Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

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£!~ITr~~£~EK t: AH M R AClassic Bike Magazine Dirt Track Series, Round 13 . ;":" !:.''?o :'\'i'.~ ,i:;- ,,?f.~.:" -,:.;.'~._:t. .-~'):."'i ' "i'~'i,\'·::~,''::"i: , .. ~'':.t:'~'':''' - "';>";'ot:~~ ",.·,:,·,t.~ -t '0'-,.-. ' '',~~'N~';:' ";", ~~.' ~';'-;- " tt ,·.':;;"·::.,';:i.'.'i: " -' . The CC M-moun te d rid er ' fr o m ' . " " Stockto n, California, was joined in victory by ano ther rider no tching his firs t, 600cc Pro-Sport wi nner Kurt Hawk. After a domina nt run in the 600c c Pro-Sport class, as we ll as an illustriou s ama teu r career that had ne tted him a multitud e of AMA Nationa l Ch a m pi onships , Jorgensen quic kly mad e an allout assa u lt on the Expert class . "I'm really excited, " Jorgensen said. "I knew I could run u p front with them , but I didn't expec t the win to come this early, especia lly wit h all these fast local guys here. He y, I' m rea lly happy." Jor gensen started off the evening which also doubled as the Castle Rock Season Championship, the third race of an eigh t-day, six-race series - by catapu lting to th e head of th e field in h is heat race, then fending off serious cha llen ges from Jeff Annen, a Castle Rock N ational-podium fini sh er, to ea rn pol e position for the class's 15-lap final. Lonny Kopp took jorgen sen 's pol eposition ad vanta ge away fro m him by catapulting int o the lead at the start of the 15-lap Exp ert-cla ss fin al, foll owed closely b y Jorg en s en , Eli Pri ce and Ann en . Fo r se vera l laps, Jorg ens en d ogged Kopp , b ut e ac h tim e the Spokane, Washingt on , rid er would deny the CCM rider . Jorge nse n finally go t a wheel und erneath of Kopp for g oo d on la p fo u r, although Kopp d id stay in [orgy' s sha dow for many laps. Price ralli ed to join Kopp in 11 heated battle for second, but By Clay Li ght Kopp held firm to finish second to th e impressive rookie, Jorgensen. Beh ind CASTLE ROCK, WA, AUG. 29 the trio was ano ther grea t battle, featura tiona l number 40, Jeff An nen, ing vetera ns Annen and Simonse n, who who th is season d uri ng AMA were both heavil y favore d to w in th e District 27 IT ac tio n a t Castle upcoming AMA Hot Shoe N ati onal. Rock Ra ce Pa r k h a s 'b een one of the Simonsen go t the nod for fou rth, thus t h ree do m ina nt Ex p ert -clas s r ide rs, clin ching th e lon g-sought Exp ert-class ca me ou t on top of th e class with his cha m pions hip. win in the 12-rid er, 15-lap 600cc Expert By virtue of winning th e fas tes t of final. two 6 0 0 c~ Pro -S po rt h eat r aces, Bob A nnen trailed secon d -yea r Expert Beau A. Brown for severa l lap s in the Rosie sa t on th e pol e posit ion for th e early stages of the Experts' final, then 12-rid er, 12-l a p fina l, b u t Haw k a n d over took the O rego nian 'and carried on Bob Mora n p ut th e squeeze on Rosi e to victory. Tra iling th e Lopk o/O' Brien head ing into the dogleg . This left Rosie