Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Above) Aaron Co x took first in the 125c c Beginner class at a n AMP/GFI motocross held at t he Hollister G P track in California. (Left) Craig Smith was the 125cc Pr o winner at Star West Cycle Park in Moreno Valle y, Ca lifornia. ret urn ed in the a ll-im porta n t second moto to lead from the d ro p of th e ga te to the finis h lin e to re cord the mot o and overall victory in front o f Hensley , Steven Eugenio, Bob Mora"l cs and Ric Dinosaur win o ve r Wills. Dennis Clark put his beautifu l 1948 H arle v- Da vid so n WR racer in th ird , just ahead of a " fast-closing Beno Rodi on onships wit h very close con tests in the Dinosaur, Sportsman 250cc, Classic 250cc and Spor ts ma n 600cc classes. an Enfield. Results Rusty Lowry used an aggressive move to d ive to the ins id e of tum three on the first lap and grab the to p spot in the Classic 5OO/750cc class away from Wills and Mike Metzler. Lowry drove a wa v to an u nco ntested win, w ith Brecko n r id in g 'a Ha rl ey KR (b o rrowed from Bob Ho g h) to second over Metz ler's Tri umph. The C la ss ic 250cc contes t p roved to be a good , rac e-long battle over the to p s pot, with poin ts lea der Jo hn Bova hou nd ing Ca lifo rn ia's Maurice Ortega th ro ughou t the eig h t-la p event while Carl Forkey chased the Bultaco pair on his Harley Spri nt. Den nis Burroughs stayed close for s ix laps before slipping back a bit to ta ke fourt h 10 lengths behind the lead trio. Th e Sports ma n feat ures for 1974-and-earlier bikes tu rn ed in to' some real ca t fig hts, sta rti ng o ut with C h ris Hem phill's 'struggle w ith pri or class cha mpion Joh n Pl u mb in the 250cc fina l. Fo r the fi rst laps, Plu m b wou ld r epea tedl y sq ua re off tu rn four and su rge past Hem phi ll on the insid e, only to be repassed a t the en d of the fron t straig ht. Hemphill fina lly pulled a slight lead a fter the ha lfway flag and St.lyl.""Ci ahead to win by fh'e leng ths. Th e Sportsman 600cc race featu red a pair o f red fla g~ for ju m pt.. star ts, with' some of tht~ Sl..'C-'d ond·row riders gt't ting t rcmen~ ous hC~ld sta rts (a nd an im p n:ss ive whed it' or h\'o ) off of the novict' flagm an . Tht'ir a n tic:-; were to no a va il, however, ,l S a ll w ere sent back , a nd the th ird s ta rt worh-d successfully, w it h th e pack thu n· dering off into tum one. ReV\-'t'd u p from a ll of the starts, sev eral riders o vercoo ked the comers on th e firs t lap and Breckon w as fo rced o u t wide in tu m fou r. Th e Michig an rider appeared to be headed ou t the track exit as he dropped his BSA and di~ppeart'd brit'fly up into the pit ga te area w hile th e res t of t he pack s u rge d onto the straigh t. Fortunately he wa~ u nhurt, and he picked the bike back up to rejoi n the race half a lap down. In the