Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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October 11th Sun. 12:30 pm sive as the race wo re on, and he was the one chasing Poov ey ac ross th e finish line on laps fou r and five, w hile Jon es also moved pas t Du relle to take third . In the mean time, Poovey continually go t better and better ru ns down th e back straig h t a nd in to turn three, and although the front four of Poovey, Butler, Jones and Durelle cou ld ha ve been blanket ed w he n th ey hi t the stripe, it was the Texan who wa s clearl y taki ng con trol of things. Butler a ttempted to take contro l after the finish line on lap 11, but Poovey drove by d own the back s tra ig h t again, and was a lw ays in th e lead on the front strai ghtaw ay. Poovey went on to take the win , with Butl e r fini sh in g jus t behind Jon es . Durelle wa s fou rth, and Adkins /KK / Winchester H-D's Geo Roeder ran fifth. 600cc EXPERT Hart Racing's James Hart grabbed the holesho t at the start of the 12-lap, 17-rider 600cc Expert final , b ut Coolbeth and Sta nley got hot early, as they drafted by Hart and led the pack down the fro nt straigh t for the first time. Hart . w as now third , behind Coolbe th a nd Sta n ley, with Ko pp third and Pauley fourth . Pauley then mo ved to third off 'tu rn two. But Coolbeth a n d St an le y w ere a lready s ta rti ng the ir brea ka w ay , as th ey go t good driv es d o w n th e ba ck st ra ig h t, d raftin g each o ther to pull awa v from the rest of the field. The tw o were side by side when they crossed the line to complete the third la p. Further back, Kop p and Paul ey were begi nnin g a similar battl e for third, as th ey ra n ab reast down bo th straigh taway s until Pauley appea red to gai n a bit o f an ad vanta g e o n la ps six a nd seven . Then his machine began to pop and he was forced to pull ou t, lea vin g Kopp to twis t in t h e w in d, to o fa r behind to catch the leaders and yet well ah ead of How ell 's H-D /I M Leathers' Phil Libhart, w ho ra n fourt h. Up fro nt, Coolbeth and Sta nley wer e trad ing the lead a ll the way around the track as they ran some 40 len gth s ahead of Kopp, and it was tim e to place all bets as they assaulted th e white-flag lap. Cool beth had the lea d, and he held it all the way down th e ba ck s tre tch , with Sta nley electi ng to follow u nti l they came back onto the front straight. Once there, wit h Stanley pulled off a textbook draft to pu t so me two len gths on Coo lbet h at the finish . "Kenny was fast all day, it was jus t a matter of getti ng with him off the start: ' Sta nley said . "Afte r that, it was jus t a bat tle of wits. He kne w that I was going to let him lead it, so he buried it off in to thr ee an d four . But l got him. "We' ll get it together," Stanley continu ed . "I thi nk we' re finally out of our slu mp." n illinois State Fairgrounds Springfield, illinois Results: September 5, 1998 (Round 13 0115) 750 EX U S l.:Ip 11 riders ): 1. Tl-I1)' Poovey (Hun); s; " 2. Ronnie Jon es (H· O); 3. Dan Butle r (I"t-D); 4. Da vey Du re llc (H- D); 5. Ceo Roed er II (H-D) ; b. Mike Holl (He OJ; 7. Dolle Iennc man (H· D); 8. Brya n Bigelo w (H-D); 9. Chri... Evan s (H-D); 10. Paul Morgan III (H-D); 11. Bret Beyer (H-D) ; 12. J.R. Schnabel (H -o); 13. Michael Varnes (fI-D ); 14. Willie Ml.Coy (H-D); 15. Gn,; Teagu e (H-D); ' l b. Chris Carr (Ii -D); 11. Steve Morehead (H·O), Tim e: 8 min .• 58.01 6 sec. 600 EX (12 laps; 17 ride rs}; 1. Dan Stanley (Rtx); 2. Kenny Cocl bct h (W· R); 3. joe Kopp (lUx); 4. Phil Ubh.trt (RI:d ; 5. Marc Giffo rd (W-R); o. ja m e~ Hart (Rtx ); 7. Scu tt Slu mp (Rlx); 8. Tim Ead es (Rtx) : 9. Victor MeAn.lll y (Rtx); 10. Jeremy Th ompson (Rho); II , Ch ris to p her Hart (Rtx) ; 12. Todd Win sdt (\V· R); 13. Ga rt h Bastian (W- R); 14. Steve Mayfidd (W-J{); IS. Alan Ead ie ( J{tx); 10. Da ve Hebb (Rtx): 17. ulnnic Pau ley (Rtx) . Ti m~ &Ea DELMAR FAIRGROUNDS . CRE SCENT ( ~g .<.("~ ~ ) TRUCKUNES AVIS CRESCENT Tickets: Agaj ani an Presents 310-547-9898 & Local Mle Dealers )[-?'"~ CAL-EXPO State F airgrounds Sat., Sept. 26 7:00 PM - .,, ._-~!11Jnt3 EXECUTIVE INN " T ell t h e m y o u r e a d about It I n ([!ffi~ " Wet , dry, sandy, even In t he m udd iest conditions, our pads a nd sh oes prov ide superior st o ppi ng po we r wit h Standard (SI) and Raci ng (RS I) co m pounds fo r front an d rear. Hlgh-flyln' MX, tra ll-tourln' dual sport or hard-workln ' ATV; SBS ha s a full range of OFF-ROAD'Cera mlc or Sinter' compound brake pad s and shoes that provide you the ultimate stopping powe r In any conditions. 7 min., lb .b82 sec. Upcoming Rounds: Round 14- Seattle, Washington, September19 Round 15 - Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2 At a time like this, you shouldn't be asking yourself "How are my brakes?" Visit your nearest dealer today to flnd out which SBS brake pads are the right choice for you. SBS - THE POWER TO STOP YOU. 19

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