Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Above) Jeff Northrop was the winner of th e 125 and 250cc Pro classes at the Tr ans-Cal Nation als, held at Silver State Raceway in Carson City, Nevada. (Left) Up to th is po int, Jam ie Hanshaw (shown here at the Grattan Racewa y In Belding, Michigan) is the championship po in ts leader in the GLRRA ser ies. Denning duels Hanshaw at Grattan Road Race EX L/W S/ TW : 1. Dave Kl1ilPP (Ra ); 2. Stev e Potter (Due); 3. Jo hn Fenner (Htm) ; 4, Mik e De kke r (Hem); S. Gre gg Fo ster (Due) . AM L/ W S / TW: 1. TelTYCro-s (Hnn); 2. Bill Sca n ne ll ()-Iu n); 3. C h ri s Bunk er (H clfl l; 4. Ca r! W .llz !'r (H u n ); 5. Jo hn Alguirl' By Debb ie Parinello Photo by Lee Rigozzi AM H /W S/ RK: 1. Dav e Na ysm ith (H o m : 2. Sco tt y va n $c oil.. (Suz); 3. Chri.1 Bloch (Ho n) ; 4. MolU Dru cke r (Hun); 5. Kevin ' Mu rr a v (H un) . . EX GTP : I. J.lmit· Hansh aw (Ya m l; 2. D.Wt, Kn;lpP (Rt,,); 3. K,:vin Lehm an (Y.lm ); 4. Steve Pott er (Dud; 5. Scu tt Bro w n (Yam ). A M GTP : I . T''11)' Cr~(t- l tJn'; 2. C ar l watz cr I Ho n l; 3 . C hri s Wo lter (t lnn ); 4 . Jo hn A lguirl' (t l"n); 5. Scott Huld t'n (Hu n) . AM GTa: 1. Tom ]t-n!>oll(Suz ); 2. Er ic Tw iAA(Hu n ); 3. C ha rVau ghn (Jl on ); 4. Aaron RillingL (t lon ); 5. Da ve Drd ter H lu n l. '" EX SI"TSMN : 1. jo hn FL flt'r ( H lln ~; 2, DolV(' Mo n lDud; 3. 'J1 o lim Comn c tHo n); 4. Br,ld Marrin (Hon); 5. Sco tt Brow n (Suz] . AM SP'TSMN : 1. MikL' Merrill (Hn n); 2. Tt'ITY McGrdth (Hnn l; t 3. la mt'l\ Cott rel l (l Ion); (Ho n); 2. C h ris Wo ller lHnn ); 3. John Algu ire (Hon): 4. M- c Wald m ol n tJ lon ): 5. Ch r is Bun k('t ik n B ELDING, ML AUG.29-30 Larry De n n ing a n d Ja m ie H a nsha w w ent against eac h o ther seve n tim es du rin g the eig ht h ro u n d of th e G LRRA se ries, and tw o d ay s o f almos t per fect wea ther a t Grattan saw these two men vyi ng for the num ber-on e pla te. Hansh aw had onl y a -m-potnt lead over the reigning king o f sp eed, " Lig h ting La rry," a nd bo th set thei r sigh ts on gett ing more points before th e final rou nd . The Expe rt Mid d leweigh t GP was the first of the s trin g of the assaults which took place ov er the next two days. " Den ning u sua ll y gets a good ho les hot ," H an sh aw sa id . "I can outbra ke him in the first tur n. But I couldn't this tim e." Dennin g took the first la p, w ith H a ns ha w drafti ng. On lap three, Hanshaw wa s showing Den ning a w heel in turn one but was u nable to ge t the job do ne. At this po int Denni ng tu rned up the hea t. Den ning was aski ng his 4&6-sponso red KawaS<1ki for more and he go t it, getting a four-bike-Iength lea d on Han shaw. This was no t enough to keep the Dega-backed SU7;uki rid er from makin g u p the lost gro u nd in the next lap . Denn ing was ab le to kt.'ep the lead , down to the wi re . (The thir d-place rider was 3000 fc"t beh ind the king , an d Joe Temperato crossed the line o n his Ducati.) Thi s scena rio was rep eat ed as Denning, in true cham pion sty le, was able to best Han sha w fiv e of t he se ve n ti mes th ey ra ce d. Ha nsh a w took secon d by less then 10 feet each time, and he too k first twice. In the Ligh tweight class, Hanshaw ha s been running a very fast FZR400 ' to collect po in ts all yea r. It went up for sale this round. "I don ' t nt.