meantime, Yamaha-m o unted Sco tt Ca m p bell wo rked hi~ way a head of Brad Hol t' s Bu lta co a nd took the w in while Richm ond, Virg in ia, rider Jack So u thall edged o ut David Rhynehart for third . Plumb avenged h is 250cc- class lo s s b y s torming to th e (ront o( the Sp o rtsman 750cc cla:-;s and stayi ng just ahead of Darrell Brya nt' s Ya ma ha twin. Savan na h wi n ner Joh n Skin ne r trifti hard to improve o n h is fo u rth- p l act~ running ord er , unsu ccess full y hou nd ing fellow Tri u m ph rid er James Tu mli n all th e way to th e flag . Local talent Duwayn e Mon tg om ery won th e Senior class , w hile class cham pio n Gary Brenn an ba rely held o n to sec o nd ahead of Charles Pickren <1 fter his Triu m ph ' s m egaph o ne fell off early in th e cu n test. The Veterans cla ss wa s wo n by Skin nt'T. All in all, AHR.\1 A Vintage Racing's retu rn 6 to L.wo n ia Spt't-'li way w as well-received by th e local fans , and the track m ana gemen t see med to enjoy the change o f pa ce associa ted w ith the motorcvcles. Promises we re ma de for a return in 1999, aild the vintage circuit ride rs left town to p u r s ue the fina l races in thi s year's cha m pi - n'n-- DlNO: I. Crolig Bn.'Ckon (Tri ); 2. Ceoeg c Wi1b (H- D); 3_ nJS a ,u k (B -D); 4. Rt.-no RoJi (£nO; 5. Ch.u l,,· C.onwn (M.l t). s 250 : I. Mau ri ce Ortega (8ul); 2. Joh n 80" <1 ( Bu ll; 3 . Carl ForM'Y n t-O l; 4 . Dt."I1ni!' Burroughs (BuD; 5. C'hdrle!oGnman l~) . 5(Xl/1SO: 1. Ru ..ty Lowry fU-D}; 2. C raig Beeckon {H -D ); 3. Mlk Mt'tz..l't' ITri) ; 4. 8t'no Rodi ( En£) ; 5. Scott Ruck (HSA). t SR. 1. Duw<1yno.· Mon tj.;{"mery (V..m ); 2. {".try 8n"1ln.m (Tri); J . . Nduot'1\ n lon}; 4. Rnd i (Wt·s); 5. lolrnt. Hit er (Tri ). ... 250 SrTS MN: 1. e hri.. Hl'mphill O'<1m J;2. Jotm f'Ium b {Y.. m r. . 3. Brad Holt (BuD; -I Russ Coldman (Yam l; 5. Keith Bryant (Yam) . NIlI SM'SM~ : I. Scott Campbell (Yolm) ; 2. Br.ld Hol t lOu!); 3. I.\l;k Sc>ulh.111 (Bull ; 4. David Rhyn,· (Yam); 5. C lAy rkk rl'n (Hun ), 750 Sn'SM.'\I 1. joh n f'lu mb ; 2. Darn'\ Brvan t (Yam ) 3. Jdmt.'ST um lin (Tri); 4. John Sk~r (Tri ): 5 , Wa lt But.·t,· IYam) . VET (NON-C'SHlrl; I. jo hn SklOnl' r (Tn ); 2. Mike lJ. bt.·r u (Y.1m); 3. Bri.ln Hoo ~t'!I (T ri) ; 4 Bruce Kin~ ilion); 5 . Scott Fluck (Y,lml. rr-n. Weed whacks Star West MX By To n y Alessi MORENO VALLEY. CA. AUG. 29 Mike Wl.t'd ha d the wi nning ingn--dients tonight ' afte r he uSt...'CI true grit a nd d eterm in.l tio n to w in the 125cc N ovice class d u rin g Sat u rda y ni ght mo tocross held a t Star We;t Cy cle Pa rk. Wee d 's n igh t didn 't start out as g ood as it endt"d: He suffer ed .. mid pack sta rt in the first 12Scc Novice-elass moto. Up fro nt was hard-hitti ng Billy Walls a nd Nicho las Hens le y . Hensle y was ma king his 12Sec debut, having grown too old to ride minis. Gabe Obt..'M) was mo\ing up fast aftt~r a topfiv e s tart,.a n d he passed Hen sl ey fo r second pla ce just a fter th e haltv.:ay poi nt in the moto. Obese ha d his sights set on the It.' d er, W~lll s, a and late in the race Walls hit the dl'Ck and hand l.