Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1998 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,I Bryce, said . "We made a lot o f who lesale cha nges to the bike ea rlier in the d ay, a n d it ha s rea ll y responded . For th e final , w e're just ma king a few m in or clut ch ad justme nts, and I thin k we' ll be okay ." As man y expected, See ling di d outrun Hin es in the final. 7.44 to 7.46, but she let the clutch out .023 seconds befo re the green light came on , end ing the race on a foul start an d sendi ng Hines off to his 19th ca ree r N H RA nat io na l e ve nt title. " I ca n' t believe I di d that," Seeling sa id. "Toda y w as su ppose d to be th e day w e fina lly beat h im . I' m tired of heari ng people say, 'May be next time: We had th e qui ck er bi ke tod a y , a nd that' s wha t' s so d epressing. I'm more upset for my crew than I am for my self, because they deserved to have the trop hy, the bo nus, and the vic tory p arty . All day, my reacti on times -were a wesome , then I went an d red-ligh ted in the fin a l. Matt' s bea ten us a lo t this yea r, a nd I know I ca n' t ca tc h h im fo r th e cha mpions hip , bu t a U.s. Na tionals victor y wou ld have mad e u p for a lo t of tha t." Qu ali fying for the U.S. Na tionals wa s hig hligh ted by a terrific battle. bet ween Rob K o r n, Dan Baisl e y a n d Co nni e Co he n to reco rd N H RA' s firs t se ve nsecond Ha rley-D avid so n pass. Bai sley en tered as the ov erwhelmi ng fav orite a fte r riding Bill Hannon's FLH Ult ra glide-bodied entry to an oh-so-close 8.00 a t th e r e cent Vis ionA ire or t hSta r Na tio na ls in Bra inerd , Minnesota , last month, but Korn came prepared for battle with a new eng ine combina tion in his Scream ing Eagle Buell. Baisley ultimately broke' through the barrier with a 7.96 Su nday mornin g, bu t Korn w asn 't far behind with a best of 8.03, a run mor e th an fifteen-hundredths of a seco n d quic ker tha n his previous best. Co he n, NH RA's onl y fem ale Harley racer, also carded a career-best run with an 8.31 on her Spo rtster-bod ied tw in. "We wanted to make that run for the good of the class," Baisley's bike owner and crew chief, Bill Hannon, said. "Hope-- fully, we can motivate more Harley racers to s ta rt s h o w ing u p at th es e ra ce s, because the fans sure love us ." A recent NHRA ru le cha nge, wh ich gives the HarIey-David sons an additional 20 cu bic inches for 1999, sho uld also help to incre a se b ra nd divers ity in a class tha t has traditionally been d omina ted by Suzu kis. Th ou g h H in e s a n d Seeli ng h a v e dominated most of the events this year, several o the r rid ers turned in s trong perfor ma nces a t the U .S. Na tio na ls . Steve Johnson ma d e his first sem ifinals appeara nce since the 1997 Ga to rnationals, wh en he rod e his Suzu ki GSX-R pas t Ga ry Tonglet in round o ne a n d th en sco red an upset win ove r john Smi th 's Ano ka- Ra msey Sport Ce n ter Su zuki in the seco nd . Ironi cally, johnson's bike is powered by an engine from th e Ano ka- Ramsey team. I "I ha ted to bea t j ohn, bu t m y program is jus t starting to come toget her," Johnson said . "O ve r the last few races, we 've s tarted to make good runs, and the res u lts are show ing." rx , Indianapolis Racewa y Park Indianapolis, Indiana ':!esults: September 2-7 (Round 10 of 14) PR O ST OC I< f i NAL: 1. Matt Hines (Suz) 7.46. 175.47; 2. Angelle Seeling (Suz) 7.44, 177.16 (FOUl). Sun. 9/20 6pm local Sun. 9/20 lOpm est. G.P, 500 - Catalunya , Spain Tue. 9/22 7pm est. Bike Week Tue . 9/22 8pm est. World Supersport - Assen Tue. 9/22 9pm est. Canadian Superb ike Tue . 9/22 ~ . FIM Grand Prix 250 - City of !mola 'Check your local listing' for air time on your regional sports n etwork '_,1! ml "' ;I.a I " 1·888·22SPEED ~HON'DA. Sponsored by Cycle World, Suzuki, Kawasa ki. Honda, MMI r-----------------------------------------------------------------, I"ll\f1TN ORDER FORM ~ 0 ~ ~ . (Pleasefill out completely and print clearly) Nam e o Address _ City _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ State Zip Phon e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Or der Date Send to:f fiill~,Inc. P.O. Box 5084, Costa Mesa , CA 92628-5084 Toll Free Subscrip tion Hotlin e (800) 831-2220 24-hour FAX Order Line (714) 751-6685 • E-mail: Subscr ibe@cyclenews .com Signature Upcoming Rounds: I'!ound 11 • Reading. Pennsylvania, Sep mber 17·20 Round 12 · Memphis. Tennessee, October 8-11 -m World GP #3 - Catalunya, Spain MC /Vi sa # Expi ra tion Date YES! Start my subscrip tion I. immed Cycle News. 1 year l : 50 issu es for $38.00. 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