-ro to win any ra~s nex t round," dec lared Han sh aw. When as ked abo u t his goa ls for next yea r, he replied, " I want to concen tra te on m y hOO next year. I'm go ing to contin ue to be a sa fe rid er, w hich helped me secure the champion shi p this yea r. I do n' t want to ge t hurt. J like to race ag a ins t Denn in g because he is smoo th and safe." Mike Rop wo n hi s firs t Middleweight race this round . Rop ha d w on a co u p le of Lightwei ght races two years ago. Rop's w in was in th e Am a teur GTU , in w h ich he is r unnin g a Honda. "I'm in abo ut' th ird place for the year rig ht now , an d whoever is behind me is knocki ng at my doo r," Rop said. "I wen t out to a CCS race las t week. I can w ho o p them pretty good, an d that gives me the con fidence to co me out her e and run a little qu icke r." Results 28 S. lu rd ollY EX M /W G P : 1. La rry [knnin g t Ka w ); 2. Ja m ie H an sh a w (Suz) ; 3. Joe.'Tempt·ra lD (Due); 4. Jamie W orthin~lon (A p r); 5. Scolty Van Sco ik (Su z ). AM M /W G r ; 1. I\tLttl Amt's (Suz ); 2. Cha rlie Vaughn (Hun); 3. Eri c Twi~ g t H o n ); 4. Mi ke Bt'cke r (Ho n) ; 5. Aaron Risin gt·r (f-Itm) . ury Ot-'nning tKaw ); 3. EX GTO: I . Jami ... t-1 a nsha w (SU.7. ); 2. Lo Sll'Vt' SIl'in m.ln (Ho n); 4. D:'IVl'N ays m it h (H('In) ; 5. joe Temper.llt. (Du d . (H onj . lie . (I-inn ). EX LjW G P: 1. Ja mi t' Ha nsha w (Ya m ); 2. Kevin Le hma n (Ya m I; 3. 5 t.. ve Pot te r (D u e l; 4. G fl'g~ Pos ter (Dud ; S. M ik.· • Dekke r H lnn). EX GTU : I. j.1mit' Han sha w (Suz ); 2. L arry D1."fln in~ (K.1W) 3. ; JUl' Temperato (Dud; 4. Kevin Lehm a n (Hu nl; 5. Sco tty Va n Sco ik (Suz ) S Utld.:ay EX M /W S / BK: 1. Larry Den ning (!e (Ho n ); S. Kev in h Murr ay tHo n). EX L/W S / BK: I. Jam it' I-Iol n :o;h.lw (Ya m ); 2. Kev in Lch m.ln (Yam ); 3. Seo tt Brown (Ya m); 4. Mikl' Dt.' kkt.·r (Hon); 5 , Slt.'w I'ot ler (Du cl. AM L/W S / BK: 1. Tt.'rty Cros ll (Ht' n); 2. Ch ris Wo ltt'f"(Hu n) ; 3. Mik e Wa ld m a nn (Ho n ); 4 . John Al~if"l' (H on); 5. Bill Sca nne ll (..Io n ). A M M ICHIGA N GP LEG 1: 1. To m Jl' n"o n tSuL ); 2. Md lt A mt'!>(So2 ); 3. Ch,l rlit' Vau ghn {Hu n); 4 Mikt.' Rop (Hun); 5. Eric Twi AA(Ho n ). AM MICHlG AN G r LEG 2: I. Tom Jenson ($ uz l; 2. MolU Aml'S (Suz); 3. C harlil" Va u /o';h n (H o n ); 4. Er ic"Twig /o'; (Hn n ); 5 . Mik", Rop '(Hon). EX M ICHI GA N GP LEG 1: 1. laITy Dlmnin/o'; (Ka w); 2. jam il' Ii .l ns haw (Suz); 3. Jot' Tl'fTlperato (Dud; 4. )df VOll (H~n ); 5. 50..1· ty Va n St. O (5 02 ). " ik EX M ICH1GAN G P LEG 2: I. L lrry Denning (iYIw); 2. jamie I-I ns ho w (Suzl; 3. Jeff Vos (H on ); 4. Kt'vin Lt.