-d the lead o ver to Obt.-so. Wa lls wou ld rem ount in th ird , ju st.ahea d of Mik e Weed, but as fat e would hav e it. time had ~lU but run out as the checkered flag waved for Obeso . Hens le y recorded a se cond -pla ce fi n is h while Wall s, Weed and Rvan &l con round ed o ut . the top five . Th e second mot o so,w Ht:'nsley g ra b a handful of th rott le a t the start and roc ket to th e lead aboard h is new Y~lmaha of Rt'dlands-sponsored yz. Hensley att empted to set th e pa re , but Walls was just too fast an d took over th e lea d ~ fore th e start of the sl.'Clmd lap. Mike Wt'l.-d was next in line as he, too, was around Hensley and se tting sai l after Wa lls. As in the first moto , W~llls again m ad e a critical mi s take and ha nd ed the le.ld to Weed . Once o u t fro nt, Weed took off and wen t o n to scorto' the v ictorY in fro n t o f Wa lb and Hen sley. ' When the dust se ttled ; \Vt"e'd 's seco nd-moto win sctt k-d th e tie breaker an d he was d eclar ed the w in ner with his 4-1 fini sh es, which topped Walls' 3-2 and H ~n sl cy' s 2-3. Mikt· Davis a nd Jerrod H~nsley w~lged fu llout wa r to nig h t in the 125cc Begin ner cla ~s . Hcn sley took ad vant age o f a first-moto m istake by D ~lv i s to po st t he moto win . But Davi s Wetzel. Res ults SmollllTrM:k 50 STRTR (4 -6 ): 1. Dere k Fe w (Le m) : 2. Nichol.l!> w ood (Yam). 50 STRTR (7 -B): 1. Co rev Tal bott (Cobl; 2. Evan Ruecau 1J Paluzzi (Ya m); 3. 'Y A.' _Sft'inb.lCk (Hon ); -I. Ka!<)' Morris ();;,lwl . 80 10-11); 1. Jeff Al,"!I.'>i (Kawl; 2. jetf Loop (Ya m) . .!IO BEG 0 2-1b): 1. Dan 8 u1"t7(Suz); 2. Mik,' Wt't7.d (Yam ); 3. Sh.1wn 0smt.'I\1 (Ya m). RO04·16 ): I. Kevin Paynt'(Yam) . 125 BEG: I. MIke Dav is (Yam ); 2. [arrcd Hl·n..ley (Hu n); 3. . SICV·n F.uJ;l'niu (Ho n); 4. Bub Mnr a ll'" 1K..,w); S. Ril; Wl"t-,r! (Yam l. t. 125 NOV : 1. Mike Weed (Ya m ): 2. Bill Wa ll s (Ho n ): 3. Nid,(.l;1" H,·n..I(·y (Y,l m); 4. C'oilbriel Obese l Kaw) ; 5. Ry.1n o..m"'TI1 (Yam ). 125 INT: 1. Kyll·l..oo.·Io.t"IYa m). 125 PRO; 1. C raig Snurh (Su.l) . 250 BEG: 1. Richirr d New ton (Ya m ); 2. Kyl. · Yo!'t (Yam ); 3. Brandon Mll ~i1n (Suz ); 4. Rob McGt."e'( Hnn) ; 5. Eric i'\,lg.lIl (Suz). 25ll NOV : 1, wee Holand (Yam) ; 2. Brvon Kukln (}-I n ); 3. n Jo hn Ferrell (Yaml; 4. Kevi n Yost (Ya m) . 2S0 INT: 1. Daniel N icho ls (K. W). 1 25+ NOV: 1. Th omas Ill o nl . • 25...INT; 1. D;lrrfOn Scou (K.w,.); 2. G rt'~ Shd p lin (Yllm). 