y Glen Helen motocross. When the first mot a left the line, Arzouman was the quickest dO\\T1 the new , elonga ted start straight as he positioned his Yama ha YZ250 on th e po in t. Behind Arzouman W;lS Suzuki ride r Ruben Alva ra d o i n second , whil e Leonard Kirschn er pushed his Honda into the third slot. Fourth was occupied by Scott Mays , a nd Mike Cassell 's KX250 held down fifth . Out ir onto Ar zQuman a nd Alva rado began to s~ p a ra te the ms e lves from the pack as the tw o rid e rs engaged in a battl e for the lead . Over the ne xt few laps, the consistent rid in g of Ar zouman began to payoff and he was able to ope n up a four-second ~l d \'a n ta ge on Alvara do in second . Meanwhile, Cassell was o n the mov e. The Ka'wasa ki pilot was ab le to pass both Mays and Kirs chner and move into third just before th e halfway ma rk. Arzou man appeared to be on his way to an unrontested moto win when disaster struck suddenly. \VhiJe Arzouman was attempting to ~ls.... a lappt.-d. rider, the two collided and both went down in a heap. A.~ Arzouman struggled to untangle his machine, Alva rado rode by to take over the lead . Although Arzouman did n' t give in, he was una ble to catc h Alva rado, and the RM rid er wa s the first to see the checkers . At the end of moto o ne , it was Alvarado taking the w in, w ith Arz ouman rid i ng second . Cassell hel d 0(( Kirschn er to finish up in third . Whe n the riders lined up to do it one more -shot. This time, Arzou man again nabbt..-d the holL time, Cas sell had sliced into thc second positi on, and the quick-s tarting Alva rad o pu t his Suz u ki into th ird . Behind Alva rado was Ron Howell in fourt h. w hile Kirschner's C R settled int o fifth. Alva rado wa s th e ma n o n the mov e, an d he scooted by Cassell on lap two and moved into seco nd . Soo n he wa s rig ht on Arzou man a nd loo king to m a ke a pa ss for the lead . For tw o la ps, Alvara do followe d Arzo u ma n's shad ow arou nd the rourse bt.iore he could find his wa y around the Yamaha rid er and take over the lead . On ce out fron t, Alva rado began to ope n up the jets and he was able to ope n up a three-second lead on Arzouma n in second. With two laps to go, Alvarado's cha nce for a perfect day went out the window w he n the Suzuki rider high -sided. on a steep and slick off-ca m ber turn and hit the d irt. Alvarad o coul d not hav e pic ked a wors e section on the track to han.' taken a soil sample, as the turn was so slippery and steep that it took him q u ite so me time to re mo u nt. Be for e he cou ld ge t go ing agai n, both Arzuuman and Cassen went by . Cassell was next to di smount, as he bobbled in the back bow l tu m a nd bailed off his machin e, tu rn ing; the secon d position back overto Alva ra do. Arzou m nn was s tea dv with th e lead for the rem ai nin g two laps , and - rode on he to secure th e mo to " i n. Alva rado finished up in seco nd , while Kirsch ne r took adva ntage of Cossell 's ge t-off and snea ked in for th ird . O n the d ay, th e ove rall victory we nt to Arzouman by virtue of his 2 ~ 1 moto fin ishe s. Alva ra do was seco nd with his 1-2 scores, and Kirschner ga rnered the third spot afte r pos ting a 5-3 tally. Results !'l0JR: 1. Rd 'l.'C(' Kukl.ll (I(aw). .l 125 JR: 1. Bt'mhdrd Lertm-r (Y.lm); Ch.,,:! Beer (Y" m ); 3. Kns Kibl:".,ts (H on ). 250 BEG : I . Tom Fitz !o":"'ra ld (KolW); 2. M.lrk Quinte r" (l Ion) ; 3. e h ri!! Herrin (Suz). 250 NOV ; 1. Moi k Oldro cd Hl lln ); 2. Kl"\'111 !<-'lU'Ling!! ~z ); 3 r Tom Mdlor (KoIW ) . 250 INT: 1. Tim Olson (l Ion ); 2. K~v i n Colema n (Y. m) ; 3. l Dun Ricl. (H o nt. ' : VET JR 1. S1eptwn Walooon (Hun); 2. Tom \'1adm'ich (KTM); 3. Kt.-1t h SlOT'll"(KTMI . VET [."I.T I. Ron !..:lw'lOll IH lm ); 2. Idf K.lplan (K.n .,); 3 . Bub : 'ohno;o n l Kaw). VET PRO: 1. Billy Frdnk lKaw); 2. Willy Mu~grave (Yam I; 3. :\f ik l' Hlltlkr (Hon ). 40+ I. jdf Arzouawn (Yam ); 2. Rubt." Alv.uolJo tsuz); 3. I t"tllla rd ICirschlll"l' (Hon\. .w.. lI\,,T : 1. Mdr" Holll (Y. m); 2. G~ Wlu tli~1..t (Hon); 3. Blob ' Su llivan (Honl. 40.. EX: 1. INnni", McAdam U lun ); 2. Tt"d Kul..Lt (Ya m) ; 3 'R: Km Ehlersrr.m). 40+ ~ 1. lOch r l olm); 2. C~ Kohll'r IHon}; 3. Marc ( 50+ L "IJT:·1. Stt"V Jt'JUul1 l'iu z); 2 Coolbto G u berrez (Ya m); 3. l" g.. Mike Fowkr (Hon) • 50+ MSTR: I. t-fcorM Lntner IYam); 2. Jud y Wt"bd IM w ); J Alan Ol'"Cll'i(Yam ). Weber, Elliott earn CRC Motocross wins By Greg Robertson PAL-,mAlE, CA, AUG.29 Don nie Webe r ~ nd Ch ris Elliott pu t the competition in its p lace as they d o min a ted th e 125cc Beginner a nd 125cc o\;ce clasS<.'S, respecti vely, du ring th e Nationwide Cydt.~sponsorl.-d. round of C a lifo rnia Ra cing Clu b 's Sat urd a y nig h t mot ocross at Los Angeles County Rcl cewa y. Weber's reign of the 12Sec Beginners began \....ith the early first-moto lead over Steven St..>eba and Jeff Versepu t. s....,ba and Verseput were all over each othe r in a great race for the run ner· up position , while Webe r slowly p ulled awa y to take the win with 10 seco nds to spare. Verseput ca me u nd er fire from Jami e Die tz a nd Andrew Co rdos throug hout the mot a bu t ma na ged to hold on to seco nd place at the finish . Seeba absco nded ,,; th the holesh ot in rou nd two, bu t Weber shot pas t him com ing d own off the O ve~·a nd · Und er secti o n on th e first lap to

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