·hm.ln (H im); 5. Sn,ta l ty Va n Sco ik (Suz) . . AM H /W S/ SrT: 1. Tom JCl1!1oon (Suz ); 2. M"tt A mt.S (Suz) ; 3. ' Eric T wi AA(H on); 4. Charlit>Vdu ~hll (li o n); 5. Mike Rtlp (Hlln) EX M /W S /Sf'T: 1. Larry D" nning (K. W); 2. j.l mie H.ln.'lholW 1 (Su z ); 3. Kevin Lt' hm a n (Hun); 4. Sco tty V.ln Scui k (Su z); 5. JOt' Tl'mpt.'f"aIU (Hon). EX H /W S/TIV: I. C h ris HInch (Hun); 2. Kl'n Hsu (Ya rn); 3. Gr egg Fostef (Due); 4. Bob Dt. ;.1(H tml ; 5. Ala n Zi lo ws ki (Ho n). , AM H /W S/TW : 1. Tl'rr y C r o1'i s (H o n ); 2. Chris Hunker (I-Ion) ; 3. Scot t Holdt·n (H o n ); 4. Ca r l Walzer (Hun) ; 5. JOt" Kra ft (Hun). AM M /W S / BK: 1. MitH Ames (Su z ); 2. C h a rli e Yolug h n (Hun ); 3. Eric Tw igg (Ho n); 4. Mikt" Rnp (Hon); S. AMon RL 'lingcr (Hon). EX H /W S/RK: 1. Dav " Naysmi th (li nn ); 2. Sro tty Van Scoik (5uz) ; 3. C hri s Bloch (J-I o'n); 4. M.ltt Drut:k er (H on ); 5. Kev in Murra y (Ho n). A M M /W S /SPT ; 1 . Moltt A me :o; tSuz); 2. C h ,u lit.· V.l tl ~ h n (H on ); 3. Er ic Twigg tHu n ); 4. A ol n Risin g" r (Hun ); 5. N a than w Fl1g,ltty n -Ion ). Northrop takes two at Silver State MX By Joan Tiearney CARSON CIn' , NV, AUG. 30 More than 300 ride rs turned up for the seco nd CMC No rt h roun d of the Trans-Cal Na tio na ls, held at Silvt.'r Sta te It .1Ceway. With tem peraturt.' s toppin g the lOO-degree mark , ri ders fu r ther heat ed up the track w ith stro ng competition and fast la p times. Team Green's Axo / FM F/ Tho rbacked Jef f Nor thro p p roved to be the fastest, wi nning the 125cc Pro and 250cc Pro classes. fi rs t 125cc Pr o m o to saw T he O'Nea l/ FMF /Scott / M ichae l's Cycle of Ren oba cked Yama ha rider Ju stin Tiearney grab the holcsh o t. No r thro p, Kody Killam, Da niel Blair and Augg ie Rodri gu ez round ed ou t the top five. Tiearn ey was o n the gas as N or throp hel d second. The tw o turned u p the pace and vir tua lly left the pac k behin d . Ou t fron t, Tiea rney kept a slightly comfo rtable lead in the st raights, bu t No rthrop never let up an d ga ined mo men tu m after the ha lfway flag came ou t. On lap seven, Northro p was reeling in Tiear ncy . The two pu t on a grea t race, swapping the lead posi tion in the whoop sec tio n a nd in several tu rns . Northrop was patient an d out jurnped Tiearney on the back tab letop to regain the lead w ith the w hite flag in sight. Kaw asaki rider Killam and Blair were mi xing it up for the thir d pos ition as Jake Windham mad e the pass on Rodriguez to take ov er fifth . N o r thro p was in co n tro l with a lap to go as Tieam ey gavt.'evt.'ry effort through the tigh t MOCtion of the track. Nor throp took the checkers and Tiearney settled for seco nd . Thi rd place wou ld go to Killam, followed by Blair an d Win d ham. Laps were cut for Pro 12Scc mot o n u mber two and no on e com p lained, as the hottest pa rt of the da y was tak ing its toll. No rthrop gra bbt.