Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Motorcycle Technician I WANTADS HELP WANTED Customer ServiceAdministrator A CAREE R IN CUSTOMER SERVICE . (Cod e 5 1CN) 0 0 you possess goo d moto rcyc le tech nic al kno wledge? Are you a good ccmrnunicatcr? Are you people oriented and can effectively deal w~h diverse customers? Are you looking lor a challeng• ing career? Great benefits . peop le and a great environm ent ? If you can demo nstrate that you have the skill an d desir e to be successful in this job, we wouid like to talk to you. We are located on a campus li ke se tt in g in the beauti ful city of Brea in Southern Californ ia . W,e offer an attractive compen- sation and benefits packag e. company automobile lease/pu rchase program, educa tional ass ista nce program. and a hosl of attractive benefits and programs . For imm ediate consi deration , forward your resume designating you r desired posltlon's code with salary requirements (a MUST for consideration) to : American Suzuki Moto r Corporation, Human Re sources Code Mi C-" . 3251 E. Imperial Hwy . Brea. CA 92821 EEO lax (714) 528-7385. The Whittier Fun Center Cycle Factory 74VZ250 R Cal Racing. Orange County's leading high performance motorcycle service and accessory center is currently looking for all levels of skill for motorcycle service lechncians. salary compensated by experie nce . Se nd res u m e t o R Ca l Rac in g , 16 6 51 Gothard Slr ee t Un il H, Huntington Beach , CA, 92647 or call (714)848-6797 or fax (714)848-6208. CA Seeking quality salesperson to join our sales team. We wilf help with relocation expens es for the right individual. Fantaslic pay plan. great opportun ~, lu ll lime applicant need apply. .Apply In person or contac t Sal es Manager J im H for an appointm ent. 14043 E. Wh itt ier Bl vd , Wh ittier . C A. 9 0 6 0 5 . (562)945-3494. CA Vintage dirt tracker, Betor forks, Barnes hubs, DID rims. Complete but needs restoration. Extra gears and front wheel. $600. (530)891-6278. CA Parts Position 87 CAGIVA ELEFANT. 65Occ, good condition. new chain and front sproc ket. $2 ,500 OBO (562)9648014. CA ServiceTechnicianWanted Small shop needs full lime motorcycle lechnician. All Japanese brands . own 10015, motivated. experience required. Top pay, com mission and salary. (310)4n-ll997. CA Parts Manager Snowmobi le. motorcycle. marine industry. Must be neat, orga nized and peop le friendly. Send hand writt en resume to MVE . PO Box 458. Cody . WY, 824 14. Sales**Service**Parts LA's premiere motorcycle & walercraft dealership is searching for top performers in all departments . You'lI have fun and make money too! Benefits and great pay. Con tact Mike Byrne (888)262·9561 or visit us at www CA E-mail : CA Experienced Technicians Motorcycle Technician We are growing. We need high caliber technicians, t op pay. no slow do wn. Ben efi ts , bon uses. Fax (949)859-7660. Busy larg e establis hed Suz uki dealership nee ds experienced tech nici an. Must be clean and organiz ed . Exce llent pay and benefits . Fax res ume (949)645·3251 or call Tarek (714)646-242 8. CA Technical Research Analyst (Code 12-CN) Gather and analyze motorcycle teennical Information/data, provide tech nical support to the field staff, and perform related tasks and special projects. Minimum qualificati0':ls include three years at dealer level service operation, and two years at distributor level in a tech nica l capac ity. The ideal can didate will also be self mot ivated , have good communicati on skill s, a po sitive attitude . abov e avera ge mechan ica l skills, and moto rcycle rid ing abi lity . We are located on a campus like setting in the beautifu l city of Brea in South ern California. We offer an attractive compensation and benefits package, company automobile lease/purchase program. educational assistance program , an d a ho st of attrac tive be nefits and programs. For immediate cons idera ti on, forw ard your resu me designa