Racing Prod ucts-backed Ann en w ere to fen d off a multitu de of rid ers for th e J.P. Simonse n and ro ok ie Expert Tob y fina l spot on th e rostrum as Hawk and Jor gensen, who in his firs t w eek end as Moran quickly sped away in their own an Expert finalized his debut in the class private ba ttle, with Hawk putting some with a pair of podium finishes. distance on Mo ran, w ho d id likewise to Whil e Rose held the illustriou s posithe incred ibl e battle for th ird . Rosie tion af ter his impressiv e perform an ce, would u ltimat ely lose the stra ng leho ld Beau Z. Brown grabbed the lead at the late in t h e ra ce , a s Frank M ark er green light in th e fi na l, fo llowed by pu sh ed his Hond a past Rosie to fin ish Annen , Troy Ro se , Toby Jorg en s en , l~ third . Da vid Anderson , Eli Price a n d Er ic Castle Rock Race Park Rickman. Brown' s rid e ou t in fron t of the stellar field was impressive; the 17~:~~~s~~~~t~~~~~nit~~98 , ,. yea r-o ld from Ne wberg, O reg on , held &00 EX: 1. Tob y jorgensen (CCM l; 2. LOnny Kopp off th e d r iv in g a d vances of seasoned (W~R) ; 3. Eli Price (W·R) ; 4. J.P. Simon-en (W-R); 5. 1t'ff veteran An ne n for several lap s until An nen (W·R l. Anne n bru sh ed Brow n to the ou ts ide 600 PRO -SPT: 1. Kurt Hawk (W~R) ; 2. Bob Mo ran (Yarn): 3. Frank Marker (Hen ): 4. &-<1U Z . Brown (Rtx): line in the do gleg on lap four . 5. Bob Rosie (Rtx). . Whil e Bro wn s tayed in A n ne n 's 50 MOD: 1. Elliot Oquist (Cob ); 2. Evan Aaronson sha dow for severa l more la ps , it was (Co b); 3. Fra n kie Boncz (Lem ): 4. Jacob Leh man (KTM). 50 J ~ : 1. Evan Aaronson (Lem): 2. Frankie Boncz Sim on sen 's charge through traff ic that (Lem) : 3, Jacob Lehman (KTM) . brought th e cr owd to Iife 4 Simon sen &0 A: 1. CbrisCeloric (Kaw) : 2. Brent on Sch niztcr (Kaw ): 3. Nic ho las O hg e (Ho nl . overcame a handicap pe na lty after ini80 A: 1. Nic k Selle rs (Suz); 2. Derre k Oq uist IHon) : tially ju mping the start to pick off sever3. Ken net h H anson (Hon). al riders each lap and close in on Brown 80 D TX: 1. N ick Se lle rs (Su z); 2. Derre k Oq uist (Han); 3. Kenrwth Han son (Hen). after displacing Jor gen sen . Howeve r, 125 A: 1. Bra d Smith (Yam ); 2. Del be rt Po w ell Brown's brightest mom ent of his you ng (}(.lW); 3. Pau l c.~s tillo (Yam) . caree r ended la te in the race w hen he 250 A: 1. Jeff Rister (Yam); 2. Scoo ter Vernon (ATK); 3. Ma tt Sch weitze r (H an) . developed a flat rear tire . IT SOD: 1. Joe Ca re rra (Ya m ); 2. Bob Tn glc (Yam); 3. "I co u ld tell so methi ng was wrong Ed Derda (Ya m ). VTNT SG L: 1. Fred Bra ckenb ur y (He n): 2. Ga rr y with the back en d," Brown said . "1 was Roller (Su 7o); 3. Allen Morinville (Ho n). really fightin g it w he n J.P. caught me. VI NT TW : 1. Eric w el ssl er (Yam); 2. Joh n Proto ' Then on the last lap it went com pletely (Yam); 3. Sonny Burres (Tri ). lnnen anniln1ales N 14 30+ A: 1. Bob Rosie .(Rtx ); 2. Joe Ca re rra (Ya m ); 3. Brian Walls (Yam). 