>d the ho les ho t and was followed by Rodrigu ez, ne'w pro Dus tin Miller , a nd Tit.' rney an d Blair. a Northrop took a c<,mma nding lea d , a nd Tiearnt.'y would havt.' to plai ca tch-u p in ord er to w in the overa ll. TIle blistering pace was set as' Tiearney made the pa ss on two rid ers in the first lap. It was Tieamey chas ing No rt hro p, w ho wa s rid . ing a fla w less race. Blair cras he d hard la ter in the moto a nd was attend ed to by the emerge ncy cre ws. As rid er s ca u tious ly pa sst.'d, the ra ce heat ed up betw een the lead ers. No rthrop con tin· u ed to hold hi s lead w hil e Ti earney tried to ca tch th e g reen machine. Th e w hite fla g was now out, and Northrop had to put in one more hard la p . Tie nrney co u ld not mu st er e noug h po wer, and Nor throp sailed throu gh the finish . lin e wit h a 1-1 for the day. Tiearney went 2-2, w hilt.' Killam would captu re third overall a nd Rodriguez fou rth overall. Fifth overall we nt to Blair , w ho w as shaken up bu t okay. Th e 250cc Pro s op ted for a lO-lap, wi nne rtake-all mot o bt..-'Cause of the heat and the lim itt'd time left for the re mai ning sched uled mot os. The gate d roppt'd , and w hen the du st cloud settled fTOm the firsHu rn mayhem , it could be Sl"Cn that the ho leshot bdonged to Dani el Blai r. Loca l rid e r Ke nn y Las h , No rth rop , T ie ar n e y and Yama ha pilot Danny Paladino w~re the top five in the freigh t train. Blai r was blazi ng, obv iously fine after h is 125cc- mo to crash . T h e Axo /Michaels / Pro Circuit-bac ked Kenny Las h wa s on a mission and soo n passed Blair on lap two. Lodermeier wo uld pull off the track af ter o ne lap w it h bi ke problems. Nort h ro p sifted through the pack and movt.>d past Blair , a nd so di d Tieamey. PalJd ino and Blair ran fourth and fifth, w hile Stap leto n and Shan k battled for position . Lash was out front , rid in g his best race of th e seaso n w it h a co m fo r ta b le le a d ove r Northrop. Local fans we rt.'chee ri ng as Lash wa s eventually stalked by No r thro p, who had plan s of hi s own . Pal a d ino moved in to th ird and Tiea rn ey drop ped to four th. The heat was taking its toll on the riders by mid po int , on an d off the track. Windham pulled off the track with a possible w ris t inju ry , narrowi ng th e field do wn to seven. On la p seven, No rthrop mad e the move on Lash to take the lead . With four laps to go, the riders se ttled into thei r positions: La sh wa s in seco nd, Paladino in third, Tiear ne y in fourth and Bla ir in fifth. Northrop was no w in co mma nd and pullin g out a siz able lead from th e rest of the pack. Tlea rney, the favored local, was feeling the effects of the heat and too littl e sleep after w inni ng six motes wh ile raci ng the nigh t befor e, an d he a ppea red con te nt in fourth . By the w hi te-flag la p, the field had not cha nge d and t h e w in a p pea re d to be No rt hro p's. Las h remain ed in secon d an d wo u ld be com me nded for a g rea t race. No rthrop took the checker ed , follow ed by