Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

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Adams Henrichs (12),14 years old, wi ns his f irst 25OCc-c iass main event in Cambridge, Minnesota. Hofmeister and Henrichs on top at Cambridge ST By TIm McBride Photo by Ken Rynda \'~"TTW: I. Buzz Arndt; 2. Ron l.enn.ln; 3. Bub Reyno lds ; 4. Fra nk Radlo U. STK FR ~ : 1. Bob HerTJ\ n; 2. Eric Berg; 3. Ken Ud (m:: 4. 4 Rtdwrd Waschck; 5. Bob Bt-d<.t'1'. Mll'I:lCH.'J: 1. Mlkco Malacheow.-n; 2. J.cob Schkolcht-r.3. Kody Frith . MINI SH fT : I. Jory Nom!>; 2. Co le n-aly; 3. Jacob Schlt"ichtT; 4. Andy Noal ;5 .1'IiickM.1ti1ya. y O PE"";A M : 1. &>b Hoyd; 2 Lt.... "'aly; 3. Tim G R.go ry ; 4. Don . · CAMBRIDGE. MN. AUG. 29 Ve teran Bill y Hofmeister and ups tart Adam Hen ri chs both sco red wins in their. respective classes durin g the final DTRA-promo ted short track race he ld at the Isa nti County Fairgrounds in Ca m bridge, Minn esot a . H ofmei s ter 's O pen Pro win ca m e after 20 laps of nothing less tha n co ntro lled chao s. The wily veteran pulled the holeshot ahead of heatrace w inner Verd e n Langl and. who wa s Iole lowed by Bob Boyd , Eric Brouha rd, Lee Feel y, Ku r t Boe h lke a n d M ar cu s Bau er. A lth o ug h Hofmei ster led every lap , he was closel y chased by Langla nd throu ghout the race. After six laps, Bro u hard a nd Boehlke mo ve d u p throug h th e field and they soo n becam e a possibl e threat to the fro nt-ru nn ers. How ever, wit h three laps to go, Boehlke and Brouhar d tang led and crashed in turn thre e. Boehlke wa s quickly o n his fee t, but Bro u hard w as d o wn for q u ite so me tim e. The mi s ha p a llow ed Boyd a nd Fea ly to tak e th ird- a nd fo u r th -place hon or s, w e ll beh ind Hofmei st e r a nd Lan g land, who w ere a lr eady finished at the check-out cou nter. Fourteen-yea r-old Adam Henri chs wo n tw o classes in front of some s peedy notables, inclu ding the " First Lady" of d irt track racin g, Bitsy Kanto r; Henrichs and Kantor battled it out during th e 125cc ma in even t, in w hich H enrich s eventually ga in ed th e upper hand. Win ner of the 80ee ra ce (and 125ee u psta rt ) Shawn Burr sped to a so lid third place, with Troy John son, Marty Mataya an d Jacob Mataya in tow . Altho ugh Henrichs rema ined mo u n ted o n his customary' 125 YZ DTXer for the 250cc main event, he nevertheless raced to his first clas s win of the seaso n, a hea d of Kan tor a nd the rest , w ho were m o un te d o n 25 0s . Do n Be tt is fin is h ed th ird, a hea d of Willie Brot en an d N ovice race win ner Ke n Uekert. A fter the race, H en richs B.-ttu.; 5. Jod Schleich~. 00: 1. Jos h Koch ; 2. Jo1M Mataya; 3. J... cmy A nd~n: 4 r Trolvib Wadel. so : 1. Sha"'"" Burr; 2. Jiu:oh Mata ya : 3. Troy John !llm: -I. Ch ris [.arson;.5. Tnw Sol nits kv . 125 AM : '1. Ada m Hl-nrichs ; 2 Bitsy Kantor; 3. Sllo wn Burr; 4. l Tro y jl)hnson;5. Marty MaLlya. 250 AM : I. Ada m Hl'Tlrichs; 2. RI ~Y Kantor; 3. Don Rcttis; 4. Willi e Broten; 5. Ken Udu.