40+ A: 1. Mark Studebake r (Hen) : 2. Dan Kirk (Yam); 3. Vin et' Holt (Ho n). flat." Simonsen, though, couldn't catch the long-gone Annen, finali zing th e finish Jeff Annen (40) got the drop on ear ly leader Bea u A. Brown and went on to win the Expert main event at Castle Rock Race Park. order of Annen , Simonsen and Jorgensen, followed by a close Price/Ron Waters / l~ Chris Fitzhu gh /Rickman finish. Castle Rock Race Park Castle Rock, Washington Results : August 29, 1998 600 EX: 1. Jeff Ann en (W-R); 2. J.P. Simonsen (Rtx): 3. To by Jor gen sen (CC M); 4. Eli Price (W~R ) ; 5 . Troy Ro se (R tx ). 600 PR O- S PT : 1. Beau Z . Brown (Rtx ); 2. Kurt Hawk (W- R); 3. To n y Fo x (W- R); 4. Fr ank Ma rk e r (Hon): 5. Bob Mo ran (Yam) . 50 MOD: 1. Evan Aronson (Cob); 2. Fran kie Boncz (Lcm), 3, Jacob Leh ma n (KTM). 50 J R: 1. Eva n Aronson (Lem): 2. Fra n kie Bon cz (Lem) , 3. Jacob Lehma n (.... ,M). 60 A: 1. Brento n Schn itze r (Kaw) : 2. Chri s Ce lorie (Kaw) ; 3. Elliot Oquis t (Kaw) . 80 A: 1. Nic k Selle rs (Su z); 2. Anti y Fay (Ho n ); 3. Am y Pruc zi nski (Suz). . 80 DTX : 1. Nick Sellers (5u z); 2. Andy Fay (I'lon) ; 3. Kenneth Hanso n (H e n ). 125 A: 1. Brad Smi th (Yam); 2. Pa ul Ca stillo (Yam); 3. Del Powell (K,)\\I). 250 A: 1. Scoo ter Vernon (ATK); 2. Jeff Riste r (Yam ); 3. Da niel Adkins (Ho nl . O PEN A : 1. Mark Pa tt erso n (Ya m) ; 2. Martv weissler (Rtx): 3. Scoo ter Vern on (ATK). • 30+: 1. Steve H.111(Yam ): 2. Craig Bow man (Yam): 3. Ward Mckee (KTM). 40+: 1. Vince Holt (Ha n); 2. Mark Studeba ker (Hon ); 3. Dan Kirk (Ya m). . OPE N TW: 1. Mik e Harritt (Ya m ); 2. Eric wci ssler (Yarn): 3. Will ie Ward (Yam) . rRO 11V: 1. Jim Perry (Tn): 2. Dick Slu s her (No r); 3. To ny Thorn (Tri ). 80 BEG : 1. Ma rk Studeba ke r (Honl , 2. Ken neth H an son (Hen) . Simonsen sizzles By Clay Ligh t CASTLE ROCK, WA, AUG. 28 o metown hero J.P. Simonsen, the National number-37 plateholder, in ch ed closer to fu rthe r ing h is se ason -lo n g ques t of an Expert-class cham pionship with his wire-to-wire victory in th e 15-la p 600cc Exper t main event a t the Mount St. Helen s Mot orcycle Club's AMA District 27 IT at Castle Rock Race Par k. Simon sen 's win - his sixth of the seaso n her e - w as ju st one of th e many impressive performances logged at the H opening of the AMA-sanctioned Washing ton Spe ed Week . The annua l eve n t, which fea tures si x days of racing in a nine-day spa n, was a testamen t to the impressive performance of Ca liforni an Toby Jorgensen. Jo r gens e n , fre s h off a win in th e 600c c Pro -Sport cla ss a t the Spoka ne ro u nd of the AMA Natio nal Ho t Shoe Series, ha s fina lly co m e of age . H is lon g-anti cipat ed Expe rt debu t resul ted in a second-place finish for the Stockton , Ca lifo rni a, ri der, trail ing Sim on se n a t th e finis h but head in g u p seasoned vetera n Natio na l nu mb er 35 Eli Price. Pr ice won t h e firs t of th e t hree Expert-class preliminaries, in whic h he beat Simo nsen and Jorge nsen to the finish to si t on