L1Sh, Palad ino, Tiearney a nd Blair. Jon athan Sh imp do mina ted the 125 Interm ed iat e cla ss, w it h jerem ia h Is ra el finis hing seco nd . Na tha n Tieam ey topped the 125cc School bo y class, a hea d of Jesse O lso n , and " Fl yi n' " Ryan Morai s won the BOec (14· 16) class. Sean Reath won th e 125cc Jun io r final, w ith Ste ve Mart ens corning seco nd . Results 50 (4-61 1. Au stm l-Itlwl'1I 1KT\.1); 2. Scotty C raven (Lem): J. Kt'ith Ada ms (Ac t); 4. Tyler Kowa lsk i (KT M); S. 1ON.'ph Pascan-lla (KT MI. 50 (7· 81: 1. T vl..r York (KTM) ; 2. La r rv AZCV-'l.I" (Lem j: 3. L Michat'i Curci (L,>~): 4. Dvlan Nev (KT M ); 5:J .I. Bro wn (laM). 60 ((l.R): 1. Du st in F ;lill~h s IK TM ); 2. Kurtis B. ilt'y (KTM); 3. l Jos h nory (KT M); " Tvh-r York IK,lW ); 5. Larry AZt. tln nO (~-1 1): I. R\·.l T> f er ris 1)(. 1' 2. Brvar Pcrrv IK.lWl; 3. C.1St'¥ 1 ''); Htu-on tK.lw); 4. fi.:llU Wil'l~a nd (K.1W); 5: Crl'g F;.u,,", (KflW) ' • M (7· 111: 1. Vinn.·n l B1 (Ya m); 2. Pa blo Qu inla nillol (Kaw ); il dir 3. Eric McC rumm l'n (Y,l m); 4. Da n iel 5.m i (Suz); 5. Bryar Perry ( K ,H< ). ,' KO 02- 1.J): 1. Nic k [arret (Hu n); 2. N ick D,lVi ~ tYa m ); 3. Eric Ny e (Yam); 4, Brett Ma rkari.ln (Ya m ); 5. Cu ry McDimit'l (Y.l m) . !'Il (14-11» : 1. Rya n M"ra is tYa m) ; 2. David 13..." th (Hn n); 3. l Walt McCrumme n (Yrgiu Poncl" D l' Lt.· n (y.lm); 2. jt'd rupt.· u (Ya m); 3. Bobby Me yt'r (Ya m); 4. Ma ti M.l hna (H o n) ; 5. A ndy McG riff (Yam ) 125 INT: 1. Ju n,lt hiln Shim p (y .,m) ; 2. Jt·rt'mi.lh!sr .lc1 (Y.lm); 3. Mike Mason (SU.7. ); 4. Cuig Tru jillo (Kaw ); 5. Freddit' Wt"ichel'!l (Hun ). . 125 SC HBY: 1, N Ol th., n Tit.-am,"y (Suz ); 2. JL i'<4" O lson (Y.lm); "!i 3. Mikt" A nd l!rso n (Ya m ); 4 ~ Fre d d ie Wt'i c hc r.! (}Ion ); 5. Stevt' Ml'r tt' ns (Suz ). 125 PRO: I. Jd f Nor t hro p (K.lw ); 2. Jus tin Ti...1fnt.Y (Y,lm ); 3. ' C od v Killam (K.1W); 4. AUl-isie Rodriguez (Y.l ml ; 5. Dan id Blair (H,,;I). 25n BEG : 1. Sle v,· Stolmt.·y (l<.Jw ); 2. Co ry Mo rris (Ylu n ); 3. Ad.lm ''''nscl (lio n) ; 4. Sh .l ne Tul osk o (H o n) ; 5. Andre Ricco (Ka w ). 2~ JR: 1. Sa m Stlw C raig Tru~llo (Ka w ); 4. Jdf Bald w in (Suz ); 5. C('ry Muroll~ (Y. nt) . l 250 PRO : 1. Jt'ff Nort h rop t K.1W); 2. Kenn y l...lsh (K. W); 3. 1 Danny r a l.l d ino (Yam l; 4. Ju stin Ticarnry (Yilm ); 5. D.mid Blair (Hon ).. UTH AM : 1. Richard Quinonl'S (Suz ); 2. Kl'1l Sm itl1 \ Hon); 3. 8i ll Smvrnin ris CHu n); 4. Juhn Mulina (Kaw); 5. D.l n C", llit·tt fKaw l. uTH !tMo'TR: 1. Jim H olley (Yitm ); 2. Bumdon Jon t.!! (Yam ); 3. ' ~-l.1r1i n Klo!i. nl'f (Ya m ); 4. Btlb Sh imp (Ya m); 5. Rllbt. fl H.m".·n s · (Su z ). . YET BEG : 1. Roll.lnd Wl'mo1ck(Y.l m ). VET JR: 1. C hris Po rcel lo (Y.lm ); 2. G n.'g \ 1a hu" (Yam); 3. Dan D,·f\1 IU.U (Hu n ); 4. 5('(111Ch urcht'y (H on ); 5. Rick C,'fVa ntt"!i(K,l W). VE:"T 1l\'T: 1. Rich ard Qllinunes (So2); 2. Ken McKcnz il' (Ydm) ; 3. G rt.· Ki n~

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