31M- BEG : 1. Dou~ Co nne lly (Ydm); 2. To ny Williilms (Vam). ' 1 3ll+ !'JOV: I . Jo hn Wachil!l-oc (lI nn ); 2. M.lfCK,...Cj {K. WI. Cox cooks at AMP/GFI Motocross By J im Enos HOLLISTER, C~ . AUG. 30 Aa ro n Cox sm oked th e competition with a ro n\incing 1-1 moto score to dominate the hot ly contes ted 125cc Beg in ne r cl ass at the A MP / G Fl mo tocross held at th e Hollister GP track. With temperatures in the high 90s, endurance plaYl' morc than 180 rid ers took to the track. The AMP crew was put to the tes t to keep dust to a m inimum a s the w ell-p rep ped track quickly d ri ed out under the bla zi ng su n. A nd ra cing under that blazing sun were nearly 60 members of the Over Th e Hill Gang, a dub ca ters to racers O\'cr the age of 30. In addition, the event wa s also billed as a warmu p r.lre (or the upcom- ing GFt Fall Series, set to begin in mid-September. As the gate dropped for the firs t IllOtO 15 . sc rea ming q ua rter- liter ma chines m ad e their w.ay d own the lo n g s traigh t, a nd it was Cox aboard h is Ka wasaki taking the holesh ot. Right beh ind Cox was Brian Erb, Ar ik Swan, Aa ron Casados and Yamaha-mo u nted Ty ler Larick. As C ox qui ckly opened up a comma nding lea d , Swan made his w ay aro und Erb in pursuit of the lead er. How ever, Swan we n t down in th e tric ky "horses hoe" tu rn , w hic h allowed a hard -eh ar ging La rick to mo ve up int o second . Mean w hile, u p fro n t, Cox had thing s goi ng hi s way a s he ca r ved co n sis ten tly smoot h li nes a rou nd the cha n g in g -e lev a tio n tr ack. W h il e La r ic k hel d d own a secure second, a battle for third d eveloped betw een Erb an d Casados . As t he two ap proached. the uphill sl.-'d:ion of the track, it was Ca sa dos who ha d jus t a little mo re ho rsepower , and he h it th e to p of th e h ill firs t to St."CUrC thir d . As the ra ce came to a close, Kawasaki- m ou nted Lucas Dotta qui e tl y made h is way th ro ug h the pa ck an d put a move o n Erb fo r fo u rth place in t he off- cambe r, rig h t-ha n d s,Weeper. W hen the checke rs flew , it W<1S COX wit h a conv incing win , followed by Lari ck . Casados, Do tt<1 an d Erb . Mo to 1\'\'0 saw Co x get squeezed off in th e right-hand turn at the end o f the sta rt straight, relegating him to a mid pack start. Up front, tak in g th e h oles h o t, was Lari ck and , af ter tak ing sec ond in the first moto and not seeing Cox in fro nt of hi m , he must ha ve bee n thin king abo u t an o ve ra ll win. Howev er, C o x had different id eas, and he se t out to ca tch the lead er. But in front of h im we re Lo ren T homas, Do rta a nd Micha e l Starkwea ther. Starkwea ther was the first to fall vi ctim to the charging Cox, and thcn came Do rta and Th om a s. Bv the end of th e second la p, Cox had mad e h is ~'ay into second a nd was ho u nd in g the leade r, Luick. As the tw o went down the "Eleva to r," it was Cox com in g o ut a head at the top to tak e o ver the lead. Cox once again