ting your desired pos ition 's code with salary rec ulrements (8 MU ST for cons ideration) to : Am er ican Suzuki MotOl'Corpor ation. Human Reso urces Code M/C - 11.3251 E. Imperial Hwy . Br ea, CA 92821 EEO fax (714) 528-7385 . E-mail: CA SalesfTechnical Come join the high performa nce leaders. Yoshimura R&D currently has full time pos~ions available in the sales and technical departm ents. The 'deal candidates must have extensive motorcycle knowledge. prior phone sales and customer service experie nce. Yoshimura offers competitive pay , med ical insurance, pa id vacation and more. Qualified applicants shoul d submi t a resume by m ail to: Yosh imura R&D, 4555 Carter Court . Chino. CA, 91710 or fax to (909)59 1-2198. Attn: Walter Wells. Technician Wanted Corona Honda Kawasa ki is looking fo r an experi enced technica n for mlc and pwc. Paid vacation and 5 day work week. Fax resum e to (909)735-0206. CA Have A Passion ForMotorcycles? Due to rap id ex pansion ,Cyc le Gear, Am eri ca ' s largest and fastest growing moto rcycle accessory store chain has several part, full and management positions available in the S .F., East Bay. South Bay, Peninsula and Sacrame nto areas. We offer full benefits, FREE company stock, excellent compensation and a fun and exciting atmo sphere. Experience not necessary, a positive attitude is. Stop going to work , an d st ar t having f u n wh ile y ou ma ke money! Contact Paul Flores at (707)747-5053 ext 16. CA Service Manager/Mechanics Esla blished Southern California muttl line dealership servicing Honda, Kawa saki and Polaris. is currentty see kin g a n ex pe rience d Serv ic e Manager and Mechan ics . Con ta ct Jon Z . at Tem p le C it y Pow erS pons (6 26) 28 7-6 167 o r fa x resume to (626)287-5449. CA Experienced BMWTechnician for authorized dealer. Benefjts, 40 1K and training avail able. (888)426-2697 or lax resu me (813)7878727.FL Motorcycle Sales Person Grow ing Honda , Suzuki, Tri umph, Polar is dealership near West L.A. needs sale sperson with highticket retail sales background. Good overall knowl edge of motorcycles a big plus. 5 day work week, no night s or Sundays, exce llent earning potential. Fax resume to (310)674-8069 or call (310)6n -5800 for info. CA HONOA/DUCAn MOTORCYCLE lechn ician need ed . Top pay, open ings ava ilable immediately, ask lor Ted (972)238-7148. Dallas. TX Sales, Parts and Service Immediate openings in all of the abov e positions. Dealer expanding and looki ng for everything from Mana g er s to tec h ni cia ns . Burb an k Kawasa ki, (818)848-6627. CA ServiceTechnicians 58 Large multiple franchis e dealer in Northern Virginia needs experienced technicians. We have two ioca tions that offer excellent opportunities for the right individual. II you are interested in relocating to our ar ea and have e x pe rie nce in th e Pow ersport Industry, call today . Excellent pay, benefits and relocat io n assistance . Ask about our four day wor k wee k. Co lem an Pow erSpon (70 3) 237 -3 40 0 or (800)888-3619. Kim Harrison. VA . Sales - Motorcycle/Sea-Doo Large 5 line dealer has 3 opening s for quality people. Serious money to be made. Join our team. Will train. Benefits. 401K. Ask for Paul. (213)466-7191. CA Experienced Technician W ant ed Har ley David son techniciani s) for new Harl ey Dav id son d eal ers hip In t he upper east Ten nessee tri·c ity area . Pay com mensur ate with experience. Fax resume to (423)323-3204 or mail to SBHD. P.O. Box 106. Blountville , TN 37617. BMW Technician W anted Southem california dealership. Join our family and wo rk with the best. W e are BMW on ly and offer vacation and medical plan. Call and talk to Gary or e-ma il or f a x re sum e. Fa x at (805) 64 4 -6 849 . rl l00@jettink.nel (805)644-7159. CA Parts Person Looking for qualified Parts Counter Person - Full T ime. Upsca le Hon da Suzuk i HRC dealership wants dependable han! worf

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