the po le posi tio n for th e Exp e r t m ain eve n t o n t he Ron and Caro l Kell-backed Rot a x. However , it was hom etwon boy Simo nse n d arting to the fro nt of the field at the start, follow ed by Oregon's Beau A. Brown, Jor ge nsen, Price , Eric Rickman and Del Schnitzer . While Simo nsen's ea rly run in the 15- ' lap p er practically assu red the victory. Brown, a second -year Expe rt, bobbled, all owing a trio of riders - Jorge nsen, Schnitzer and Price - to overtake him in one fell sw oop. Th e Oregoni an, Brown, w as qu ickly dumped back to fifth, while up front, Simo nsen seeming ly held what look ed to b e a large , sec u re lead . Jor gensen , who seemed to ada pt we ll to his Expert su r rou n d ings, narrowed th e ga p o n Simon sen, but the local favorite would m a intain th e p o siti on to th e fini sh, d espite Jorgen sen u sin g u p all of th e ava ila b le g ro un d in pur suit o f the veter an . jor gen sen' s second- p lace finish wa s im p ress ive; he n arrowly b eat Pri ce , who by a similar mar gin beat Rickman a n d Bro wn, w ho moved up a n ot ch when he go t around vet eran Schnitzer late in th e fin al to ne t fifth a he a d of Sch ni tzer , Tro y Rose, Jeff Hiatt, Josh C u rrey , Steve Pruczi ns ki a nd Je rry Sout hworth . Double class winners for the eve ning includ ed Jim Perry, winne r of the Vinta ge Twi n a nd Over 30 O pen A main e ve n ts, and Su z u ki rid er Ni ck " Ho t Shoe" Sellers. Perry's firs t of two wins ca me a head of Ca lifornian Steve Hall a nd fo rm er Exper t Brian McGonigal. Perry then finalized his showing with a Vin tag e Twin wi n ahead of AMA District 27 champion Gary Beach and Dick Slusher. Sell er s' ru na way wi ns ca me afte r h e sh o w ed h is re ar w heel to Honda-mount ed And y Fay in both the l'~ 80cc A and DTX finals. Castle Rock Race Park Castle Rock; Washington Results: August 28, 1998 50 J R: 1. EV4'ln Aronson; 2. J.D . Beac h; 3. Frankie Ba nez . 50 MOD : 1. Ell io t Oquis t; 2. Eva n Aronson ; 3. Fra n kie Boncz . . 60 A: 1. Chri s Cclorie (Kaw) : 2. Brenton Schn itze'r (Kaw): 3. Elliot Oq uis t (K..1 W). 80 A: 1. Nick Sellen; (5u z); 2. And y Fay (Ha n ); 3. Amy Pru czin ski (Suz) . 80 DTX: 1. Ni ck Sellers (Suz): 2. Andy Fay (Hon): 3. Kenneth H anson (Hen). 125 A : 1. Bra d Sm it h (Ya m ); 2. Delbe rt Po w ell (Kaw ): 3. Amy Pru czi n ksi (Yam ). 250 A: 1. Jeff Rister (Ya m); 2. Scoo ter Vern on (ATK); 3. Dan iel Ad kins (Ho n). OPEN A: 1. Ricky Wa nnbo (Rtx): 2. Scoo ter Vernon (ATK); 3. Steve Hall (Ya m ). VINT TW : 1. Jim Perry (Tri ); 2. Gay Beach (Tri); 3. Eric Wei s~ I ,..r (Yam ). 30+: 1. Jim Perry (Tri); 2. Steve Ha ll (Ya m); 3. Bria n McGo n igill (Hon) . 40+: I. Ma rk Stu debaker (l-ion): 2. Vince Ho lt (He n ): 3. Dick Slusher (N or). 600 PRD-SPT: 1. Bob Moran (Ya m ); 2. Kurt Hawk (W-R); 3. Geo rge Pr indiville IRtx ): 4. Aa ron We ston (Hon ): 5. Fran k Mar ke r (Hen ). 600 EX: 1. J.P. Simonsen (Rtx); 2. To by Jo rgensen

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