quickly put dista nce on the res t of the field. Larick soon had more com pany in thc form of Do tta a nd Casados, and as th e trio came to the top of the hill, Larick slid ou t and handed seco nd p lace over to Do tta . Casados secu red th ird , w hil e Larick had to set tle for fou rt h. A ways be hind bu t qu ickly making u p ground was Swan, b u t a fa ll in the hairpin r igh t-han d er quick ly ended h is ho p es of ca tching La ric k. Swan remounted q uickly to mai ntain fift h. On the fina l lap , Casados and Larick ma d e th ings i n teresting as th e two bum ped in the bac k-section righ t-ha nder. Lucki ly, both rid er s s tayed up wit h no loss in pos itio n . The chec ke red fla g wen t to Cox , followed by Dor ta. Casa dos, Larick and Swa n. Results 50 (4-6) FIT : I. Mich.1l'1 Bw" b O ITM) . 50 (7·KlSTK BEG: 1. J{l!'h Dupp.. ng \ KTM) . 1 50 (t).Kl STK NOV: I. M,IUhl'W WilIi,lm s (Le m ); 2. Nic k B. kt'f (Y.,m); 50 (7-R) !\.10 0 BFG : 1. D.w id StumpI KTM). 6CI FIT: I. (" ""m ·t Ada m..;(KTM ). flO BEG : 1. Chri~ Sant ill I t... 1« FI T: lush n $.mhnu (KdWl; 2. Wt'!'il,'v H"Mm' (Y.1m ); 3 . ) KM.oUI StarkWCdther (Suz) . . flO BEG : 1. C......n gc Schrll'idl-'T(Yam) ; 2. M.1UF...-rn.u,d l--:; (Ydm) ; 3 . ]I_ph N........ itt (Ya m) ; 4 . Eric PU\.J, (Ya m l; 5 . T re vor Du niak (Suz ). SO NOV: 1. 1 000h CO" (Ya m ); 2. Erick Lindl't"fT)' (Yam ); 3. St. an Sm ith ..m (Suz)' 125 1~1: 1. Mikl' NfOWnh. (Hord; 2. Iud ' Wdtt (Suz); 3. MiL1m St-ogund tHonl . o 2.Cj() BF. ; t. ' ustin Brook.oo; (tlonl ; 2. Trolvi..;TUl;ktT (}-L:ml; 3. G Mike f',japoli (Hunl; -I. M..ltt So.J.n-s ( Ka .....); 5. 8<>bby N.lp di (Yam ). 2.';0 SOV: 1. Kdly Quin n (Suz); 2. C h ri!l rlate ro (Kaw) ; 3. Ton y Wolf (Yam l; 4. BiUy ' un-\'i m (Yam) ; 5. J rrry Bid (Y.1m ). 2..-.0 1 1 : 1. BriAn Tolir w (Suzl; 2. l'hiI Sl'gund " (Hon); 3. Bn-nt 1\. Nichul,- \ Ka .....): 4 Do n \1 l·nd l'n h.11I (Yam l. 500 BEG : 1. Dill~ Wad l' (H"n), 25+ NOV: 1. o.ll~ Cond,- (Hon) . 2.'W- INT: I. DaVId Kris to ff (Yam); 2. [),In MI-ndmhall (Ya m), 30 ... BEG : 1. Sri .1n Li.m (KT\.1); 2. fr.ln k; ht.·z (H ,m ); 3. ~i1rk Stice (Hun); 4. Jon athan Ch .l p man (ya m) . )() . NOV : 1. All,,, ctw ll~'w (y ,lm); 2. R i~·h.ud F.\~n\hl (Ydml ; ' 1 3 . W lilidm St.TP' (YAm) . 30+ INT: 1. Dun Mt'ndl'nholll (Y .l ml; 2 . T{ld d Town ~\'nd C Hon) ; 3. ]df Molin.l lK.iw l. 31h EX: 1. All\ "l1M."Cd 'l<.'t' (Y.1m). 3-5-+- I\:O V: 1. Scull Lor en z (Y.l m) ;2. It·ff Brzyck i (Hun). 35-+ INT: 1. T. M.,u rad o (K.lw ). 41H- NOV: J. MOt~ Hdov c ll (Ya m); 2. Robe rl Willi.1ms {Yam ). 40. INT: I. Tt' rry H Uftl'T(Suz ); 2. jO h C...mZdh·s (KTM) . !'l.'p 40. EX: 1. jllhn H 'lIld l'l in (5 u7.). ' U/ L BEG /NOV: 1. Kdly Quinn (Suz); 2. jO!,: p h Gon zall'z IM); 3. JO!Oh CO'l((Vllm l; -I. A.,nm COl<(!

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