Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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looked back. By doi ng so: Ha"'-;';'sco~ed the first national wi n of her career! Wood again finished . third. extendi ng her points lea d to 22 po ints. Reed and Pray bat tled lo r lourth and, unlortunately , both riders lell victim to the track. Reed cras hed twice in the closing laps, finishing 15th for the m ote , while Pray crashed in the whoops with two laps remaining a nd flooded he r bike , which she pushed across the line lor 20th. Ultimately, fou rt h went to Losey, who wa s followed by Keuntjes . "It feels great to be on the podium," Harri s sa id, "especially he re a t m y ho me track - we cou ld hear your cheers . Thanks. 'This is the first Na tional win of my career, " Ha rris con tinued . "I' m d efini tely fired u p. I can't wait lor the final a t Bingha mt on . I fina lly pu t two good motus together and I could n't be happier," Results 0 / A: 1. Nikki Harri s < Hon); z. Tra ci Heming (Yam ); 3. Dee Wood (K.1W); 4. St.-d, lnl\il Losey(Ho nl; 5. Angie Kl·t mtjl'l' (Y.l. ). m Faria flies again at Auburn Speedway By M. Sober P hoto by Gen Mo o re 46 AUBURN, CA. AUG. 28 C u rre n t U.S. N a tio na l Spee d way Champ ion "F lyin" M ike Fa ria mad e an im p ress ive a nd awe-i nspi ring return to Fast Frida ys Speedwa y racing a t th e Aub urn Gold Co u n try Fai rgroun ds . Faria man aged to come ou t on top of the Scr at ch ma in progra m d espite contesting wi th a bod y heavily taped Irom d am age tha t occ u rred in a Handicap main-event crash in July. Faria, who called the cracked ribs and collarbone "the worst and most painful injuri es I've had in my racing career," was leading the 199B Northern Ca lifornia poin ts race at the time. "Flyin'" Mike d id hav e a bit 01 luck on this night , as he d rew the pole lor the Scratch main. Charlie 'The Edge" Venegas lined up in two . In lane three was the "Jamm er," Jimm y Sisemore, w hile the ou tside was occu pied by Bar t Bast . Alter one lalse stagin g and an ad monis hme nt by referee John Grant, the ma in got under wa y wi th Faria barely edging ou t Venegas lo r the lead as the pack negotia ted the first se t of tu rns . As Faria and Venega s ar gued over the righ ts to the prim e real esta te of tum tw o, Sisemo re became the odd man ou t and was releg ated to sp inning wide on the ou tsid e dust. This allowed Bast to ' assu me the th ird -place running position. Fari a ran Iow a n the hea vily blu e-grooved an d slick in sid e lin e, not so much lead ing th e way as . hold ing 011 the Ireight train. "In the last couple 01 la ps, my shoulde r was ge tting real tired and I was having troubl e keeping the bike on the pole," Faria explained alter the race. "I kn e w the re was no outside a nd I could win if th ey didn't cra sh into me a nd I could keep it tight on the pole." Venega s, Bast a nd Sisemor e stayed close throu ghout the race but were unable to get by, a n d t h e y li n ished b ehind Faria ' s Phil Reome / Arai / Oll Beat production GM, in tha t order. Bart Bast bad a lairl y d ecent evening 01 his own, despite his third-place finish in the Scratch ma in . When Ba rt ca me to the track, he was already the 1998 points cha mp ion. having mathe matica lly clinched that spo t ea rl y the week before when Faria was una ble to make the call. Bast won all 01 his prelimina ry Scratch races and had, as the announ cer said, "a 5200 grin in his helm et alter the race." Bast also swept to victory in th e fina ls 01 th e Ch a m p ions hi p Chall en ge, wi n ni ng four strai gh t one -ri der eli mina tio n races over Sisemore, Chad Felicia, Pat Unn and Bobby Hedden. In Handica p raci ng, Placervill e' s Ian Ferris wh eeled to h is secon d main -event w in in as many weeks. Ferris was bumped back to the 20yard line alt er his win a week ago. He ran second to Rich Marucci un til lap three, wh en he supplanted the front-runner and led the procession the res t 01 the way to the lap-five checkered flag. Auburn's Tommy Hedden d rove hard on the dusty single-track but came up half a bike sho rt . Faria was thi rd , Ba st wa s fourth a n d Venegas, who wa s typically pena lized to the 60yard line lo r roll ing the star t, linis hed in the sixth spo t. Early leader Marcucci lell to the sixthplace basement. Gary Maranville won the Division Two main event going aw ay aboa rd his Redltn e Concrete pump/Ncr-Cal Fleetcare Jawa . But even bigger Di visi on Tw o new s wa s created by another Auburn resident, Harlan Bast, who captu red the 1998 points battle for the seco nd con secuti ve year, wit h a th ird -place finish. In the Division Three final, Tom Odekirk held 011 "Big Daddy" Ch ipman and Harry Bradwell to take his second win of the seaso n. Fremont's Carillo bro the rs d om ina ted the Juni or racing pr ogram. Eric wo n the First Divisia n main ahead of Bryan Yarrow and J.J. Martynse, wh ile his little brother Mark led the way in the Third Division over Ray Linn, Alex Marcucci a nd Amanda English . Matt Brown e wo n the Second Division Junior main . Resul ts SCR: I. Mike Faria (e M ); 2. Charlie V~as (e M ); 3. Bart Bout(jaw ); 01 . 