·r1. NOV : 1. Ken Uekl"l1 2. Shdwn Burr; 3. j.l<' b Mat " ya ; ·t C hrillo ; u Larso n; 5. Ma rty [\'ll'ri n~ . tal ked abo ut his sudden success aga inst the bigger bikes. " I go t tired of waiting." Henrichs ad mitted . " Every time I would get out fron t. I wo uld wait for so meo ne to pa ss me. Tonight th e track go t tacky an d I knew I cou ld pitch th e bike going in to the corne rs, a nd it w ould slo w m e d own enough to stay there." A no th er two-ti m e race w i n n e r on t h e eve ning wa s Dave Koch , wh o topped th e Vintage Single clas s and the Over 50 class as wel l. Buzz Arn dt wa s ou t front d uring th e O ve r 50 final but fen in tu m three, allowing Koch to race to h is fi rs t cl a s s w in of t he even ing . Bo b Rey nol d s ra ced to a th ird-pla ce finis h while fending off th e adva n ces of a ha rd -cha rgin g Gay lord Ladwig. Koc h's second " in came in the Vinta ge Single fina l, in which he took the lead away fro m early leader and Stock-Fra me ra ce winne r Bob Herman on lap four of the eig ht-lap race. Koch then raced to his seco nd wi n of th e night. Herma n's Yamaha soured with two laps to go, allo wing Lloyd Tu rn er to tak e the runner up honors . Richard Wasch ek and Daryl Pangerl rounded out the top five of the II -rid erfield . Josh Koch an d Jacob Mataya continued their seaso n- lo ng d ice in t h e 60cc class . M a t a ya grabbed the holeshot an d seemed poised for victo r y whil e rebuffin g the a d va nces of Ko c h th rough out the race. But as the duo raced to the line for the fina l time, Koch cha rged to the ou tside of Ma taya an d nipped him at th e lin e to ea m the hard-fough t win. Jer emy Anderson and Tra v is Wa sehek fin is hed t h ird a nd four th , respecti vely. Results O PEN PRO: 1. Bill Hotmeister; 2. verdeen un~nd; 3. Bob Boyd ; 4. U"C!' Ft:aly; S. B.IUt."f. 30+: I . Bob Boyd : 2. Bihly Kantor; 3. Tim Cregory: 4. 5tev~ Hill; S. Krn ~du."I1. 40+: 1. Daryl Panger{; 2. Bw::z: Arndt; 3. Don Bo-ttis 4. Dav e ; Koch; 5. Paul koch. 50+: 1. Dave Koch; 2 Jolm Sutherlin; 3. Bob Reynolds: 4. Gay klI'd t..dwig; 5. Bob &tt:in. VIS T SG L: 1. Dav e Koch; 2. lloyd Tu rn e r; J . Rich ard W"1iChd r. 4. D.tryl Rath; 5. Bob Becker. ; Marshall marshals two at Western Reserve MX By Ken Cartwright SALEM. OH, AUG. 29 It was a bea u tiful ni ght fo r ra ci ng unde r the lights at Western Reserve Motorcycle Club. Rain earlier in the week had added so me much-need ed moisture to the O hio loam, so d us t wa s no probl em. Both the riders and the bikes were at their best as a result of the coo l air o n thi s crysta l-clear eveni ng. and the bes t rid ers of all were Micky Mars hall, Bo Bowman, Kevin Gna pp and Neil Davis, who were all d ouble winners o n a night that was packed wi th nearly incide nt-free action. Kenny Henry almost joined the other double winners, takin g wins in bo th mot os of the 60cc class . H e also won one mo to in the Senio r Pee Wee class, and he was the only rider doing the long doub le at the start ing-line straight. A DNF in the first mo to gav e the win to Kyle Gilchrist. Bill y Bays won both mot os o f the Jun ior Min i DUCAD SOIfIIEOF THE BEST In _ E Stop by the Ducati tent at the Sacramento M ile on September 26th and see some incredible new '99 Ducati m otorcycles. While you're there, you can enter to win a Ducati Performance "Foggy" leather jacket. If you can't make it to-the race, call your nearest Ducati Dealer and see all the latest Ducati motorcycles. 800-237-6696. DUCAF' fJ 29

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