Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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• hor sep ower to be chec ked on a d yn o after each race. The official name of the championship hasn 't been annou nced . Multi-time Au stralian Mot ocross and Supercross Champion Kim Ashkenazi competed in his last-ever supercross on September 12 at the Sydney Supercross. In a n emotiona l farewell, Ashkenazi (Hon) fi n is he d se co nd in the 20-lap final behind Crai g Anderson (Ya m), who ha d wrapped up the 1998 Australian .Supercross Series the previou s evening. As part of his farewell, Ashkenazi was presented with the checkered flag . Th e 24 -year-old is planning a career in road racing and has his sights set on racing a superbike, "I' m go ing Supersport 600 racing in 1999; then I hope to get on a 'su perbike after that," Ashkenazi said. "I'm being realistic when I say want to finish in the top 10· next year." Vanson Leathers will host World Champion Weekend at its Stoughton , Massachusetts, headquarters, September 18-20. To celebrate the debut of the newest Vanso n road race leathers, former World Champions Kevin Schwantz and Freddie Spencer will be on hand to sign autographs. The festivities will beg in on Frida y, September 18 from 4 to 8 p.m. and will continue on September 19 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and September 20 fro m 12 to 6 p .m . For m ore in fo r matio n, ca ll Vanson a t 781/344-5444. GFI is looking for volunteers to wo rk at the 1998 GFI Elsinore Grand Prix, sc hed u led for N ovember 7-8 in Lake Elsinore, Californi a. For more informa tion, call 909/ 653-4042. First Place Racing will be hosting rid ing schoo ls s peci fica lly tail o red fo r children ag ed 5-11 years who rac e or rid e Pee Wee or 65cc moto rcycles. A session w ill be held on October 17 at the Sprout Patch Motocross track near Springfi eld, Missouri. First Pla ce is a nonprofit organi zation for children. For more information , ca ll 41 7/ 3353283. The 1998 Free Air Festival of Freestyle Motocross will kick off on October 3 at the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington , according to event p rom oters 4 Leaf Entertainmen t. Round two of the series wi ll be held in Lake Havasu City, Ari zona, on October 17 in conjunction with the IJSBA World Finals . For more informa tion , call 949/ 494-9840. The Peoria Motorcycle Club is hosting its annual Vintage Weekend, Septembe r 26-27 in Pe o ri a, Ill inois, with an AHRMA motocross sched uled for September 26, followed by AHRMA trials and dirt track on September 27. Due to difficulties in securing the proper campground facilities, California Tra il Rides has canceled the Cycle News Dual Sport Jamboree, origina lly scheduled for September 27 at Silverwood Lake in Southern California. Gene Romero called Cycle News to help get the word out that there will in fact be a 600cc Expert support class run in conjunction with the Grand National and 883cc classes at the Sacramento Mile on September 26. For more information, call 714/529-6054. Agajanian Presents has announced that only four VIP luxury suites and two VIP lu xury skyboxes remain available fo r the K&:N Filters Del Mar Mile Grand National Championship, whi ch is scheduled for October 11. The lu xury su ites can accommoda te groups of 20, while the Luxury skyboxes can handle up to 250 people. Both the luxury suites and lu xury s ky boxes offer excellent viewin g of the da y's racing activities as well as ind oor d ining, en te rtai n me n t areas a nd we t bar s. For more info rmation, call Agajanian Presents at 310/5479898. Montclair Yamaha/Ty Davis Racing is off erin g pit servi ce for an yone racin g the Las Veg as-to-Reno o ff-road race. For. more info rm a tion , ca ll 877 / TYDAVIS. The 16th an nua l True Grits 50cc Fun Run will be held on October 25 in Suches, Geo rgia. "As always, your entry in thi s eve nt allows you to tra vel a long d istance to rid e your st reet-legal 50cc motorcycle on a public highway and get excited over the cheap plaqu e you will win. In addition, you ma y also d ecla re yo u rself a Gala xy Ch amp ion in a ny class you select. Unlike the lesser organizat ion s, you d o no t need six to eight other riders in the class to make it look .- USA wins World Team Cup Speedway _ C aliforn ians Greg Han cock and Billy Hamill stormed to Worl d Cham pionship glory in the World Team Cu p, held on a rain-soaked Vojens track in Denmark on Sep tember 13. The Tea m Exide duo, along wit h rese rve Sam Ermolen ko, man aged to salvage a champio nship after their d isappointing Grand Prix seaso n. Hancock and Hamill dedicat ed their success to former Team USA boss John Scott, who died of cancer last year. The pair earned the victory via a 28-point score as five of their six races resulted in maximum scores - the only points they dropped came in heat eight whe n Sweden's Jimmy Nilsen was an impressi ve winner. Both Han cock and Hamill were quick to pay tribute to Scott, the man wh o handled the American team in England for well over a d ecad e and wh o lost his fight against cancer in 1997. . "We won this for John and we want to dedicate our success to him - it's a great feeling to be World Champions at the team level," Hanc ock said. "Both Billy and I ha ve won the individual title in the last tw o yea rs, and now