'imm y ~ (CM ). UOCr: l. ten FenU leM); 2. Tommy Heddt.-n (Jaw); 3. Mi..... F. ri.l IGM); 01 . Bart B.tst(jaw ); S. Charl ie Venega s (GM). [)"2; 1. Colry Moranville (Jaw ); 2. Shawn Eldridge (Jaw) ; 3. tLu w n B.tst (Wes ); 01. Geo~ SnooJ,.r-IWe:'Il. [)..3: I. Tom Odekirk (jaw); 2. Dadd y Ch ipman (W e~); 3. Ha ny Bradwell (jaw) . 0- 1 JR: 1. Eric Ca rillo (jaw); 2. Bryan Yarrow (Wes ); 3. ,.J. M.11'tyne1e (W~); 4. Dun nie RoblrNm (ja w). 0 -2 JR: 1. M.atl Bro wne (Wes) ; 2. J.T. Mabry (Wes ); 3 . J.ay Heidt (We'tl; 4. Anthony Martinez. (Wes). 0-3 JR: 1. M. rk Ca n llo (Wes); 2. Ray Linn (Wes); 3. Alex Mar· a cucci (Wl."5); 4 . Amanda English (Hon ). Carpenter finishes fine at .Frozen Ocean By Melissa Th readg ill AUBURN, NY, AUG. 15 Paul Carpenter won bo th the heat and the main even t in the 250cc Expert class at Frozen Ocean Arena cross. The heat race, wh ich was for gate posi tion only, started 011 wi th Carpenter nailing the holeshot. Anthony Pocorobba, David Burger and Rand y Barker were in hot pu rsuit. Pocorobba im med iately mad e a bid lor the lead, which proved unsu ccessful. He and Carpen te r ba ttled lor a le w laps, but Ca rpen ter finally managed to break awa y. Runn ing abou t three second s laster than Pocorobba, he bega n to bu ild up a lead . Burger re mained consta nt in third , while Barker received some hea t in fourth fro m Casey Higgins. The position s remained basically unchan ged lor the res t 01 the heat , with Carpenter takin g the win. lollowed by Poco robba, Burger and Barker . The 250cc main proved to be one of the most exciting 01 the evening. Eric Case pulled 011 the ho les hot, lollowed by Pocorobba and Carpenter. Ca se dropped back almost immediately, with Carpenter taking the lead and Pocorob ba in sec ond . Pocorobba mad e a wild pass in the whoops ove r Carpente r to take the lead , bu t Carpenter d idn't let 011. Unlortuna tely for the two, they ended up crashing off the track aiter overs hoo ting a berm . This ga ve Burger, who had mad e the pass on Case, the cha nce to take the lead , 101 lowed by Case, Barker, Higgins and Bart Lucas. Ca rpenter and Pocorobba were able to ge t up a nd started quickly, but they end ed up in the very back o f the pack. Carpenter im me dia tely began to work at picking 011 the com petition , passing them two and even th ree at a time. By the end 01 that lap , Carpenter had worked his way into third and was putting the pressure on Case. At th at poin t, Pocorobba had mad e his way up through a couple 01 rid ers into seven th, but he was still notlar at all from the lead . Burger took this opportunity to open up a lead , while Carpenter mad e the pass on Case. Case dropped 011 the pace, lalling back into about sixth, wh ile Pocorobba con tinued his trek to the front , a nd alter a lap or so he was into third . It became a breakaway three- bike ba ttle lor the lead between Burger, Carpenter a nd Poco rob ba . In the middle 01 this 'exciting figh t lor the lead , Bur ge r had bike problems and had to pull 011. This lelt Carpen ter in the lead , and he immediately began to pull away fro m Pocorobba and the rest 01 the pac k. Mean while, Hig g in s mov ed into thi rd alter passing Barker, and Michael Wilcox bega n to move up in the pack, passing Case and Lucas to move int o fifth . The battle became a threeway race lor th ird , lourth and filth, whil e Ca rpe n te r and Poco robba d is ta nced themselves lrom the rest 01 the pack. Wilcox made the pass on Barker and tried. unsuccessfull y, to ma ke a move on Higgins as they reached the halfway point 01 the 12-lap race. For the next six laps, the positions remai ned rela tively the same. Cerpenter took the wi n, lollowed by Pocorobba, Higgins, Wilcox an d Barker. In the 80cc clas s, Gene N igh ma n took the holesh ot an d never loo ked back, lea d ing a nd winnin g in both the heat and the main. Zack Eastman finish ed up second , while Matt Eastman had thir d and Don Taylor lou rth. Resul ts bO: 1. Cody Dunni ng (K..t.wl; 2. Chdd Dunning (Kaw); 3. Brando n Meiers (K,aw) ; 4. Fra nk Bum!! (K.1W) ; S. Colin Carmt' n ( Ka w). 80: 1. Gene Nig lun.. " (Ka w ); 2. Zlch Ealilmlln (K.Jw); 3. Ma tt ' Eastma n ( I Dea n (Suz). d ' 125 NOV : 1. Jeff Burdan (Suzl; 2. Gt.-nt. (K.wl; 3. Rich Velie (Hon); 4. Keith Dart (Suz); 5. Mat Alle (Ka.wl -n . 125 AM: 1. A.Jron Utberg (Kaw ); 2. JOfioh Bornhart (Honl; 3. Jackson (Ho nl ; 4. Geoff IngcDOI (Suz); 5. Aaron (!(awl. 125 EX: 1. r a u l Ca rpen te r (K.Jr,wl; 2. Antho ny r oco ro bb. (Suz); 3. Ca."CY Higgins (Yam); t . Joe Hargett . 30+: 1. Joe Malttw:-w!lo Jr. (Hon) ; 2. l"hil Wolf (Hanl; 3. Robert: Brown CHon); 4. luthn Allen (Hon ); S. Curt Sndling (Hon l. 50+: 1. J.unes Beck (Rtx); 2. Joe Matthews Sr. (lion); 3. Gary Moedel (HOld ; 4. lou Kr.~ ( lion); 5. Hcnchd 8enkcrt (Han).

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