Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

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DIRT TRACK lL ~ AHRMA Classic Bike Magazine Dirt Track Series, Round 13 WASHINGTON SPEED WEEK =~ ___.J a t the unleash ing of the Experts' main eve n t, a pos it ion w h ic h h e had al s o maintain ed the previous night. But once agai n it was Jorgen sen who ran second for several laps, overta king the veter an to hold the position to the finish, netting the rookie a win ah ead of Simon sen. Simonsen trail ed Kopp for nearl y the entire main even t, then mad e a last-lap move on Kopp to tak e second beh ind Jorgen sen, but a he a d of Kopp, Price, Annen, Rickman, lwanaga, Rose, Waters and Sou thworth, who rounded out the top 10. l~ Castle Rock Race Park Castle Rock,Wash ington Results: September 4, 1998 600 EX 1. Toby Jo rgensen (eeM); 2. J.r. Simo nse n ; (Rt x): 3. Lonny Ko pp (W-R); 4. Eli Price (W-R); 5. Ieff Annen (W·R). . 600 PR O-SP T: 1. Ton y Fox (W· R); 2. Kurt H a wk (W- R); 3. George Prin diville (Rtx ); 4. Pt'te Med ca lf (Rtx); 5. Bob Moran (Yam ). 50 JR: 1. Evan Aronson; 2. Ale); Bergman. 50 S R: I. Elliot Oquist: 2. Evan Aro nso n. PW; 1. Danny Brown; 2. Travi s Oh l? . e . , 60 A: 1. Eric Brow n (Ka w): 1. O ms Borjask (Ka w ): 3. Roby Haycock ( J(.]w). 80 A: 1. D. Oq uist (Ka w), 2. Kenneth Hare-e n (Hon): 3. Mark Studebaker (Hon). 80 DTX: 1. D. Oqu ist (He n); 2. Kenneth Han sen (Hen ): 3. Ni cholas Oh ge (H e n). Weisler • wins Twins decimation of the class. Beers was .Rister' s closest co mpetition, finishi ng seco nd a head of Hawk, Scooter Vern on and Ad kins . l~ Cast le Rock Race Park Castle Rock , Washington Results: September 6, 1998 OPEN 11\': 1. Eric w cislcr (Yam ); 2. Jo hn Proto (Yam ); 3. Tim Wi1I41m (Yam) ; 4. Gary s Beach (Tri); 5. Paul Pe iroli {TrD. 250 SEMI -PR O: 1. Jeff Rister (Ya m ); 2. Er ic Beer s (Hen) : 3. Ku rt H awk (Hen): 4. Scoot er Vern on (ATK); 5. Dan Adkins (Hon ). By Clay Light 12 CASTLE R OCK, WA, SEPT. 6 a liforni an Eri c Wei s le r ca me loaded with heavy art illery in the ( fo r m of a 750cc Ya maha twi n, wh ich he u sed to post a victory in th e O pen Tw in support-class main event for th e AMA Na tiona l Hot Shoe ro und a t Cas tle Rock Race Park. Weisler' s w in in the 10-lap, 12-rider O pen Twin final came afte r he over took fellow Yamah a rider Joh n Pro to. Yamaha rider Jeff Rister took a win in th e 250cc Se m i- Pro main event ahead of Honda-rider Eric Beers and Kurt Hawk , w ho , lik e Riste r , w a s a Pr o -Sp or t licensed rider. Proto, Wei sl er, Gary Beach , Pau l Peiroli, Tim William s, Rister, Gary Hite, Butch Coch ran and Willie Ward held d own the top nin e positions on the first of th e 10 circu its of th e co urse in th e Op en Twin ma in even t, bu t it was the lea d excha nge, b et ween Pro to a n d Weisler, that brought the crowd, which was in anticipa tion of the 600cc Expert N ational main event, to life. Weis ler and Proto exc ha nged positions severa l lap s la te r to finalize th e fi rs t a nd secon d ' posit ion s, a lthough they stay ed incredi bly close to the finish , w hich w en t in We is ler' s fa vor. Williams' charge forward ne tted him a thi rd-place finish for a Yamaha sweep, followed by Beach, Peiro li, Hi te, Rister and Cochra n. Rister, Beers, Dan Adkins, Hawk and Ma tt Schweitzer held the top five pos