we hav e some thing to show from our seaso n - we are both very proud." Sweden finished second on 28 po ints, with World Cha mpion-to-be Tony Rickardsson pulling out after three rid es to allow Peter Karlsson in to the action. Denmark finished third with 23 points. . John.Hipkiss Polen wins World Endurance title D oug Polen , Christian Lavielle and William Costes rod e their factory Honda RC45 to third place in the 62nd ed ition of the Bol d 'Or at the Circuit Paul Ricard in Le Castellet, France, on September 13, but it was good enoug h to give Polen and Lavielle the 1998 World Endurance Championship. . The race, though, was won by the factory Suzuki team of Pet er Goddard, Terry Rymer and Brian Morrison, the trio completing 666 laps to best a second Suzuki team, consisting of Brun o Bonhuil, Eric Mahe and Adrien Vandenbossch e, by three laps. Polen, Lavielle and Costes finis hed another four laps behind in third place . This World Championship is Polen 's second straight in the endurance series , matching the two World Superbike crowns the Texan won in 1991 and 1992. . competitive," literature from the promoter boasts. 760/630-6370, 760/630-3431 (fax), effective October 1. Entri es for the 15th annual CCS/NASB Race of Champions and Harley-Davidson World Finals, scheduled for October 28 to No vember 1, ha ve been mail ed , . ac cordi ng to CCS . For more information, call 828/684-4297. CORRECTION: The Goodwood Revival race will be held in England, and not in Au stralia as s ta ted in la st week's issue . Th e VDTRA Las Vegas Vintage Half . Mile, sc he d uled for October 4 in Las Vegas, Nevad a, will pa y a $1000 purse, plu s a $500 Dash For Cas h for the Modem 600cc class. This is in add ition to the $2500 vintage purse. For more information, call 719/541-2741. The six-race AMA Fall d 'assiclHusqvarna Eastern National Four-Stroke Series kicks off September 19-20 a t Brich Creek Motosports in Danville, Virginia, w ith the series expected to feature th e likes of d efe nd ing cha m pi o n Keith Bowen, Mike Brown, Todd DeHoop a nd o t her to p fou r- stro ke riders. The Gary Bailey Motocross School heads to California on October 22 for a two-da y sess ion at Glen Helen Racew ay in San Bernardino. Following the Glen Helen school, Bailey will teach for two da ys at Los Angeles Coun ty Raceway in Palmda le, California, October 29-30. For more info rmation, call 540/ 650-1759. John "L.J." Harris, 42, was killed in a motorcycle accident on Aug ust 22. Harris was an Illinois state coordi na tor for ABATE from Janua ry of 1992 through December of 1996 and was also a longtime member of the Rid gewood Cycle Association, where he served as secretary. In lieu of flowers, Harris' family is requesting th at d on ation s be ma de to th e Manteno Ve te ra n's Ho me in hi s na me. Donations can be sent to: 1 Veteran Dr., Man teno , IL 60950, attn : Brenda La Bon. Doug "The Wheelie King" Domokos will perfo r m a t th e AMA's Vi nta ge Motorcycle Days in Del Mar, California, October 10-11. Domokos will attempt to ride his motorcycle up a ladder, across a hig h wire a nd back down agai n . In ad ditio n, Mo n te Perlin and h is riding par t ne r w ill race their m oto r cycl es insi de a globe of wi re mesh . For more info rmation, call the AMA at 614/8912425. Wiseco Piston and Come tic Gaske t have annou nced th at they have joined on as sponso rs for the u pcoming U.S. Open of Supercr o ss in La s Vega s, N e vad a . Wiseco 's Jay Clark will be on hand at the race to provide technical assistance. MO VED : Xtreme, to 624 Ga rriso n Street , Suite 102, Oceansid e, CA 92054, AUTOGRAPH SIGNING: At Honda Suzuki of Salt Lake in Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 17 from 5 to 6 p.m. Stunt rid er Gary Rothwell is scheduled to appear . For more informat ion, call SOI /281-2256. OPENED: Drippin Wet Designs' home page on the World Wide Web. The site can be found at the followi ng address: http:/ /www.drippinwe . CORRECTION: Road racer And y Milton was injured at Sears Point Raceway three yea r s a g o, a nd not a t. Willow Springs as rep orted in last wee k's issu e. · APPO INTED: Universal Od yssey Inc., as the new event mana gers for the sixth annual Honda Hoot, sched uled for June 22-26 in Asheville, North Carolina, by the Honda Rider' s Club o f Ameri ca (HRCA). OPENED: D&:S Ka w asaki /H onda ' s home page o n th e World Wid e Web . The site can be fou nd a t the following address: http:/ / . ' BO RN: A baby boy, Wyatt Step hen, to Yoshimu ra Suzuki' s Steve Crevier and his wife, Christianne, in Pitt Meadows, British Columbia, Can ad a, on September 11. MOVED: Applied Racing to 530 Opper Stree t, Suite C, Escond id o, CA 92029, 800/853-0555, 760 /743-9524, 760 / 7430045 (fax). . BORN : A baby girl, Sarah Elizabeth, to five-time AMA Form ula One Road Race Champion Mike Baldwin a nd his wife, Lisa, o n Se p tembe r 11 in Bro ok fie ld , Co nnec ticu t. Baldwin cu rre n tly works for Spectro Oils of America. . A 8 ~ ~ 0\ ...... AUTOGRAPH SIGNING: At HarleyDavidson of Sacramento in Sacramento, California, on Sep tember 25 from 6 to 9 p.m. Dirt trackers Chri s Carr and Scott Parker a re sc he d uled to a p p ea r . For more informa tion, call 916/929-46SO . OPENED: Lost Coast Motorcycle Expedition s, in Layt on vill e, Ca lifo rnia. For more information, call 707/984-7422. 0 3