itions on the openi ng lap of th e 250 cc Semi-Pro final, but that was as close as the comp etition wo u ld ge t to Yamahamoun ted Rist er , who mo tored in to a huge lead , one tha t wou ld finalize his JorfiY. • limes Iwo By Clay Light CASTLE ROCK, WA, SEPT. 4 o ok ie Exper t Toby Jo rge nsen, a f te r m ere ly four ri d es as an Expert, was in a process of building up a wi n strea k in the class d uring the AMA District ·27-san ctioned, Mount St. Helens Motor cycle Club-promoted TT a t Castl e Rock Race Park, th e fina l AMA Pro-Am race of the season here, as he nailed down his seco nd consecutive .win in the Expe rt main event. With his win (ahead of heavily favored Lonny Kopp and J.P. Simonse n) in the 15lap fin a l on ' Friday, Jorgensen gaine d momentum and also confidence heading int o the Cas tle Rock round of the AMA National Hot Shoe Series, as did Rotax rider Tony Fox, who scored a win in the 600ccProSport class ahead of Kurt Hawk. Th e rid er tu rn ou t was again eno rmou s, drawing rid er nu m bers si mi la r to what the club drew back in the late 1970s and ea rly '80 s. Th e Prof essiona l classes featured season-h igh numbers, with the majorit y on hand for the Hot Shoe Na tion al, with the vin tage pa rticipa tion a lso quite h igh , ina inl y attribu ted to th e AMRMA Na tio na l being the following day. R (Top) Joh n Proto (83C) leads eventual Open Tw ins win ner Eric Welsler (64) and Gary Beach (73) in AMA Hot Shoe support-class act ion at the Cast le Rock TT. (Above) Toby Jorgensen enjoyed a successful Expert debu t at Washington Speed Week, as he carded two Expert main-event wi ns on two consecutive nights at Castle Rock Race Park. Jorgensen ca me out on top of th e fir st o f th e th ree ' Ex pe r t-class pre liminari es, w he re he be a t the highly regard ed Simo nse n and fellow Na tionalnumbered rider Ron Waters to gain the first of the three tickets to the 12-rid er final. Kop p , Troy Rose a n d Nationa l number 14 Paul lwanaga nett ed transfers out of the second heat, wh ile in the third and fina l qu alifier, Jeff Annen beat Eli Price an d Jerry Southworth, who also ga ined d irect tra nsfers. Eric Rickman w on th e s ingle se mi tha t finalized the lineup for the Expert final. Rickma n beat Californian A.J. Herrerra (w h o w a s a b oa r d th e fac torybacked ATK entry) and Wash in gt on ' s Jaso n En de rs o n (w ho, w it h third , nabbed the final ticket to the Big Show). Kopp darted to the head of the field 125 A: 1. Brad Sm ith (Ya m ); 2. D.J. Powell (Ka w): 3. Evan Tol lefson (Hen), 250 A: 1. Eric Be ers (Ho n); 2. Scoo ter Vernon (ATK); 3. ja cob Cu rre y (Hen). O rEN A: 1. Steve Hall (Yam ); 2. Brian W"l l.. (Yam); 3. Tro y Renf ro (Rtx). 30+ A: 1. Bob Rosie (Rtx); 2. Ste w Hall (Ya m); 3. Brian McGonigal IHon). ~ VINT SCL: 1. Bryan Do tson (Bul) ; 2. Brad Hol t (Bul); 3. Brian McGonigal (Ya m). VI NT T W: 1. John Proto (Ya m ); 2. Eric weissle r (Yam); 3. jim Perry (Tri ). O PEN B: 1. Tom Sheard (Yam ); 2. Chase Gilbe rt (Ya m); 3. Richard Arnold (Hon) . ]orflen5!!n flets hiS first By Cla y Lig ht CASTLE ROCK, WA, SEPT. 3 t didn't take long - in fact, only th ree races - for 16-year-old ph enom Toby Jorgense n to score his first win as an Expert . He did so at the Thursday night Pro- Am TT a t t he Ca stl e Rock Ra ce Park. I

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